Red Dear rumour. Wut?
it was supposed to be the finisher to the Sony conference but was cut due to the content in the trailer and what happened in Orlando
Red Dear rumour. Wut?
It's clear that was not how they planned to end last night
I don't know why they'd delay it to a Sunday though. That's the part where the rumor loses me on top of the lack of real sources.
Yeah, i know. It makes too much sense not to be true
1) Press conference ended at a weird time, shorter than ever
2) Make no sense to divide the Days Gone trailer and gameplay
3) Days Gone isnt exactly ending with something "big"
4) You could tell Layden's "Goodnight" line was a little off, somehow.
If this was at the Arena I would be able to find out too, used to work on their E3 show. Stupid Shrine theatre.
It's limited by device, not region. You should be able to watch on a desktop. Content ID is freaking weird.
Well no. But the fact that it is called Zelda carriers a certain promise of quality. Just like how Dark Souls III announcement wouldn't have been as cool if it was called Lords of the Fallen 2.
But it`s a huge jump from them having to change their plans for some reason to that being Red Dead.
RDR remaster rumour or RDR2 rumour?
Sure, but Red Dead was "leaked" beforehand as at E3. The good thing is we will know for certain on the 19 if this is hot air.
1) Trailer has to be the Saloon shootup
2) has to be on the 19 if the source is accurate
3) They will almost certainly remark if it was supposed to be Sony. Its free, good press if they say they pulled it for sensitivity sake.
The person that accurately leaked MS and Ubisoft called out that person who "leaked" RDR2 as being fake and copying their leaks.
I love the ancient technology angle!
The person that accurately leaked MS and Ubisoft called out that person who "leaked" RDR2 as being fake and copying their leaks.
Oh man that Red Dead rumour... Jones (and me!) may well have gone into cardiac arrest. The only gripe I had with the Sony conference was that the Days Gone demo, while looking great, was a bit of a whimper of an ending.
A shame they didn't cover the opening hour of Nintendo's stream. Would have liked to see their reactions to the Zelda footage.
You can go inside the RE7 house at E3, Huber's gonna lose his mind
No Zelda towns![]()
Aonuma said:“I can't share too much about villages because to tell you how the villages work, they're interconnected to the story and overall world.”
it was supposed to be the finisher to the Sony conference but was cut due to the content in the trailer and what happened in Orlando
...and instead finished their show with a biker gunning down crowds of human like enemies?
Much more appropriate....
So once again Capcom confirms on the Capcom Unity stream that the demo is not part of the main game. And that the main game will still have all the elements RE is known for.
Those were quite clearly zombies....
But I get what you are saying though but it was pretty much the player character shooting up a saloon though instead of defending himself from hordes of zombies
On the subject of the Red Dead Rumour, I feel like the show was definitely missing something at the end, but would it not have been possible for them to just cut the offensive scene in question?
Yeah, i know. It makes too much sense not to be true
I get that, but the show was still very much a festival of violence as was the other shows. The Allies even making jokes about the number of people stabbed over all the conferences.
So to take RD3 away for that reason seems super off and weird.
On the subject of the Red Dead Rumour, I feel like the show was definitely missing something at the end, but would it not have been possible for them to just cut the offensive scene in question?
Sounds really fake to me and exactly like something someone on Reddit would make up.
Zelda is a game of HARD SWINGS for me for much the same reason.I get that, but the show was still very much a festival of violence as was the other shows. The Allies even making jokes about the number of people stabbed over all the conferences.
So to take RD3 away for that reason seems super off and weird.
Anyways, can't wait for Zelda talk later. Game looks great, but for every good thing they say, they sem to show something bad.
Weapon durability and inventory management are my biggest gripes from watching at home.
Caught up on the sony conference. Wow that was almost perfect.
I don't know if anything can top the magical 3 reveals from last year, but in terms of average quality this was way higher.
Zelda is a game of HARD SWINGS for me for much the same reason.
For every good / awesome thing they have shown today (have been watching since the start, still going now), they show something either bad or outright stupid.
(Good -> Bad)
Weapons taken from enemies -> tiny durability and only like 2 animations per weapon
Quick weapon swapping menu -> Inventory management and a stack height of THREE
No more grass-hearts, more survival-esque -> no quick way of eating food other than paging through menus
Climbing rock faces -> weird and sometimes bad climb animations and even worse rock textures
Amazing fire / smoke effects -> fire can sprout ultra unnaturally when you set things ablaze, does not spread between things. Also, setting things on fire seems really inconsistent.
Open world -> Areas seem pretty empty, looks like 2-3 tree models repeated over and over
Cold areas -> They seem really unnatural and out of place (one side of a river is covered in ice and the other is green grass?) - though link's cold animation is cute.
I can go on and on and on. So many cool things, so many dumb things. I don't know man.
That said, I'm sure the allies will love this game if only because it's a massive step in a new direction for Zelda and Nintendo, and that's cool I guess. Gotta love their positivity.
Edit: They also have a good long while to polish this before it comes out, so hopefully a lot of the above is fixed.
I'm down. It's not doing one thing amazingly but it seems like a very fun game to play. Much better than skyward sword. And a break from the OOT template is long overdueMeh even if the disappointment still burns me, I'm sure Zelda will be at least somewhat fun when I actually get to play around in it.
Blood is tweeting many awesome booth pictures, if Damiani can link those in and they could describe the showfloor a bit it'd be really neat.
Will they be recording the showfloor like they did last year? Would be pretty sweet!
Is the Red Dead rumor actually based on anything outside of some poorly sourced Reddit post?
Will they be recording the showfloor like they did last year? Would be pretty sweet!
this feels super fair all around.Zelda is a game of HARD SWINGS for me for much the same reason.
For every good / awesome thing they have shown today (have been watching since the start, still going now), they show something either bad or outright stupid.
(Good -> Bad)
Weapons taken from enemies -> tiny durability and only like 2 animations per weapon
Quick weapon swapping menu -> Inventory management and a stack height of THREE
No more grass-hearts, more survival-esque -> no quick way of eating food other than paging through menus
Climbing rock faces -> weird and sometimes bad climb animations and even worse rock textures
Amazing fire / smoke effects -> fire can sprout ultra unnaturally when you set things ablaze, does not spread between things. Also, setting things on fire seems really inconsistent.
Open world -> Areas seem pretty empty, looks like 2-3 tree models repeated over and over
Cold areas -> They seem really unnatural and out of place (one side of a river is covered in ice and the other is green grass?) - though link's cold animation is cute.
I can go on and on and on. So many cool things, so many dumb things. I don't know man.
That said, I'm sure the allies will love this game if only because it's a massive step in a new direction for Zelda and Nintendo, and that's cool I guess. Gotta love their positivity.
Edit: They also have a good long while to polish this before it comes out, so hopefully a lot of the above is fixed.