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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Man, the last page or so turned into a review thread fast, what with the score whining, scale whining and taking Metacritic way, way too seriously. It's weird to me that people still get so caught up over this stuff. Breaking news: Other people have different opinions than you.
Unless you don't like TLG, then you're a HEARTLESS MONSTER!

While I'm at it, can I just reiterate that EZA DO NOT have a 5 point scale? 0.5, 1.0, 1.5... 4.5, 5.0 is TEN POINTS!!! They have a ten point scale! If you're going to whine about their system, at least get it right. 1-10 with 0.5 increments is a 20 point system, while 1-10 with 0.1 increments is a 100 point system.

Anyway, I just picked up my NieR Automata Limited Edition earlier this morning. The steelbook looks awesome and I LOVE that it comes with Grimoire Weiss DLC. I still need to finish Horizon before I start it but I think I might have that done before the end of the weekend.

Does anyone know if NieR needs a day one patch? My router died last night, so I'm internet-less at home (aside from my phone) and I'm not entirely sure when I'll get a replacement. I'm hoping today or tomorrow but it might not be till Monday or Tuesday.


Scores are a reflection of the heart, not a formula. I think Metacritic has made people take them too seriously because at that point they are put into a formula.
Anyway, I just picked up my NieR Automata Limited Edition earlier this morning. The steelbook looks awesome and I LOVE that it comes with Grimoire Weiss DLC. I still need to finish Horizon before I start it but I think I might have that done before the end of the weekend.

Does anyone know if NieR needs a day one patch? My router died last night, so I'm internet-less at home (aside from my phone) and I'm not entirely sure when I'll get a replacement. I'm hoping today or tomorrow but it might not be till Monday or Tuesday.
Patch is around 3 gigs unfortunately, first larger patch of 2017 for me.

Don't know how playable it is without it but that's big enough to where I'd hold off

(game is a 10 tho!)


Scores are a reflection of the heart, not a formula. I think Metacritic has made people take them too seriously because at that point they are put into a formula.

sounds like something a fan of the stupid SKEEZY FAIL-LIES that think uncharted is better than zelda would say! SAD!

Patch is around 3 gigs unfortunately, first larger patch of 2017 for me.

Don't know how playable it is without it but that's big enough to where I'd hold off

(game is a 10 tho!)


Thanks though, I guess if my internet is still down by the time I finish Horizon I'll just fit in a short adventure game till it's back up. I've been meaning to start the Vita version of Alone With You soon anyway.


I'm struggling a bit more with the interpretation part of your question. I'm not sure what you mean and I feel like I may be missing the point. Because to me, from our perspective, it seems as though we're either recommending something, recommending something conditionally, or not recommending something and you can take that or leave it.

we're talking within the context of:

I've said it before but with a lot of the EZA reviewers, I take in their opinion and usually know to adjust the score slightly. For example, I know that if Ben loves something then I'm probably gonna love it but (back -at GT), a 9-9.5 from him would probably be about an 8 for me.

the botw/last guardian comparison is obvious. one got marked down for frame rate issues. one was awarded GOTY. how is a reader supposed to interpret two glowing reviews that mention the same issue but end on different scores if not to consider the source?

like i said, i have zero issue with the content of eza reviews. they are phenomenal. the botw review in particular really impressed with the quality of writing. i've just started to take the scoring system you guys use with a grain of salt because of its inconsistencies.


extra source of jiggaflops
the botw/last guardian comparison is obvious. one got marked down for frame rate issues. one was awarded GOTY. how is a reader supposed to interpret two glowing reviews that mention the same issue but end on different scores if not to consider the source?
Why wouldn't the usual different reviewers are different people apply here?

Zelda has gotten many perfect scores, and there are many that don't consider those half a second freezes in fights to be a problem and to "not impact the game at all."

Damiani seems to disagree with that notion, while Blood may not. Or Blood may agree but because he played TLG on PS4 Pro his review was colored because in the 15 hours that game takes there is only a single instance of it slowing down vs. the more often times it does on PS4 or BoTW on Switch or Wii U.

In addition Damiani has said it's not just about the technical issues. Although IMO it's quite a surprise about this selective blindness to technical issues across the board for this game by the myriad of other reviewers.


Can we not discuss our different opinions without others being confounded or defensive?

No, fuck you.

Nah, seriously. I never compare review scores anyway and I wasn't criticising the score Damiani gave BOTW earlier. Like I said, there's issues there and they'll affect different people in different ways. The fact that the frame rate Damiani displayed and still only took half a star is a testament to how good the overall package is.

That said, if Fire Pro World scores lower than WWE 2k, I riot
Why wouldn't the usual different reviewers are different people apply here?

Zelda has gotten many perfect scores, and there are many that don't consider those half a second freezes in fights to be a problem and to "not impact the game at all."

Damiani seems to disagree with that notion, while Blood may not. Or Blood may agree but because he played TLG on PS4 Pro his review was colored because in the 15 hours that game takes there is only a single instance of it slowing down vs. the more often times it does on PS4 or BoTW on Switch or Wii U.

In addition Damiani has said it's not just about the technical issues. Although IMO it's quite a surprise about this selective blindness to technical issues across the board for this game by the myriad of other reviewers.

I don't have a PS4 Pro


hardcore gaming 4 life

Hey m8, I'm having a blast with Zelda and I gave a fair try to Gone Home I found it tedious, boring, monotonous and bland. The gameplay (walking around), was not my cup of tea and I heard the story was great but at the end I was not willing to spend time playing through it just for the story I did watch it on youtube tho.

If you wanna make fun of me or have a preconception of what I play or how I am, go ahead, but I'm being honest here.


Breaking news: Other people have different opinions than you.
Unless you don't like TLG, then you're a HEARTLESS MONSTER!

No, I am not, but I am not too fond of that game (although I still need to finish it).
Btw, I do agree with the rest of your post.

Then you're in the camp of people that thought the technical issues didn't detract enough from the experience.

I am disgusted. I expect a revision.
I have a lot of trouble getting through TLG as well because of some technical issues (if you can call the camera and movement technical issues) which I already discussed here enough I guess, and I have a PS4 Pro. That said, I don't think it is fair to blame a reviewer for feeling like they do about a game.

I may not agree with the score of TLG, but I do understand why that game is special for a lot of people and for Blood who reviewed it. Btw, reviewers should score a game on how THEY feel about that game, not on how a community or a bunch of people on the internet feel about it.

I do think reviews can be revised, but only if the reviewer in question thinks a big change in score has happened (I guess a game like Driveclub could have gotten a different score after it was out for some months). That said, I think it is best to leave reviews alone.

In the end a score on a review doesn't mean a lot as all people are different. If you enjoy the game, you enjoy it. If you don't, you don't. I love watching and reading reviews, but in the end it only matters what YOU think of the game and if you like or despise the game, it doesn't matter if you are the only one in the world or if there a lot of people who agree with you anyway.

I don't really understand why some people would "attack" reviewers because of a score they gave some game. If you don't agree with a score, you can certainly discuss this in a civil manner. I did this as well (and I hope I did succeed in doing that in a civil manner). But either keep playing that game (if you love it) or just start playing a different one (if you hate it) instead of trying to change someones mind about a game after they played it for hours and hours to review it. I am quite sure they know exactly how they are feeling about most games when they finish writing their review.


Unconfirmed Member
The direct comparing of scores is the worst

It's why seeing one of the Zelda praise quotes be "possibly the best game ever made" is irritating. Like are you gonna compare Zelda to Gone Home?

Even something like "best open world game" is much easier to argue and wrap your head around

Scores are meaningless the only games I play are the greats! If it's not a great it's trash!
Hurry up EZA my gaming life is empty... y_y ~2 more months until I can play stuff again :-x


I still don't understand how you could give that game 5/5 with all its glaring issues on vanilla PS4 tbh.

Because sometimes the experience will outshine all technical things. I'd have played through TLG if it was at a locked 10fps and still would have loved it.


Unconfirmed Member
Oh damn with P5 already being at EZA I totally forgot.

But I think this might be review relevant, so how do I say this as vague as possible mmh my advise would be really for Ben to stick to English for most of the game only switching to JP in mid sections for testing.
I can't say more since it would be a spoiler but it would be a shame for Ben to miss out on it because as far as I know the localization tried to match what happens in Japanese and it's a language thing that is probably easy to miss if one switches too much, something I didn't think about because we only had a single VO track available back then.
(Tagged the explanation for safety because you never know what sharp minds might conclude and I'm particularly paranoid about it in this case but I also think I was super vague)

Probably useless concern but just wanted to be safe and mention it.


Oh damn with P5 already being at EZA I totally forgot.

But I think this might be review relevant, so how do I say this as vague as possible mmh my advise would be really for Ben to stick to English for most of the game only switching to JP in mid sections for testing.
I can't say more since it would be a spoiler but it would be a shame for Ben to miss out on it because as far as I know the localization tried to match what happens in Japanese and it's a language thing that is probably easy to miss if one switches too much, something I didn't think about because we only had a single VO track available back then.
(Tagged the explanation for safety because you never know what sharp minds might conclude and I'm particularly paranoid about it in this case but I also think I was super vague)

Probably useless concern but just wanted to be safe and mention it.
Aaaah, Mr. StealthBragger, nice to finally meet you! it's me, Mr. JellySalt! =) :D


Unconfirmed Member
Aaaah, Mr. StealthBragger, nice to finally meet you! it's me, Mr. JellySalt! =) :D

Oh I'm sorry really wasn't meant this way. I'm just really excited for everyone else getting it and having a bigger pool of people for discussion. I want everyone to experience the same brilliant moments I did that's why I felt like mentioning this. Stay strong everyone is in for a ride.
Also can I ask you to requote for my edited post with the spoiler tags pretty pls x_X cause like I said I'm paranoid thx in advance!
New Huber Syndrome was nice tapping into a part of gaming that doesn't come very often into the conversation within EZA.
I will say though if W4 ever happens I hope it happens after some bronze drake shenanigans resets all of WoW.
It might not be a popular opinion but deep in my hearts I still crave a true face off with Arthas. Army vs Army, Heroes vs Heroes I wasn't that into what Wrath of the Lich King delivered also the point I stopped playing WoW.


They wanted 100k youtube subs by their one year anniversary on the 21st.
SocialBlade projects they will reach 100k by the 22nd.
I can feel the tension.


The latest episode of TTE was fantastic, on a very good streak lately.

One little complaint i have
: I love Ben RPing the various characters, but sometimes, when interpreting soft spoken ones, it's kind of hard to hear whatever he's saying (i could pump up the volume, but then the others would be too loud).
Hasn't been much of a problem before, but in the latest episode it kind of was, when the boss lady was talking.


The latest episode of TTE was fantastic, on a very good streak lately.

One little complaint i have
: I love Ben RPing the various characters, but sometimes, when interpreting soft spoken ones, it's kind of hard to hear whatever he's saying (i could pump up the volume, but then the others would be too loud).
Hasn't been much of a problem before, but in the latest episode it kind of was, when the boss lady was talking.

The mic wasn't working I don't think. After the hard cut in the middle of the episode, it seemed to be fixed.


Oh I'm sorry really wasn't meant this way. I'm just really excited for everyone else getting it and having a bigger pool of people for discussion. I want everyone to experience the same brilliant moments I did that's why I felt like mentioning this. Stay strong everyone is in for a ride.
Also can I ask you to requote for my edited post with the spoiler tags pretty pls x_X cause like I said I'm paranoid thx in advance!
Done. But yeah, was just a little joke, haha.
Can we not discuss our different opinions without others being confounded or defensive?

Defensive? Nah, not really, I'm dismissive of most review criticism.

Of course the score is going to depend on who is reviewing it, games are pieces of art, not maths equations with one definitive answer, and the Allies are people, not robots, so they're each going to have their own opinions about every game. It isn't just the score that'll reflect that either, the entire review will. The script, gameplay footage and (if I remember right) even the music selection. The entire review is subjective (though Jones/Ian/Don will also play a part as video editors), so trying to directly compare them against one another is pointless.

Anyway, my router magically decided to work after playing around with it tonight (though it's still acting up every few hours), so I got to install NieR Automata and watch this week's EZA Podcast.

LOL at Blood thinking April was going to be quiet. Here's a quick rundown of what's coming out in April:
Persona 5
Cosmic Star Heroine
Outlast 2
Dragon Quest Heroes II
The Silver Case
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Parappa the Rapper Remastered

Shit's crazy. Even May (Prey, Fire Emblem Echoes, Injustice 2, LocoRoco Remastered, Rime, Farpoint and Star Trek: Bridge Crew) and June (Tekken 7, FFXIV: Stormblood and Crash Bandicoot Trilogy) are pretty strong, though compared to the insane Jan-Apr we're in the middle of, I guess you could argue that they're kinda quiet (well, except for Damiani and his fellow FFXIV fans anyway).


Defensive? Nah, not really, I'm dismissive of most review criticism.

Of course the score is going to depend on who is reviewing it, games are pieces of art, not maths equations with one definitive answer, and the Allies are people, not robots, so they're each going to have their own opinions about every game. It isn't just the score that'll reflect that either, the entire review will. The script, gameplay footage and (if I remember right) even the music selection. The entire review is subjective (though Jones/Ian/Don will also play a part as video editors), so trying to directly compare them against one another is pointless.

Anyway, my router magically decided to work after playing around with it tonight (though it's still acting up every few hours), so I got to install NieR Automata and watch this week's EZA Podcast.

LOL at Blood thinking April was going to be quiet. Here's a quick rundown of what's coming out in April:
Persona 5
Cosmic Star Heroine
Outlast 2
Dragon Quest Heroes II
The Silver Case
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Parappa the Rapper Remastered

Shit's crazy. Even May (Prey, Fire Emblem Echoes, Injustice 2, LocoRoco Remastered, Rime, Farpoint and Star Trek: Bridge Crew) and June (Tekken 7, FFXIV: Stormblood and Crash Bandicoot Trilogy) are pretty strong, though compared to the insane Jan-Apr we're in the middle of, I guess you could argue that they're kinda quiet (well, except for Damiani and his fellow FFXIV fans anyway).

Yooka-Laylee is coming to the Switch later, right? Might be the only way I can totally survive.

Was going to wait for Parappa to be in a sale, but it's already in a goddamn pre-order sale on PSN.
Yooka-Laylee is coming to the Switch later, right? Might be the only way I can totally survive.

Was going to wait for Parappa to be in a sale, but it's already in a goddamn pre-order sale on PSN.

Yeah, the Switch version is meant to be coming later this year.

My April is going to involve Persona 5, Cosmic Star Heroine and maybe The Silver Case if I can fit it in. I'll probably get Yooka-Laylee and Parappa somewhere down the line but I can't justify buying them at launch if they're just going to go straight into my backlog.


LOL at Blood thinking April was going to be quiet. Here's a quick rundown of what's coming out in April:
Persona 5
Cosmic Star Heroine
Outlast 2
Dragon Quest Heroes II
The Silver Case
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Parappa the Rapper Remastered

Shit's crazy. Even May (Prey, Fire Emblem Echoes, Injustice 2, LocoRoco Remastered, Rime, Farpoint and Star Trek: Bridge Crew) and June (Tekken 7, FFXIV: Stormblood and Crash Bandicoot Trilogy) are pretty strong, though compared to the insane Jan-Apr we're in the middle of, I guess you could argue that they're kinda quiet (well, except for Damiani and his fellow FFXIV fans anyway).

Fuuuuuuuck. I was also under the impression that things were calming down in April after Persona... Personally those lists don't quite stack up to January-March (aside from Persona), but that's still an insane number of interesting games. This year really is crazy.


The mic wasn't working I don't think. After the hard cut in the middle of the episode, it seemed to be fixed.

Oh, then the mic must have exacerbated the situation, but it happened a couple of times before, which is why i even bring it up.
Again, not a frequent occurrence though, just something i'm throwing out there.
Defensive? Nah, not really, I'm dismissive of most review criticism.

Of course the score is going to depend on who is reviewing it, games are pieces of art, not maths equations with one definitive answer, and the Allies are people, not robots, so they're each going to have their own opinions about every game. It isn't just the score that'll reflect that either, the entire review will. The script, gameplay footage and (if I remember right) even the music selection. The entire review is subjective (though Jones/Ian/Don will also play a part as video editors), so trying to directly compare them against one another is pointless.

Anyway, my router magically decided to work after playing around with it tonight (though it's still acting up every few hours), so I got to install NieR Automata and watch this week's EZA Podcast.

LOL at Blood thinking April was going to be quiet. Here's a quick rundown of what's coming out in April:
Persona 5
Cosmic Star Heroine
Outlast 2
Dragon Quest Heroes II
The Silver Case
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Parappa the Rapper Remastered

Shit's crazy. Even May (Prey, Fire Emblem Echoes, Injustice 2, LocoRoco Remastered, Rime, Farpoint and Star Trek: Bridge Crew) and June (Tekken 7, FFXIV: Stormblood and Crash Bandicoot Trilogy) are pretty strong, though compared to the insane Jan-Apr we're in the middle of, I guess you could argue that they're kinda quiet (well, except for Damiani and his fellow FFXIV fans anyway).

I mean honestly, compared to the last few months, that still looks like nothing to me.


You will very much enjoy the upcoming FT.
I mean honestly, compared to the last few months, that still looks like nothing to me.

As much as I'm looking forward to the Mario Kart port, I need to agree with Bloodworth, Persona's the only BIG outlier there compared to what we just got in the last 3 weeks. And even then Persona was out since September in Japan.


I know it's received a bit of coverage and the first game did quite well but I think Outlast II is gonna be one of the sleeper hits of this year.
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