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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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I'm not even bothering touching Zelda because I'm finally clearing out Dragon Age: Inquisition's Trespasser DLC from my backlog and I know 23 days is not enough for me to try to squeeze in a big game before P5 drops. And I'm dropping everything else for P5. That's gonna be my life until I beat it lol.


Ian being antagonistic towards Horizon was also one of those "don't complain about representation in games then bag on the ones that follow through" situations that paint the Tumblr/Twitter 'i don't actually play games' crowd in particularly bad light. If its never going to be an actual selling point for you, time to hand in that card.

Really? Ian shouldn't be down on a game that mechanically doesn't interest him because the main character is a woman? That is ridiculous.
Ian being antagonistic towards Horizon was also one of those "don't complain about representation in games then bag on the ones that follow through" situations that paint the Tumblr/Twitter 'i don't actually play games' crowd in particularly bad light. If its never going to be an actual selling point for you, time to hand in that card.

That's a criticism so weird that reads like an compliment.


Maybe I'm frustrated because I feel EZA is just becoming more and more insular in its taste and ME is my favorite franchise so I'm reeling from the non-mention.

To be honest, ME is one of my favorite franchises as well (and my most favorite from last generation for sure), but I am not sure I will buy ME:A at launch at all. I am not hyped for it at all and will probably wait until it is cheaper (although I do want to like it, I am afraid it will be even more of a shooter this time around, I still think ME1 was the best one of the 3, I know most people feel the 2nd one is).

And I enjoyed DA:I as well (although I stopped playing it), so I don't think that's a bad thing per se that it is using that mold, although it does worry me somewhat that they used this although a lot of people were not sold on DA:I and they still went on and used that mold.

I do admit I didn't want to see any trailers (I usually don't watch trailers in general and certainly not for games I don't want to get spoiled on) and I will probably still give it a chance, although I won't have time to play it, which is possibly one of the reasons why I am not hyped for a lot of games any more.

I am just afraid ME:A can only suck for me as for me it went downhill from when EA got their hands on the series anyway. It wasn't bad at all and I still enjoyed it a lot and I am sure I will enjoy this one as well, but I rather have an RPG with shooter elements instead of a shooter with RPG elements.

Btw, I hope I am completely wrong as I want it to be great, but same with Horizon, I will probably get it in a sale (unless I use my 10 euro coupon from the PSN store on one of those 2).
I was hyped on Horizon until I the map with all the icons in a trailer/gameplay video and while it was my favorite genre I am somewhat burned out on open world games (thanks AC). I am not even that hyped for Red Dead Redemption 2 and I loved the first one (and almost all R* games in general). Another example, I was one of the few people who really enjoyed Watch Dogs 1 and I haven't bought the second one and I probably never will play it. I am still trying to figure out why ME:A is not hyping me up (I want to love it and it does bother me somewhat), but I do think EA's week marketing for this game has something to do with it and the only feeling I get is that it just isn't finished and will be a mess, so I want to wait for the reviews at least instead.


"If framerate is that important to you, why are you not buying all games with stable/60 FPS that are released to prove it's a selling point"

cm osi

i think eza is going to give 4.5 to automata but ben is the one i'm closer as personal tastes and this game is a 10/10. if ben is going to give it 10 he's gonna make lot of Botw people angry tho, lol
i think eza is going to give 4.5 to automata but ben is the one i'm closer as personal tastes and this game is a 10/10. if ben is going to give it 10 he's gonna make lot of Botw people angry tho, lol

Yeah the game is a 10/10 or a 5/5 whatever, game is incredible but yeah if he does a lot of people are gonna be pissed lol

Which is sad... but it is what it is


Why would people mad? No game can score higher than Zelda?

Because people are idiots. Jim Sterling gave it a 7/10 so the only even-handed response was to DDoS his site, obviously. Ignoring the fact different reviewers are different people with different opinions, idiots would get bent out of shape.

Fortunately, I think the people actually in the EZA community wouldn't have much of an issue with it, so just avoid the YouTube comments (always good advice) and it won't come up.
I like Nier but it's def not a 10/10 for me. The difficulty balancing is pretty bad, I don't mind the lack of autosaving except that the game can crash, has happened to me twice. Also some of the side quest stuff is pretty badly designed. I had a sidequest I spent a ton of time trying to figure out. Turns out you needed to complete another completely unrelated sidequest before you could complete the first one. And of course there is a bunch of fetch quest busywork with no real payoff.

cm osi

lol browsing youtube comments for botw review i saw 3 post in the last week asking if the voices was from the GT guy. seems like there are still lots of people out there


And of course there is a bunch of fetch quest busywork with no real payoff.

Are they at least better than the first Nier? I'm playing through that for the first time in preparation of the Steam release of Automata and the side quests have been pretty bad. I don't usually like skipping quests, but killing all these goats isn't much fun.
Are they at least better than the first Nier? I'm playing through that for the first time in preparation of the Steam release of Automata and the side quests have been pretty bad. I don't usually like skipping quests, but killing all these goats isn't much fun.

I never played the first Nier so I wouldn't know. Pretty much every sidequest I have done so far has been completely skippable material with the exception of few of the first ones to open shops and maybe one in later part of the game. Definately not anything I would have regretted to miss.
Are they at least better than the first Nier? I'm playing through that for the first time in preparation of the Steam release of Automata and the side quests have been pretty bad. I don't usually like skipping quests, but killing all these goats isn't much fun.

Some side quests are better than others. Just like in Nier:Automata.

the tedious ones in NieR: Automata still hit me like a brick mainly cuz of the stories associated with them

I hope Nier is a 5/5 and they update the Zelda review to be 4/5 >:)

You mad man

While Nier:Automata can wholly be enjoyed on its own, I feel like Taro really undersold the connections to NIER and Drakengard. There are so many references and imagery from those so I am super excited to see where they go.


I've played Nier Automata for around 2 hours so far and it's already a 10/10, but Nier on PS3 is one of my favorite games, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It still feels amazing that I'm playing a new Nier and I love how it feels like a sequel and not some reboot or something.


Because people are idiots. Jim Sterling gave it a 7/10 so the only even-handed response was to DDoS his site, obviously. Ignoring the fact different reviewers are different people with different opinions, idiots would get bent out of shape.

Fortunately, I think the people actually in the EZA community wouldn't have much of an issue with it, so just avoid the YouTube comments (always good advice) and it won't come up.
hahaahahahahaha what

What is the point of doing something like that? Threaten the reviewer in giving that series better scores? Just, what.


Giving Nier a 5/5 isn't controversial. It's nothing to get upset about.

If the game doesn't get 5 stars then is that really going to be the reasoning? That it can't possibly be higher than Zelda? Come on, the game is 89 on MC.
Giving Nier a 5/5 isn't controversial. It's nothing to get upset about.

If the game doesn't get 5 stars then is that really going to be the reasoning? That it can't possibly be higher than Zelda? Come on, the game is 89 on MC.

What? Of course that wouldn't be the reasoning. That's crazy.

It's fine to argue over a review, but let the review come out first. So there's actual context for what you're arguing about.

EDIT: This thread just loses reason sometimes.
Giving Nier a 5/5 isn't controversial. It's nothing to get upset about.

If the game doesn't get 5 stars then is that really going to be the reasoning? That it can't possibly be higher than Zelda? Come on, the game is 89 on MC.

What? Of course that wouldn't be the reasoning. That's crazy.

Just to clarify I am not saying that it should be a reason or should be something to get upset about but people will be upset because people are overly sensitive and people think that some games aren't allowed to score higher than others.

Not saying it will happen nor do i think it will. I just seen this sentiment on GAF already and it's weird.

Not throwing accusations around. Just pointing to the pushback from Jim Sterling's review and EZA already had a "controversial" review at 4.5 stars which is ridiculous (the controversy not the score)

Reminders of different people having different opinions get ignored as discourse becomes WAHHHHHHHHHHHH

yep exactly

and lol


What? Of course that wouldn't be the reasoning. That's crazy.

It's fine to argue over a review, but let the review come out first. So there's actual context for what you're arguing about.

I'm not saying that myself. I'm just making light of some posts above mine. Yes, that reasoning would be bullshit.

I'm also saying that the conspiracy of Nier getting a 4.5/5 itself falls apart when looking at Nier's 89 MC. There won't be controversy either way.
I'm not saying that myself. I'm just making light of some posts above mine. Yes, that reasoning would be bullshit.

I'm also saying that the conspiracy of Nier getting a 4.5/5 itself falls apart when looking at Nier's 89 MC. There won't be controversy either way.

Ah. I don't know why that was hard for me to read. I think that the Sterling controversy and the response to the EZA Zelda review have made me see a ludicrous side of the internet that's colored my perception.


Ah. I don't know why that was hard for me to read. I think that the Sterling controversy and the response to the EZA Zelda review have made me see a ludicrous side of the internet that's colored my perception.

It's been a strange couple of days all round with videogame stuff. I've had to tone down my sarcasm in non-community threads here because someone has probably already said what I was going to say, but un-ironically.

Ben if someone wanted to DDOS something of yours like where should they target

Rhetorical question of course


The postman delivering his special editions. A physical DDoS!
The postman delivering his special editions. A physical DDoS!
Every day his mailbox just has a note that says "NOT TODAY!"

You're a hard one to read, FETO. lol
I see you're intimidated by my choice of headwear


For all your spamming needs, please direct your Twitter botnets to @trailerjones with the message "On a scale of one to Sk8r Boi, how Avril Lavigne is Persona 5?"

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Wish Final Bosman was still around for the uncomfortable minute long slow zoom on Kyle's face as he delivers a "Kinda funny week, huh?" intro.
The last couple of days sure have been fun, huh? What with all the manbabies throwing hissy fits over Jim Sterling's Zelda score and Colin Moriarty finally fucking off.

Anywho, how's the Zelda soundtrack? Alongside all the great games that've come out over the last few months, I've been impressed by the quality of the soundtracks too. NieR's soundtrack is freaking amazing but Gravity Rush 2 and Horizon's are fantastic as well. I still need to check out the RE7 soundtrack because I never really paid attention to it during the game but I do love Go Tell Aunt Rhody.
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