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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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*raises hand*

I don't know if I should admit this, but I'll put it out there for the sake of discussion...

I'll say that I think BOTW is by far the best Zelda game, and a clear step up from a lot of games that will end up in EZA's hall of greats -- on the same level as the best of the best. Is it better than Chrono Trigger? Hard to say. Is Chrono Trigger clearly better? Hard to say. This game is going to be an inflection point for game design.

So yeah, 4.5 did irk me a bit -- in the sense that I had to spend way more time thinking about a review score (and what the reviewer had in mind) than I usually like to. When Nier:A gets a 4.5 or Last Guardian/Persona 5 gets a 5, no problem, I totally see all those. BOTW, though... It had framerate issues at launch (not so much now), has questionable voice acting, has bad cutscenes (it's not getting enough grief for how bad some of these cutscenes are...), but it does so much so well, it honestly throws off the curve because it changes what's possible for video games.

I've mentioned "error bars" in regards to review scores, mine playing BOTW were something like [5, 5.5, 6]. In stars.

Yea, that sort of disconnect happens quite a bit to me as well but usually in the opposite direction. Zelda and Nier are two recent examples of a huge disconnect. I can see why others enjoyed them but they absolutely bored me in parts and I'd give both of them combined 5 stars or so.

And I think it's fine to feel irked but honestly, that was why I just sort of stopped caring about reviews in general. I realized that most reviewers just appreciate games and aspects of games in far different ways than me. And that made a large portion of reviews inherintly worthless to me.

Even with EZA, I only watch the reviews to support them (watch being a loose term). I'd much rather listen to the Allies, on Frametrap for example, discuss a game or certain elements of it. Though even that format for videogame disccusion has its drawbacks (e.g. use of hyperbole to prove or reinforce a point).

But yea, I see where you're​ coming from and I'm in the same boat with several games (e.g. not praised enough, especially for overlooked game design decisions).

Funnily enough, my apathy toward reviews only extends to the gaming sphere. I don't have much of an issue with reviews in other entertainment mediums.


Unconfirmed Member
Feels like people develop apathy towards reviews based on scores while it should maybe rather be an apathy towards the scores alone or at least an apathy to maybe review styles/attitudes that encourage low information insight and shallow criticism.

Honestly I rarely ever read people talk about the latter it's always about the scores.
I'd be curious though of people maybe trying to ignore those for a while and actually listen to only what is said and written. Cause I wonder if people would have similar issues to mine with what the review landscape at least for the biggest outlets generally is.

From really dumb headlines for reviews(awful puns and false hyperbolic statements especially) to just really weird criticism at least to me it seems weird to write a whole paragraph of a game being better on another platform which I think is a fair sidenote point to make but making that the centerpiece of one's criticism. I don't know. Same goes for people glossing over stuff though.

But then I do come from a perspective that is appreciative of criticism that is articulated well(X being shit without nothing else I can do without).
Some of the best discussions I listened to are based on people really going into themselves and trying to reason out why they have certain issues and really go in depth and give relatable perspective to things. When people make their issues relatable(or the opposite of making it relatable why someone doesn't share certain issues) even if I don't share them, I just love that.


I realized that most reviewers just appreciate games and aspects of games in far different ways than me. And that made a large portion of reviews inherintly worthless to me.

i originally only watched gametrailers for the reviews. i'm talking like 07/08 when game reviews were fucking back door shady as. it was hard to tell if reviews were genuine or not but i found gametrailers and their views on games really resonated with me in terms of what they liked, i KNEW i would like. and they seemed to not be as affected by the shillery say compared to ign/gamespot who just seemed to give everything an 8 or above. so i dunno. i do care about reviews. and especially eza/gt reviews. and they really are the best in the biz. even a decade on. but fuck me, their 'new' scoring system is fucking trash.
i originally only watched gametrailers for the reviews. i'm talking like 07/08 when game reviews were fucking back door shady as. it was hard to tell if reviews were genuine or not but i found gametrailers and their views on games really resonated with me in terms of what they liked, i KNEW i would like. and they seemed to not be as affected by the shillery say compared to ign/gamespot who just seemed to give everything an 8 or above. so i dunno. i do care about reviews. and especially eza/gt reviews. and they really are the best in the biz. even a decade on. but fuck me, their 'new' scoring system is fucking trash.

The 5 point system? What's the issue with it?

I don't like scores anyways. Too much finality in them and I can barely stick to a number as is as games start to resonate more emotionally with me.


The 5 point system? What's the issue with it?

I don't like scores anyways. Too much finality in them and I can barely stick to a number as is as games start to resonate more emotionally with me.

This I agree with. Not only can I enjoy a certain game more at different points in my life, but in modern times a game can look completely different a year later than it did at launch, yet most of the time the same review score will be there forever.


Two hours of Cup of Jones...



I pay more attention to the reviews now than I did now they're not using that 100 point scale. Much prefer them now.

Yeah, I think the ten-point scale makes more sense now I've got used to it. We get enough turmoil if something feels like a 2.5 when it's a 3. I'm glad we're not discussing what makes a game a 96 instead of a 94.

cm osi

man, i love how much of a stream beast damiani has becoming. dude is streaming so much right now. appreciate the hell out of it.

he should probably stream less lol. 6 hours of automata while feeling bad for allergy kind of affected him i think. he got upset at the game at the end of the stream
It's still funny that people always forget that one of his main issues with BotW is the way the main dungeons are treated, which is probably where the half star really comes from.
Speaking for myself, I'm aware of this complaint, both from Damiani and many other longtime fans of the franchise. But my counterargument -- as a casual Zelda fan -- is: what are the "main dungeons" in BotW? Does an environment have to end with a titled boss to be a "dungeon"? Does it need to take more than 30 minutes to complete? Because there are self-contained areas in that game that are fantastic, but they may not pass muster by a strict definition of "Zelda dungeon". But what are those areas, then?

And, maybe more to the point, does the game actually suffer for splitting its puzzles into smaller chunks? Because I think the answer is no, if anything it's better for it.

Mikey Jr.

Just noticed we're less than 2k away from Trailer Jones.

Yeah, its great. But that 2k might as well be 20k.

We've reached the saturation point for the month. Around middle of the month, the patrons and earnings kind of stabilizes.

I think E3 could be their next big push. E3 last year, EZA was like 4 months old. They went into that E3 hot, lol.

This time they should have a lot more preparation.


Unconfirmed Member
man, i love how much of a stream beast damiani has becoming. dude is streaming so much right now. appreciate the hell out of it.

Like those streams a lot too! Sometimes I worry though cause the he never seems to take short breaks. Everyone is different stamina wise of course but man I still think every 3-4 hours or so having a short 5-10 min break seems healthy.


Like those streams a lot too! Sometimes I worry though cause the he never seems to take short breaks. Everyone is different stamina wise of course but man I still think every 3-4 hours or so having a short 5-10 min break seems healthy.

He needs the Nintendo break thing.
Yeah, its great. But that 2k might as well be 20k.

We've reached the saturation point for the month. Around middle of the month, the patrons and earnings kind of stabilizes.

I think E3 could be their next big push. E3 last year, EZA was like 4 months old. They went into that E3 hot, lol.

This time they should have a lot more preparation.

Not really seeing where the negativity is coming from. We've already crossed the peak for last month's surge and the dollar amount only dipped back down due to a $200 patron moving to a lower tier. Plus, the new tiers and incentives are fairly young. Not saying we'd hit Trailer Jones before E3, necessarily, but there's still steady growth this month.


I've never heard Brandon Jones' thought on Witcher 3 before this Cup of Jones. Nice. I didn't recall that he wrote the blurbs for the 2015 Gametrailers GotY video either and always thought it was Blood. I'm sure it was shown in the video and I just forgot.

A 2-hour Cup of Jones sure is different, but a good Monday evening cool-down! You can listen to that voice all day.
I wonder how the Patreon will be after the new Twitch subscription changes take place, will people drop Patreon support for a $25 twitch sub(gotta get those emotes)?
I know it's all money to EZA, but that kinda torpedo's the Patreon show plans.
I wonder how the Patreon will be after the new Twitch subscription changes take place, will people drop Patreon support for a $25 twitch sub(gotta get those emotes)?
I know it's all money to EZA, but that kinda torpedo's the Patreon show plans.

Isn't twitch cut bigger than patreon's cut?

Maybe EZA should even opt out of $10 and $25 subs on twitch.
Not really seeing where the negativity is coming from. We've already crossed the peak for last month's surge and the dollar amount only dipped back down due to a $200 patron moving to a lower tier. Plus, the new tiers and incentives are fairly young. Not saying we'd hit Trailer Jones before E3, necessarily, but there's still steady growth this month.
Yea time the biggest win is the surge from last month is holding. It wasn't like the very spikey E3 surge last year, or the end of the year one. That's a huge win in my book. I know people are looking to hit those next tiers and I'd love it too but it needs to be sustainable month over month to really mean something. And we're seeing that here

Highest patreon numbers ever for EZA, maintained totals, etc. things are super healthy right now.

I wonder how the Patreon will be after the new Twitch subscription changes take place, will people drop Patreon support for a $25 twitch sub(gotta get those emotes)?
I know it's all money to EZA, but that kinda torpedo's the Patreon show plans.
I don't see it doing much of anything (assuming they even bother with it) They still have emote slots to fill already. And a lot are patreon/twitch double dippers (like me) or they use twitch prime


I wonder how the Patreon will be after the new Twitch subscription changes take place, will people drop Patreon support for a $25 twitch sub(gotta get those emotes)?
I know it's all money to EZA, but that kinda torpedo's the Patreon show plans.

I don't think their twitch stream numbers are huge to begin with. From their daily stuff they usually range from 200 to 300 people and 1k for the group ones, i don't think it will have much effect on their Patreon, if at all.


Yeah, digging into Cup of Jones in a bit. FrameTrap week also? Whoopa!
Voted for Naruto for DarkKnight duel #3, but Persona's winning in a landslide so whatevs haha.


If Twitch keeps their cut at 50% for the $10 and $25 tiers... I'm not sure why streamers would want to support and push this over a patreon. People do love their emotes though.


I finally watched the Pokémon TCG stream. I feel like the stream was way overhyped here, but still entertaining. Ben vs. Blood was the best match.

The reprint cards being in the mix had me a bit miffed, especially Snorlax. The Hitmonchans that Ben and Blood had were also buffed reprints, but at least they couldn't stun lock the enemy. There might've been others, but those were the only ones I spotted. Ian had some newer cards, for sure, with the fairy type, but the ones I saw were just basic Pokémon like Clefairy and Jigglypuff that aren't that strong.

Pidgeot's Hurricane is crazy good as well, but it alone can't win prize cards for Blood.


Re: Frame trap

"Something that Zelda does that a lesser game wouldnt do... In a lesser game a big dialog box would come up 'oh hey its raining this is whats going to happen to you"

Its nice that BotW doesnt do it, but like, every Zelda before this has slapped you in the face with dialog boxes explaining everything.


Re: Frame trap

"Something that Zelda does that a lesser game wouldnt do... In a lesser game a big dialog box would come up 'oh hey its raining this is whats going to happen to you"

Its nice that BotW doesnt do it, but like, every Zelda before this has slapped you in the face with dialog boxes explaining everything.

And older Zelda games are lesser games at this point. At least for me.


I always hated the "...what a lesser game wouldn't do.."-statements. Haven't listened to FrameTrap yet, but I will make a mental guess who said it and will confirm later. :D


I'm still watching Cup of Jones and haven't started Frame Trap yet, but that sentence structure seems like how
Ben Moore 035
would say it. I can also see it being said by
M. P. Huber
, though.

Edit: Seeing
in the podcast, and seeing in the time stamps that he'll bring up BotW has me worried I'm wrong. He would definitely use the term "lesser games", but I'll still stick to my first guess.
People walking out of entire conversations of a podcast. What a shambles, this spoiler shit has got to stop. Can't think of another podcast where I've seen that ever happen, ridiculous.


People walking out of entire conversations of a podcast. What a shambles, this spoiler shit has got to stop. Can't think of another podcast where I've seen that ever happen, ridiculous.
Gianztbomb did it multiple times with Drew or whomever and I don't even listen regularly.
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