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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Unconfirmed Member
Ok Ben, now that the review's out, give us the real deets: who's the best girl?
Mind you, give us the erong answer and you may loose some Patreon supporters.


That Yoshida-chan disrespect :p why does Ben hate the Sun!?
Oh man sometimes it's too hard to not play into a stereotype :-x

In all seriousness hope that discussions around the Confidants becomes stronger once more people finish. All I've been reading the last couple days is very weird stuff and the usual waifu wars things. Wish P3 and P4 were fresher in my mind cause I'd love to have a really detailed breakdown on all the Slinks across the series and try to see what the writers got better at, for one thematic relevance seems to be the most easily recognizable thing.



unrelated, but necessary:



Wow, thanks to those that warned me about the April 5th podcast. I decided to skip it until finishing Persona 5 and glad I did. I cannot believe that Atlus Public Message and it was unfortunate that a title card for the spoilers wasn't put in the actual video. I know that there are deadlines to be met, but I hope no one who was planning to play it got spoiled by the message.

It's definitely not Chie.

Since you're associated with the best girl in Persona 4, Chie. Then you must like the best girl in Persona 5: Futaba. Scientifically proven.

*said in Riki voice*

Mista Koo

The analogy between sports coverage and video game coverage is bad. One is about on competitive performance between equal parties, and the other is about entertainment products.
And during that question someone on the panel described what they don't do by things they pretty much do if you ask me :p
Yes this is intentionally a drive by comment since nothing constructive could come out of it.

Ian's platypus cry is amazing and they all should use it from now on.
The analogy between sports coverage and video game coverage is bad. One is about on competitive performance between equal parties, and the other is about entertainment products.
And during that question someone on the panel described what they don't do by things they pretty much do if you ask me :p
Yes this is intentionally a drive by comment since nothing constructive could come out of it.

Ian's platypus cry is amazing and they all should use it from now on.

If you're going to call someone out, just say their name. It's annoying/frustrating when I know you're specifically talking about me but won't say it.
The analogy between sports coverage and video game coverage is bad. One is about on competitive performance between equal parties, and the other is about entertainment products.
And during that question someone on the panel described what they don't do by things they pretty much do if you ask me :p
Yes this is intentionally a drive by comment since nothing constructive could come out of it.

Ian's platypus cry is amazing and they all should use it from now on.

I'm confused. What exactly about the analogy is bad? That sports commentators and coverage of videogames is intrinsically different?

Wasn't that sorta the point?

Mista Koo

If you're going to call someone out, just say their name. It's annoying/frustrating when I know you're specifically talking about me but won't say it.
I was explicitly doing that because it's not necessarily something I wanted you to read. It's just not constructive so I didn't want it to bother you.

I'm confused. What exactly about the analogy is bad? That sports commentators and coverage of videogames is intrinsically different?

Wasn't that sorta the point?
The question asker was comparing them.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm feeling a little bad about this but I need to do it. Ben I totally know you're cooking something up for Trails coverage/pondering on how to do it and I'm absolutely psyched about it. So I'm totally sorry if I'm starting to get annoying or stressing you out with this post.

I also totally know EZA isn't about views and all the usual things but I just saw something kind of related to what I was speaking about giving my greedy wish for EZA reviews for at least the entire sky series maybe despite views not being a major factor some weight for consideration.
This is the RPGSite review for Trails in the Sky. This is their second highest viewed video on the entire channel they don't seem to really pull that many views on stuff in general. There is quite a gap between that and the average views they pull. But the noteworthy thing about the review is really the very steady growth of views over the years(when you click on the view statistics).

I might be wrong but I believe it's because people go back to that review especially when they jumped in at a later point like Cold Steel and it very much kind of mirrors Falcom's whole business strategy with the game series of telling a story that encourages people to go back(their sales numbers in Japan seems to indicate that it's successful in that regard.)

Basically the only reason I make this post and I understand that there are so many other reasons why reviews might not happen but I at least hope that the consideration of "it's too late to review the old trails games" isn't one of them. For the type of series it is I very much believe that each review would retain relevance for years to come and more importantly would likely see view surges once new titles hit. Plus there also not a whole lot of competition. There really isn't a lot of good content for at least the Sky games out there.

Mista Koo

I knew the rules of baseball already due to, like all US sports that weren't Slamball, playing video games. But Hubers stream explaining the rules is super fun.
I stopped following after he started taking about bases. To be fair explaining complex game isn't easy at all.

Then why would you post that?
Because this is a public message board where posts don't have to be constructive? I'm not directing it at him nor am I being disrespectful. I was just sharing my feelings towards something said on the podcast.


Because this is a public message board where posts don't have to be constructive? I'm not directing it at him nor am I being disrespectful. I was just sharing my feelings towards something said on the podcast.
Considering you barely sidestepped called someone out without even trying to explain what you meant in what even you admitted was a drive by post... I'm not sure it comes off that way.

Edit: To be clear I'm only calling out how you came off to me.

Mista Koo

Considering you barely sidestepped called someone out without even trying to explain what you meant in what even you admitted was a drive by post... I'm not sure it comes off that way.

Edit: To be clear I'm only calling out how you came off to me.
It wasn't a call out, Ben just criticized some behavior that I think they do which I thought was funny. It's an old tired argument though so I didn't want to invite a discussion. But apparently since I didn't mention him by name it came off as a snide.


Because this is a public message board where posts don't have to be constructive? I'm not directing it at him nor am I being disrespectful. I was just sharing my feelings towards something said on the podcast.

To who were you sharing those feelings to? I can't be the only one who has no idea what you were referencing there, so could you be more specific?

Edit: Rewatched the Ben parts twice now on that question and still I don't know what this is about (unless I missed it while skipping). Please clarify, this irks me so much :D


Unconfirmed Member
Y'all seem to be manufacturing a lot of controversy to avoid talking about how Riki is the best.

The difficulty is there isn't much to talk about facts of life.
Everyone knows it, everyone accepts it. The most I got is referencing other lesser Rikis.
Like the dota 2 one with this really stupid and amazing meme that will only ever make sense if you know that game :-x https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/3lxtpn/aghanims_scepter_riki/?st=j1l67sl3&sh=b5ced448


True champ though...

Edit: Sidenote I hope Damiani gets to review FE:Echoes if that's something EZA plans to review anyway.
The Easy Update was fun. A strange disconnect for me though because as much as Ben and Ian were enjoying the game, it killed any interest I had in trying it out. Looked way too much like Day Z and H1Z1 for my tastes and I disliked those games quite a bit. And I know the video wasn't meant to convince anyone to try or not try the game but man, it just didn't look good.

With that said, I enjoyed watching Ben and Ian play it quite a bit. Despite being fairly disinterested in the game itself, I'd watch a stream of them playing the game or a similar title.


The Easy Update was fun. A strange disconnect for me though because as much as Ben and Ian were enjoying the game, it killed any interest I had in trying it out. Looked way too much like Day Z and H1Z1 for my tastes and I disliked those games quite a bit. And I know the video wasn't meant to convince anyone to try or not try the game but man, it just didn't look good.

With that said, I enjoyed watching Ben and Ian play it quite a bit. Despite being fairly disinterested in the game itself, I'd watch a stream of them playing the game or a similar title.

I feel a bit similar to this, though I did enjoy DayZ! But the novelty wore off for me and the mod sparked this flood of these survival and then battle royale games. None of these games are very original in any way, there seems to be no new ideas, but new games just keep on coming. And ofcourse these games are almost all in early access, so the gaming experience can get very unpleasant with bugs. Two of my friends bought this game in question, despite me warning them about jumping on the Twitch streamer hype train. And they ended up playing under 10 hours combined.

Edit: I'd also like to add that what I liked in DayZ, was that encountering people was exciting. Because you had no idea if they were hostile, that added a ton of suspense. And ofcourse in these Battle Royale games you will only meet hostiles, since everyone wants to be the last one left. While in DayZ people could help each other to survive, it's just not about shooting on sight.


There's also a fair bit of praise from non-EZA regulars in the review thread.
I want to take a peak into the alternate reality that very same review has a 4,5/5 at the end and happens to change the metacritic score downwards haha

I am now 28 hours in and I like it more now - currently in the third dungeon and their design really helps in general to elevate previously tedious combat segments and thus my enjoyment of the game. General structural and light character spoilers.
Having seperate bosses opposed to just the "evil"
versions of your future mates also helps. Not to speak off the fact that tonally P5 handles it themes and characters way, way better than P4 so far.

Why they made Mona so creepy tho? Some of the weird stuff in regards to Ann in the first two month can be linked to actual criticism, but not all of it and then it becomes just an eye-rolling weird mess and I can't skip dialogue quickly enough. Who needs that shit?
Since you're associated with the best girl in Persona 4, Chie. Then you must like the best girl in Persona 5: Futaba. Scientifically proven.

*said in Riki voice*

I loved Futaba's story (which I haven't quite finished) but it's so weird to me that (Persona 5 spoilers)
she's a romance option. To me, she's basically P5's Nanako, a little sister you mentor, not a f'n romance option.
Wait, what? You're sour that Zelda got a good review?
*raises hand*

I don't know if I should admit this, but I'll put it out there for the sake of discussion...

I'll say that I think BOTW is by far the best Zelda game, and a clear step up from a lot of games that will end up in EZA's hall of greats -- on the same level as the best of the best. Is it better than Chrono Trigger? Hard to say. Is Chrono Trigger clearly better? Hard to say. This game is going to be an inflection point for game design.

So yeah, 4.5 did irk me a bit -- in the sense that I had to spend way more time thinking about a review score (and what the reviewer had in mind) than I usually like to. When Nier:A gets a 4.5 or Last Guardian/Persona 5 gets a 5, no problem, I totally see all those. BOTW, though... It had framerate issues at launch (not so much now), has questionable voice acting, has bad cutscenes (it's not getting enough grief for how bad some of these cutscenes are...), but it does so much so well, it honestly throws off the curve because it changes what's possible for video games.

I've mentioned "error bars" in regards to review scores, mine playing BOTW were something like [5, 5.5, 6]. In stars.


*raises hand*

I don't know if I should admit this, but I'll put it out there for the sake of discussion...

I'll say that I think BOTW is by far the best Zelda game, and a clear step up from a lot of games that will end up in EZA's hall of greats -- on the same level as the best of the best. Is it better than Chrono Trigger? Hard to say. Is Chrono Trigger clearly better? Hard to say. This game is going to be an inflection point for game design.

So yeah, 4.5 did irk me a bit -- in the sense that I had to spend way more time thinking about a review score (and what the reviewer had in mind) than I usually like to. When Nier:A gets a 4.5 or Last Guardian/Persona 5 gets a 5, no problem, I totally see all those. BOTW, though... It had framerate issues at launch (not so much now), has questionable voice acting, has bad cutscenes (it's not getting enough grief for how bad some of these cutscenes are...), but it does so much so well, it honestly throws off the curve because it changes what's possible for video games.

I've mentioned "error bars" in regards to review scores, mine playing BOTW were something like [5, 5.5, 6]. In stars.

Cool, you think It's a 5/5 game. Damiani didn't. It's fine you believe it's a Masterpiece, but not everyone will.
Cool, you think It's a 5/5 game. Damiani didn't. I'll never get this review complaining.
It might be more accurate to say that I think it's a 6/5 game.

Not complaining about the review, just trying to add some perspective. Apparently I failed, since you still didn't get it!


It might be more accurate to say that I think it's a 6/5 game.

Not complaining about the review, just trying to add some perspective. Apparently I failed, since you still didn't get it!

No, I see what you mean now. I think it's hillarious you think it deserves a 6/5. And not hilarious in the "you're so dumb" way but the legitimately funny lol. I'm glad you had so much fun with it! I didn't mean to come off as harsh if I did before.
No, I see what you mean now. I think it's hillarious you think it deserves a 6/5. And not hilarious in the "you're so dumb" way but the legitimately funny lol. I'm glad you had so much fun with it! I didn't mean to come off as harsh if I did before.
No problem.

More importantly...
Gundam stream is on Friday! And since it's on Friday afternoon I'll be able to see it live for once


I'll receive my P5 tomorrow and I'm so hyped after that Ben review, it just looks amazing...

the sad thing is that I started Horizon saturday, so I'll have to wait until I finish that one


Why they made Mona so creepy tho? Some of the weird stuff in regards to Ann in the first two month can be linked to actual criticism, but not all of it and then it becomes just an eye-rolling weird mess and I can't skip dialogue quickly enough. Who needs that shit?

You're so beautiful, Lady Karu.

I totally agree. I think Morgana becomes a very unlikeable character in that regard, in the same way Yusuke does at the beginning of Dungeon 2. The whole 'joke' about Lady Ann having to pose naked falls completely flat for me.
It's still funny that people always forget that one of his main issues with BotW is the way the main dungeons are treated, which is probably where the half star really comes from.


GT seemed to have a rule to not give any game a 10/10, Damiani sometimes talks about being trained to be a certain way and often brings up the old GT days. I imagine he'd be the least likely to give a game 5/5.

Mista Koo

I loved Breath of the Wild and spent over 140 hours with it finishing every shrine and every side quest. However after watching reviews like Super Bunnyhop's and Joseph Anderson's I see the weaker points more clearly and understand the "lower" scores a lot more. It's just that the highs were so high that it's easy to overlook anything else.

The Easy Update was fun. A strange disconnect for me though because as much as Ben and Ian were enjoying the game, it killed any interest I had in trying it out. Looked way too much like Day Z and H1Z1 for my tastes and I disliked those games quite a bit. And I know the video wasn't meant to convince anyone to try or not try the game but man, it just didn't look good.

With that said, I enjoyed watching Ben and Ian play it quite a bit. Despite being fairly disinterested in the game itself, I'd watch a stream of them playing the game or a similar title.
Yep. I really like the concept and enjoyed watching multiple people play it. But at the end of the day it looks and plays like a generic shooter and I'm not really into that.
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