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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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I find it weird that nobody ever brings up that Dena is working on the nintendo account system. They are addressing this.

I don't care about western third parties, but I see the Switch as being a hot location for indies and cheaper Japanese games that would otherwise be on 3DS and Vita. That's where my interest is. It would be a great place for games that don't have the ridiculous budgets of the Western AAA. Thanks to the rise of indies and projects with cheaper development costs, the best games are no longer the ones that push the most polygons.

It would be amazing to have games like Yooka-Laylee, Bloodstained, Sonic Mania, and Shovel Knight on there. Nintendo has really never had a problem getting support of Japanese third parties on their handhelds either. Capcom, Square, Atlus, and more are still supporting the 3DS. The DS and 3DS have a legacy as incredible JRPG platforms and I hope that continues with the Switch. If we can get a library at least half as good as the 3DS/Wii U then I'll be happy.

This is a bit surreal. Who is Luke Arnold friends with?
Brandon said he met him at comic con and he said he was big fans of them on GT and then EZA.
He's a fan. He even did a callback to a recent Kyle Tetris stream!

And he's dominating Quiplash!
Great stream. Having a guest to group stream can be a real wild card but Luke blended in really well and clearly is a fan. From some twitter responses his twitch handle is LongLukeArnold but he states he usually catches up on streams through YouTube archives (I so love how EZA is consistent in doing this!)

The gift from the 8 year old was awesome, the Damiani trolls. the shirts at the end. Great stuff


Frame Trap comment:

I think they had a really interesting discussion about why Nintendo showed Skyrim in the video. It's obvious that this video was meant to show what the console could do and be a proof of concept. Sure Skyrim is old so it's not "impressive" technically but I honestly don't think it would've impacted the shock much more if it were a newer game. I don't think I would've been any more wowed if it was showing fallout 4. To me, the age of the game was irrelevant. Besides, to this day Skyrim is still in the minds of people as a vast open game with a close tie to home gaming, which makes it perfect to show how Switch makes it portable.

Basically, I agree with Ben on this one. Maybe I'm not watching enough Switch reactions but I don't see many discussions on why they chose Skyrim for their debut besides maybe Bethesda doing some back door shady deals. Made this episode more entertaining.


Wtf I wake up and see Luke Arnold tweeting about being on Easy Allies!

As if I didn't love Black Sails enough!

Hopefully more of you watch it now, amazing show. Deserves more love
and respect


Awesome, Luke Arnold seems like a really cool guy! And it's great that he appeared on the stream. Can't recommend Black Sails though, very mediocre show. The setting and theme is very interesting to me and I would love to get a great Pirate show. Get on it HBO!
Rumours pin it around the level of an XB1, maybe ever so slightly under, so as long as the libraries are on point, I don't see any reasons why third party ports won't keep coming for the duration of this generation as long as the install base is there.

Really? I fully expect most major third parties to be sitting on that Switch boat but they'll be wearing their life jackets and keeping a close eye on the nearest exit at all times. And if that boat rocks even once, boom, they'll abandon ship quicker than Nintendo can say "please understand."

The thing the "Nintendo will finally have third party support!" audience always ignores is that those third party games already have their audience and it's on PC, PS4 and Xbone. Unless Nintendo can somehow find a way to get in and compete in that market, third party games are going to sell like crap on their system. It's the same exact story every gen, even on my poor old Gamecube. It doesn't matter if Nintendo makes the easiest system on the planet to port those games to, they just aren't going to sell well enough to justify the costs for most publishers.

Not to say I'm pessimistic about the Switch, I'm actually quite optimistic about it but that's entirely down to a) Nintendo no longer having to split their output between two systems and b) I'll FINALLY play Pokemon on my TV.
Just caught up with the group stream on youtube.... holy feck, could not stop laughing. Luke Arnold was excellent, everyone was on fire and the games were perfect.
As someone who doesn't even game on the go at all anymore, the Switch is still a big deal since all the games will be on my home console. This is assuming we don't get a 4DS which would defeat the point of the Switch IMO.


Yeah, I can think of very few times I'd be on the move, ready to game, and be willing to carry the Switch around with me. If I had a serious public transportation commute (or was in middle/high school with a backpack) that would be a different story.

But, even without the need or opportunity to play the Switch outside the house, the portability is actually still a big deal to me. I was initially on board with Brad's "no portability more power every time" argument, but then I remembered that I have a PC that's probably more powerful than both consoles... and the game I've spent the most time with in the last week or two has been Underrail.

"Power" really isn't a big deal to me, and I'd venture to say it actually isn't to most other people either, despite how much everyone loves measuring stats. I mean, just look at the Breath of the Wild responses for evidence of that. Being able to play anywhere in/around my house though? That's a big deal, and more interesting to me than any raw specs. Donkey Kong outside on the porch? Dark Souls in bed? Mario Galaxy on the porcelain throne? That's a bigger differentiation than any sort of jiggaflops a company throws my way. And yeah, the Shield tablet does something similar, but the controller solution isn't as versatile or elegant, the combined mobile/console Nintendo library is incredible, and I don't even have an Nvidia GPU.

So, don't f it up, Nintendo.

AKA Gimme that Dark Souls: Complete so that I can play all the games and DLC in bed
Thought Ben was an excellent moderator on FT. Not sure why Huber and especially Brad went in so deep end with the hostility against the Switch, but kudos to Ben for pulling them back from all that negative speculation and soothsaying.

Mista Koo

That was a great stream. Luke was pretty fun too. Although too many jokes flew over my head (or they weren't funny in the first place :p).

I figured out it was Huber from the start. They were fairly bad at that game.
It reminded me of a card game called Spyfall, although that one is much harder for everyone involved, but much more so to the spy.
What hostility?

Yea I didn't get anything too negative from them other than Huber's desire for more 3rd party support and Brad's displeasure with Nintendo using footage of an older game in their Switch trailer. And he mentioned he's not that into mobile, but that's fine since Switch is supposed to satisfy both itches. Otherwise they were just being cautious in general since it's still so early and we don't have all the info yet. I didn't get to say my bit on the use of Skyrim in the trailer to counter Brad (you probably noticed me trying to at a point), but basically was going to say I didn't think Nintendo was pushing Skyrim as a key game for launch or anything, but rather using it to illustrate that on Switch you could take a game as massive as Skyrim and play it on the go with no restrictions/alterations. Also, it is a game from Bethesda, who hasn't been very supportive of Nintendo, so Nintendo was also sending a message that Switch has caught the attention of developers who didn't support Nintendo's consoles in the past generation or two (and Switch might feature those popular third party games). Basically, I think Brad took it a bit too literally. Showing anything newer might have been a problem since Nintendo still hasn't acknowledged any software for the system outside of Zelda (they didn't confirm the Mario game was, in fact, a new game).

Edit: Also, I was fully aware DeNa is working on the "Membership system" for Switch, but they were also supposed to be making a unified system spanning all of Nintendo's platforms. That's not My Nintendo, which is the only thing that currently spans those platforms -- that's just Nintendo's loyalty program and I believe DeNa has nothing to do with it. So this unified system doesn't exist yet, which originally was announced back in March of 2015, but still hasn't arrived. It's just been Miitomo, one of the planned mobiles games as part of the partnership. Basically, since this system hasn't emerged yet, and missed its supposed release target, and Miitomo was a bust, I still have reservations (especially given Nintendo's past with online). I assume it's going to be rolled out next year alongside Switch, and be some sort of update on 3DS and Wii U as well since they're all supposed to be tied to this unified account. But I'll believe it when I see it.

DeNa also suffered this setback earlier this month:
This was one of the best TTE episodes in a while. Like they've all been good but this one was a 10/10 for sure. The first few minutes are comedy gold while not being too silly or goofy and whole thing seems like it could be lifted out of a good side quest from an RPG while still feeling pretty unique. Everyone got a chance to shine too (even Ben)! A+ for sure.

Also I keep forgetting to say this but I like that the episodes have titles now.

Also I'd love for a surprise Ian appearance in a podcast.


I didn't get to say my bit on the use of Skyrim in the trailer to counter Brad (you probably noticed me trying to at a point), but basically was going to say I didn't think Nintendo was pushing Skyrim as a key game for launch or anything, but rather using it to illustrate that on Switch you could take a game as massive as Skyrim and play it on the go with no restrictions/alterations. Also, it is a game from Bethesda, who hasn't been very supportive of Nintendo, so Nintendo was also sending a message that Switch has caught the attention of developers who didn't support Nintendo's consoles in the past generation or two (and Switch might feature those popular third party games). Basically, I think Brad took it a bit too literally. Showing anything newer might have been a problem since Nintendo still hasn't acknowledged any software for the system outside of Zelda (they didn't confirm the Mario game was, in fact, a new game).

Yeah this is how I saw it as well, it's a good game to fire up peoples imagination on the possibilities. Having Skyrim itself on Switch does nothing for me, but it gives me hope on other games similar on scope and style.


Unconfirmed Member
The recent streams have been super fun. Banjoo Kazooe, Jack Box and Civ 6 right now.
Too bad I can't catch most of them live. Looking forward to catch up on the World of Final Fantasy stream.


The voice actors strike segment was interesting. I hope they get what they are after.

And I hope it leads to developers unionising too.
Yea I didn't get anything too negative from them other than Huber's desire for more 3rd party support and Brad's displeasure with Nintendo using footage of an older game in their Switch trailer. And he mentioned he's not that into mobile, but that's fine since Switch is supposed to satisfy both itches. Otherwise they were just being cautious in general since it's still so early and we don't have all the info yet. I didn't get to say my bit on the use of Skyrim in the trailer to counter Brad (you probably noticed me trying to at a point), but basically was going to say I didn't think Nintendo was pushing Skyrim as a key game for launch or anything, but rather using it to illustrate that on Switch you could take a game as massive as Skyrim and play it on the go with no restrictions/alterations. Also, it is a game from Bethesda, who hasn't been very supportive of Nintendo, so Nintendo was also sending a message that Switch has caught the attention of developers who didn't support Nintendo's consoles in the past generation or two (and Switch might feature those popular third party games). Basically, I think Brad took it a bit too literally. Showing anything newer might have been a problem since Nintendo still hasn't acknowledged any software for the system outside of Zelda (they didn't confirm the Mario game was, in fact, a new game).

Edit: Also, I was fully aware DeNa is working on the "Membership system" for Switch, but they were also supposed to be making a unified system spanning all of Nintendo's platforms. That's not My Nintendo, which is the only thing that currently spans those platforms -- that's just Nintendo's loyalty program and I believe DeNa has nothing to do with it. So this unified system doesn't exist yet, which originally was announced back in March of 2015, but still hasn't arrived. It's just been Miitomo, one of the planned mobiles games as part of the partnership. Basically, since this system hasn't emerged yet, and missed its supposed release target, and Miitomo was a bust, I still have reservations (especially given Nintendo's past with online). I assume it's going to be rolled out next year alongside Switch, and be some sort of update on 3DS and Wii U as well since they're all supposed to be tied to this unified account. But I'll believe it when I see it.

DeNa also suffered this setback earlier this month:

Do you think Nintendo should/will offer different control schemes for the JoyCons, considering they can easily slide in and out of the handheld portion? That would give everyone the ability to play with their favorite controller layout, be it symmetrical sticks or asymmetrical sticks. Extended from that, would you like to see various accessories that would slide into a typical JoyCon slot, like, say, a fishing reel, a camera (for a Pokemon Snap-esque game), etc?


This week's podcast was absolutely fantastic. Loved it! Great discussions and some very funny moments (Fridays!).

"Soo, this was something."
"It is something, Kyle. You did it!"
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