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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Sounds interesting. Thanks.

So, considering it's not a literal clock counting down, as you said, I can tell I'd enjoy this a whole lot more in that regard, yeah. The stress comes from the inability to take a breather which you can do here. I don't think it adds the urgency Huber is looking for though, but it does make time feel important which is always neat in video games.

Ulitmately it's more about the decision making I suppose, like a Persona 3 or 4's time elements.

Now mind you, that stuff sounds like a nightmare to the completionist in me, but that's another matter. :p
Oh yeah, it's similar to how Persona implemented those visual novel management mechanics, yeah. It's actually pretty generous for completionists, unless you keep dying in dungeons or something.

Not to get into spoiler territory, but you need to finish the game at least a couple times to see everything anyway, and once you get a hang on the mechanics to raise your warriors, you are going to have more unspent time than anything. What is good since then you can try and discover more secrets on your own instead of relying on a guide.

I really like it, specially because it brings home the point that the narrative is advancing. There is stuff going down on the human world too, and each day some political scheme advances, and that may or may not be related to the conflicts the Gods are participating. Plus, after each chapter ends, you can see how your past warriors are faring in the Valhalla - which campaigns they participated, etc.

It's something I like about the progression in The World Ends With You too, but let me stop here before I write a wall of text.


Man, Ian was destroyed, the US has strong democratic institutions , its gonna be fine. well not fine, but its not going to be the Apocalypse

It's the idea that a misogynistic, racist, manipulative piece of garbage was voted to become the president in a country where racism and sexism is already ingrained into society. That the majority of the country supported this shit bag. That there is that much fear and hatred towards minorities. And that the chance of things getting better is so slim, and the chance of things getting worse is huge. It's all so disgusting.

It makes me appreciate the guys at Easy Allies even more. I don't think there is a more positive and welcoming group of people in the gaming industry. Thanks for being so accepting and awesome. EZA deserves more success than most.
Man, Ian was destroyed, the US has strong democratic institutions , its gonna be fine. well not fine, but its not going to be the Apocalypse

The US will be fine eventually, but the world is going to suffer. A fairly likely recession is coming, and we'll probably back out of anything we were doing to combat global warming. So this'll fuck people in the short term and fuck em in the long term. To say nothing of what PoC and women may have to deal with. It was a rough night.
Were they streaming at the time the results came in?

I didn't watch the stream (watching the election) but based on the time of the group stream they would've been streaming around the time it was looking bad but not completely called. It was essentially over (imo) when Fox called WI for Trump, which happened around a half hour after the stream would have ended.


What are people referring to when they say Ian looks devastated? I was thinking the group stream last night was no politics zone? I assume Ian had his phone out or something.


What are people referring to when they say Ian looks devastated? I was thinking the group stream last night was no politics zone? I assume Ian had his phone out or something.

That's what I'm looking for too. I'd love to hear Ian's take. I respect his opinions a lot.


The US will be fine eventually, but the world is going to suffer. A fairly likely recession is coming, and we'll probably back out of anything we were doing to combat global warming. So this'll fuck people in the short term and fuck em in the long term. To say nothing of what PoC and women may have to deal with. It was a rough night.

one spot of light for you; price of unsubsidized solar has gotten lower than coal this year, major tech manufacturers are investing heavily in battery tech. economy is getting off fossil fuels on its own now, nothing stops that train

aaand now I'm gonna go watch some EZA vods
What are people referring to when they say Ian looks devastated? I was thinking the group stream last night was no politics zone? I assume Ian had his phone out or something.

He checked his phone right at the very end of the stream.

Yesterday was such a horrible day, between that and Brexit, my faith in humanity has evaporated into nothing.

Mista Koo

I watched the first Jones TTE episode last night and realized it wasn't for me. Which is good considering how many episode I'd have to watch!


Man, the crew seemed kinda down on the podcast (understandable...). The French Youtube comment to the CoD video was pretty hilarious though lol.


I never bothered checking out Tabletop Adventures, but two days ago on a whim I decided to watch an episode of Fiasconauts (Camp Death). I ended up watching the entire thing, shit was hilarious. Does TTA get this funny at times? I'm interested in checking it out, but I'm hopelessly behind and it's intimidating.


I never bothered checking out Tabletop Adventures, but two days ago on a whim I decided to watch an episode of Fiasconauts (Camp Death). I ended up watching the entire thing, shit was hilarious. Does TTA get this funny at times? I'm interested in checking it out, but I'm hopelessly behind and it's intimidating.

Oh yeah, TTA gets hilarious too. Just improv. I'd probably go back to the episodes when Law was alive for that and just start from the start. It'll be fine being behind.


Kyle is right about the bet at the end.
I'm Italian so i can't speak for spanish, but they are very similar languages, so i assume it works the same.
You count as two words, just because one is the article, the other is the noun.
Though i can see Damiani's point, if for example, you count "I'm" as one word and not two (I am), then in some specific cases, you can truncate the article, like so: La anima --> L'anima ("the soul" would become "T'soul", to make a parallel).
But i would still say they are two words.


It's the idea that a misogynistic, racist, manipulative piece of garbage was voted to become the president in a country where racism and sexism is already ingrained into society. That the majority of the country supported this shit bag. That there is that much fear and hatred towards minorities. And that the chance of things getting better is so slim, and the chance of things getting worse is huge. It's all so disgusting.

It makes me appreciate the guys at Easy Allies even more. I don't think there is a more positive and welcoming group of people in the gaming industry. Thanks for being so accepting and awesome. EZA deserves more success than most.

I have good news and bad news.

Good news: The majority of the country didn't support that shit bag.

Bad news: He won anyway. Thanks Electoral College!


Good news: We made it through Bush. We can make it through Trump.
Good news: He's anti-War and isolationist so hopefully that means he won't lead us to war like Bush did.
Good news: There's too much money at stake for him to really fuck things up.


Neo Member
Kyle is right about the bet at the end.
I'm Italian so i can't speak for spanish, but they are very similar languages, so i assume it works the same.
You count as two words, just because one is the article, the other is the noun.
Though i can see Damiani's point, if for example, you count "I'm" as one word and not two (I am), then in some specific cases, you can truncate the article, like so: La anima --> L'anima ("the soul" would become "T'soul", to make a parallel).
But i would still say they are two words.

I did not watch it yet so i do not know what exactly was the bet, but you are right. In Spanish the article is one word and the noun another one. Moreover, in Spanish you never truncate articles so Damiani's point is irrelevant, in fact i cannot think of a single case were you truncate any word but i just woke up so i might be wrong.
Good news: We made it through Bush. We can make it through Trump.
Good news: He's anti-War and isolationist so hopefully that means he won't lead us to war like Bush did.
Good news: There's too much money at stake for him to really fuck things up.

Anti-War? Wat. He's not only pro-nukes, he's pro using nukes.

Also, while Bush Jr may've been a bit of an idiot, he at least had some decency. Can you imagine what would happen if a terrorist attack happened on Trump's watch? He'd probably whip his base into an anti-Muslim witch hunt.


I never bothered checking out Tabletop Adventures, but two days ago on a whim I decided to watch an episode of Fiasconauts (Camp Death). I ended up watching the entire thing, shit was hilarious. Does TTA get this funny at times? I'm interested in checking it out, but I'm hopelessly behind and it's intimidating.

It does.
Even funnier at times.
It moves more slowly because it has a consistent storyline, but it makes up for that with evolving characters (plus Ben's world building is pretty fun).
I was in a similar spot with TTE, in the GT days, but then i started to watch from their recap.

They should find the time to do one now, to let new people jump in.

For now, i suggest you just start from Ep1, and take it slow, not even caring where they're at, or if you're lagging behind.
If you can squeeze two episodes in one week, you'll be catching up eventually.

I think it's worth it, and it's the main reason i support them on patreon in the first place.


Anti-War? Wat. He's not only pro-nukes, he's pro using nukes.

Also, while Bush Jr may've been a bit of an idiot, he at least had some decency. Can you imagine what would happen if a terrorist attack happened on Trump's watch? He'd probably whip his base into an anti-Muslim witch hunt.

Yo. Not really the place to get into it and I'm absolutely not a Trump supporter but he's pretty clear on wanting to deescalate things with Russia, lower tensions with China in the south china sea, and generally stop being world police. He wants to go back to pre ww2 isolationist, mind your own business, america.

Compare that to Bush and Iraq/Afghanistan. We're talking estimates of 250,000 killed. 200,000 of those being civilians. Two wars and quarter of a million dead. Decency my ass.

Or Hillary who is pretty well known as a geo-political war hawk. She's on record saying she believes in using preemptive military force, has criticised the White House for not putting more pressure on Assad/Putin/Xi, and has 100% backed Netanyahu's actions in Israel. Not to mention her support of the war in Iraq and the war on terror in general.


Good news: We made it through Bush. We can make it through Trump.
Good news: He's anti-War and isolationist so hopefully that means he won't lead us to war like Bush did.
Good news: There's too much money at stake for him to really fuck things up.

Don't want to get into this much more but Bush himself was rather harmless, he may even be a decent person these days - it's the people behind an unqualified person who steer things from the back who are dangerous. My only hope is that Trump is too much of an egomaniac to be the puppet of special interest and devious republican party politicians. But in the end he needs money so the various lobbies will no doubt continue to run the country and the world with a few more evil intentions thrown in.

Back to a EZA, the various podcasts have been very enjoyable the last few weeks and the quick look/preview talk format that has been popping up a few times recently really works for me and I think it plays to their strengths as well. It greatly improves their channel for those of us who aren't into the let's play format.
Regarding the meetup: I hope they're bringing a camera, I would love a short video later in the month for those of us who can't attend that conveys the atmosphere and maybe let's a few fellow Allies who are there introduce themselves.
Yo. Not really the place to get into it and I'm absolutely not a Trump supporter but he's pretty clear on wanting to deescalate things with Russia, lower tensions with China in the south china sea, and generally stop being world police. He wants to go back to pre ww2 isolationist, mind your own business, america.

Compare that to Bush and Iraq/Afghanistan. We're talking estimates of 250,000 killed. 200,000 of those being civilians. Two wars and quarter of a million dead. Decency my ass.

Or Hillary who is pretty well known as a geo-political war hawk. She's on record saying she believes in using preemptive military force, has criticised the White House for not putting more pressure on Assad/Putin/Xi, and has 100% backed Netanyahu's actions in Israel. Not to mention her support of the war in Iraq and the war on terror in general.

Pfft, yeah I'm sure he was totally pro-isolationist on Monday but then Tuesday rolled around and he was all for nuking ISIS and murdering terrorists families, I'm amazed people still take him at his word when he constantly spoke out of both sides of his mouth.

And I'm not sure why you think pre-WW2 "eh, let the Nazi's conquer Europe" America is a great idea. The world police crap can definitely be taken way too far but at the same time, it does help. I mean really, without NATO around, what exactly do you think Russia would do? Break out the tea and cookies? No, they'd be all over Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Georgia, etc.

As for Bush, I'm not really sure what your point is there. His 8 years were horrible but he still did some good (aid to Africa, reaching out to Muslim Americans post-9/11).


It'd be nice if the EZA thread was about EZA. There's plenty of threads over at off-topic to discuss political stuff at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the comments about TTA. I'll give the first episode a shot soon.
So, does the US have towns?
Holy shit lol.


It'd be nice if the EZA thread was about EZA. There's plenty of threads over at off-topic to discuss political stuff at the moment.

Anyway, thanks for the comments about TTA. I'll give the first episode a shot soon.

Holy shit lol.

It's a community thread, things will get discussed that aren't to do with EZA, but they fade out so just ride it out if you're not a fan of the current conversation.

Shame nothing went up today, I've been waiting for my PS4 Pro to finish restoring my backup,
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