You better deliver! I want fire! I want passion!
Haha, it won't live up to that.
You better deliver! I want fire! I want passion!
Anyone know what set Huber off in the podcast?
He was constantly thinking about and laughing at something.
Probably CHIM.
This Retro story is amazing. Haha
Best intro ever for the Allies... XD
E3 Yakuza talk always delivers
Best intro ever for the Allies... XD
The last 15 mins of the Bethesda pre show before the conference startsWhat do I have to watch to understand this and where can I watch it?
Catching up on the podcast aka the Ben and Huber sidewindow show. Fucking hilarious.
Ben and Huber bromance <3 Huber just wants senpai to notice him.
Loved the Yakuza impression but I definitely have to say I think Huber/Ben might have oversold it based on the things I know so while yes they're games to be excited about and I'm looking forward to them I'd say it's better to rail in expectations quite a bit on both(based what I've seen of the JP impressions).
Especially Y6 to put it in a non spoiling way, it seems like you notice this is their first game on the new engine and it shows in many ways.
Also I dispute not all Yakuza minigames are quality but that is a pain I guess only known to completionist y_y so it's irrelevant to most.
The youtube subscriber count has gone up by 3000 since E3 started. Nice to see
I'm playing through Yakuza 6 right now too (bought it when it came out and just now I'm getting around to finishing it.) and I'm wondering what minigames you aren't liking? I went through most of the story without doing many of the minigames/substories and now that I sense the end of the game is near I'm taking a break from main story to work on all of the side stuff.
Patreon numbers never really climb up much at E3. They did gain another 100 so that's great and they're at their all time high patron countthe patreon really didn't move much though. But yeah i guess it's good to get twitch and youtube subs aswell, it spreads the love and maybe those people, while following will feel the urge to become patreons.
I'm sill a bit pissed that the Kyle's Box peek vid wasn't public on Youtube.. It's not like people browse Patreon very often, like they do with youtube or Twitch.
I was speaking more to past minigames.
I certainly wouldn't call catfight club quality nor Colosseum quality there are plenty of things in Yakuza with jank and questionable design decisions.
Still love them crazy but that's the perspective I have after platting 5 and 0.
I was speaking more to past minigames.
I certainly wouldn't call catfight club quality nor Colosseum quality there are plenty of things in Yakuza with jank and questionable design decisions.
Still love them crazy but that's the perspective I have after platting 5 and 0.
He was a really good guest. Had a great Retro early days story after the podcast was over.. The issue and damiani mentioned it in chat afterwards was coming right from E3 to the stream he didn't have enough time to really curate the questions so they ended up being first come first served and the questions overlapped way to much so it really dragged. Also since there was a guest and they didn't want to hold him up I could see why they didn't push the podcast portion out a bit for more prep.Yoooooooooooooo I didn't realise Jonny Metts stopped by at Easy Allies for Friend Code! Former host of my favourite podcast, Radio Free Nintendo! Saw a bunch of negativity about Friend Code in the thread but now I'm stoked to watch it. Jonny is super smart and has great insights about Nintendo
Oh, yeah I agree with that. And while you can tell a bit this is their first game with a new engine I have to say that the high quality cutscenes look really, really good. The minigames so far in Y6 have been pretty good from my perspective, with only one I can think of off the top of my head that is kind of 'meh'. (But take into consideration that I also haven't really gotten into much of the side stuff before this week even though I'm through maybe 90% of the story).
They discussed it last night. It's in their twitch archives and it's been uploaded to YouTube. It's the first game they talk about after watching a couple trailersDoes anyone know roughly when they discussed Odyssey, or is that still to come?
Does anyone know roughly when they discussed Odyssey, or is that still to come?
But they did 3 hours of impressions last night. They stayed an hour later the first night. They're starting an hour earlier tonight. You're getting as much or more impressions than last year for sure.Have they done a Frame Trap for E3 yet? So much content to catch up on right now.
Also, whoever said they should skip podcasts for E3 week - I highly agree. Just do 1-2 hours of impressions after each day like they are is a perfect substitute. I'm sure fans will understand, maybe sprinkle in the sponsors in the stream if it's an issue.
3000 new subs is a very insignificant number, but it's not like they made any sort of effort to actually increase their youtube subs.
That is not insignificant for the EZA follower rate. You can see the E3 spike here
And they mention their YouTube channel after each closing segment. So about two times a night, and once after each press conference segment this week. That's enough for me.
the patreon really didn't move much though. But yeah i guess it's good to get twitch and youtube subs aswell, it spreads the love and maybe those people, while following will feel the urge to become patreons.
I'm sill a bit pissed that the Kyle's Box peek vid wasn't public on Youtube.. It's not like people browse Patreon very often, like they do with youtube or Twitch. anyone know roughly when they discussed Odyssey, or is that still to come?
I just hope huber has a voice still. It was fading fast last nightTonight's stream is going to be PACKED.