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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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you compare ff15's combat to witchers. the combat was the low point of witcher. the world and story were its high points. i personally dont think ff15 matches it. why dont you compare ff15's combat to bloodbornes? you both gave them similar scores. you picked the low point of witcher to compare the high point of ff15! it would be like comparing bloodbornes story to witchers.

but ultimately is the combat and storytelling really that great that you can gloss over all the other stuff i mentioned? is it that great that its comparable to witcher3, uncharted4, bloodborne, gta5? i'm only comparing them because they all have elements that ff15 tries to catch up to. the open world. the story telling. the combat. i just dont know if it does it better than any of them. so why the similar scores. and honestly, the problems with the story are the least of my concerns.

The combat is comparable to the combat in the Witcher 3 because they serve similar aims, a simplistic system with some depth to it. It's not trying to be compared to Bloodborne, so I don't see why the comparison would be in. I don't want Bloodborne combat in everything, it suits that game well, but I took breaks in it to go play other games because I needed a break from that combat. Much like I love Platinums games and DMC 3 and would actually prefer games to look at that combat over Souls combat, the aims are very different. It's more of a basic form of that style of combat that once you start getting into juggles, air combos, switching weapons on the fly, links, attacking vunerablities and warps, it feels very rewarding. I don't think the game does a good job of communicating a lot of the combat outside of the basics and you don't need to use a lot of those skills until after a chunk of chapters.

I'd love this combat system with a class system though. Dragon Age Inquisition had hints of that, but only one class ended up being fun to play unfortunately.

As an open world, I prefer to explore something like this or DA:I over GTA V. Sure, you sacrifice pedestrians for the great outdoors, but a lot of the scenery photos I've taken are just because I like looking around during the car rides while I get the exposition of the guys talking. I can't really comment on UC4 as I've not played it since I didn't like the PS3 ones. Waiting on a deep price cut and having nothing else to play at the same time. Maybe one day.


When I read the script, I thought either or a 4 or 4 1/2 would be appropriate. When I saw the cut, I felt like 4 1/2 was the right call. Definitely want to get into it. hopefully I'll have time next week.

Can you explain how the cut video influences your impressions? I always thought the review text is the be all end all for the review and that the video is just illustrating some points, conveying the mood etc.. Does the reviewer supply all the video footage and also submit a script for how he wants the video to be cut, what footage he wants at what point in the review etc.? How much of that id up to the person cutting the video?
Maybe a vid or discussion that goes a bit more into detail about the review process at EZA would be a nice thing to do when it's relatively quiet early next year or it could be on a Cup of Jones.
Can you explain how the cut video influences your impressions? I always thought the review text is the be all end all for the review and that the video is just illustrating some points, conveying the mood etc.. Does the reviewer supply all the video footage and also submit a script for how he wants the video to be cut, what footage he wants at what point in the review etc.? How much of that id up to the person cutting the video?
Maybe a vid or discussion that goes a bit more into detail about the review process at EZA would be a nice thing to do when it's relatively quiet early next year or it could be on a Cup of Jones.

I mean that's the point of editing the reviews as tightly as we do. The footage supports the script. We say something, but we're also showing it, and there's more that comes across on-screen than the text can fully convey.

As for what clips actually get used, that's a collaboration between the writer and the editor. As I'm capturing footage I'm taking notes. When I pass on those notes, I use the same language that I use in the review so the editor can easily find the right shots. Sometimes I'll highlight shots that I think are more important or more clearly illustrate what I'm saying or just look awesome. The editor puts it together and then we approve it. If there's something out of place or there's a better shot available or we just forgot to capture a shot, we let them know and have them replace it.




Best ally


I think that's a natural question. The only caveat is that it's hard for me to compare FFXV with Bloodborne or Uncharted 4. The scope of those games and what they're trying to accomplish is very different. I love both, however. Especially Bloodborne.

I feel like this is a common thing lobbed at Witcher 3, so forgive me, but while I moderately enjoy the combat in that game, I reached a point pretty quickly where it didn't excite me. I think Witcher 3 is incredible. Better than just a fantastic game. I honestly believe it will go down as an RPG "great". However, I never felt like there was enough to dig into with the combat. (And that's okay. I don't think every game that has combat needs it to be an amazing aspect. I'm just making a comparison to explain my position on FFXV)

While not especially difficult and I wish there was a hard mode, I still after 60 hours get a kick out of fighting things in XV. If you really go out of your way, there are a lot of weapons you can unlock that all feel dramatically different. Getting better at air combos, grabbing new skills for your friends, switching weapons on the fly, throwing things into chaos with magic, all of it is flashy, fun, and feels good to do.

It's not just combat, though. I think the relationship between Noctis and his friends is actually very well developed. I'm still hearing conversations amongst the group that surprise me or make me like them just a bit more. It's also very little things, which XIII didn't have. Sitting around the campfire, falling asleep on your Chocobo, and Ignis developing an absurd amount of recipes. They invest in the "brotherhood" aspect and it worked for me.

The thing is, and what's frustrating at this point in time, is I feel differently about the game than I did when I started it. I think in so very, very many ways it reveals its best aspects slowly. It's also more of a culmination of little things than a few big things that I love. I wonder if some people will have the same experience I did. Maybe not.

The last thing I want to say is that although there are certainly problems with the story, there are also moments that hit me. Hard. The ending is one of those moments, but it's a lot more than that. I wish I could say more, and I will comment specifically on that stuff when appropriate.

I hope this offers some clarity. It's nice being able to even have a conversation like this.

Thanks for this post, it's a great companion to the review as I too was (as with lots of other reviews) a bit confused by the high score and comparatively negative criticism (or at least, what I perceived as such). I used to write reviews for music and I always found it easier to point at the things that are bad than to acknowledge and define the things that are good... I should know better than to assume that a review sounding negative is telling of the writer's overall perception of the product, but it seems that I still don't and this post helped.

That being said, the issues mentioned in the review, Damiani's post and the OT do make me think the game isn't for me, at least not at full price. I thought Kingsglaive worked well enough as a lengthy introduction to a videogame (and didn't find it confusing one bit, I don't know how people got that feeling) and I do look forward to learning a bit more about that world and how its conflict resolves, but if the storytelling isn't there...It's a hard sell when there's so many other great games to play.



Thank you Ben for diving a bit deeper to your review in here! I have pretty much zero, or maybe 0.5 interest towards the game, but loved to read your posts. Also the review was excellent once again. And thanks for mentioning Witcher, it always warms my heart to hear any of you guys still talking about it!

Psst, im the one who often harasses you about Witcher spoilercast! So take this as a reminder that i'm still looking forward to it! It's never too late
I love the Kyle-kicking from Huber. No more CORPORATE KYLE!

Oh he'll be back.
He'll back in a full 3 piece suit.
He'll have someone serve him something on a tray.
He'll take a call at an inappropriate time and hold up his hand to stop the conversation while he does it.

There will be spreadsheets.


omg I'm so happy about these bets... they are always sooo good. the
bets were such a plot twist

I need to see in the next special Kyle come with a full suit and take it off on the camera.

Also Hasney, nice gift with the Money in the Bank case, it was perfect.

Mista Koo

When I first saw Brad I thought he was gonna be the German guy from The Final Bosman. Although I guess they can't use that character.


Brad, you want Level-5 to ditch Ni No Kuni 2 and make Dark Cloud 3? No good sir, the cloud can wait for another time to shine.


Also Hasney, nice gift with the Money in the Bank case, it was perfect.

The best way to ever see a gift I've given thrown to the ground. Ultima Brad has NO RESPECT.

5 new IPs announced at PSX?!?! lmao

I'm gonna go with a big ol' zero.

Eh, there was no Gamescom/PGW. I could certainly see some new IP that was left over from that usual conference be talked about here.


Still without luck
That marbles bet is the best one they've ever done.

Possible but then what if they just announce 5 new indie games those are mostly new IPs.

Yeah, they might show some new indies, but I'd have to guess a lot of those have been announced.


edit: did Huber and Brad go to the same high school?


I'm skipping lunch to see Sophie betting. Based EZA.

About the marbles bet:
The paper bag will say "marbles" but there will be no marbles in it.
I see you Bosman.

Jones at the end :lol:

the game has a lot in common with ff7. but that commonality is basically the confusing ui and controls.
Which FF7 did you play wtf

k the relationship between Noctis and his friends is actually very well developed. I'm still hearing conversations amongst the group that surprise me or make me like them just a bit more. It's also very little things, which XIII didn't have. Sitting around the campfire, falling asleep on your Chocobo, and Ignis developing an absurd amount of recipes. They invest in the "brotherhood" aspect and it worked for me.
You see, even though I also felt that the review would have a lower score while watching it, those are the reasons I didn't felt like the score and the tone of it had any dissonance. Ben clearly enjoyed how the relationship between the party members was the high point of the experience, and that is hard to communicate without going into specifics, yet he mentioned it two or three times during the review.

Also, from the little I spoke with friends, nobody was messing around with air combos or magic as much as Ben, so it's easily believable to me that he really likes the combat, even though it looks shallow to me. (But again, I can't know for certain without having played the game.)
Huber figuring out why Ian is never in on the bets on camera

The Final Bets themselves

Brad doing an admirable job carving out his place in the annals of Final Bets history. No one can replace Bosman but you'll only get better with more experience

Final Bets are back, baby

Mista Koo

The group stream is a repeat of the CTR one. You'd assume they'd play multiplayer by default. The single player group streams are only fun when it's a game you don't know what to expect from (e.g. Lupin, Magician Lord).

Oh and while Bosman doesn't understand video game genres, Captain Toad is a puzzle platformer.

About the marbles bet:
The paper bag will say "marbles" but there will be no marbles in it.
I see you Bosman.
Pretty sure that's the point. The community will be bringing the marbles.

Brad doing an admirable job carving out his place in the annals of Final Bets history. No one can replace Bosman but you'll only get better with more experience
Yeah I was expecting them to ham it up more than Bosman since they knew each other since forever.
Yeah I was expecting them to ham it up more than Bosman since they knew each other since forever.
I think that shined through in parts, especially the Final Bets

But I mean it doesn't really matter how much they know each other when they're trying to fit the format established by the Huber/Bosman Final Bets Precedent. Working out those kinks with wrasslin' references


It's full of thumb tacks, Bosman is gonna chokeslam the winner onto them to send a message

Alternatively: it's full of Keighley's money
Corporate Bosman morphs into Randy Orston Bosman and RKO's Ultima Brad out of nowhere.

Huber pulls out the viking axe someone gifted him and goes after ROBosman for revenge.


Mista Koo

I really hope they have camera ghost there to document the meet and greet, the jolliness must be seen by us all!
While I'd watch that, not everyone in the community would be comfortable in front of cameras and they wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable

Mista Koo

Nice, Jones played a full game while looking at the wrong screen!

Also they need some seating chart to make sure everyone is on camera with this angle.


While I'd watch that, not everyone in the community would be comfortable in front of cameras and they wouldn't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable

Good point :( they could maybe film bits with people who wanna be on camera, maybe make it into an Easy Update!

Nice, Jones played a full game while looking at the wrong screen!

Also they need some seating chart to make sure everyone is on camera with this angle.

They also need to sort out a microphone for the back row so we can hear what's happening properly


Bosman achieved a new level of sketchiness with that FFXV vs. TLG bet. I wanted to see Damiani lose when they first made the bet, but now knowing that Bosman had some foreknowledge about TLG back then that no one else did, I think Kyle definitely deserved to lose.



EZA E3 Final Fantasy 15 Impressions: at the 2 hr 15min mark

Ben, if you get a chance, could you let us know whats changed in the final game compared to these impressions which had you worried about what you saw? From what I've played, the things you mention in your own review, and Damiani's tweet, a lot of the things that had you worried, are still in the final version of the game. What made you go from being concerned... to giving it a 9/10?

Michael Damiani · @mbdamiani

Final Fantasy XV is at its best when it just lets you do open world quests. I really wish the whole game was just that. And on a technical level, it's pretty impressive to see how big of a world Eos really is in the end. There always felt like something to do with a large amount of side quests readily available, though there were times the world felt empty. The story is too disjointed for my liking and completely falls apart in the final third of the game. I'm thoroughly now convinced that you must see Kingsglaive to fully appreciate the setup of the game's beginning, so be warned. I just constantly felt like I was lacking enough information to fully process the events going on, and this got worse as the plot progressed. The combat may look flashy, but it's a pedestrian system that doesn't evolve much over the course of the game. Seemed like anything could be overcome with enough potions in tow, too. It also didn't help the targeting and camera work during combat is pretty substandard. All of the major boss battles had technical issues on my PS4 Pro, robbing what should have been some of the most breathtaking fight sequences I've seen in a while of their majesty. Ultimately, Final Fantasy XV feels like it was thrown together a bit haphazardly, like Tabata and his team tried to pick up the pieces of Team Nomura's Versus XIII and salvage it into a finished product. It's a bit of an inconsistent mess at times with flashes of brilliance.

EZA E3 Final Fantasy 15 Impressions: at the 2 hr 15min mark

Ben, if you get a chance, could you let us know whats changed in the final game compared to these impressions which had you worried about what you saw? From what I've played, the things you mention in your own review, and Damiani's tweet, a lot of the things that had you worried, are still in the final version of the game. What made you go from being concerned... to giving it a 9/10?
Why are you so bothered by his score? Did you really go back Nd see what his impressions were before? Did you not want the game to get a high score? Upset been did the review like I don't get it what's the problem


Speaking of FF, I may have over levelled myself. I've been having too much fun with the side stuff and now I'm 15 levels above the main story. Whoops.

I also only have enough space to save 5 more Prompto photos. Feels bad.
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