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Easy Allies |EZOT2| Love & Respect

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Colin and Greg didn't standup for Kyle?

Colin is a shithead awful person so.

Doesn't surprise me.

Bless Shu for defending Kyle though. That's why I love him so much, dude is basically gaming's jolly uncle.

And yeah David Jaffe of all people being butthurt because somebody was negative is just too rich. That's like if Romero was angry somebody said "bitch".


I'm realllllly glad that Shu defended Kyle.

Greg's face said it all though...he seems pretty petty over that misunderstanding awhile back.

Kyle on the other hand is probably like, "oh someone talked about me on stage? Wanna make a bet?!"

Colin and Greg didn't standup for Kyle?

Greg is still being petty about some dumb stuff that happened awhile back. For a guy that gives people shit, including telling his fans and subscribers to go fuck themselves, he can't really take a joke.

Greg loves Jones though.


The more I hear him go about such small stuff like Kyle's Dear Bosman part, the more I am sure Jaffe's game has serious problems and will fail miserably.

I think it would be better for him to just work on his game instead of caring what other people have to say about it.

The best way to set criticism straight is to make an awesome game. Kyle is man enough to admit when he is wrong, he has done it several times before, but as far as I can see he will be completely correct in his assumption and I think Jaffe will get burned by Kyle once the game fails miserably (I am looking forward to that one as Jaffe deserves it).

If he did not talk about that game, I would have forgotten it even existed. That's not a good sign. I will certainly not buy the game anymore (I was never interested in the first place). I understand you can get pissed of by criticism, but the fact he keeps going on about the same thing does make him look like he knows his game is going to fail and just doesn't want to admit it (he will probably also claim it's Kyle's fault when/if it fails).

I don't have any respect for people like that.


I think a whole lot of folks don't perceive Bosman as a comedian; but that's who he is.

He's not on stage in a small club or is making a career out of it but that's just the kind-of person he is who so happens to be making a career out of gaming journalism or whatever it is now and because of that, people perceive him as a cynical attacker instead of the joker trying to entertain the royal family. David Jaffe, Greg Miller, and others seem to not get that or don't even see that (and probably don't care care because hey: EGO). A comedian's job is to bust balls but apparently you have to be in a certain light to have that perceived to be appropriate.
It was probably the first thing that came to mind and I don't think Kyle thought "lol Knack". Certainly the first thing that comes to my mind these days. if someone asked me what Cerny has done, I'd probably answer Knack before architecht of the PS4 even if I answered instantly.

If someone asked me via email, I'd probably remember Marble Madness.

Watch the video of Kyle talking about it, it was hardly a disrespectful "LOL KNACK" thing, more like it was just the first thing that came to Kyle's mind besides him being the architect of the PS4.

EDIT: Also I don't know how long ago this happened but congrats on EZA for hitting over 80,000 subs!

Yeah, watching the clip again and you guys are probably right. I do find it bizarre that that's their process though, they can't spend 10 seconds to google the guy or anything.

Cerny's not a god, it's okay to be humorous with people. :p

It depends on the context. It's fine to go "lol Knack" on streams or the podcast but doing it on a big stage when you're introducing the guy seems like a pretty dickish thing to do.


There is nothing wrong saying cerny is the creator of knack since its true. Besides, it became a precursor to a post knack 2 world.


This entire Jaffe story is so stupid. Not only was the part about Drawn to Death rather mild, the end of that Dear Bosman episode actually showed that Kyle's snark had been self-ironic and part of a larger sketch.
This is the part that gets me. Did someone point this out to him? Am I missing something or did he not understand the point of the whole thing? His anger is the sketch not the games.

I think those tweets he made just yesterday seem like he's done with it. It's good enough for me to move on from, even if I think there are still arguments to be made

Jamie OD

There is nothing classy about a sequel to TLOU but "Part 2" is the nearest it's gonna get.

Classy isn't the right word but calling it Part 2 is a little touch that better fits the vibe of the series. Similar to the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie being called Vol. 2.
As for that KindaFunny / Jaffe thing I was there and shot this footage.

To be honest I was disappointed that the audience was so cheery about what Jaffe was saying about Kyle. But then again it was the Kindafunny panel not an EZA one.

Good on Shu to back up Kyle though.

It's interesting about what Jaffe said about the game awards, I guess he knows that Geoff wasn't happy, maybe he's losing money on it?


They, more or less, called Kyle a dick so...yeah.

Classy isn't the right word but calling it Part 2 is a little touch that better fits the vibe of the series. Similar to the next Guardians of the Galaxy movie being called Vol. 2.

Mista Koo

I'm realllllly glad that Shu defended Kyle.

Greg's face said it all though...he seems pretty petty over that misunderstanding awhile back.
Yep. He still remembers "Kinda Funny? Not really." as "SELLOUT!"
He specifically brought it up with Jaffe, and he doubled down on it after Shu's response.

The fact that Shu is a Kyle Bosman fan is the best thing ever.
For a while he had The Final Bosman's battle of the bands depiction of him as his display picture. Also he was in one of episodes.

It's so hypocritical as well as dubbing Kyle "negativity in gaming" couldn't be further from the truth and shows how little he knows about the people he attacks.
Nah. While he often preaches positivity he's a fairly negative person.


Nah. While he often preaches positivity he's a fairly negative person.

Yes, I'm aware of that but if you watch TFB, there is a vein of positivity that runs throughout it. Even through GT's darkest days.

I feel like the people who represent "negativity in gaming" are people like AngryJoe, TotalBiscuit or Boogie, essentially people who jump on top of recent controversies and produce videos that stir it up, fabricating narratives that the gaming industry is the publishers and developers versus the gamers. Either way, as a creator, Jaffe should be able to restrain himself from being upset by critics/comedians.
I'm realllllly glad that Shu defended Kyle.

Greg's face said it all though...he seems pretty petty over that misunderstanding awhile back.

Kyle on the other hand is probably like, "oh someone talked about me on stage? Wanna make a bet?!"

Greg is still being petty about some dumb stuff that happened awhile back. For a guy that gives people shit, including telling his fans and subscribers to go fuck themselves, he can't really take a joke.

Greg loves Jones though.

What misunderstandings?


Jaffe, just like Bleszinski, has some huge insecurity complex. They both lash out for apparently no good reason. My take is that they're designers highly respected for creating great series, respectively under the big Sony and Microsoft umbrellas, who are striving to prove they can repeat that success by themselves, yet are failing so far. That must be stressful.
Even at the risk of getting Jaffe on my ass, I'll say this:

It must be legit nerve wrecking to work hard on a game that nobody cares about. And the rare occurence when a internet personality brings it up it's just a part of a gag.


Just caught up, the PSX live stream was amazing, lots of surprises and games they care about.
Huber having meltdowns right from the beginning was hilarious, but Ben took the spot because everytime there was a good announcement for him he literally sank in the couch in pure bliss (Yakuza, NieR, etc.), also when Knack 2 came out he was all like "YEAAAHHH --- NOOO! --- I DON'T KNOW!"

Shu should have let EZA have a panel at PSX instead of Kinda Funny.

Yes please, actually make then host a part of the conference, just to have Huber freaking out on stage.


Whenever I've seen Kinda Funny they always seem to come across as more mean-spirited than Kyle/EZA, so that comment seemed quite odd.

Very disappointing of the room to turn like that, Jaffe doesn't take criticism well, does he?

Not a whole lot of love or respect goin' on.

es tut mir leid


Not to abruptly change subject but as a mean to avoid creating a new thread entirely for that point and because the EZA community is helpful (yes), also because it echoes a L&R question that often pops up ("how can I play all these games?"): I've reached a point where I know I won't be able to play all the games I've bought and I've got to make a choice. I want to play Uncharted 4, but I haven't done Uncharted 2 or 3. Which of those two should I absolutely play and which one should I watch on youtube? If either? Thank you :(


Not to abruptly change subject but as a mean to avoid creating a new threa dentirely for that point and because the EZA community is helpful (yes), also because it echoes a L&R question that often pops up ("how can I play all these games?"): I've reached a point where I know I won't be able to play all the games I've bought and I've got to make a choice. I want to play Uncharted 4, but I haven't done Uncharted 2 or 3. Which of those two should I absolutely play and which one should I watch on youtube? If either? Thanks you :(

Uncharted 2 is vastly superior to Uncharted 3, not only is the story a lot more concise and contained, the game play is slicker and it has the more memorable set pieces which you should really experience first hand

Play 2, skip 3.



Not to abruptly change subject but as a mean to avoid creating a new threa dentirely for that point and because the EZA community is helpful (yes), also because it echoes a L&R question that often pops up ("how can I play all these games?"): I've reached a point where I know I won't be able to play all the games I've bought and I've got to make a choice. I want to play Uncharted 4, but I haven't done Uncharted 2 or 3. Which of those two should I absolutely play and which one should I watch on youtube? If either? Thanks you :(

Uncharted 2 is more fun to play through imo, so if you're gonna play only one and watch the other, I'd go with that.


Uncharted 2 is vastly superior to Uncharted 3, not only is the story a lot more concise and contained, the game play is slicker and it has the more memorable set pieces which you should really experience first hand

Play 2, skip 3.


Uncharted 2 is more fun to play through imo, so if you're gonna play only one and watch the other, I'd go with that.

Let's call this a consensus! Thanks a lot! L&R indeed :)
Not to abruptly change subject but as a mean to avoid creating a new threa dentirely for that point and because the EZA community is helpful (yes), also because it echoes a L&R question that often pops up ("how can I play all these games?"): I've reached a point where I know I won't be able to play all the games I've bought and I've got to make a choice. I want to play Uncharted 4, but I haven't done Uncharted 2 or 3. Which of those two should I absolutely play and which one should I watch on youtube? If either? Thanks you :(

In my opinion, definitely play 2. 2 and 4 were my favorites of the series. 2 is much, much better than 1 if you have already played it and 3 is pretty great as well even if it gets some hate around here. Honestly, if possible, I'd just play them all and wait on 4 as it makes that last game more meaningful.

As a prior 360 owner, I went through the Uncharted Collection to get ready for 4 and somewhat struggled to get through 1. 2 and 3 are both outstanding and add a hell of a lot more context to what is going on in 4.
In my opinion, definitely play 2. 2 and 4 were my favorites of the series. 2 is much, much better than 1 if you have already played it and 3 is pretty great as well even if it gets some hate around here. Honestly, if possible, I'd just play them all and wait on 4 as it makes that last game more meaningful.

As a prior 360 owner, I went through the Uncharted Collection to get ready for 4 and somewhat struggled to get through 1. 2 and 3 are both outstanding and add a hell of a lot more context to what is going on in 4.

Now imagine if they didn't make combat changes to 1 in that collection. Uncharted 1, while good, was a bit rough in its initial release.

I'd say play 1 and 2, then read up on the story of 3. There's some great character development that goes on between Drake, Elena and Sully. As well as Cutter and Chloe. It establishes those characters for their brief references in 4 and Chloe especially for the upcoming DLC.


Not to abruptly change subject but as a mean to avoid creating a new thread entirely for that point and because the EZA community is helpful (yes), also because it echoes a L&R question that often pops up ("how can I play all these games?"): I've reached a point where I know I won't be able to play all the games I've bought and I've got to make a choice. I want to play Uncharted 4, but I haven't done Uncharted 2 or 3. Which of those two should I absolutely play and which one should I watch on youtube? If either? Thank you :(

Uncharted 4 recontextualizes most of the series to be more heavily story focused. It will absolutely not have the same impact if you don't play 2 and 3. As someone who recently played the entire trilogy again in the Uncharted Collection, 3 is not as bad as people say and in many ways is superior to 2. I felt let down by 3 at the time of release but playing the games back-to-back, it's improvements over its predecessors are more clear.

Play 2 and 3, they are both essential to your enjoyment of Uncharted 4's story.
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