Finally seen the goty show. Was a treat thanks EZA.
I loved when Huber dropped the DQ7 remake bomb. I laughed so hard.
I have Huber's back on the Overwatch argument though :-x I could totally see where he's coming from.
I think it's a map structure/objective thing related to strategic movements in Overwatch.
I had actually a somewhat similar problem with some Starcraft 2 maps(at least when talking about ground unit focused games).
The avenues of attacks are condensed in a smaller area and at any given time the main objective in Overwatch is 1 point(Payload, Area) instead of several limiting match permutation on strategic level of movement/etc. The variety in Overwatch seems to largely stem from team execution/composition, general combat.
In comparison to Dota 2(cause that's what I'm familiar with) and I assume from what was said to Battlefield 1 where more objectives are in play at any given time at the same time as well those objectives being more spread out in space allowing a wider variety of strategic movement and counter adaption.
If I'm allowed to use Dota as an example cause I've not played BF1.
There we have the towers 3 in each lane(3 objectives), jungle, ward spots, enemy hero position, runes, and as the game goes on we get Roshan, enemy half area, high ground, enemy objective, etc etc. There just a huge variance in each game of the movements you need to make/can make.
Would love to illustrate that but Overwatch to my knowledge doesn't have 2d maps. It's a super interesting design/nerd topic.
Edit: Also wishing everyone nice holidays and hope everyone goes fully recharged into the new year
(The year of valhalla