The article sounds like it was written by a 15-year-old expecting a life-changing epiphany from an E3 press conference. The author seems genuinely offended that hockey was shown on the "giant screen" when he doesn't like hockey. Really? The speakers were "equally insane?" Really?
It's one thing for people on message boards to root for "megatons" and "surprises" but to see it from Edge is surprising. It's like Edge does not know what the purpose of a press conference is (or the meaning of "contemptuous").
There were journalists from the New York Times and Time magazine there. There were buyers from WalMart, Amazon, and Gamestop. Not one of those folks was offended by the hockey or was amazed Halo still has fans who are "very much in control" (whatever that means). All those folks saw were the exclusive games people BUY (Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza, Dance Central) will have releases in the next year and that the entertainment apps which appeal to different segments will expand. It's not that hard to understand. It's a trade show. Micrsoft showed what they believe will sell in the next year (and they're very, very right and we all know it).
If you're watching a Microsoft press conference and are somehow disappointed by the prospect of Halo, Gears, Fable, Forza and Dance Central releasing in the next year, you probably should have stayed in bed. There's nothing Micrsoft could possible do to please you.