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El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron |OT| You sure that’s enough armor?

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
Hmm... so both versions have frame rate hiccups? ...kinda seems like that eliminates whatever advantage the PS3 version had. Maybe I'll go 360... ARGH...


Chacranajxy said:
Hmm... so both versions have frame rate hiccups? ...kinda seems like that eliminates whatever advantage the PS3 version had. Maybe I'll go 360... ARGH...

yep, this settles it. i compared both demos and (to me) the 360 version looked much better. news that both versions have frame rate issues in the final versions seals the deal. 360 for me.
Chacranajxy said:
Hmm... so both versions have frame rate hiccups? ...kinda seems like that eliminates whatever advantage the PS3 version had. Maybe I'll go 360... ARGH...

so far...an install on the 360 fixed the frame rate issues.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Monroeski said:
If there's one thing I didn't like about that book, it's how everybody in the book treated "grok" like it was some incredibly earth shattering concept, and you still hear about it in reviews and such talking about the book, but you could basically replace every instance of it with "understand" and nothing would have been different at all.
Because in the book, grok meant MORE than just understand. It can be reduced to that, but that wasn't Heinlein's intention.
Shalashaska161 said:
Game is surprisingly hard to find. It's mostly sold out already in my city, had to search around a bit to find my copy.

Yeah, only 1 copy at each of my Gamestops and only for preorders.

You guys think this will be a one-run print for North America?


i've spent so much money on games lately i really don't wanna cancel my $40 fry's order to find a full priced copy



Stupid backordered status -_- Called to get my order switched to store pick up instead, so I'll be going today to get that. Really excited to try it though :)


That's weird, around here (Montreal), I had trouble finding "high-profile games" (well, more high-profile than this game) such as The 3rd Birthday/Tactics Ogre on release date. However, El Shaddai was available day one in pretty much EVERY store in the region...

It's worth noting for Canadians that the game is 50$ at Futureshop while it goes for 60$ everywhere else.


Gah, backordered at Fry's as well, first time I've ever ordered anything from them. Shoulda just kept my Amazon pre-order, but the lure of eight bucks cheaper was too great. This is literally the only game the entire year I wanted to play immediately, everything else I wouldn't mind waiting a week or two. I guess maybe I could do that thing where you buy from a brick and mortar store to play and then return the sealed copy when it arrives later.

How long do these backorder things usually take anyways? Like I said, never ordered from Fry's before.


Yeah I'm kinda pissed about this Frys thing and I had a feeling I should have kept my Amazon pre-order. I'm just buying so many damn games the next few months that every few bucks saved counts.

E-mailed them. We'll see what happens.

And don't you people go getting me paranoid about this small-print-run-it's-gonna-be-unavailable nonsense!


Himself said:
And don't you people go getting me paranoid about this small-print-run-it's-gonna-be-unavailable nonsense!

Well last I checked UTV Ignition was going out of business, if they aren't already. A limited run wouldn't surprise me in the least


I called Frys and they said they aren't expecting another shipment until Sept. 5. Cancelled it and ordered from Amazon for full price. Fuck it. Lesson learned.

Has anyone dealt with Newegg.com before? I have the Ico Collection on pre-order, and if it's going to be the same story, I'll cancel that and head to Amazon as well.


My order from Monday morning on Frys has also been Back Ordered.

Fuck this shit. Knew I shouldn't have trusted Frys.

I bet anything now it'll drop to $40 on Amazon before I ever even receive my copy. Never doing an impulse buy from anywhere besides Amazon ever again.


Shurs said:

It's just his opinion of the game on a Wordpress blog. It's not like he is breaking a story or has some exclusive info or screenshots.

There are already far too many people "pimping" their sites on GAF. This is a discussion forum. Bring the discussion here, don't use it as a promotional tool. This isn't N4G.

I was being semi-sarcastic. :p

I pretty much agree with everything you said.


Himself said:
I called Frys and they said they aren't expecting another shipment until Sept. 5. Cancelled it and ordered from Amazon for full price. Fuck it. Lesson learned.

Has anyone dealt with Newegg.com before? I have the Ico Collection on pre-order, and if it's going to be the same story, I'll cancel that and head to Amazon as well.

Jesus christ! I wonder if those of who cancelled can maybe negotiate with Amazon to still give us the $10 pre-order bonus. What the hell, Frys is supposed to be reliable right?


seems like a very low circulation. My gamestop says only 1 copy per store if lucky. Bestbuy is supposed to get stock today according to the el shaddai twitter.


maks said:
seems like a very low circulation. My gamestop says only 1 copy per store if lucky. Bestbuy is supposed to get stock today according to the el shaddai twitter.

I was the only person at the GS I work at to preorder the game, and we only got 1 copy for PS3, and 4 copies (including my preordered one) for 360.


Just out of curiosity, for some of you who had backordered statuses for the game through Frys, do you not have a B&M Fry's near you?


Chacranajxy said:
I think that's a fair assumption... there's not a whole lot of B&M Fry's stores in the country.

The closest one to me is about 30 minutes away, but I didn't feel like driving out that way which is why I initially ordered online.


Man, I thought I'd be able to skip this game. I don't know if that's the case anymore.

I kept telling myself: "The combat is too simplistic to carry hold my interest for 10+ hours," but seeing the game in motion, I don't think I can pass this up. It would be best for me to wait for a price drop -- as I doubt I'll have time to play the game for awhile -- but I also think it's important to support originality. I'm torn.
Shurs said:
Man, I thought I'd be able to skip this game. I don't know if that's the case anymore.

I kept telling myself: "The combat is too simplistic to carry hold my interest for 10+ hours," but seeing the game in motion, I don't think I can pass this up. It would be best for me to wait for a price drop -- as I doubt I'll have time to play the game for awhile -- but I also think it's important to support originality. I'm torn.

What's motivating me is possible scarcity. I stopped in Berkeley's Gamestop and they only got four copies across both systems, one of which was sold to an employee. I'd have bought it on 360 if it wasn't a display copy, but I'm honestly considering going back and picking it up.


Heh, so I dropped in to see what people think, and it seems every comment since release is how people's Fry's orders are all jacked up and they still don't have the game.

's what you get for being cheapskates! :p


Shurs said:
Man, I thought I'd be able to skip this game. I don't know if that's the case anymore.

I kept telling myself: "The combat is too simplistic to carry hold my interest for 10+ hours," but seeing the game in motion, I don't think I can pass this up. It would be best for me to wait for a price drop -- as I doubt I'll have time to play the game for awhile -- but I also think it's important to support originality. I'm torn.

Other than the game being really good, this is always a legit reason for me to purchase something. Even if I don't love the game, it feels good knowing my purchase may somehow end up encouraging more originality/risk taking from developers.
Himself said:
Other than the game being really good, this is always a legit reason for me to purchase something. Even if I don't love the game, it feels good knowing my purchase may somehow end up encouraging more originality/risk taking from developers.
That's entirely why I bought it. Something this amazing looking deserves support, and the fact that the game is actually good is just icing on the cake.
The music in this game is so good! Glad I bought the soundtrack when it came out. (I haven't listened to it yet.)

Veil is definitely the best weapon in the game. The English dub is pretty good.

is hilarious.
Veil is definitely the best weapon in the game. The English dub is pretty good.
The best weapon in the game is the one you just stole from the enemy. And yes the dub I would say is great.

But for some reason I am just not feeling this game. Maybe Catherine filled my quota of weird and wacky I have to play. Or maybe I should leave it for the weekend. But for some reason I am not enjoying my self as much as I would like to. Maybe it's Human Revolution looming on the horizon.
Just beat it. Has anyone tried the Extra difficulty? I think I'll play it again on that difficulty with the Japanese voice acting.

I wonder if a sequel is planned. The Nephilim that Armaros created is shown at the end.

Lostconfused said:
The best weapon in the game is the one you just stole from the enemy.
Well, it's certainly a matter of preference, but the Veil is pretty powerful, and you can pummel groups of enemies with it. Plus, in my opinion, it has the best Overboost.
I've decided that I'm going back to Gamestop tonight to buy this, though I can't decide which on which version. Logically, I should get the PS3 version as my old 360 is loud and is running through component cables, but I find myself irrationally concerned with achievements. I don't even have a high score, nor do I usually try and go for 1000...
Y2Kev said:
I'll cut you


Got 1 of 2 copies my Gamestop got in - glad I grabbed it. Really awesome so far - some crazy shit goin on, thought I was high during the beginning. Nothing to complain about just yet! Anyone else playing w/ Japanese voiceover?

And that stainglass area, holy shit. One of the coolest areas in a game ever. Even took a picture of it with my phone - that's how excited I was. Hope there are more of those, but with combat mixed in. The level before this looked amazing too.



I wonder if a sequel is planned. The Nephilim that Armaros created is shown at the end.

See this is what my gf and I wondered about when we finished the game a second time a while ago. My gf scanned 2chan what the japanese people think about it but there were only a few mentions of this. We had the same thought about this being a possibility for a


Y2Kev said:
I'll cut you


Anyways, this game is pretty awesome so far. The art is just..wow. It's so cool. I'm only on the second level/chapter or whatever, but I'm still having a ton of fun with the combat. Even though it's so simple, I think it's pretty well animated, so seeing Enoch do all these cool moves is rad. :D MUST PLAY MORE.
Finished this tonight. Lucifel's scenes are essentially the cherry on top of this game for me. I love love love how both this game and Alice Madness Returns changed up the visual style for every chapter. You're always venturing across areas that look totally different from anything else in the game and, like someone posted a picture of above, that stained glass area in the beginning was just stunning. Also the lead up to the tower at the beginning legitimately made me say 'wow'.

I know some people have issues with the combat and platforming but I really like it in this game. It's really satisfying countering enemies and stealing their weapons just to use it against them. I expected for the initial weapon to be my favorite but I enjoyed using all three of them equally. The game makes you use everything you have in your arsenal so, unlike other action games where I just stuck with one weapon, I was always switching and having to change tactics for different enemy types. On the other side I never really found myself having issues with the platforming with the exception of one section towards the end of the game. I always felt like it worked the way it needed to and that was enough for me.

Not really a spoiler but something that happens in a Lucifel scene:
The "I got mistaken for you again"
part got a good laugh out of me. It seems so small but Lucifel talking to God through a cell phone was such a perfect match for this game. Really loved every scene with Lucifel in it.


The combat system has a nice rhythm to it, and once you learn about counter attacks and timed button presses, even better. The english voice actors are growing on me.

Lostconfused said:
The best weapon in the game is the one you just stole from the enemy. And yes the dub I would say is great.

But for some reason I am just not feeling this game. Maybe Catherine filled my quota of weird and wacky I have to play. Or maybe I should leave it for the weekend. But for some reason I am not enjoying my self as much as I would like to. Maybe it's Human Revolution looming on the horizon.

Probably anticipation for Human Revolution.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
What's the consensus on difficulty? I found the demo pretty difficult, and was wondering where the full version lies.
I strongly dislike using the ranged weapon. I'm feeling a lack of depth with it in particular, though I may just not be good enough yet.


I liked the... I've forgotten what they were called... the arrows, because you could easily air-dash out of them


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Jimmy Stav said:
I strongly dislike using the ranged weapon. I'm feeling a lack of depth with it in particular, though I may just not be good enough yet.

The Gale took me awhile, I didn't like it at first either. Try the guard breaker with it, it's incredibly powerful. Also has my favorite dash move, so I've been using it the most in combat.
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