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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion pics!

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The game sports a new "Radiant AI" system that Howard says is best described as a combination of Ultima 7 and The Sims. Rather than following pre-scripted paths, every NPC is given a set of general goals they'd like to achieve, but the details of fulfilling that goal is entirely up to them. If a citizen is hungry, they'll look for a way to get food. They might buy food, hunt it, or steal it, then find a place to sit to eat and so on. This means that every one of the game's 1,000 NPCs follows a full 24/7 schedule that continues whether or not the player is there to witness it. It also means that the NPCs react to each other, so a townsperson who decides to steal a loaf of bread in full view of the guards may find himself under arrest.

pretty ambitious goal for scheduling..
ManaByte said:
Nope. Just a P4 3.2, 9800XT 256, and 2 gigs of system RAM. I can't play on Ultra since that's for 512MB cards, but I play on the next highest at 1280x1024 and I get around 60fps when the game is moving.
P4 3.4 - 6800 GT - 1gb DDR and I certainly do not get an unbreakable sixty when the game is moving, at 1024x768 - High, no AA or AF.

Download fraps, run around with your flashlight on, then come back to me.


gamespy has a 5 page article

Of course, merely having a huge world to explore isn't much of a feature if the world itself isn't interesting. Bethesda seems to have that angle covered as well. First, the game is graphically amazing, not only on PC, where higher resolutions should be par for the course, but the eventual console versions as well. The Oblivion team is currently developing one code base that will work on PCs and next- generation consoles at the same time. "We don't focus on any particular platform and we try to do the best we can on each one," Howard said. "So, Morrowind may have started on the PC, but by the end of the project we were not focused on one platform or the other." With Oblivion, the team has known from the beginning that they'd be doing both console and PC versions, so a great deal of energy has been spent on creating a scalable code base that can be adapted to whatever eventual configuration the next generation of consoles adopts. In fact, one of the advantages of skipping the current generation of hardware should be avoiding the technological limitations that force scalebacks in design and gameplay that have plagued recent games that were developed simultaneously for consoles and the PC.

A quick glance at any of the screen shots for the game gives only a taste of the kind of graphic splendor gamers can look forward to Oblivion. Expect to see the kinds of light and water effects that were so praised in Morrowind expanded out to cover literally every surface in the game. Dungeon walls will now glisten with moisture. Skin, stone, blood and wood will accurately absorb and reflect light in amazing ways. Specific techniques include normal maps for lighting, diffuse maps for color, specular maps for shininess, and parallax maps for geometry detail. Parallax mapping is a new graphic technique that's similar to displacement mapping, but is much friendlier to video cards and will help ensure that the graphic splendor isn't restricted to the PC version.

Still, if there's one thing that reveals the game as a next-generation product, it would be the forests. Anyone even remotely familiar with game technology understands why RPGs like dungeons more than forests. Dungeons mostly consist of straight lines; forests, on the other hand, consist of trees -- and trees, with their millions of different sized and shaped leaves, are an absolute nightmare to render with any speed. That's what makes the forests of Oblivion so remarkable: the fact that they look so unremarkable. Looking at a forest in Oblivion is pretty close to looking through a window in Bethesda's office. The technology used to create these landscapes combines procedural generation of the ground based on soil type and years of erosion, places trees based on species and random growth clustering, and make a grass base on regional patterns, all of which create randomized yet realistic woodlands. When combined with full canopy shadows from the trees, Oblivion truly takes you to another place.
ArcadeStickMonk said:
P4 3.4 - 6800 GT - 1gb DDR and I certainly do not get an unbreakable sixty when the game is moving, at 1024x768 - High, no AA or AF.

Download fraps, run around with your flashlight on, then come back to me.

Or just pull down the command line and type: com_show fps 1


Wow, those look great.

I have a question about the Elder Scrolls games. Are they part of a continuous story or are they completely separate from each other like the final fantasy games? I kind of want to play Morrowind, but I've never played any other Elder Scrolls game before.


seismologist said:
Yeah but the art in Morrowind was really good too.
Agreed, pretty much. It was just the character models that were horrible shit. The landscapes and architecture and smaller objects were nice.


not an idiot
Ramirez said:
Would someone put this dummy out of his misery?

agreed... in fact, this whole thread has been invaded by about 3 different morons that are making posts that make absolutely no sense at all lol. 2 of them are noted anti-xbox fanboys, although i have no idea why they are attacking this game (a pc game) unless they think it's gonna be an xbox game because of morrowind. lol, dumbasses.

p.s. the shots look outstanding. very impressed here. hope my top of the line PC can run it smooth!

p.p.s. i really loved the atmosphere in morrowind, and the music was really nice (the little that was there anyway). i love that intro song to morrowind, i still have the song in my head and it's cool, really set the right mood with me before playing.


they call me "Man Gravy".
ohamsie said:
I have a question about the Elder Scrolls games. Are they part of a continuous story or are they completely separate from each other like the final fantasy games? I kind of want to play Morrowind, but I've never played any other Elder Scrolls game before.

Not sure about the first one, but the next three (daggerfall, morrowind, and now oblivion) are all part of one continuing storyline.


ohamsie said:
Wow, those look great.

I have a question about the Elder Scrolls games. Are they part of a continuous story or are they completely separate from each other like the final fantasy games? I kind of want to play Morrowind, but I've never played any other Elder Scrolls game before.
They take place in the same world, with shared kingdoms, histories, etc., just at different times and in different regions. Very cool way to do it if you ask me, especially with Morrowind and its huge TES toolset, since you can then incorporate your favorite parts of previous games as recurring characters in your own storylines.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I hated the gameplay of Morrowind so I'm skeptical with this.....I mean, the freedom was absolutely insane, and I absolutely love the kind of exploration that Morrowind allows, but it got really tedious and the actually gameplay mechanics, like fighting, were just horrible. (I'm basing this on the Xbox version). Hopefully this game will have actual fun gameplay.

The graphics are fucking gorgeous, however.

Seriously, this is fuckin awesome...



ferricide said:
wow. it looks like bethesda hired an art director. good move!
yeah exactly what i thought when i looked at these screens. the second shot for example, the armour is not overdone/gaudy like the previous game, but it doesnt look boring either. the knight is modeled well in the first shot.
good art! finally!
This difference this time is that the player's stats determine what they can do, and how effective those things are, but they're now in full control of the "when." Blocking a blow is manual, for instance, but the effectiveness of that block is determined by your character's block skill -- things like how much damage the block absorbs, how much fatigues it causes and so forth. Striking an enemy with a sword is no longer random, but the amount of damage caused is a function of strength and weapon skill.
As it should be.

If the construction set for Oblivion is as flexible as Bethesda is making it sound the mod support should be even more outstanding than it was for Morrowind.

It'll be a hard wait for this one.


is beloved, despite what anyone might say
The forest looks fantastic... saw this before, in the Game Informer preview. Isn't this gonna be on Xbox 2 first?


Will start substantiating his hate
shpankey said:
although i have no idea why they are attacking this game (a pc game)
It takes more than high'ish polygon counts to impress some people. These screens impress neither artistically nor technically. The renderer looks about on par with the CryEngine.


'The difference between this gen and next gen graphics won't be big'

Can we finially put an end to that stupid phrase?


Slo said:
My God some of you people are dumb. If this game WAS Zelda you'd all be creaming your pants.

Might have something to do with the fact that Zelda is a quality franchise.


Arcticfox said:
One year before the game came out:

Looks like the version of Morrowind that I played.

Actually, it looks quite a bit worse. That second shot is of Ald'ruhn, just outside the the big huge crabshell. The actual final model looks substantially better. Same with the NPCs. But then maybe those screens are from the Xbox version which might've used those scaled-down assets in the release version.



Zilch said:
Might have something to do with the fact that Zelda is a quality franchise.
You're either a damn fool or just have a very console-centric view on gaming if you think the Elder Scrolls series is anything other than the very defenition of quality franchise. Hell, Morrowind isn't even the best game in the series, Daggerfall was. And don't go judging the franchise by that shit ass Xbox port. The PC version was miles better and still is, even with the GOTY rerelease on Xbox.

Grey Fox

I loved morrowind.Other than a few problems(class system,not enough dungeon variety,fighting system),I played it and enjoyed it quite alot(although I haven't gotten through the first expansion yet).Even just after looking at these few screens,I'm already sold.Only problem now is the wait.

Sho Nuff

I think I need a new pair of pants.

Seriously, this looks utterly fucking incredible and anyone who says the contrary is retarded.

I'm worried about the NPC AI, though. It sounds like something that could easily break/screw up the game.

Todd Howard is an awesome guy though, if anyone can make it work it's him.


Drek said:
You're either a damn fool or just have a very console-centric view on gaming if you think the Elder Scrolls series is anything other than the very defenition of quality franchise. Hell, Morrowind isn't even the best game in the series, Daggerfall was. And don't go judging the franchise by that shit ass Xbox port. The PC version was miles better and still is, even with the GOTY rerelease on Xbox.

I've played Morrowind. Awful art, decent graphics, aimless gameplay. I've got Daggerfall (or whichever game Bethesda's got on their website for free dl) but I honestly can't be arsed to play it.

I will say that this Oblivion stuff looks quite promising.


I've played Morrowind. Awful art, decent graphics, aimless gameplay.

It's not "aimless". You're given direction, whether you want to follow it or not is up to you. Though I do think they needed to work on making it easier for the player to keep track of it all, which is what they seem to be doing with Oblivion.


Really very nice looking.

Hopefully they've hired better character artists/modellers this time around.

It's not necessary that the characters look anime... just that they're good looking! Make's quite a markable difference in the way a game's 'art direction' is seen really.


Looks incredible, especially considering how large and open-ended this game will probably be.

Hope the Xenon port will be able to handle 720p. :)
GaimeGuy said:
Good luck programming that AI....
Heh, that's a very fair criticsm. Shit, nothing I say sounds un-sarcastic anymore does it?

I wonder if Bethesda thinks they can get away with shirking AI, as they obvioiusly did in Morrowind, because they are making an RPG and there's really no RPGs I know of that have or need complex AI. Most NPCs are either quest dispensers or XP-fodder, after all.

Thing is, Bethsoft is has been doing something very unique with bringing the perspetive to first-person. They stress immersion over all else, letting players get lost in the reality that they have created. However they only try to immerse you through graphics and daunting size; the AI has thus far remained in the Doom days.


It looks to me like they're getting back to the Daggarfall roots based on seeing you can ride a horse again. I have Arena, Daggerfall, and Morrowind with all the expansions. I've got to get this to complete my collection! Bah. Maybe I'll pick up Redguard and Battlespire.

I think this game will be pretty good. I just hope for three things:
1. When you enter a dungeon, the music changes.
3. Jigglys!! (You know what I'm TALKIN BOUT!!! :D )

Check this mod out!

Vieo said:
Check out my hawt elf chick, dooderz!!
The only thing that interests me in that pic is that it looks like you've an alternate way of displaying magical items that doesn't involve that smeary, flashy shit.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Doom3 ain't bad at all, but it does not hold that framerate.

On anything shipping. Anyone claiming to have a consistent 60-70 fps on Doom3 at the highest settings, post your specs.


they call me "Man Gravy".
gblues said:
Actually, it looks quite a bit worse. That second shot is of Ald'ruhn, just outside the the big huge crabshell. The actual final model looks substantially better. Same with the NPCs. But then maybe those screens are from the Xbox version which might've used those scaled-down assets in the release version.


I dont know what game you were playing, but those pics are almost exactly what the game looks like. The draw distance is clearly extended out beyond what the "normal" playable frame rate is, but those are the same assets (models, textures, everything) that were used in the final version of Morrowind.


First tragedy, then farce.
The reason Elder scrolls kicks so much ass is the story/backstory. If you want to you can literally spend hours reading a set of books about some battle that isnt all that important to finishing the game, but will give you a better appreciation of the game world...

the story however is told in a great way. In most RPG's you have a good guy a bad guy and a story that is set in stone. In Morrowind you have different houses, none of which are completely evil or completely good.. they just have political differences. Even the main story has several different angles to it... you have the Ashlanders version of the story, the temples version, the tribunals version, Dagoth Urs version.. and its not a cut and dry matter of who was or wasnt right.. its more of a political struggle that you are in the middle of.
That may be so, stooge, but Morrowind's world was when you got right down to it, so bland and static that it became difficult to really enjoy such backstory. It mnade it feel so cotnrived and lifeless. I loved Morrowind, put a lot fo tiem into it, but after a while the static nature really grated...anyway it looks like this instalment will correct such problems.

Do The Mario

Unconfirmed Member
Looks great, I have being meaning to pick elder scrolls 3 game of the year edition for ages now!!!

What console will this game come out on? Next gen Xbox??


Optimistic said:
That may be so, stooge, but Morrowind's world was when you got right down to it, so bland and static that it became difficult to really enjoy such backstory. It mnade it feel so cotnrived and lifeless. I loved Morrowind, put a lot fo tiem into it, but after a while the static nature really grated...anyway it looks like this instalment will correct such problems.

agreed, though there were many more problems :b

still...200+ hours had to mean something, right? :(


It's always nice to see lots of trees and bushes. It's just something I'm not used to yet. Polygon trees have normally just look like shit if they try to maken 'm look realistic.
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