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Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion pics!

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cybamerc said:
Oh yes, have you played Morrowind?


Number of people surprised by this revelation = 0

cybamerc said:
Yes. Another problem. You probably aren't going to see too many games where the trees have individually modelled leaves next gen but the problem here is that these groups of leaves are all facing the same way making it extremely easy to notice the repetition.

Congrats. You've just taken the field of nit picking to a whole new idiotic level.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
cybamerc said:

> Oh yes, have you played Morrowind?


Thank you Mr. Idiot Trolling Uninformed Game-bashing Man, we salute you!

I suggest you stop posting in this thread before your credibility is ruined any further, for you have no concept of what you are arguing against.

Just go away, now.


OMG every leaf isn't individually rendered. Bethesda are a bunch of lazy retards.
OMG instead they used a quad for every leaf and texture mapped leaf textures onto them, what a bunch of lazy retards.
Good lord. I guess the thread title should just read: Bow down and kiss Bethesda's ass! The perfect game is created! All game engines will be shit compared to Elder Scrolls 4! Developer's: Quit your engines! License Bethesda's! Dissenters will be prosecuted to the fullest!

What I love, however, is the dueling logic. It's the greatest graphics ever and you're not allowed to be critical. But on the other hand, people explain away the fact this is not your typical game, Elder Scroll games have never been typical, and your missing the point by focusing on the graphics... as the series has always been beyond the graphics. Who cares if this isn't perfect, or that, it's amazing for an Elder Scrolls game. Exactly. So why are people taking it so personally and responding with some truly pissy remarks (Not everyone) when someone doesn't think it's the end of graphics evolution as we know it. It may be one of the best games to come out for the entire next generation, but be on the lower side with the graphics. So what? And I will forever hold to the notion the forests have some very odd effects to the eye and that games next generation will generally handle this better than this game.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
ravingloon said:
Good lord. I guess the thread title should just read: Bow down and kiss Bethesda's ass! The perfect game is created! All game engines will be shit compared to Elder Scrolls 4! Developer's: Quit your engines! License Bethesda's! Dissenters will be prosecuted to the fullest!

What I love, however, is the dueling logic. It's the greatest graphics ever and you're not allowed to be critical. But on the other hand, people explain away the fact this is not your typical game, Elder Scroll games have never been typical, and your missing the point by focusing on the graphics... as the series has always been beyond the graphics.

No one is saying that these are the best graphics of all time, nor is anyone saying this is the perfect game. Everyone is excited because they see a game like MWIII with much improved graphics and NPC AI, plus a host of other improvements. MWIV sounds like it is shaping up to be an awesome game, but the graphics are only one reason why.

That is why posts like this:

cybamerc said:
It takes more than high'ish polygon counts to impress some people. These screens impress neither artistically nor technically. The renderer looks about on par with the CryEngine.

coming from someone who has admittedly NOT played MWIII but who still continues to post negative comments across 8 pages of thread is so incredibly laughable. He only sees still screen captures from a game he doesn't understand nor comprehend, while 95% of the people in this thread know the real reasons WHY these screens are so damned exciting.

Nothing wrong with being critical, just know what the hell you are talking about first.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Nothing wrong with being critical, just know what the hell you are talking about first.

That's just what he does...

I don't think I've ever had an argument with him where he has actually played the game in question (outside of Rogue Squadron III, that is). It never ceases to blow my mind...


Will start substantiating his hate

> Thank you Mr. Idiot Trolling Uninformed Game-bashing Man, we salute you!


> I suggest you stop posting in this thread before your credibility is ruined any further

I suggest you stop reading my posts if you have a problem with me offering my opinion. The board even has a handy ignore function so you won't have to think about it.

> for you have no concept of what you are arguing against.

So I take that you've played this game?

> coming from someone who has admittedly NOT played MWIII but who still continues to
> post negative comments across 8 pages of thread is so incredibly laughable.

I'm just commenting on what I see. These screens don't look good to me. I don't see how it is relevant that I haven't played a 2.5 year old game. That's like saying you can't judge a painting unless you're familiar with the rest of the painter's work. It doesn't make any sense.

Incidentally, the reason why I keep posting is because of people like you who keep following up on my posts.


Please elaborate on that earlier comment of yours.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Please elaborate on that earlier comment of yours.

You trolled several times in this thread, so I figured, I'd go ahead and do the same.

You have no interest in the series and have never played any of the previous games, yet you stumbled in here and posted several negative posts in a row. Sadly, I was unable to match the trolling greatness that is you and was only able to muster a measly ONE troll before giving up the ghost (and, of course, my troll was not nearly as eloquent as your collection).


Will start substantiating his hate

> You trolled several times in this thread

I did? How so?

> so I figured, I'd go ahead and do the same.

So you admit to violating the ToS?


Hang out with Steve.
ravingloon said:
And I will forever hold to the notion the forests have some very odd effects to the eye and that games next generation will generally handle this better than this game.

Never mind the fact that not only are those screenshots several months old, but that the game is a long way from being finished even now. I guess we should just stop working on the game, since you're already convinced that you've seen the final graphics and there's no way they could conceivably be improved. ;)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
>I did? How so?

Review the first page for details and decide for yourself.

>So you admit to violating the ToS?

Of course not, I simply did as you did. Have you violated the ToS? If so, then I suppose we both did. :)


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
well this thread is about done.... no more pissing in the wind contest for y'all
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