I have an issue with you because you made 4 non flavor posts yesterday, none of which said anything original. The point of votes on people like that is to get them to be more active and contribute to the thread, and it's my philosophy that if your vote manages to do that in a situation like that which i voted for you in, than your vote is successful
I do have a legitimate issue with the way launch shut down any discussion on you.
I can find the specific posts now that I'm on a desktop
(Fuck launch already has/had 100+ posts)
First post taking issue with the salva vote because salva may not have had time to get to focus on mafia
Fair enough
The 2nd one was the one that confused me. He's attaching himself to salva by defending salva, a low activity poster that could've easily been lynched day 1 and would've probably showed up town. Nice excuse right? And if it was in the future, it still could've happened. It seems like he's attaching himself to salva at a time when it's the easiest to do so
Other two posts on salva, in response to me and my vote. Now in the 2nd of the 4 posts launch talks out of his ass on the activity of the likely scum players, mentioning medium-high to medium-low posters, while paying lip service to low activity and substance posters. This one's more of a guess, but he makes me people automatically think more about those posters while launch himself is already sitting in that top 3 range.
Me pointing this out yesterday in passing
Now this sucks for lone_prodigy, because it feels like he shouldn't have to be accountable for his predecessor's actions, but he in fact does, and I did not like launch's behavior yesterday one bit.
Hmm, ok yes, this makes sense. So in this theory you assume launch attached himself to me in a ploy to make himself look more townie, since he had no reason to defend himself. Now that launch is gone and lone_prodigy has taken his place, you are continuing in this train of thought since its the lead you have.
Well, the problem is, I am town and I have no way to prove if Launch/lone_prodigy are town or not, what I can do is tell you that I have played a few times with launch by now and there has been situations where I have either saved him for been lynched when I defend his playstyle, while he defends me because of my playstyle. In a way we usually are in the same channel when it comes to reads and opponents.
Now, I don´t know if Launch was abusing this fact as to gain my trust or town trust, but when he made that defense of me it was, well, uncalled for, I had very few votes and he decides to call you out more as to inform you, rather to defend me.
In the case of lone_prodigy, I don´t think launch´s actions are a good lead into his role, since he has clearly been played different than launch do.
I have no reason to defend lone_prodigy, but he still hasn´t made something that would make me suspicious of him. But I do find your choice of following a lead into a player that has been replaced to be, well, iffy. l_p is at a clear disadvantage here, and targeting him right now seems like an easy out for a mafia player to get a town role killed, since the new player is more likely to contradict himself with what the player he replaced could have said.
Its a weird situation, since the chance that l_p is actually scum is likely too, but I honestly think he is not suspicious right now, as he has been thrown midgame and needs time to adjust. Lynching him seems like a dick move, so I won´t vote for him right now.