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Election 2016 [Mafia] | Everlasting GOPstoppers

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I'm just going to stick with what I had planned before this claim mess began.

Vote: El Topo

I understand that me being a silencer makes you guys suspect me, but other than that I believe I've explained myself as much as I can at this point, I stand by what I did/say, and my actions should speak loudly about me being town-aligned. If you guys feel there's anything I can do to "redeem" myself, let me know. I would be ok with you guys lynching me since in the end I'm just an ordinary, but (1) it's not like most useful roles haven't died already and (2) we're getting close to lylo and I don't want to be a stepping stone towards that scenario.


El Topo (3)
El Topo

Fireblend (1)

CornBurrito (0)

SalvaPot (0)

Blargonaut (1)

*Splinter (0)


5 votes are needed for majority.


I'm just going to stick with what I had planned before this claim mess began.

Vote: El Topo

I understand that me being a silencer makes you guys suspect me, but other than that I believe I've explained myself as much as I can at this point, I stand by what I did/say, and my actions should speak loudly about me being town-aligned. If you guys feel there's anything I can do to "redeem" myself, let me know. I would be ok with you guys lynching me since in the end I'm just an ordinary, but (1) it's not like most useful roles haven't died already and (2) we're getting close to lylo and I don't want to be a stepping stone towards that scenario.
Woahh come on man. "Close to lylo"? One more mislynch and it IS lylo. Pretending you don't care about being lynched is straight out of the beginner's playbook, but it absolutely doesn't work at this point in the game.

I was literally going to agree with you until that statement. How much time do we have and can we get a vote count please?


Woahh come on man. "Close to lylo"? One more mislynch and it IS lylo. Pretending you don't care about being lynched is straight out of the beginner's playbook, but it absolutely doesn't work at this point in the game.

I was literally going to agree with you until that statement. How much time do we have and can we get a vote count please?

I said I'm not ok with lynching me. I mentioned being ok with being lynched on my pre-typed post, but no more.


Ouro you're hurting because i threw you under the image macro stained bus.

I understand, we'll talk it out later, my sweet.


I said I'm not ok with lynching me. I mentioned being ok with being lynched on my pre-typed post, but no more.
Huh... That's not how I parse that sentence at all... I 'guess' I can see it, but it seemed more like: "I don't mind being lynched, but here are a couple of reasons you might not want to".
english obviously.

I better not say that too loud I'm about to go to Birmingham.
Yeah I type slow apparently
I think Fireblend is Electorate. Let's probe.

I want Fireblend to silence me tonight.

You claim to have 2 out of 3 shots remaining. Use one on me tonight.

You can really do it to anyone you want, but I'd prefer it if you do it on me. I'm a GOP Loser with no powers, and I don't want you targeting anyone else tonight and possibly hitting a GOP power role. I want to see for myself how Ourob informs the victim. If I end up dead tonight, it's either somebody's went and tried to frame Fireblend for my murder, or Fireblend killed me himself as a double-twist fake-out.

So, you must agree to do this to ME, Fireblend. No one else. You're on the table now, and you've got no other way off it except through me.

- If I'm not silenced tomorrow, you're a liar and you're gonna get lynched.
- If you claim to have been blocked or either of us switched tonight, you're a liar and you're gonna get lynched, because I highly doubt there's a Roleblocker or Switcher left amongst the eight of us.
- If I end up dead, you end up as a mighty fine conversation piece with a very high possibility of getting lynched by tomorrow's end, unless you work against your faction and actively help the remaining GOP find who framed you. You'll undoubtedly try to frame someone like CornBurrito or El Topo, and maybe even gain traction for that framing because of them being prior high-profile suspects. But it won't work, Fireblend. Because I just said so.

Thus, by Silencing me tonight, you'll be proving that your Silence ability is NOT a 1-shot; and, if you're really, actually scum Electorate, you're now stopped from being designated to carry out tonight's Kill order, because I highly doubt you can both Silence and Kill in 1 Night. I could be wrong about that, so take that with a grain of salt. But, if I'm Silenced tonight and a kill still occurs tonight, that will prove there are still 2 scum left if my theory is right, and potentially exonerate you, Fireblend, depending on who dies. I think.

And, if the Electorate decide to issue a No-Kill order and lay low to foil my plan, then we'll all have a happy #winning No-Kill Night; which, can only be spoiled if there's an SK. Thereby, this plan could prove if there's an SK or not as well.

Fireblend, you're now publicly committed to silence me for your own sake. Pressure him to do this, everyone.

Silence me tonight if you want to live, Fireblend.

*even though hitting a Power Role with a Silence won't affect them in anyway, but still, I'm the most viable candidate here for this gambit
I believe he is a silencer. I don't believe it is GOP. How does him silencing you prove that Blarg? Also no offense, but given how often you switch your vote and how important voting is at this stage of the game, silencing you could end in disaster if you are town.


Blarg, I don't like the idea of using my power on you tonight. If I do, that's the same as giving you a shield for the next day (if you survive the night) and I don't want to make you impervious to scrutiny. I know you claimed to be Jeb and that was a risky claim to make, but that doesn't make you confirmed town.

Let's say that I'll do it only if Cabot agrees on the plan.

El Topo

I know, that's what I said, Mr. Topo

But why would he lie about that part? If he is mafia and has a partner, he could just silence you and his buddy would kill someone else. If he's town, mafia could just kill you and he'd be doomed, no matter how many there are.
It's right there, bruvs

Thus, by Silencing me tonight, you'll be proving that your Silence ability is NOT a 1-shot; and, if you're really, actually scum Electorate, you're now stopped from being designated to carry out tonight's Kill order, because I highly doubt you can both Silence and Kill in 1 Night. I could be wrong about that, so take that with a grain of salt. But, if I'm Silenced tonight and a kill still occurs tonight, that will prove there are still 2 scum left if my theory is right, and potentially exonerate you, Fireblend, depending on who dies. I think.

And, if the Electorate decide to issue a No-Kill order and lay low to foil my plan, then we'll all have a happy #winning No-Kill Night; which, can only be spoiled if there's an SK. Thereby, this plan could prove if there's an SK or not as well.


El Topo

I'd like to remind you all that on D2, Fireblend voted for Hyper, then told Kalor to switch his vote to BSP. His explanation today? He wanted to avoid a tie. That doesn't even make sense.

His justification for the silencing? Help town. But he didn't come forward at any point, not even when we were speculating about it, because he wanted to protect himself, even though he has no other power. That's a bit selfish if you're town.

I'd also add that he stayed out of the discussion for quite some time on D4, letting others take the lead.

El Topo

I think drawing more attention to me is the wrong way to go though, considering on who we decide to spend our time is critical.

I think we need to to discuss our options. If we lynch town, that puts us in a very precarious situation if there are two mafia members.
fixed the list, I missed our dear Palmer.

I have thought and I actually think there might be 4 scum in a 16 player game. Looking at it like this:

Powers on GOP side:

Cabot: clears two people or outs on scum guaranteed.
Sorian - Doctor
Me - one shot kill
Salva: 50% you die when targeting me (psuedo bulletproof)
Kingkitty: 50/50 messages and cop
Lone: wall block
Kalor: double vote

With the exception of kitty these are all very powerful abilities.

In comparison GOP has had message sending and a silencer that can be gotten around with image macros. I think this may have been Ouro been playing around with numbers and trying to balance it out via making town PR both more numerous and more powerful.

I really hope I am wrong on this though because if there really are 3 scum left we need to play this perfectly.
Blarg, I don't like the idea of using my power on you tonight. If I do, that's the same as giving you a shield for the next day (if you survive the night) and I don't want to make you impervious to scrutiny. I know you claimed to be Jeb and that was a risky claim to make, but that doesn't make you confirmed town.

Let's say that I'll do it only if Cabot agrees on the plan.


But you not doing it proves that you're nothing but chicken, McFire.

Finger 'Lectorate bad.

I think drawing more attention to me is the wrong way to go though, considering on who we decide to spend our time is critical.

I'm not voting for you. I'm asking you to cooperate. You claim to be GOP-aligned and have GOP interests at heart, and I'm giving you a chance to do so.

My vote will remain on El Topo today. Consider that an official locking-in.


I wouldn't out a scum, I'd out a non-town.

Guys, how clear can I make it. Ouro let it slip to me that Fire is a multi-shot ability.

Are you happy?

That's my friendship with Ouro gone. GONE!

We were going to play Rocket League together.
Perhaps this is hypocritical of me since I was given the chance to prove my claim, but I really don't want to give Fireblend, who I think is scum, a free night just to see whether or not he can use his power more than once. Forcing the other scum to do the kill doesn't seem worth it at this stage in the game. What happens if he is scum and there is a kill? We either find out his buddy did it or that there may be a SK? Big whoop. How does that info help? If there is an SK and we mislynch today AND fireblend is scum, we practically give victory away to scum or neutral.


Something ocurre to me. I am on mobile so it might be messy.

Both confirmed electorade are not candidates. They are voters. Ideologies. Inmigrants and atheists are people who GOP dos not value.

Whar other voters are usually against GOP interests... internet users.

Most memes go against GOP candidates and the internet es mostly a liberal place.

I think fireblend es a internet u ser and es aligned with TVE electored
Also, I can't be bothered to finish typing this up right now, so ima leave it here in all its unfinished glory

I'll update it tomorrow if I'm still alive, probably

Enjoy~ ^_^



kingkitty Day 1 RIP
GOP Mike Huckabee, Conduit to God/Town Random (50% chance of success) Faction Investigator & Messenger

Sorian Night 1 RIP
GOP Ben Carson, Neuromancer/Town Doctor

Burbeting Night 1 RIP
GOP Bobby Jindal, Loser/Town Citizen

LaunchpadMcQ/Lone_Prodigy Night # RIP
GOP Donald Trump,

Hyperactivity Night # RIP
Electorate Atheist/

bananaspaceprincess Night # RIP
'No one' Undocumented Immigrant/Mafia-aligned Neutral Voteless Antimiller (displays Town affiliation upon investigation)

nin1000 Night # RIP
GOP Lindsey Graham, Loser/Town Citizen

  • cabot
    GOP Mr. Ted Cruz, Climate Change Denier/alleged Town-aligned, 1-shot Daytime Day-extending Faction Investigator (POWER USED, CONFIRMED)
    99% GOP​
    VOTE: nin1000

    Don't worry Mr. President.


    I stand here with your birth certificate in my hand. We'll find out if you're really a terrorist.


    Don't worry, my fellow republicans. Your day 1 just got a little bit longer. The sun never sets in our America.




    The day phase has been extended.


    Well, here we are.

    I am Ted Cruz, Climate Change Denier.

    Yes, yes. It was me all along.

    I'm GOP-aligned, obviously.

    My ability allows me to throw the command and determine the alignment of the person with the most votes, which in this case is our man nin1000.

    The return of I KNOW, RIGHT means our esteemed President is also GOP-aligned, and he owes me a favour. Perhaps I can run vice on the next democrat ticket or something, because that's the only way I'll be getting into office.

    Why did I do it D1?

    - Excitement
    - I was a little too loose with the photos in the end and I felt like I was on the NK list considering the Mafia know I'm not scum, so being so comically Ted Cruz-y was suspect on their end
    - It would help a pointless town lynch on D1, which is nice and all.
    - Palmer, Sorian had said they were out today, and I'm actually going out tonight. Ouro followed up a PM saying the day gets extended, so I thought this would be beneficial for me to get absolutely plastered without checking my phone for mafia results.

    I did come into the game with the endgame of going out early, and to be honest I maybe would have tried to push the voting direction a bit more to someone suspicious (kingkitty) but when I did the read list, I expected some comments and discussion, I didn't expect a hounding and a pretty sizable vote list.

    Two options from here I can see:

    1) You lynch me and my flip confirms what I say here
    2) You trust me and Mafia may NK me, but you get a lot more Ted Cruz.

    Have at ye.

    Cabot, I take it your ability is only one time use?

    I believe you're GOP because you've kept us organized and going, and your used power leans pro-GOP. However, I fully expect you to die tonight, so please air out all your concerns before the Day's up. Electorate's gonna cut off our head (you) sooner or later and I need all the intel I can get if I'm going to assume your position tomorrow. Yes, me. I promise I'm going to take whatever you hand me at face value, and not twist your words post-mortem.

    And no, that's not an open threat from an Electorate lackey. I'm simply stating the obvious as a fellow GOP constituent. You're a hero, and they're gonna make you leave.​
  • El Topo
    Captain Chriscrunch Flav Christie-Flavor
    86% Electorate
    Hi BSP.

    VOTE: bananaspaceprincess


    Goodbye, BSP.

    I did what I had to do. Anything you want to get off your chest before you leave us, BSP?

    Sorry you wasted your power.

    But why end it early

    We had like 24 more hours

    Wait, what? You were telling the truth?

    Fuck this shit. At least I didn't die before I could use my power.

    Explain el topo


    Is this just a day power, or an override?

    That's chris christie who said that right?

    Watch the highlight tags, people.

    I swear to god el topo if you were screwing with us on this...

    If this isn't an override I want to know what the fuck this is

    Would I really repeatedly pretend to have anger issues only to fake role claim/power claim with the faint hope of squeezing out information out of BSP?

    Oh well, it was worth a shot. Had kinda hoped BSP would spill the beans. Too bad Ouru was still around. You're no fun Ouru.

    So yeah, sorry about that. I had kinda tried to show anger issues and my distinct dislike of the decision so that the fake power claim would seem more realistic. I waited until BSP posted because I had already feared Ouro would come in and tell us that it's nothing or that you guys would figure it out before BSP could post.

    I had forgotten it's against the rules to use highlight tags. Truly sorry, Ouro. Truly sorry, BSP. I should've consulted you first, Ouro.

    I feel like I should thank you but then I think, no. You were giving me a heart attack El Tropo!!!! Ganz und gar nicht nett!

    Given ouro's response, I half believe it

    The other half thinks you got information, it seems really likely

    It's just the ouro response that makes me feel stupid

    Funny thing is I AM NOT A BULLY sounded like a read command, damn you Ouro!

    It wasn't actually my idea. Roytheone made me do it, he is the real culprit, the real evil mastermind. You should all go to him and tell him what you think of this no-good, rule-breaking move. He also called you all names. Bad names.

    Funny thing is I AM NOT A BULLY sounded like a read command, damn you Ouro!

    Do you know how many Republican quotes I had to go through to find something that fit?

    I don't entirely like how nonchalant you are about this right now

    But I'll drop it for now

    (after Kalor reveals himself as a Doublevoter, and doublevotes El Topo)

    What the fuck is even going on? Everyone now votes for Kalor, who uses his ability to double vote? I don't even.

    What is wrong with you guys? I'm GOP.

    Jesus fuck. So many fucking claims.

    I dunno what to even ducking do anymore. Vote: El Topo

    What? No. You guys should be able to guess my name, that is enough.

    Firstly, your tandem

    Secondly, BSP's non-reaction to your bloody feint.


    pls Topo


  • SalvaPot
    GOP-aligned Ron Paul, Libertarian/alleged GOP-aligned 3-shot Random (50% chance of success) Veteran & Priest (can't hammer the vote, CONFIRMED)
    50/50 GOPlectorate
    I am Ron Paul, Libertarian, aligned with the GOP. I love the 2nd amendment but as I don´t practice trigger discipline, I can accidentally kill the people that visit me at night, according to my role pm its a 50/50 chance. If someone dies when visiting me, I get a pm with the message OOPS and the person I killed. I can OOPS someone 3 times.

    So Sorian visited me, I don´t know why, since I had the idea that he didn´t like me, and well, OOPS. This is why I am adamant on my defense of bsp, since I know she is at least not responsible of Sorian´s dead, that would be me.

    I decided to keep quiet since I wanted to see how would people would rationalize the two deaths, and I am surprised how everyone jumped on the neutral wagon. Either way, I don´t want either bsp or l_p to die right now, I don´t feel either of them is a good choice for lynching.

    As of how believable my role claim is. lol, well, that is really up to you guys. Honestly if I am lynched I don´t mind, I am aware mafia will try to call my bluff and kill me the following night, but seen as my role might take one of them with me I honestly want to Dare them to do so.

    So yeah, if anyone should be responsible for sorian´s death is me, there is no SK, at least not yet revealed, and I still think there could be a vigilante among us. Just wanted to let it out there so town can move on with this SK talk that I know for a fact is not true yet.

    I still strongly suspect hyper, due to his heavy pursuit of launch/l_p, but to be honest with you I honestly don´t have a strong scummy vibe from anyone in particular. I know, I know, fucking SalvaPot changing the game so late in the day. Right now I am reading back on the reactions against bsp, since I think there is a high chance we find a scum between them.

    I said I believed her claim, didn´t I? If I believe her I clearly think she is innocent, she has made a pretty good defense I´ll say.

    I don´t think I am as valuable, I already killed the doc and there is no real way to prove my role other than lynching me. If I am lynched at worst you lose a 50/50 bomb against town, if an investigator tries to clear my name I could kill it too, so if anything I also claimed out of my own interest, if I had waited any longer then another PR could had visited me at night and be killed again. Would you have liked that?

    a 50/50 bomb against mafia I meant.

    Also I want to get behind the Kalor vote.

    Vote: Kalor

    I forgot to mention, my role has a second ability. I can´t hammer the vote. I send a pm to ouro to clarify and he said I could vote, just my vote can´t be the final one.

    dat bolded

    So, SalvaPot claims responsibility for killing Sorian the Town Doctor

    Okay, okay. According to my calculations,​
  • Kalor
    GOP Rick Perry, Smart Guy/alleged Town-aligned 2-shot Doublevoter (POWER USED, CONFIRMED; 1 more use remaining)
    60% GOP​
    Ok, I was writing up a big post about how I suspect Lone_Prodigy and getting a bunch of evidence for it but the more that I go through old posts the less that I suspect them and started looking at El Topo. However I will post some other stuff from that post that is important.

    I am Rick Perry, Smart Guy and I am with the GOP. I am able to double vote twice per game but can change it as many times as I want during the day, as only the most recent vote counts. For now I'm voting for El Topo, I need a bit to write about the posts that I found strange. I just wanted to claim before it is too late.


    And while not related to El Topo, here's something that no-ones brought up.

    Well Salva's role claim changes things.

    I am Donald Trump. I'm good at construction (look at those towers) so every night I can WALL someone. The walled are roleblocked and protected.

    If this is true then we essentially have/had two doctors. Sorian was a straight cut doctor with no weirdness to their role while apparently Lone_Prodigy can roleblock people and protect that person from being killed. Sure, the protecting part makes sense since no-one can get to them but two doctors in a game where we seeminly only have one kill per night (last night being the exception) seems odd.


    Anyone up to switching all of our votes yet again? Who even is left? Hyper? NF? (might as well...)

    I'm not sure about El Topo. Is that like a one shot thing, Ouro?


    Twice per game, switch it as many times during the day as I want.

    I'm not sure on El Topo, I needed to claim before we ran out of time and my Lone_Prodigy argument fell apart when I read into it.

    Kalor, can you tell us more about your flavor? is there anything else in your PM, like, why can Rick perry double-vote?

    I've been working on persuading the American Voter not to vote and as my vote is worth more due to scarcity.

    Also, I was intending on switching to bsp to save my skin.

    I really hope BSP and L_P are telling the truth.

    DOUBLEVOTE: Hyperactivity

    (and Kalor's power is confirmed to exist by Ourob)


    Hyperactivity (5)
    Kalor (DOUBLED)


    So, Kalor has a​
  • CzarTim/Cornburrito
    GOP-aligned Roger Ailes, President of FOX News/alleged Town-aligned 1-shot Vigilante (POWER USED? CONFIRMED? 0 uses remaining)
    5% Electorate
  • Never Forever/Blargonaut
    Crown Prince Jebediah Bush of the Floridian Barony, 1-shot Successor to Neoclassical American Royalty (used)
    Loser/Town Citizen
    100% GOP​
  • *Splinter
    GOP Scott Walker, Blowhard/alleged ???-aligned power role
    41% Electorate
    After reading his Star Wars breadcrumb, I thought he was going to name-claim as GOP Ronald Reagan, hence this tentative reply of mine; yet, it turns out he's claimed as one of his GOP Padawans. He then goes on to insinuate that he has a power role by title-claiming as 'Blowhard'.

    I did a quick Google trawl of Scott Walker + Star Wars, and actually came up with this connection. But then, *Splinter goes for INITIALS breadcrumbs, instead of actual LORE breadcrumbs, for his claim's backbone...?


    I'm inclined to believe that *Splinter is scum Electorate.​
  • Fireblend
    GOP-aligned Carly Fiorina, Ex-CEO/alleged Town-aligned 3-shot Silencer (POWER USED, CONFIRMED; 2 more uses remaining)
    50/50 GOPlectorate
    I dunno. The reason he used his Silence ability only once could possibly be because he​

8 remain.

  • El Topo
  • Splinter
  • Fireblend
  • SalvaPot
  • CornBurrito
  • CornBurrito
  • Splinter
  • Fireblend
  • cabot
  • Kalor
  • Blargonaut
8 remain.


If I take my vote off of El Topo, it'll look like I'm in cahoots with him. I ain't. I strongly believe that El Topo and *Splinter are the remaining Electorate scum. Therefore, I'm locking in my vote on El Topo today as a symbolic gesture.


VOTE: El Topo



Firstly, if you're not gonna take the top off Topo today like we all originally planned, I suggest that y'all lynch *Splinter today. He's who I would've moved my vote onto, if I wasn't busy pinning El Topo down in a noogie lock.


I think Fireblend is Electorate. Let's probe.

I want Fireblend to silence me tonight. You claim to have 2 out of 3 shots remaining. Use one on me tonight.

You can really do it to anyone you want, but I'd prefer it if you do it on me. I'm a Loser with no powers, and I don't want you targeting anyone else tonight and possibly hitting a GOP power role. I want to see for myself how Ourob informs the victim. If I end up dead tonight, it's either somebody's went and tried to frame Fireblend for my murder, or Fireblend killed me himself as a double-twist fake-out.

So, you must agree to do this to ME, Fireblend. No one else. You're on the table now, and you've got no other way off it except through me.

- If I'm not silenced tomorrow, you're a liar and you're gonna get lynched.
- If you claim to have been blocked or either of us switched tonight, you're a liar and you're gonna get lynched, because I highly doubt there's a Roleblocker or Switcher left amongst the eight of us.
- If I end up dead, you end up as a mighty fine conversation piece with a very high possibility of getting lynched by tomorrow's end, unless you work against your faction and actively help the remaining GOP find who framed you. You'll undoubtedly try to frame someone like CornBurrito or El Topo, and maybe even gain traction for that framing because of them being prior high-profile suspects. But it won't work, Fireblend. Because I just said so.

Thus, by Silencing me tonight, you'll be proving that your Silence ability is NOT a 1-shot; and, if you're really, actually scum Electorate, you're now stopped from being designated to carry out tonight's Kill order, because I highly doubt you can both Silence and Kill in 1 Night. I could be wrong about that, so take that with a grain of salt. But, if I'm Silenced tonight and a kill still occurs tonight, that will prove there are still 2 scum left if my theory is right.

And, if the Electorate decide to issue a No-Kill order and lay low to foil my plan, then we'll all have a happy #winning No-Kill Night; which, can only be spoiled if there's an SK. Thereby, this plan could prove if there's an SK or not as well.

Fireblend, you're now publicly committed to silence me for your own sake. Pressure him to do this, everyone.

Silence me tonight if you want to live, Fireblend.


In conclusion, if y'all do choose to stick to today's original agenda and lynch El Topo, I'd be totes fine with that; but, if so, *Splinter should definitely be on tomorrow's hit list as the primary lynch target. SalvaPot and CornBurrito are secondary objectives. They claimed as Veteran and 1-shot Elevate their priority if there's another double kill tonight.

Also, memo to me: never join mid-game ever again.
Something ocurre to me. I am on mobile so it might be messy.

Both confirmed electorade are not candidates. They are voters. Ideologies. Inmigrants and atheists are people who GOP dos not value.

Whar other voters are usually against GOP interests... internet users.

Most memes go against GOP candidates and the internet es mostly a liberal place.

I think fireblend es a internet u ser and es aligned with TVE electored

Lol. A flavor based argument based around how liberal the Internet seems to be? I didn't really consider that.

El Topo

Let's look at Blarg's plan.

1.Fireblend is mafia

1.1 If there are two remaining mafia members, they could simply kill someone. No information gained, since we don't know for sure whether Fireblend is mafia.

1.2 If he is the only member, he could kill Blarg, in which case we would likely kill him. If he silences Blarg, he could still claim to be town. If there are only two total mafia members, that makes it likely there is a serial killer, so there might still be a kill that we could not properly attribute.

2. Fireblend is town

2.1 Mafia kill Blarg, Fireblend is in trouble and gets lynched. Not helpful for us.

2.2 Mafia kill someone else, we get no information.


Ugh. I'm afraid that by not lynching me tonight you guys are going to focus on me tomorrow instead of actually catching scum, when we're going to be super pressured to do so. I obviously can't convince some of you at all and since my question about how to redeem myself went unanswered, I'm nothing more than salvo for scum to distract you. I can't even tell if now I should be suspicious of Corn because of how hard he's pushing against me.

I'm not scum. Is there any way I can get this through your heads? Why would I claim to be the silencer the way I did if I was scum? =/


Ugh. I'm afraid that by not lynching me tonight you guys are going to focus on me tomorrow instead of actually catching scum, when we're going to be super pressured to do so. I obviously can't convince some of you at all and since my question about how to redeem myself went unanswered, I'm nothing more than salvo for scum to distract you. I can't even tell if now I should be suspicious of Corn because of how hard he's pushing against me.

I'm not scum. Is there any way I can get this through your heads? Why would I claim to be the silencer the way I did if I was scum? =/
What exactly es TVE reasoning forma your ability in the flavor text?


What exactly es TVE reasoning forma your ability in the flavor text?

By using the skills I picked up during my totally-not-disastrous time as the CEO of HP, I can downsize a player during the night three times, making it so that they are only allowed to vote ONCE (and cannot change) and must post using image macros during the next day phase. I do this by PMing the command DOWNSIZE: <player> to Ouro during the night.


Ok think I've got this figured out. My vote stays on Topo today. I'm 50/50 on him but if I'm wrong I'll have a much clearer picture tomorrow
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