Zep said:Man, Rod Woodson is just LAYING into the HOF committee. Said it should be balanced because none of those journalists strapped up a helmet. Apparently they got wind of his comments and got pissed.
I plan on playing my game today. :lol Should be a romp, I can crush the AI on All Madden with the Jets, so the Giants will make it an even easier game. :lolRorschach said:Who was the Giants? I won the game as the Giants too. :lol
"It is obvious that it wasn't as thorough as it could have been," Warner says of the league's probe. "I don't have any information on why they didn't talk to him or how far back they went, but just knowing that there was somebody that was involved in that [video department], and he wasn't talked to or they didn't go back that far -- I guess it is disappointing. You would think that if they do an investigation for the integrity of the game, that they would try to do everything possible. And maybe they did, and they just missed it. But as a purist and someone who wants to see the integrity of the game stay where it is, it is a little disappointing that they didn't [look] under every rock to figure this out and to do something to make sure it doesn't happen again."
Reached late Saturday afternoon, Mike Martz, now the offensive coordinator for the San Francisco 49ers but the head coach for the Rams in that Super Bowl, told ESPN.com: "I hope that is not true. I have great respect for Bill Belichick. It's hard to believe that is true. It's a serious allegation and I hope it is not true.
"Again, they had a great game plan," Warner says of the Patriots' performance in Super Bowl XXXVI. "Coach [Bill] Belichick has been known for that. They executed it very well. And I think you look back from our side and say, 'Well, we had played them once [that] year. They had a good feel for what we were doing and how to stop us. I go back and look at that game and say, 'The approach they took with us is that we're going to beat them up and beat them up and beat them up until the officials make a call.' And I think they went in with a premise that in a Super Bowl, the officials don't want to dictate the course of action. So they're going to be slow to throw flags, especially a bunch of flags.
"At the same time, I think everybody wonders to what extent did they [illegally tape opponents]? Was this something that was just done on game day, or was it something they did throughout the week? [Did] they go to practice facilities? And I think that is the question. And I think that is the unfortunate question, because New England has done a tremendous job. They have been very good for a long time.
"But anytime you have something like this go on, and you get caught doing that, it raises questions. And I think rightfully so. I mean, to what degree did this go on? To what degree did this help them? For how long did it help them? Those are natural questions that you ask when somebody gets caught doing something like this. It does go through your mind. And then, at the same time, as a player, you say, 'OK, even if they had our signals, how much would it help?'"
Another former Patriots quarterback, who spoke to ESPN.com on condition of anonymity, says that New England pushes the envelope further than most teams and that the Patriots were doing so long before they were caught in September.
As Warner paints the picture, that Super Bowl wasn't like any other loss. It derailed a franchise and damaged careers and reputations.
"Let's just say, for instance, that what they did had an effect on the second Super Bowl that I played in," Warner says. "And then to see the course of my career from that point forward -- there was some dramatic changes. Had I won two Super Bowls, some of the things may not have happened through the course of my career. Now, obviously, I put my faith and trust in a much higher source than any cheating that is going on, and believe that God has a distinct purpose in what goes on. But I'm just one example of how our situation in St. Louis deteriorated after the loss of that Super Bowl.
"After we lost the Super Bowl, the organization went into a little bit of a downward spiral, as you see with a lot of teams that lose the Super Bowl. You see how career situations were altered after losing that game. You look at Mike Martz. If he is a Super Bowl winner, that is a whole different thing. Or just maybe guys, that was their only chance to be in a Super Bowl. And to go away losing it instead of winning it, that is a huge deal.
"So if [the Patriots] did something that affected that game, I would hope that all the parties involved would do everything they could to make sure that it doesn't happen again. And to make sure that something that somebody earned wasn't taken away from them in any way, shape or form by somebody not doing or abiding by the league rules."
MiG and I play it every year against each other. AI is too easy. :[Wellington said:I plan on playing my game today. :lol Should be a romp, I can crush the AI on All Madden with the Jets, so the Giants will make it an even easier game. :lol
kbear said:Absolutely despicable stuff from Belichick and the Patriots. Further comments from Kurt Warner:
Ex-Ram Warner wants NFL to expand probe of Patriots
I've always thought they were such a fluke of a dynasty... and now we know why.
So you'd rather believe Goodell, who destroyed evidence and has huge incentive to cover this all up so to not tarnish the NFL's image, over Walsh and these other guys who have absolutely nothing to gain?Eric WK said:Furthermore, he said that the league has investigated any allegations of signal stealing in the past by the Patriots (before the Jets game) and didn't find any evidence to suggest they were guilty.
Eric WK said:You're taking a rumor that arose the day prior to the Super Bowl and parading it around as fact with some quotes from Kurt Warner.
Roger Godell was just on Mike & Mike and literally said that signal stealing in the NFL has been pervasive and going on for years. The reason the Patriots got in trouble was because they used an electronic device. Furthermore, he said that the league has investigated any allegations of signal stealing in the past by the Patriots (before the Jets game) and didn't find any evidence to suggest they were guilty.
EDIT: Godell's quotes are going to be on Sportscenter within the next half hour.
SonnyBoy said:When did Ron say this? And I assume it was the comitte that got pissed...?
kbear said:So you'd rather believe Goodell, who destroyed evidence and has huge incentive to cover this all up so to not tarnish the NFL's image, over Walsh and these other guys who have absolutely nothing to gain?
Btw, I hear people saying that this is awful timing by Specter, the media, newspapers, etc., to bring this story back up to the forefront during Superbowl week. In reality, it's perfect timing. Never will there be a time where more people can be enlightened to the devious nature of this franchise. I hope the Patriots are tarnished forever and that the Giants dismantle them tonight.
I'm not saying other teams don't steal signals. Signal stealing has always been a part of football. It's just that the Pats took it to the next level by using a camera. That's blatant cheating and they were caught. I have no doubt they've been doing it for years but just now got caught. Goodell saying there was no evidence it happened before the Jets game is meaningless... it's obvious they've been doing it for years. What do Walsh and these other sources have to gain from this? They have so much more to lose than to gain, which is exactly why Walsh didn't go into specific details or hand over evidence. I have much more reason to believe them than the NFL which will do anything to protect it's image.Eric WK said:You're out of your mind. You must honestly believe that the Patriots are the only organization to ever attempt to gain a competitive advantage through signal stealing. You know, despite the fact that Mike Shanahan has bragged in the past about times where his staff has used binoculars to watch a practice. There isn't a franchise in the league who hasn't done some sort of signal stealing in the past.
The Patriots used a camera, they shouldn't have, the were caught, they were punished. Arlen Specter calling Godell into his office and even trying to get Tom Brady to meet with him because he's concerned the Patriots had an advantage over the Eagles in 2005 is absolutely absurd. That's not a direct quote, but it's pretty damn close paraphrase.
Specter was also on Mike & Mike this morning and was essentially revealed to be a disgruntled Eagles fan. After interviewing both of them, Mike Greenberg admitted for the first time that this entire thing is downright ridiculous. And it is.
Out of curiousity, do you believe that the Pats have been taping their opponents' practices since Week 1? I'm assuming you don't. I'm guessing you'll admit that okay, they haven't cheated since Week 1, but clearly you think they've cheated for the duration of their dynasty. So I then ask how this "fluke of a dynasty" may be culminating the best single season in the history of professional sport in a year when you don't (or at least shouldn't) believe them to have "cheated" for seventeen of eighteen games?
kbear said:Regarding the perfect season so far... come on? They should've lost that Ravens game. They could've easily lost the Colts game. Does it really matter? That monster Vikings team with Cunningham and Moss went 15-1, didn't they? The Steelers went 15-1 that year. So have a bunch of other teams. There's so much luck involved in the NFL. Just because the Pats have one less loss than those teams... got one lucky break or one bad call go their way, etc., doesn't mean that this regular season is so much better than those ones. By the way, the Patriots' past success has made it enticing for free agent prospects to join the team. So it's not at all unreasonable to think that past cheating had an effect on this season. The Moss deal was ridiculous... he was given away for peanuts. And a major reason he wanted to join NE was because of their success, which might very well have been influenced by their past cheating if these revelations are true.
How does that paragraph paint me as petty? It paints me as the complete opposite of petty. In it I say that "does it really matter 15-1 and 16-0... a bad call here, a lucky break there... the one less loss means little to nothing" to paraphrase. That's the opposite of petty. The one less loss doesn't make their regular season SO much better than the others who had a single loss or whatever.Kintaro said:See, I was fine with you bringing up whatever you wanted to believe whatever you want. That's fine.
However, this paragraph right here completely paints you as a pretty petty sports fan. If not person.
woodchuck said:this is like a no-win situation.
i hate both teams, but i'll be rooting for the pats.
38 - 27 new england
Fuck man I think you want them to win more than I do. :lolkbear said:Let me just say one more thing. Never have I rooted for a non-Philly team in a big game like I have for the New York Football Giants tonight. I want to see Brady mauled to the ground over and over and over again by the Giants' superior pass rush. I want the Giants to systematically dissect the Patriots tonight... offense, defense, special teams, I want to see an absolute massacre in every sense of the word. Do any of you know the ramifications of a Patriots win tonight? They'll be legendary... we'll never ever hear the end of it. Anytime a debate about the best football team ever is brought up, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots. Every season when a team is going undefeated and finally loses, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots popping champagne in celebration. It's not relegated to just football, either. Whenever a debate rolls around about the greatest teams in sports history, this team and this evil franchise will be mentioned.
Do you guys realize what is at stake here? The Giants must win this game, for all that is good in football.
kbear said:Let me just say one more thing. Never have I rooted for a non-Philly team in a big game like I have for the New York Football Giants tonight. I want to see Brady mauled to the ground over and over and over again by the Giants' superior pass rush. I want the Giants to systematically dissect the Patriots tonight... offense, defense, special teams, I want to see an absolute massacre in every sense of the word. Do any of you know the ramifications of a Patriots win tonight? They'll be legendary... we'll never ever hear the end of it. Anytime a debate about the best football team ever is brought up, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots. Every season when a team is going undefeated and finally loses, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots popping champagne in celebration. It's not relegated to just football, either. Whenever a debate rolls around about the greatest teams in sports history, this team and this evil franchise will be mentioned.
Do you guys realize what is at stake here? The Giants must win this game, for all that is good in football.
kbear said:Let me just say one more thing. Never have I rooted for a non-Philly team in a big game like I have for the New York Football Giants tonight. I want to see Brady mauled to the ground over and over and over again by the Giants' superior pass rush. I want the Giants to systematically dissect the Patriots tonight... offense, defense, special teams, I want to see an absolute massacre in every sense of the word. Do any of you know the ramifications of a Patriots win tonight? They'll be legendary... we'll never ever hear the end of it. Anytime a debate about the best football team ever is brought up, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots. Every season when a team is going undefeated and finally loses, we'll hear about the 2007-2008 Patriots popping champagne in celebration. It's not relegated to just football, either. Whenever a debate rolls around about the greatest teams in sports history, this team and this evil franchise will be mentioned.
Do you guys realize what is at stake here? The Giants must win this game, for all that is good in football.
kbear said:How does that paragraph paint me as petty? It paints me as the complete opposite of petty. In it I say that "does it really matter 15-1 and 16-0... a bad call here, a lucky break there... the one less loss means little to nothing" to paraphrase. That's the opposite of petty. The one less loss doesn't make their regular season SO much better than the others who had a single loss or whatever.
Wellington said:The real question... who is Konex going for?
MSNBC said:You bought into New Eli, Plaxicos prediction, Bradys bad ankle and those playoff wins at Tampa, Dallas and Green Bay. You hold out hope for an epic upset. You KNOW its going to be tight. Im sorry. Its not going to be that way. The Giants have no shot.
Thanks bro, likewise. I am about to get ready to go too.Big-E said:Heading out soon to get an early start on drinking. To Wellington and the rest of the Giant faithful, I wish you guys luck and may the best team win today.
Wellington said:Thanks bro, likewise. I am about to get ready to go too.
In all honesty I just want the hype to freakin end.
:lol :lolskinnyrattler said:A question that needs to be answered: Why the fuck is Keyshawn wearing a sash?
I just try to ignore it.MiamiWesker said:And so the sad sad people that try to find any reason they can to discredit the Pats continue to do so even today, and its even going to be worse when they do win.
Wellington said:The real question... who is Konex going for?
Xeke said:I've never seen people cheer against a team so much.
Go Patriots!
Hootie said:Anyone up for a ban-bet?
Then just use 4 to 1 odds for the betarts&crafts said:patriots are 4 to 1 favorites :lol