I want some level headed football fans on this one; looking through the dynasties of each decade (Steelers of 70's, 49ers of 80's, Cowboys of 90's and Pats of 00's, please dont argue them, thats how it is) none of the previous ones ever lost a SB in their decade. The pats are the first dynasty to lose a SB, does that diminish them a bit. I am not looking to compare dynasties here, I don't care if you don't think the Pats are worthy or whatever. What I am asking is does a loss of a dynasty team hurt their previous acheivements. Think of it like this if the 49ers lost a fifth SB in the 80's would it hurt their image or do they get credit for making it to another SB.
So far for me, I think the Pats lost something. Brady doesn't look as awesome as he did. Belichick doesn't seem like the genius he once was. I don't think its fair cause they made it to the SB, they had an incredible season but thats my first gut reaction. Its weird.