Got that cool million from the blueprint CG for being in the 10% lol. I got mine when I was doing a Sothis run. I took missions to salvage blueprints. I got them and then just abandoned the mission.
1 tonne of explosives put me into the top 50%. (testing)
600 tonnes put me into the top 25%. (1 trip)
2400 tonnes put me into the top 10%. (4 trips)
Lol that's pretty smart. I said screw it when looking all over for blueprints and not finding any and then seeing the rewards were going to suck anyway.
I think one way to make exploration interesting really shouldn't be about going here to scan something because it is pretty shallow. Once you discovered the new planet there's not much reason to go back and of course you sell the data. It should have certain game mechanics that makes it interesting and it should get more things out of exploring, and those things you discovered should matter a lot for you personally( not just sheer satisfaction) and affect the simulation a great deal.
Setting Position
Standing Position
Anywhere from 24.5" - 50.5" since it's a sit/stand desk. Uplift900 frame with custom desktop on top of it.woah, nice idea. They seem kinda low though. What's the actual height of your table?
Those are great. They hold the weight of your hands without wobbling?
Python trading build I can hopefully upgrade to from my Asp soon. Sothis
Should i even bother trying the CG with my cobra mk3 with 32 cargo space? I have 9.5 mil and was saving for an asp explorer cargo build.
yup that looks like mine alright. I can't bear to take all the weapons off unfortunately because I cant' stand backing down from a fight and I swapped fuel scoop (4a) with shield boosters (5a) but looks good, looks good. I packed mine launchers in mine to mess with people lol.
Fucking Modular Terminals.
And the bitch of it is that I don't actually want anything from Qwent, but he's the only way to unlock Palin for Grade 5 thrusters. My Courier needs those. It needs them.
Dammit now I can't either XDcan't unsee that visual glitch on the star.
I am loving gas giants with rings.
Exploring more tonight. Found this neat planet that is in a very tight orbit with another.
Take a couple loads in for each side to get in the top 75% and get a huge payout, but don't kill yourself.
Pure run, no gun build.
I'm planning to throw together a separate Vulture setup for any combat CGs that come up. I definitely want to get a FAS or FDL going eventually ad I really enjoy the combat, but for now the fastest way to get money seems to be trading.
how do I turn in community goal? I have 32 skimmer parts in cargo. Do I sell them>? Theres no mission to turn in
Sell in the commodity menu.
If you're feeling tentative about it, you can always sell one then check the mission board to confirm.
Silly question: Why disengaging from supercruise to a station changes from 1km, 8km and 10km? Is it because of the mass of the station?
How would you guys even make exploring more interesting without making it tedious?
How much tons are usually needed to get a decent payout from these community goals? I'm in an AspX with 112 tons of cargo space and a one jump loop. Doing Imperial explosives.
Logitech: please make a console flight stick thanks.This can only be good news considering the state of their QC under MadCatz:
Got to do two more Sothis runs and I can upgrade to a Python.
Better get started.