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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

I probably spent several hours exploring for the fun of it to try and track down what the goal was asking for, but after the fun ran out, I realized I could easily make double or more what the reward was by doing other things :p

I think this goal must be bugged, because it doesn't make any sense what it is asking you to do, and the fact that no one has made any real progress on the goal after a week.

The vagueness of it makes really tough. You can either search for encoded signal USSs or get a cargo hatch breaker, find the convoy beacon (basically a CZ) and find a T9 not with a faction. Then you have to engage it, force it to shit cargo, then scoop it and run.

Not worth the hassle IMO

Not Spaceghost

Oh my god that was some scary shit, this CMDR in an FdL kept interdicting me but not doing anything I'm 100% convinced he was trying to bait me into attacking him since he was clean in the system.

Eventually he got fed up and just opened fire on me as I engaged my FSD, I dumped chaff but it didn't do anything, I realized he was probably using 4 fixed multis and they were making quick work of my shields, I managed to jump to supercruise the instant my shields gave up but I'm convinced if I hadn't I would have become a mangled space corpse in seconds.


Oh my god that was some scary shit, this CMDR in an FdL kept interdicting me but not doing anything I'm 100% convinced he was trying to bait me into attacking him since he was clean in the system.

Eventually he got fed up and just opened fire on me as I engaged my FSD, I dumped chaff but it didn't do anything, I realized he was probably using 4 fixed multis and they were making quick work of my shields, I managed to jump to supercruise the instant my shields gave up but I'm convinced if I hadn't I would have become a mangled space corpse in seconds.
Yes if the fdl had 4 multis plus another huge hardpoint, you likely would have been shredded in seconds


Decided to join a local faction in a high intensity conflict zone, took out a few ships and all of a sudden a fucking HUGE battlecrusier jumps in! Almost took me out with only 10% hull integrity left, I supercruised the hell out of there just in time lol.

Can you actually take out the battlecrusier?
Decided to join a local faction in a high intensity conflict zone, took out a few ships and all of a sudden a fucking HUGE battlecrusier jumps in! Almost took me out with only 10% hull integrity left, I supercruised the hell out of there just in time lol.

Can you actually take out the battlecrusier?

You can force it to flee by taking out enough heat relays.
Decided to join a local faction in a high intensity conflict zone, took out a few ships and all of a sudden a fucking HUGE battlecrusier jumps in! Almost took me out with only 10% hull integrity left, I supercruised the hell out of there just in time lol.

Can you actually take out the battlecrusier?

Yes. I forced one to flee for the first time a couple of days ago as 2 of them squared off. It was pretty cool. He ran off limping.


So I noticed this last night and I can't unsee it every time I jump. Don't like it being painfully obvious I'm flying through a series of PNG images. Is there a mod or setting that fixes this?


Can't unsee now.


Just add a "Got it" option you have to check in such missions.

That's not very realistic. You should have to fly back to the station where you bought the cargo, request a refund with full receipt, watch a forced extended FMV of your cargo being unloaded, wait 48 hours for funds to clear, before being allowed to fly back and accept the mission.


They are out there but difficult to find one that isn’t already tagged. I’ve honestly never come across one that wasn’t tagged, so kudos to you!

Yeah feels pretty good, though I don't know how one is supposed to even look for them considering how far you need to zoom in just to see them. I just happened to find it around 1000 ly from where I was, exactly where I was wanting to plot my route to.


Yeh, I think neogaf is in a neighboring system as well (or it used to be). Cant remember which one.

But whats the point of expansion if there isn't any benefit from it?

Thats kinda cool..

Im guessing its pretty hard to rally people to do it though.. probably not much money in it.


Exploration and Powerplay are deservedly getting votes. No fucking idea what the ship progression/choice people are on about. That's like the last thing they need to work on. Ships mean nothing without content to use them for.


I'll eat my fucking socks if we ever get an exploration focused update. The only reason the game has 400 billion systems is because it makes for easy eye-catching marketing.

Not Spaceghost

How would you guys even make exploring more interesting without making it tedious?

I really don't know what I would do to change things up other than maybe having to use the SRV more for additional pay out. Like you could collect soil samples of exotic moons and planets.

Thargoids have the opportunity to mix up exploration but I don't know if increased random chance of maybe death is what it needs lol.
Until you get more detailed landings exploration will be harder to improve. Though doing stuff like terraforming with exploration marking sights and players receiving divedends from successful colonization would be interesting. Would also like to see a more dedicated large exploration ship with a forward view more like the Asp line.


Until you get more detailed landings exploration will be harder to improve. Though doing stuff like terraforming with exploration marking sights and players receiving divedends from successful colonization would be interesting. Would also like to see a more dedicated large exploration ship with a forward view more like the Asp line.

The dream!

Not Spaceghost

I think for exploration some kind of meta goal could be cool, like warping into part of a nebula and you get a notification saying that you would rewarded for scanning a certain number of systems in that nebula or something like that.

Also would be great for explorers to have the ability to help set up small planetary outposts and begin colonization. The outpost could generate exploration based missions asking to retrive samples from near by systems or planets.

Perhaps a new type of SRV that allows for construction? This might encourage explorers to fly in wings too.

The galaxy is definitely big enough to allow players the ability to build stuff on it outside the bubble.
I never got into exploration (need to get on that at some point), but colonization definitely seems like a natural progression of exploration. I don't know how much Frontier would be into the idea of players making their own outposts/colonies though.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
How would you guys even make exploring more interesting without making it tedious?.

Just a couple of popular ideas:

- Exploration Missions. I know the devs keep saying that this is coming someday, and if an update was exploration focused then these could finally make it into the game at long last. These alone would greatly add gameplay and purpose to exploration.
- Exploration Surface POI's. These could be natural formations on planet surfaces that the SRV scanner picks up which can be scanned (like nav beacons) for exploration data. Random just like normal surface POI in the bubble, but it would give deep space explorers more reasons to bother landing and driving around. The further from Sol the greater the data value.
- Orrery System Map. This was in the original alpha feature list of things "coming soon".
- Natural Signal Sources. These would be signal sources that would appear all over the galaxy, both in and out of the bubble, containing natural stuff like rogue asteroids or comets or even rogue planets, things that could be scanned for exploration data that can then be sold for credits. The further out from Sol you are the more valuable the data is.
- Core Samples. Allow explorers to land on planet surfaces and take even greater detailed data scans of planets which yield more data to be sold. Maybe even make this only possible with a new type of explorer specific SRV?


Just a couple of popular ideas:

- Exploration Missions. I know the devs keep saying that this is coming someday, and if an update was exploration focused then these could finally make it into the game at long last. These alone would greatly add gameplay and purpose to exploration.
- Exploration Surface POI's. These could be natural formations on planet surfaces that the SRV scanner picks up which can be scanned (like nav beacons) for exploration data. Random just like normal surface POI in the bubble, but it would give deep space explorers more reasons to bother landing and driving around. The further from Sol the greater the data value.
- Orrery System Map. This was in the original alpha feature list of things "coming soon".
- Natural Signal Sources. These would be signal sources that would appear all over the galaxy, both in and out of the bubble, containing natural stuff like rogue asteroids or comets or even rogue planets, things that could be scanned for exploration data that can then be sold for credits. The further out from Sol you are the more valuable the data is.
- Core Samples. Allow explorers to land on planet surfaces and take even greater detailed data scans of planets which yield more data to be sold. Maybe even make this only possible with a new type of explorer specific SRV?

All of these ideas are great, but I have kind of given up waiting for them to come. Every new update Frontier updates everything except for the exploration aspect of the game.

I'll probably be Elite in Exploration by the time I come back from my current trip and I don't know if i'll have the drive to do anymore past that.


Just a couple of popular ideas:
  • Exploration Missions
  • Exploration Surface POI's
  • Orrery System Map.
  • Natural Signal Sources
  • Core Samples

Would any of this create in any way a compelling game loop however? I kind of doubt it. The orrery map for instance is nothing but "bling". More types of signal sources, no matter whether in space or on the surface, might only spice things up a bit, but might ultimately make exploration more tedious. You go there, you find things, you scan them, you turn data in, you get credits, the end. That is the exact same exploration loop we have today, only with a more broad range of things to find. I don't think that'll cut it.

Normally, what makes for compelling game loops, is a sense of progression or a goal to work for. Progression and goal here is pretty much limited to reaching Elite in exploration and doing sight seeing. Maybe discovering an Earthlike. Normally however, that feeds back into your game, e.g. by providing you with access to further game elements and mechanics that were previously unreachable. But there is little to nothing that is unreachable in exploration once you have an appropriately outfitted Asp. Kind of the curse of a sandbox game. No aritificial restrictions of your capabilities, but that also means if the base mechanics are shallow and there are no complex meta mechanics on top of them, you're stuck with something shallow.

One thing that might make for a sense of progression in exploration or any other profession for that matter, is a robust mission system which somehow lets you progress from low ranks to the upper explorer ranks with increasingly complex and fun missions and interaction with the game's factions. But Elite currently has no such mission system (only very rudimentary for other professions). For a more robust and fun mission system, more elaborate game mechanics than scanning things, shooting at them and gobbling them up as cargo would probably be necessary. It's a multi layered issue that starts from the very core of the game's mechanics. And it very likely is not solved by adding some hundred different kind of signals on the surfaces, with which you can also only interact by scanning them, shooting at them, or farming them.

And let's be realistic with the exploration missions: Do we expect them to be any more elaborate than "scan three earth likes"? Based on the currently available missions, I wouldn't hold my breath.

There's currently only one really compelling game loop I see in Elite personally: Bounty hunting and combat. It has a sense of progression, as you can gradually upgrade your ship and equipment. Much further than an explorer ship even, because as I said, there's no real benefit in progressing from an Asp to anything bigger. On top of that, the core mechanic is so much more compelling than exploration. In exploration, you point your nose at something and hold the scan trigger. There is no differentiation between your scanning scanning equipment. Even if there was, there is about zero challenge in scanning something. Point mouse, hold trigger, done. There's a whole lot more depth in combat, as the targets have an "AI", have various stats which you have to take into account and for which you can optimize your equipment. They also go "boom" if you're successful. Basic and primitive perhaps, but a world of difference in terms of feedback compared to the scan complete sound.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Would any of this create in any way a compelling game loop however? I kind of doubt it. The orrery map for instance is nothing but "bling". More types of signal sources, no matter whether in space or on the surface, might only spice things up a bit, but might ultimatel make exploration more tedious. You go there, you find things, you scan them, you turn data in, you get credits, the end. That is the exact same exploration loop we have today, only with a more broad range of things to find. I don't think that'll cut it.

Normally, what makes for compelling game loops, is a sense of progression or a goal to work for. Progression and goal here is pretty much limited to reaching Elite exploration and doing sight seeing. Maybe discovering an Earthlike. Normally however, that feeds back into your game, e.g. by providing you with access to further game elements and mechanics that were previously unreachable. But there is little to nothing that is unreachable in exploration once you have an appropriately outfitted ASP.

Sure, a lot of it would greatly help exploration, a lot of people just don’t see much incentive to even bother going out to explore. Ffor example:

- The orrery map would allow explorers to more easily find peculiar orbits or strange systems
- Signal sources give explorers something to keep an eye out for while supercruising, and would be a great way to implement comets and such
- Surface POI’s would give explorers reasons to land on planets and drive around, right now landing in deep space is just mostly for sightseeing
- Having both deep space signal sources and surface POI’s become more valuable with distance from Sol gives explorers incentive to fly out farther and farther distance wise
- Exploration missions give people destinations and reasons to explore in the first place, and would finally integrate exploration into the main core game


Sure, a lot of it would greatly help exploration, a lot of people just don’t see much incentive to even bother going out to explore. Ffor example:

- The orrery map would allow explorers to more easily find peculiar orbits or strange systems
- Signal sources give explorers something to keep an eye out for while supercruising, and would be a great way to implement comets and such
- Surface POI’s would give explorers reasons to land on planets and drive around, right now landing in deep space is just mostly for sightseeing
- Having both deep space signal sources and surface POI’s become more valuable with distance from Sol gives explorers incentive to fly out farther and farther distance wise
- Exploration missions give people destinations and reasons to explore in the first place, and would finally integrate exploration into the main core game

Hey Mengy,

You've just got back from exploration. Do scanned planets show you the temperature? Seemed to have disappeared and I kind of liked that. Just want to make sure i'm not the only one.


Sure, a lot of it would greatly help exploration, a lot of people just don’t see much incentive to even bother going out to explore. Ffor example:

- The orrery map would allow explorers to more easily find peculiar orbits or strange systems
- Signal sources give explorers something to keep an eye out for while supercruising, and would be a great way to implement comets and such
- Surface POI’s would give explorers reasons to land on planets and drive around, right now landing in deep space is just mostly for sightseeing
- Having both deep space signal sources and surface POI’s become more valuable with distance from Sol gives explorers incentive to fly out farther and farther distance wise
- Exploration missions give people destinations and reasons to explore in the first place, and would finally integrate exploration into the main core game

Doesn't seem terribly more compelling than the current state of affairs to me. Everything you mention is either a QoL feature, or would widen the ocean. It wouldn't get a single inch deaper. On an abstract level, it's still only "go there, scan that", repeat to infinity. With the exception of missions, but they're not terribly compelling for any other profession either. Combat doesn't really gain depth from a mission that says: "Go there, kill n*x" either.

Has the game gained depth due to the unknown artifacts, the ship wreck etc.? Hardly. It has added a source of riddles that have to be solved mostly with meta means outside of the game. And it has added more things to scan and look at. Horay! Exactly... what we have had before. Only a bit more of it. Most depth that the game has actually gained is by means of "UA bombing" stations. That is actually a new mechanic, but I'm unsure if the effects aren't manually triggered by the devs' hand half of the time. Edit: And for the individual player, it's also just a matter of picking up a type of cargo and carrying it somewhere. The meta effect is different from what we had before, but in terms the underlying mechanic, it seems as compelling as all other cargo missions. That is to say, about as compelling as picking up a package and carrying it to the post office. In a fun ride, but with lots of loading screens in between.

Not that I'm against any of these feature. Give me the orrery map any day for instance. Planet maps coming in 2.2 is one of the coolest "visual" updates for me. But really, what you describe adds zero depth, only more width.


what are we looking at? I don't get the picture.

When you go into hyperspace now, look at the various nebulae and other images floating by. They look terrible now.

On second thought, don't look. You can't unsee it now.

yesssssssss my new 240 ton cargo conda is ready. just need to get back from Sothis first , which would normally be a chore but of course I will be holding 30 mil in cargo so can't complain.

actually that reminds me when I get back I could dump the 4a fuel scoop add some more tons....

Just flew back to the bubble with 20 million in cargo in my Asp Explorer. Dropping off the missions now and heading out to turn in some explosives.


Passenger missions where your cargo are astronauts should count as exploration missions. Land on a planet and open your cargo bay, bingo bango, or open your bay and pick up astronauts who have finished a mission. That's a relatively simple extension of existing mechanics that would add another something to do.

Add a variant where you eject a satellite in a planetary orbit at the right place. Another simple extension of existing mechanics.

So there is a poll getting a lot of attention in the main forums:

What design concept that needs attention do you feel needs dev time the most in Elite?

Exploration is winning! Maybe FDev will finally fracking take notice....

Checked Exploration, Powerplay, Server Issues, and Crashes/Bugs


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Another new CG this week to help establish a "highway" of small outposts along the way out to Jacques:

I think I'll rig my Clipper for trade runs and do some trading while I'm in the bubble to help support Colonia from here!

Not Spaceghost

Would any of this create in any way a compelling game loop however? I kind of doubt it. The orrery map for instance is nothing but "bling". More types of signal sources, no matter whether in space or on the surface, might only spice things up a bit, but might ultimately make exploration more tedious. You go there, you find things, you scan them, you turn data in, you get credits, the end. That is the exact same exploration loop we have today, only with a more broad range of things to find. I don't think that'll cut it.

Normally, what makes for compelling game loops, is a sense of progression or a goal to work for. Progression and goal here is pretty much limited to reaching Elite in exploration and doing sight seeing. Maybe discovering an Earthlike. Normally however, that feeds back into your game, e.g. by providing you with access to further game elements and mechanics that were previously unreachable. But there is little to nothing that is unreachable in exploration once you have an appropriately outfitted Asp. Kind of the curse of a sandbox game. No aritificial restrictions of your capabilities, but that also means if the base mechanics are shallow and there are no complex meta mechanics on top of them, you're stuck with something shallow.

One thing that might make for a sense of progression in exploration or any other profession for that matter, is a robust mission system which somehow lets you progress from low ranks to the upper explorer ranks with increasingly complex and fun missions and interaction with the game's factions. But Elite currently has no such mission system (only very rudimentary for other professions). For a more robust and fun mission system, more elaborate game mechanics than scanning things, shooting at them and gobbling them up as cargo would probably be necessary. It's a multi layered issue that starts from the very core of the game's mechanics. And it very likely is not solved by adding some hundred different kind of signals on the surfaces, with which you can also only interact by scanning them, shooting at them, or farming them.

And let's be realistic with the exploration missions: Do we expect them to be any more elaborate than "scan three earth likes"? Based on the currently available missions, I wouldn't hold my breath.

There's currently only one really compelling game loop I see in Elite personally: Bounty hunting and combat. It has a sense of progression, as you can gradually upgrade your ship and equipment. Much further than an explorer ship even, because as I said, there's no real benefit in progressing from an Asp to anything bigger. On top of that, the core mechanic is so much more compelling than exploration. In exploration, you point your nose at something and hold the scan trigger. There is no differentiation between your scanning scanning equipment. Even if there was, there is about zero challenge in scanning something. Point mouse, hold trigger, done. There's a whole lot more depth in combat, as the targets have an "AI", have various stats which you have to take into account and for which you can optimize your equipment. They also go "boom" if you're successful. Basic and primitive perhaps, but a world of difference in terms of feedback compared to the scan complete sound.

Yep I 100% agree, which is why I was asking about what would make it more compelling without adding tedium. It's also why I am primarily a combat pilot. Fights are always interesting and there is always risk. That usual Haz RES you hit up? Well maybe today is the day you bite off more than you can chew and find yourself at the rebuy screen.

If you're a bounty hunter for profit at the back of your mind you will have a nagging thought of "if I don't at least earn more than my ships rebuy today then i am just one mistake away from being an economic setback". Combat is challenging, risky, interesting, and different almost every time.

I think what would help is seeing a direct universal benefit to your efforts. I don't know of any time an explorer has been able to say "oh that rare thing you're looking for is plentiful in a system I scanned 9000ly outside the bubble" and maybe that's the key right there.

But if the bigger issue is that you only really need a well fit aspX to do it than maybe what exploration could do is try to add some sort of specialization into it. Maybe you should be allowed to focus on scanning stars, planets, moons, rings or natural signals. Doing so would get you more interesting data which you can sell for far more than basic scan data. You could also use that data to possibly gather specific materials or do other stuff. To specialize you would need specific modules and fits geared to this to prevent a one size fits all situation like we have now. Even then I don't know if that would make exploration interesting.

Perhaps all exploration needs is just more weird cosmic phenomenon to see and document through some kind of journal thingy.
Doesn't seem terribly more compelling than the current state of affairs to me. Everything you mention is either a QoL feature, or would widen the ocean. It wouldn't get a single inch deaper. On an abstract level, it's still only "go there, scan that", repeat to infinity. With the exception of missions, but they're not terribly compelling for any other profession either. Combat doesn't really gain depth from a mission that says: "Go there, kill n*x" either.

Has the game gained depth due to the unknown artifacts, the ship wreck etc.? Hardly. It has added a source of riddles that have to be solved mostly with meta means outside of the game. And it has added more things to scan and look at. Horay! Exactly... what we have had before. Only a bit more of it. Most depth that the game has actually gained is by means of "UA bombing" stations. That is actually a new mechanic, but I'm unsure if the effects aren't manually triggered by the devs' hand half of the time. Edit: And for the individual player, it's also just a matter of picking up a type of cargo and carrying it somewhere. The meta effect is different from what we had before, but in terms the underlying mechanic, it seems as compelling as all other cargo missions. That is to say, about as compelling as picking up a package and carrying it to the post office. In a fun ride, but with lots of loading screens in between.

Not that I'm against any of these feature. Give me the orrery map any day for instance. Planet maps coming in 2.2 is one of the coolest "visual" updates for me. But really, what you describe adds zero depth, only more width.

Isn't pretty difficult for developers to create content in these sandbox games that aren't tedious, especially space ones? I don't see what the developers can do besides give some reasons to go out and explore. Maybe introduce some new game mechanics. Actually that is an issue with games that has exploration, it is essentially sightseeing or scavenger-hunting. Not very interactive, but games with a lot of content or layers of game mechanics( kind of like the new Zelda game) exploration is pretty fun because it is more interactive and you can do stuff with the things you discovered( like going in dungeons in Skyrim, or finding a new quest or ability).

I think one way to make exploration interesting really shouldn't be about going here to scan something because it is pretty shallow. Once you discovered the new planet there's not much reason to go back and of course you sell the data. It should have certain game mechanics that makes it interesting and it should get more things out of exploring, and those things you discovered should matter a lot for you personally( not just sheer satisfaction) and affect the simulation a great deal.


Now a counter CG has popped up for the Federation, asking for more parts to build their ships.

What happens if I play both sides? Can I just reap the rewards without any negative effects to my reputation with either side?


Isn't pretty difficult for developers to create content in these sandbox games that aren't tedious, especially space ones? I don't see what the developers can do besides give some reasons to go out and explore. Maybe introduce some new game mechanics. Actually that is an issue with games that has exploration, it is essentially sightseeing or scavenger-hunting. Not very interactive, but games with a lot of content or layers of game mechanics( kind of like the new Zelda game) exploration is pretty fun because it is more interactive and you can do stuff with the things you discovered( like going in dungeons in Skyrim, or finding a new quest or ability).

I think one way to make exploration interesting really shouldn't be about going here to scan something because it is pretty shallow. Once you discovered the new planet there's not much reason to go back and of course you sell the data. It should have certain game mechanics that makes it interesting and it should get more things out of exploring, and those things you discovered should matter a lot for you personally( not just sheer satisfaction) and affect the simulation a great deal.
So basically you want Star Trek?
Now a counter CG has popped up for the Federation, asking for more parts to build their ships.

What happens if I play both sides? Can I just reap the rewards without any negative effects to my reputation with either side?

I think you may take some rep dips but there is nothing stopping you from profiting from both sides.

The rep dips might even cancel each other out. Dunno.

The HOTAS mounts coming along nicely. Will have pics later.
So basically you want Star Trek?

Star trek would require actually crew to engage with; game-wise that will be more like mass effect that is more open word.

Anyway, I don't know why you mention Star Trek really, but no. Basically I thought to make exploration more interesting is adding game mechanics and/or some type of more 'meaningful' content. Not here is an interesting planet, scan it, and sell it.

I don't know exactly what they can do because it might seem really hard to do without adding much more stuff. Doing go here, scan x, and sell it is something they can easily do. besides making the asset for it if the object is unique.


I'd like to try playing it with my DS4 controller. Anyone here got a mapping file?

Do the bindings for the XBOX controller in the OP work for the DS4, too?


Unconfirmed Member
Got that cool million from the blueprint CG for being in the 10% lol. I got mine when I was doing a Sothis run. I took missions to salvage blueprints. I got them and then just abandoned the mission.


Star trek would require actually crew to engage with; game-wise that will be more like mass effect that is more open word.

Anyway, I don't know why you mention Star Trek really, but no. Basically I thought to make exploration more interesting is adding game mechanics and/or some type of more 'meaningful' content. Not here is an interesting planet, scan it, and sell it.

I don't know exactly what they can do because it might seem really hard to do without adding much more stuff. Doing go here, scan x, and sell it is something they can easily do. besides making the asset for it if the object is unique.

I wasn't trying to be disparaging, what you list does sound awesome.
I wasn't trying to be disparaging, what you list does sound awesome.

Alright. I guess what they can do is that sense discovering new planets can lead to AI moving in already. It could be if you can discover something like a hidden pirate base, the pirates can make you give back the data you have or you can sell it somewhere else and if that happens AI will move in to destroy the pirates. It also can open up new missions for players to do it themselves or the explorer can destroy the pirates for themselves.

Someone mentioned cosmic phenomenons so the cosmic phenomenons whatever they are should effect the location like you are in the player would have to be careful. A faction gives a mission to help with exploration on a planet. To start you need to carry scientists and materials to a facility on the planet. After that they want you to explore the planet, but the issue is that the planet is extremely hot so staying out in the heat will cook the SRV( kind of like the mission on ME2 to recruit Tail). The player can then do a variety of missions that would help with the exploration of the planet like installing beacons on certain locations, launching drones and satellites, etc some of which will have it's own game mechanic so no simple pushing a button. While doing all of that in some scenarios the player will have to be careful when exploring the planet because of the heat, mainly going to shady areas for a second. After the player gains enough rep they get a special reward. Or if the player doesn't want to do all that simply scan the planet and sell the data; other players or the simulation will do the rest.

Basically the journey( depending on where you want to go) so be fun and interesting, but not an annoyance; and once you get to the destination if it is like a planet or something they there should be content available once you discover it. It gives to a reason for the player to stay and continue to explore, instead of finding the data and simply leaving. Not much having a reason to explore.
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