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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

ChaosWulff posted a video on module storage and transfer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvEngL5JTMs

-Transfer a module one jump away (actually the screen says 0ly away, for some reason; his jump range is 22ly in his current ship and he says the system is one jump away) takes 6 mins/85k for Prismatic Shield Generator
-Can store 30 modules
-Core internals cost money to store because you can't NOT have a core internal, but seems dependent on station (can't replace something you can't buy there)
ChaosWulff posted a video on module storage and transfer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvEngL5JTMs

-Transfer a module one jump away (actually the screen says 0ly away, for some reason; his jump range is 22ly in his current ship and he says the system is one jump away) takes 6 mins/85k for Prismatic Shield Generator
-Can store 30 modules
-Core internals cost money to store because you can't NOT have a core internal, but seems dependent on station (can't replace something you can't buy there)

I wonder if you can store a core component if we have a replacement in storage even if the station doesn't sell the module.

I wish he would have went a little further out to get a better sense of the price to distance but a size 6 prismatic shield for 85k for 22 ly doesn't seem bad if it's linear.
ChaosWulff posted a video on module storage and transfer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvEngL5JTMs

-Transfer a module one jump away (actually the screen says 0ly away, for some reason; his jump range is 22ly in his current ship and he says the system is one jump away) takes 6 mins/85k for Prismatic Shield Generator
-Can store 30 modules
-Core internals cost money to store because you can't NOT have a core internal, but seems dependent on station (can't replace something you can't buy there)

Gonna need that buffed to 100 module storage, minimum.

Not Spaceghost

30 stored modules seems a bit low but lets do a little thought experiment. Assuming you have flawless rolls on everything on a ship like the courier you can store your 3 weapons, your thrusters, your power plant, distributor, FSD, shield boosters, shield generators and shield cell banks. That's like what 12 modules? That's almost half of the storage space holy shit.

If you say it is against philosophy, then I guess it would be sad to see it not happen. I, however, would love this. It would give a purpose greater than maxing your ship, maxing your credit to time ratio.

I mean who knows lol, I don't work for Fdev but I'm just trying to keep myself in check :p
Honestly, I would love for mission arcs like the ones I described. The epic arcs in EVE were some of my favorite things to do when I just wanted to chill out and play a video game.


I'm at 200 million credits now. Time to find somewhere that sells the Anaconda!

Never thought I'd actually reach this point. The struggle was real.


Moving around in SC right now feels like absolute dogshit. While being able to get out of your ship and moving around is great, unless Elite gets the animation/feel of moving right I won't want to get out often. I've never played a game where moving feels as bad as it does in SC right now. I can't even accurately describe what it feels like to people who haven't played it because it feels that bad to me.
I decided I’m going to keep saving and go with a Beluga. It’s actually pretty good for trading and I get to do the passenger missions to boot, plus it has good jump range. It cost around 84 mil, so I’m guessing a decently equipped one would be around 200 mil or so. That’s only a few more Sothis runs anyways, so I’ll just keep saving. Plus I want to own the biggest ship!
Moving around in SC right now feels like absolute dogshit. While being able to get out of your ship and moving around is great, unless Elite gets the animation/feel of moving right I won't want to get out often. I've never played a game where moving feels as bad as it does in SC right now. I can't even accurately describe what it feels like to people who haven't played it because it feels that bad to me.

I'm pretty sure SC is still refining their model but if anyone has ever played Arma, it's jank y like that, mostly because the camera is actually anchored to the models head. It works in Arma because of the scale of engagements (mostly--it still doesn't feel great) but in small scale stuff, the problems are going to be more noticeable.


I'm pretty sure SC is still refining their model but if anyone has ever played Arma, it's jank y like that, mostly because the camera is actually anchored to the models head. It works in Arma because of the scale of engagements (mostly--it still doesn't feel great) but in small scale stuff, the problems are going to be more noticeable.

Arma is a good comparison. I don't really like the way arma movement works either, but it's at least competent and feels fine albeit with some jank. SC has more jank than Arma does by far though. Hopefully they fix it by the time Squadron 42 is out.
All of these sound great, really! But you said "like in an Elders Scrolls"... that is a whole game you do compare to one small aspect of Elite here. And that's what I'm concerned about. FD is so small a developer studio they cannot create what would be an immersive experience in itself imho. So instead of doing something barebones that's not fun but "it's there", use those (human) ressources on other parts of the game.
Yeah I know the comparison is extremely grandiose, and in terms of elder scroll's hand crafted environments and general NPC interaction straight up impossible.

But what I imagine is NPCs with basic home locations, perhaps a basic "24 hour cycle" between work and rest, inventory that can be haggled with or stolen, potential randomly generated requests or missions. And that's about it.

Some could have aggressive personality traits who might inspect your goods as you pass, and decide if you're worth threatening or engaging. Some might have friendly personalities who would offer assistance or direction (similar to scanning a nav beacon) for a mission you are working on.

It's easy for me to dream.


Boy does the Anaconda feel so sluggish to fly. Feels really weird after being used to the AspX so much.

Does anyone recommend loading up on fuel tanks for Sothis runs? I feel like fuel scooping is a waste of time.
Boy does the Anaconda feel so sluggish to fly. Feels really weird after being used to the AspX so much.

Does anyone recommend loading up on fuel tanks for Sothis runs? I feel like fuel scooping is a waste of time.

I use a 5A scoop and just the normal fuel tank. Scooping takes so little time it's worth it.

This is with a Level 4 Modded FSD however. I get 28 LY fully laden (416T).
Does the game feel "done" for you guys once you've gotten your Anaconda (or other large ship you desire)?

I'm a bit fearful I'll lose my sense of progression once I've gotten to that point.
So what is the deal with Sothis Gold? I'm 400+ LY away from Sothis and it's selling for less than I bought it for.

It's a rare commodity. I know the price tops out at around 150 LY but I didn't expect it to drop in price.


I use a 5A scoop and just the normal fuel tank. Scooping takes so little time it's worth it.

This is with a Level 4 Modded FSD however. I get 28 LY fully laden (416T).

Probably not an option for me until I mod my FSD via Farseer. There's a bunch of stars in my route that can't be scooped from so I'd be kinda screwed with just one tank I think.

How much credits should I be making on average per run? First run with the trade-conda netted me 46 million with 350t cargo space.


So what is the deal with Sothis Gold? I'm 400+ LY away from Sothis and it's selling for less than I bought it for.

It's a rare commodity. I know the price tops out at around 150 LY but I didn't expect it to drop in price.

There's like a weird curve in how rare commodities get valued. The gold might not be worth much in one system and get like 32k profit per unit in the next system. Hold on to it and keep looking while you finish your run, you'll find a winner sooner or later.
Probably not an option for me until I mod my FSD via Farseer. There's a bunch of stars in my route that can't be scooped from so I'd be kinda screwed with just one tank I think.

How much credits should I be making on average per run? First run with the trade-conda netted me 46 million with 350t cargo space.
It's doable in an unmodded Conda but you do have to plan your route.

My last run with 416 T cargo and getting mission picky was 73.1 Million credits.

There's like a weird curve in how rare commodities get valued. The gold might not be worth much in one system and get like 32k profit per unit in the next system. Hold on to it and keep looking while you finish your run, you'll find a winner sooner or later.

I'll keep searching but I visited a few and all were less than the buying price.
Am I the only one who isn't wringing the last bits of easy cash out of Sothis? It just feels too cheesy for me. I did some long-distance trucking from Maia while doing the CG, and even those mission profits (~50M in a couple of days) felt too easy considering the time and effort. And when I say too easy, I mean way too easy compared to other activities; I don't want to nerf fun, but a balance pass in some direction is needed.

In any case, I bought a FAS and switched to bounty hunting after grinding some fed rank. Feels pretty good, even though the shields are paper and hardpoint placement is wacky. I'll probably RES-hunt and try to scavenge for some multicannon upgrades until the update hits. Then it's time to get a Beluga and start playing Crazy Taxi.
Hardpoint placement is my only gripe with the FAS. The two large ones done converge properly so I have a little gap which makes it very difficult to target modules and hit low profile ships. Though it is maneuverable enough to make sure my angle of attack gets the best target.


Forget Sothis runs. You want to make real money, hang out near the hangar bays with a bucket and a squeegee and offer your services. You'll make billions. Those windshields are filthy.


Gonna need that buffed to 100 module storage, minimum.

30 stored modules seems a bit low but lets do a little thought experiment. Assuming you have flawless rolls on everything on a ship like the courier you can store your 3 weapons, your thrusters, your power plant, distributor, FSD, shield boosters, shield generators and shield cell banks. That's like what 12 modules? That's almost half of the storage space holy shit.

Absolutely agree, 30 is too low. I did not count modules in Anaconda, but it seems if I want to have two versions of it - trade and combat, it is much more convenient to buy second ship (thanks to Sothis runs I have the money for this).

All hardpoins, several utility mounts, power plant, power distributor, thrusters, all optional internal modules - that is about 20? And I would like to store not upgraded modules as well - just for convenience. For example, I return to my base in Tradeconda and turn it to combat Conda without searching for modules.

Why put such small limit to stored modules, this was supposed to be QoL improvement, no another pain in the ass with optimizing storage space.


So have they been making it harder for delivery missions from Ceos and Sothis to appear? Usually I could have my pick but had to wait missions that had less then 10 tons to be delivered to appear. I was barely getting any delivery missions to appear last night. I want at least get another 30 million out of a run. At that point I'll have enough, after I sell my Federal Assault Ship to buy an Anaconda and have enough to cover the insurance a few times and hopefully upgrade the FSD to it's max. I'll worry about upgrading it over time. Once I have that I'll use that for trading and redo my Asp for combat as I have a lot of it maxed out already.
So have they been making it harder for delivery missions from Ceos and Sothis to appear? Usually I could have my pick but had to wait missions that had less then 10 tons to be delivered to appear. I was barely getting any delivery missions to appear last night. I want at least get another 30 million out of a run. At that point I'll have enough, after I sell my Federal Assault Ship to buy an Anaconda and have enough to cover the insurance a few times and hopefully upgrade the FSD to it's max. I'll worry about upgrading it over time. Once I have that I'll use that for trading and redo my Asp for combat as I have a lot of it maxed out already.

Keep in mind the missions differ depending on the BGS states of the factions. Last week all of them were in either a boom or war state, now some of them aren't. That'll affect how many missions you might get.

I still managed to make 73 Million yesterday off it.
Can they just remove interdictions from solo play? What a grand waste of time.

Interdictions definitely fall in the "cool idea, painstakingly boring execution" type of FD feature for me.

For one, the overall mechanic is just...not very compelling. Aside from the rush that comes when you're interdicted and are speeding in supercruise past planets and stars and moons (which can be pretty terrifying), the minigame feels like a Wii game rather than an actual evasion. Adding depth to that mechanic would greatly improve it. When I escape an interdiction, I don't feel skilled or that I accomplished anythign. I feel like I got lucky enough that the Escape Vector wasn't unrealistically moving or being pushed to a corner of the screen that I can't navigate to. It needs more layers. Some random ideas:

-Power management should impact ease of interdiction escape, however small
-I don't know the lore explanation for how the interdictor works (what does it lock onto? how does it "pull" you out of supercruise?) but maybe module management (enabling/disabling) could impact it
-Flying close to stars, planets, etc. should increase the chance of escaping. Make it so the interdictor generates a ton of heat so if you are near a star, the pursuer has a high chance of overheating--or simply just make it so there is a chance the pursuer flies too close to the body and has to emergency drop
-I feel like, if they NEED to do a minigame for it, they should take throttle into account, too. Pursuer has to maintain a specific distance--not too close, not too far--to pull you out. And you can try to escape that by throttling accordingly, too.

The worst is when a fucking Eagle with a 3,000cr bounty and a low combat rating interdicts you. At least make it so the risk is REAL when you're interdicted, with a chance for a fantastic reward. I'd love interdictions to essentially feel like mini-bosses or when you wander into an area with high-level monsters by accident.

The biggest problem, however, is that unless you're trying to avoid a scan as a part of a mission, I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't just submit and then take back off. Sure, it's possible they'll just jump back into SC and pursue you, but it is so much easier and faster, in the long run, to submit! Especially when a successful evasion may take you FAR from your destination as opposed to submitting on your current heading.


Keep in mind the missions differ depending on the BGS states of the factions. Last week all of them were in either a boom or war state, now some of them aren't. That'll affect how many missions you might get.

I still managed to make 73 Million yesterday off it.

Ah I see. Thanks.

Question for anyone that knows. Has Frontier ever commented on why the wedding barrages broadcast the conversations they do? Announcements of a wedding make sense. However the broadcast, for everyone to hear, is as if there is a singular person talking about their issues to the entire system or someone accidentally left an open communications channel open and is talking to someone else on the ship and we're hearing it. If it's not either of those it doesn't make any sense to me.


The biggest problem, however, is that unless you're trying to avoid a scan as a part of a mission, I can't think of a reason why you wouldn't just submit and then take back off. Sure, it's possible they'll just jump back into SC and pursue you, but it is so much easier and faster, in the long run, to submit! Especially when a successful evasion may take you FAR from your destination as opposed to submitting on your current heading.

The problem with submitting is that once you're back into SC you're just going to be caught by the AI pursuer again. I ended up exiting the game to make the AI despawn.

I get the need for it in open play but solo? It's just a massive annoyance.

Watched some videos on how to land on planets and then couldn't pull it off. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong :(

I just wanted to find this planetary station. Blah.
Watched some videos on how to land on planets and then couldn't pull it off. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong :(

I just wanted to find this planetary station. Blah.

what happens?

are you trying to land on a non-landable planet? you can only land on planets with the little blue landed cobra icon next to it on the navigation tab.


The problem with submitting is that once you're back into SC you're just going to be caught by the AI pursuer again. I ended up exiting the game to make the AI despawn.

I get the need for it in open play but solo? It's just a massive annoyance.

Watched some videos on how to land on planets and then couldn't pull it off. I have no idea what I'm doing wrong :(

I just wanted to find this planetary station. Blah.

depending on what you mean, planetary landings do take a bit of practice. the difference I find is its better to approach at an angle rather than straight in like a station docking.

-approach from an angle even if it means flying around the planet (just watch your distance indicator on left)
-enter orbit around 2Mm or if you enter earlier at say 4Mm tilt nose up and down until your altitude is about near the top of the atmosphere altitude while distance is at around 2Mm
-now you can angle toward the target. watch your distance and altitude. what you want is for your distance (away) to be 200 or so more than your altitude. to control this point nose up or down to increase/decrease altitude until distance is slightly more than altitude.
- in a smallish ship like a cobra you will enter "glide" at an altitude of 25 km, so you want to be at a slight angle and about say 200km away when entering glide (if glide is too steep it will fail and you will come out at 200 km :(
- glide will commence and close out the remaining 150-200km distance, don't worry you will pop out at about 5-10 km.
- watch speed now , I leave it at full only till about 3km because some planets will have HIGHER GRAVITY which means you will drop like a stone. be prepared to feather throttle on/off.
- contact station at usual 7500m and request docking. land as normal, but be aware of gravity effects. I like to only use thrusters for docking.
- put all pips in shields if you plan on bouncing off the ground at all. you'd be amazed what you survive with 4 in shields lol.


The planet itself has a blue circle line around it but when I get close, nothing locks in for me to exit cruise or anything. There's supposed to be a station on it but I don't actually see any signs of it. I dunno. Send help.

I just want to buy a Meta-Alloy. :(

Do I need any extra equipment to actually land on planets? This game doesn't really explain much of anything so I'm lost when it comes to the stuff they added with Horizons.

Not Spaceghost

The planet itself has a blue circle line around it but when I get close, nothing locks in for me to exit cruise or anything. There's supposed to be a station on it but I don't actually see any signs of it. I dunno. Send help.

I just want to buy a Meta-Alloy. :(

This is gonna sound like a silly question, but are you sure you have the horizons DLC installed redeemed properly onto your frontier account? All you need to land on a planetary station is the planetary approach suite which every ship comes installed with by default under optional internals.

When you fly close the game will pull you out of supercruise naturally and then into glide.


This is gonna sound like a silly question, but are you sure you have the horizons DLC installed redeemed properly onto your frontier account? All you need to land on a planetary station is the planetary approach suite which every ship comes installed with by default under optional internals.

When you fly close the game will pull you out of supercruise naturally and then into glide.

Yeah it's installed and redeemed. I've launched Horizons as well.

Maybe I'm just at the wrong location? I'll have a look again later. The station itself is called Darnielle's Progress (Maia).
Yeah it's installed and redeemed. I've launched Horizons as well.

Maybe I'm just at the wrong location? I'll have a look again later. The station itself is called Darnielle's Progress (Maia).

So when you fly close enough, you'll go into Orbital Cruise then Glide eventually. However, if you DON'T, the game definitely lets you know. I think it flashes something on the screen about needing the Planetary Landing Suite or Module or something.

You can't actually *land* on the planet without the landing module and an SRV, of course.

Not Spaceghost

Yeah it's installed and redeemed. I've launched Horizons as well.

Maybe I'm just at the wrong location? I'll have a look again later. The station itself is called Darnielle's Progress (Maia).

It's pretty obvious which planets you can land on, on the nav panel they'll have a little notation on them marking them as a planetary outpost.

The steps are fairly simple for entering orbit.

1) Approach planet in super cruise
2) Fly at the planet until super cruise automatically disengages
3) glide to your location
4) fly the rest of the way there.
5) land

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cT_KBrBu26A this is what it should look like

The only things you could possibly be screwing up are like maybe not having a planetary approach suite installed which is fairly unlikely unless you manually removed it. And maybe you're approaching a planet you cant land on.
I’m starting to get good with turning off fly assist. The turns you can do are amazing. You can instantly do an 180 and just destroy a person chasing you. There are so many cool maneuvers I can do now, it makes the game even more of a blast.


I’m starting to get good with turning off fly assist. The turns you can do are amazing. You can instantly do an 180 and just destroy a person chasing you. There are so many cool maneuvers I can do now, it makes the game even more of a blast.

in the midst of a fight I always get confused what direction I am actually going... do you turn FA back on from time to time to steady your course??
in the midst of a fight I always get confused what direction I am actually going... do you turn FA back on from time to time to steady your course??

I’m constantly turning it on and off. I generally do whatever maneuver I’m trying to do and I’ll turn it back on. I do not leave it off for extended periods of time.


I’m constantly turning it on and off. I generally do whatever maneuver I’m trying to do and I’ll turn it back on. I do not leave it off for extended periods of time.

ya I figured. I really should practice more but honestly unless you are basically in an anaconda ive never needed it for PvE...

as a new player I like the old youtube vids on "the enemy AI is op now!!!" when was this??
ya I figured. I really should practice more but honestly unless you are basically in an anaconda ive never needed it for PvE...

as a new player I like the old youtube vids on "the enemy AI is op now!!!" when was this??

I mainly learned and picked it up in arena. A lot of times players were just running circles around me and I couldn’t figure out why. Then I realized they were doing it because they had FA off. So I was like I should probably learn to do this so I can actually compete against them. However, you’re right that it doesn’t really matter that much in pve.


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