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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


.. it's asking someone to wait until it rewards and respects your time.

Oh, haha, you know that's not going to happen unless there's a major paradigm shift within Frontier. What do you expect from devs who think deteriorating your collected status over time if you're not active (Powerplay, superpower reputation) and asking for some 8-10 realtime hours grind just to have a chance at randomly downgrading or upgrading your ship is a good idea?

No, it'd take major changes from Frontier. And with a community like Elite's, they'd have to have the spine to justify good game design before screaming immersion idiots. See ship transfer delay. The screaming community wants to stare at counters, Frontier complies.

At the moment Frontier treats player time like a cheap balancing resource. Add poor game design, and we end up with what we have today.


Let's not be completely crazy here. The game is held down by weird design choices but don't pretend it's the fault of "immersion idiots".


The game is held down by weird design choices but don't pretend it's the fault of "immersion idiots".

That's an intentionally condescending and hyperbolical term, but where ship transfer delays for the sake of it are concerned, it absolutely is. Frontier announced the feature as instant transfer and got literally shouted down until they decided to introduce a delay, before they even added the instant transfer to the game. They folded before even adding a QoL feature to the game as they initially designed it, ending up preemptively gimping it, because of the whining community.

Whatever it is that fosters this attitude leading to pathologic opposition to change, with immersion being often the strawman argument that can be twisted at will to make whatever change is being discussed look undesireable, it is strong in Elite's community and it definitely feeds back into how the game is shaped going forward. Because for whatever claims there are to the opposite, Frontier does listen very much to the community, even if an actually implemented change sometimes follows far after an issue has been lamented.


That's an intentionally condescending and hyperbolical term, but where ship transfer delays for the sake of it are concerned, it absolutely is. Frontier announced the feature as instant transfer and got literally shouted down until they decided to introduce a delay, before they even added the instant transfer to the game. They folded before even adding a QoL feature to the game as they initially designed it, ending up preemptively gimping it, because of the whining community.

Whatever it is that fosters this attitude leading to pathologic opposition to change, with immersion being often the strawman argument that can be twisted at will to make whatever change is being discussed look undesireable, it is strong in Elite's community and it definitely feeds back into how the game is shaped going forward. Because for whatever claims there are to the opposite, Frontier does listen very much to the community, even if an actually implemented change sometimes follows far after an issue has been lamented.

As much as I like to shit on the "muh immersion" and "everything must be like 1984" people it's on Frontier to actually use their judgement in figuring out decent game design.

Of course if they reduce the grind the barebones mechanics are more obvious so maybe "listening" to their most vocal fans isn't such a bad idea for them.
I´m currently lobbying some thirty/forty-something, space-sim veteran friends who are on the verge of getting ED for Xbox One. They were impressed by the alien encounters and by some landing videos I uploaded, but when I admit that there are plenty of "supercruising" hours they doubt and wait before deciding the purchase.

I installed advanced equipment on my Cobra and now the difference with the starting Sidewinder is mind blowing. Now I want to test my gimball lasers with a little more combat (enough trading for the week).

If you want to do some combat testing, find a Resource Extraction Site (usually found around "metal-rich" rocky planets with rings, but you can probably find some suitable systems with google).
Avoid any sites marked as "Hazardous", but the others will be okay. Hazardous RES sites have no police, so you have no backup when things go wrong.

Make sure you are not carrying any cargo! You should replace cargo racks with hull or module reinforcement (available at most stations, and not very expensive). Other than that, you don't have to fully combat-optimise your ship.
NPC pirates will spawn very frequently and attack anything carrying cargo. If you are clean and empty, they will ignore you.
But don't panic! The system is also full of system police and miners.
Just hang around until the miners/police start a fight with a pirate. Then you can join in and get bounties if you contribute to the kill. You can even kill some very large ships like this.
Or start a fight with a "Wanted" NPC yourself. The police should help you out if you get in trouble, but try to avoid initiating combat with enemy wings or really big ships.

You can make a decent amount of money doing this.It's also easy to control your level of risk, since you are the one initiating combat, and you can choose to do it near or far from the police ships.

Just make sure you have the insurance costs before you leave. Low-risk combat is not risk-free combat.
As much as I like to shit on the "muh immersion" and "everything must be like 1984" people it's on Frontier to actually use their judgement in figuring out decent game design.

Of course if they reduce the grind the barebones mechanics are more obvious so maybe "listening" to their most vocal fans isn't such a bad idea for them.

Yeah. Ship transport costs (time or money) need to be balanced so that everyone doesn't just travel everywhere in an Asp and teleport their other ships when they arrive.

But that balance needs to be for gamplay/QoL balance and not because of "immersion". The forums are a cesspit of hardcore immersion arseholes who oppose anything that might result in newer players obtaining the same ships as them without the ridiculous grind (I did over 10,000 tedious delivery missions to get my Ensign rank, so you should to!)
Oh, haha, you know that's not going to happen unless there's a major paradigm shift within Frontier. What do you expect from devs who think deteriorating your collected status over time if you're not active (Powerplay, superpower reputation) and asking for some 8-10 realtime hours grind just to have a chance at randomly downgrading or upgrading your ship is a good idea?

No, it'd take major changes from Frontier. And with a community like Elite's, they'd have to have the spine to justify good game design before screaming immersion idiots. See ship transfer delay. The screaming community wants to stare at counters, Frontier complies.

At the moment Frontier treats player time like a cheap balancing resource. Add poor game design, and we end up with what we have today.

Well at least the Engineers is easier now than it was. Looking at videos for that last night it was a nightmare at one point. FDev do really need to reconsider many apsects of the design in the way they did with that IMO, and even then I'm still not really fond of Engineers involving RNG still. The community on their forums are a nightmare to work around as you say though. Ironically, these same people who shout down any QoL imrpovements are often also the same people who decry any exploits after having already used others to get what they wanted.


Oh, haha, you know that's not going to happen unless there's a major paradigm shift within Frontier. What do you expect from devs who think deteriorating your collected status over time if you're not active (Powerplay, superpower reputation) and asking for some 8-10 realtime hours grind just to have a chance at randomly downgrading or upgrading your ship is a good idea?

No, it'd take major changes from Frontier. And with a community like Elite's, they'd have to have the spine to justify good game design before screaming immersion idiots. See ship transfer delay. The screaming community wants to stare at counters, Frontier complies.

At the moment Frontier treats player time like a cheap balancing resource. Add poor game design, and we end up with what we have today.

Commodities made it ridiculously obtuse to do any serious amount of engineering in a ship that had a limited ability to handle cargo, but with that gone I don't really mind the RNG aspect. It doesn't take many rolls of anything to get an acceptable if not maximum roll (especially now that they've compacted what's getting bonuses as well), but the RNG cheese lets those who want to grind and chase that perfect roll+bonus have at it, which adds something of a drive for some people and I can understand that.


Commodities made it ridiculously obtuse to do any serious amount of engineering in a ship that had a limited ability to handle cargo, but with that gone I don't really mind the RNG aspect. It doesn't take many rolls of anything to get an acceptable if not maximum roll (especially now that they've compacted what's getting bonuses as well), but the RNG cheese lets those who want to grind and chase that perfect roll+bonus have at it, which adds something of a drive for some people and I can understand that.

In case of the engineers, the community has actually done something positive: Told Frontier how godawful their initial Engineer release was. Frontier has since backtracked considerably, probably not having tested the Engineers thoroughly under realworld balancing condition themselves before release. Fact is, they toned down the negative effects considerably, made collecting materials easier etc..
Yeah, Frontier's willingness to tweak and adjust Engineers has me more hopeful than usual about future changes. They really looked to the community for feedback and did a great job implementing it. It's not perfect but it's far and away better than the launch of Engineers.

Of course, as y'all pointed out, relying on the community for this feedback can have unfortunate results. I agree that it seems like FD could benefit from a lot more QA and playtesting time, rather than relying on the community for that and then adjusting on the fly. Ideally, the tweaks they made to Engineers wouldn't even be necessary, because they'd *know* how shitty/grindy it is before releasing to the masses.

Not Spaceghost

Honestly I am still not happy at all with how engineers turned out.

I remember feeling like it was originally billed to players as a way to tweak your ship to further suit your needs with small fine tuning.

Instead what we got are ridiculous scenarios where full grade 5 engineered ships are almost twice as effective in combat as non engineered ships in every way possible. Speed, power, durability and maneuverability are all better with little trade offs, because they can be counter balanced by engineering a different part.

Worst of all engineers don't even accept or have much to do with the basic goal of the game - getting credits.

While I do appreciate the diversity in ship builds engineers have brought about, I really dislike how sealed away they are for many people. It's like 3 different grinds to get a chance at a good grade 5 roll with one engineer.


Calling players "immersion assholes" is just so short sighted. It's like telling those who want faster progression to go play Call of Duty.

There's one specific reason that makes me like how slow and demanding the game is, which is that I want to play it for many years, and I want to always have something to work towards. If after 100 hours I have every ship and triple Elite, then why play the game at all at that point ? That's obviously just my own perspective, but that's mainly why I was in favor of the ship transfer delay. It makes the game more interesting for the way I want to play it.


Calling players "immersion assholes" is just so short sighted. It's like telling those who want faster progression to go play Call of Duty.

There's one specific reason that makes me like how slow and demanding the game is, which is that I want to play it for many years, and I want to always have something to work towards. If after 100 hours I have every ship and triple Elite, then why play the game at all at that point ? That's obviously just my own perspective, but that's mainly why I was in favor of the ship transfer delay. It makes the game more interesting for the way I want to play it.

I think you're confusing the slow burn to an end goal with your time being respected with even the most basic tasks like travel or mission completion.

Instant ship transfer would have done nothing to impact those end goals but it would have been a massive QoL fix to be out doing X trade run and switching to a combat ship to engage in a civil war that just broke out etc.

The worst part is that we weren't even given the chance to test that initial design iteration. Absolutely absurd.


That's obviously just my own perspective, but that's mainly why I was in favor of the ship transfer delay. It makes the game more interesting for the way I want to play it.

Congratulation. You've just demonstrated perfectly where the resentment comes from.

I don't want this, because my immersion is a beautiful delicate flower that can't cope otherwise, but is totally fine with visible combat lasers, speed limits in space, a WW2 flight model and ship hull life bars. I will quit playing the game if you do that. I don't want anybody else to skip any kind of tedium because I enjoy it (or mistake it for a simulation aspect etc.). If none of these applies, I will construct some balancing concerns, because the game's current meta is a sacred cow, balancing in its current form is perfect and would break entirely if QoL feature X was added.

This is the kind of dreck you get from that particular crowd on far too many occasions. Edit: Don't forget: I've backed this game's kickstarter and lived already to play the original in 1984, so I can say with authority what is in the spirit of this game and what not, and that definitely does not include QoL feature X/any even merely competent multiplayer features. Yes' I've seen that line of argument as well as all of the above on the official forums.

Meanwhile, I've now had instances where we've given up on even meeting up with people, because they'd simply crawl for 20 minutes to a meeting point with the ship they'd need to participate in the CZ, because that'd have cut so much off the remaining playtime, it wouldn't have been worth it anymore that evening. Ship transfer as initially announced before the "mah immersun" crowd threw fits, would've let them smoothly cruised there in an Asp in five minutes, payed a cut out of the coming CZ earnings to beam over a CZ worthy ship, and have fun. Instead, we avoided playing the game, because none of us really thinks that killing time until a counter has run out (in my case) or watching 20 minutes of loading screens (in their case) is fun, immersive or simulates anything worth simulating in our free time.

I hope you don't mind if I stick to "immersion idiot". It's obviously just my perspective. "Immersion arsehole" does have a nice ring to it as well.


Preach Burny!

Hated the idea of delays when the community started to yell for it. Hate it even more now that it's in game. I've had the same problem with friends not bothering to meet up for CGs because it would take for ever to get their combat ship over to it. Friends and I are adults with kids, free time to play games is at a premium. Not going to wait for an timer, I'll just play something else instead.


Yeah. Ship transport costs (time or money) need to be balanced so that everyone doesn't just travel everywhere in an Asp and teleport their other ships when they arrive.

But that balance needs to be for gamplay/QoL balance and not because of "immersion". The forums are a cesspit of hardcore immersion arseholes who oppose anything that might result in newer players obtaining the same ships as them without the ridiculous grind (I did over 10,000 tedious delivery missions to get my Ensign rank, so you should to!)

It takes two to three hours of grinding (plus the 25 minute delay) to pay to transfer my Corvette around 100 ly. The immersion arseholes not only wanted the costs to be exorbitant but to also waste my time waiting for the ship to arrive, and that's exactly what they gave us. Before you know it we'll have engineer commodities back along with the old fuel and ammo prices and maybe the old gamma mission payouts to top it all off.


Friends and I are adults with kids, free time to play games is at a premium.

Your life choices. If playing an immersive simulation is not important enough for you, you're just not made for this game. Go, play something that suits you, you CoD instant-gratification kiddie you! (Yes I've been essentially called the latter on Frontier's forums)

*speaks the 10 miles high pretent space person, who completely forgot that the game's previous interations as well as actual serious simulations have functions to speed up time, as to skip unnececssary tedium, which Frontier's game design failed to accomodate seeing as this being a multiplayer game, requires more creative solutions to limit tedium*

I don't know if micro jumps are still in the cards, but just watch it, we're going to have the same whining I've described above all over again if Frontier tries to finally add that long overdue QoL feature to the game. "Make it so costly it's worthless, make it so there's a random chance of ship destruction when doing it, DO NOT LET ANYBODY HAVE IT FOR I DON'T WANT IT!"


I don't know if micro jumps are still in the cards, but just watch it, we're going to have the same whining I've described above all over again if Frontier tries to finally add that long overdue QoL feature to the game. "Make it so costly it's worthless, make it so there's a random chance of ship destruction when doing it, DO NOT LET ANYBODY HAVE IT FOR I DON'T WANT IT!"


This is just one of the more recent threads about it and since they all read the same it's safe to say they won't bother.



This is just one of the more recent threads about it and since they all read the same it's safe to say they won't bother.


In essence then I stand by what I said. For this game to become even half as good as it is ambitious, it would take a paradigm shift in terms of design at Frontier (aka: someone with actual game design talent in charge of the design decisions) and the spine to not give in to the whining immersion crowd.

Fat chance of that happening. In the end, I still love it as much as I hate it.

Edit: I suppose D.Braben could be part of the problem even. Iirc in the holiday livestream, there was a question about microjumps or similar and the best he had to give was along the lines of: "The Hutton Orbital truckers wouldn't exist if not for the distance to Hutton Orbital" Just great. Nutjobs who intentionally make a point of indulging in a corner cases their game design fails to accomodate for are now an excuse to not fix their godamn game design? Coming up next: Development and sale of autonomous lawnmowers banned, Lawnmower racers declared a protected species.

If an uninitiated person happens to read this drivel: Hutton Orbital is a place in the game you reach by pointing your ship in a direction and doing nothing ingame for about an hour, but alt-tabbing out to watch netflix instead.

Not Spaceghost

The vocal community on the forums is probably the one thing holding elite back the most. I don't even think that's hyperbole.

The game should only have one grind, credits.
Travel shouldn't be a slog, I see no reason why we can't have an auto pilot for high wake jumps. Or even one that keeps you on course in super cruise and drops you out manually.

I see no reason why we can't instant transfer our ships, either make me wait or make me pay. Wait the time for free transfer or make me pay the cost for instant transfer.

As it is now I'm basically using a travel ship to get places and then transferring my ship and going afk until then. Is that compelling? Fuck no. It's down right ridiculous. I'm thankful for ship transfer at least because it let's me keep my combat ships fully kitted for combat and not have to waste slots on travel stuff or tiny cargo racks. Having to swap out SCB's and other things on my FdL for fuel tanks and fuel scoops when going on a long trip was "immersive" the first time but later got annoying as hell, especially because I'd have to hunt down a near by system to re-fit once I arrived.

Fuck man all I wanna do is have good fights and fly around in my ship and I love the way flying feels in elite which is why I keep coming back but if I could change some things I totally would.



In essence then I stand by what I said. For this game to become even half as good as it is ambitious, it would take a paradigm shift in terms of design at Frontier (aka: someone with actual game design talent in charge of the design decisions) and the spine to not give in to the whining immersion crowd.

Fat chance of that happening. In the end, I still love it as much as I hate it.

Have to agree on both counts, it's not like there are other space sims worth playing at the moment
and X4 is probably a few years off.


Yeah. Ship transport costs (time or money) need to be balanced so that everyone doesn't just travel everywhere in an Asp and teleport their other ships when they arrive.

But that balance needs to be for gamplay/QoL balance and not because of "immersion". The forums are a cesspit of hardcore immersion arseholes who oppose anything that might result in newer players obtaining the same ships as them without the ridiculous grind (I did over 10,000 tedious delivery missions to get my Ensign rank, so you should to!)

Originally they argued (correctly I might add) that people would just sit with their thumbs up their arse waiting for the transfers to complete so there was no real reason to have a delay because all you are doing is perpetuating a horrible unfun "mechanic".

It shouldn't matter if someone can transport their ship somewhere else quickly. 99.9% of the time it wouldn't be an issue for the other person because surprise surprise Elite is basically a single player game with some online trappings that vast majority of the time you wont even see happening.

Right now there are people complaining that the engineer FSD upgrades, jumponium and the neutron highway makes traveling large distance not a challenge anymore. Newsflash you idiots, it was never hard. Just tedious. Adding tedium doesnt make a game harder, just more annoying.

Frontier needs to draw the line and stop letting these sort of people ruin the game. The lore for micro jumps is there already, allowing you to jump into another sun in the same system isnt going to ruin anything. Allowing you to accelerate faster while in super cruise wont break anything either. I just hope that whenever the Guardians tech that allows long distance communications between people in game doesn't get blasted by the same "immersion first, tedium second, fun third" contingency in the forums.


Congratulation. You've just demonstrated perfectly where the resentment comes from.

I don't want this, because my immersion is a beautiful delicate flower that can't cope otherwise, but is totally fine with visible combat lasers, speed limits in space, a WW2 flight model and ship hull life bars. I will quit playing the game if you do that. I don't want anybody else to skip any kind of tedium because I enjoy it (or mistake it for a simulation aspect etc.). If none of these applies, I will construct some balancing concerns, because the game's current meta is a sacred cow, balancing in its current form is perfect and would break entirely if QoL feature X was added.

This is the kind of dreck you get from that particular crowd on far too many occasions. Edit: Don't forget: I've backed this game's kickstarter and lived already to play the original in 1984, so I can say with authority what is in the spirit of this game and what not, and that definitely does not include QoL feature X/any even merely competent multiplayer features. Yes' I've seen that line of argument as well as all of the above on the official forums.

Meanwhile, I've now had instances where we've given up on even meeting up with people, because they'd simply crawl for 20 minutes to a meeting point with the ship they'd need to participate in the CZ, because that'd have cut so much off the remaining playtime, it wouldn't have been worth it anymore that evening. Ship transfer as initially announced before the "mah immersun" crowd threw fits, would've let them smoothly cruised there in an Asp in five minutes, payed a cut out of the coming CZ earnings to beam over a CZ worthy ship, and have fun. Instead, we avoided playing the game, because none of us really thinks that killing time until a counter has run out (in my case) or watching 20 minutes of loading screens (in their case) is fun, immersive or simulates anything worth simulating in our free time.

I hope you don't mind if I stick to "immersion idiot". It's obviously just my perspective. "Immersion arsehole" does have a nice ring to it as well.

I happen to like this feature the way it is. That makes me an idiot. Ok then.

Tell me when I said that anyone's perspective is less valid than my own, and I will accept the insult. I'll ignore the fact that you're doing exactly that yourself.
You're assuming that I would've complained if ship transfer was free and instantaneous, and that is just not the case at all. Feel free to creep through my post history and try to find one post that says otherwise.


Surely if all the tedium and long drawn out business was removed it would just reveal what an empty husk of a game it actually is......

I'll get my coat....
Actually decided to try the Engineers stuff. No idea how put up with it before, even now it's still a hassle. I've 4 Arsenic to use, but only 1 chemical manipulator on arriving at my fourth wreckage and I can't even work out how the hell to scan all the wakes I'm seeing in SC (it's been that long since I had one fitted) so it's not proving fast right now.

Getting Felicity to Rank 5 on the other hand was quick and easy at least, but I only wanted the mats for a few rolls at a new FSD, say 4, but it's taken a couple hours just to get this far.
Actually decided to try the Engineers stuff. No idea how put up with it before, even now it's still a hassle. I've 4 Arsenic to use, but only 1 chemical manipulator on arriving at my fourth wreckage and I can't even work out how the hell to scan all the wakes I'm seeing in SC (it's been that long since I had one fitted) so it's not proving fast right now.

Getting Felicity to Rank 5 on the other hand was quick and easy at least, but I only wanted the mats for a few rolls at a new FSD, say 4, but it's taken a couple hours just to get this far.

Make sure the wake scanner is assigned to a fire group.


It is. Or at least I think it is anyway, I've been buying and switching ships a lot but I usually redo my fire groups when I change them. They do work in SC too then?

They work the same as a warrant scanner. Set it to fire group, then get close enough (depends on the rank of scanner) and use the assigned button to scan the target with your hardpoints out.


Whoever thought having the "Jettison All Cargo" button be right right below the "Cargo Scoop" button by default was a good idea seriously needs to have their face smashed in.

They work the same as a warrant scanner. Set it to fire group, then get close enough (depends on the rank of scanner) and use the assigned button to scan the target with your hardpoints out.

Thanks, don't know why it wasn't working earlier then. I'll probably solve that riddle in a few minutes and find I did something dumb.

Edit: Ok can't scan low wakes then.

Whoever thought having the "Jettison All Cargo" button be right right below the "Cargo Scoop" button by default was a good idea seriously needs to have their face smashed in.


FYI you can either map it to a hat switch if you're on HOTAS, or if it's a controller you prefer then holding B and pressing up I think is the shortcut. Much easier than having to dabble with the menus all the time.


FYI you can either map it to a hat switch if you're on HOTAS, or if it's a controller you prefer then holding B and pressing up I think is the shortcut. Much easier than having to dabble with the menus all the time.

The placement of the default hotkeys was my whole problem: The hotkey for jettisioning all your cargo is End by default. Home is for your Cargo Scoop. That's like having the Self-Destruct hotkey be right next to the Activate Hardpoints.

But it doesn't matter anymore, I unbound it so it'll never happen again.
Whoever thought having the "Jettison All Cargo" button be right right below the "Cargo Scoop" button by default was a good idea seriously needs to have their face smashed in.


THIS I did the same freaking thing tonight. Went and unbound that shit right away. At least I didn't jettison anything too important...


THIS I did the same freaking thing tonight. Went and unbound that shit right away. At least I didn't jettison anything too important...

I've long though about rallying at the FDev forums for a default M+K layout, that somebody with a working brain came up with, but I so far I couldn't be arsed. It's really Frontier's work to present new customers with a workable configuration out of the box. Unless they get payed by HOTAS makers to drive people to buy a HOTAS out of desperation with the default keyboard layout, even though there's no need whatsoever for one playing Elite without VR. It's an entirely optional luxury expense for personal immersion.

I happen to like this feature the way it is. That makes me an idiot. Ok then.

If you have been part of the whining mass that pressured Frontier into gimping transfers out of their usefulness, yes. Thanks a lot. To all the people that made this happen. You must know if it includes yourself or not. On occasions we simply don't play the game anymore while we would have, if the transfer hadn't been preemptively fucked with. So thanks, I think I'll stick to the term.


I remember back when I'd accidentally change to alternate control scheme...usually in the middle of docking. Eventually removed that binding and now my only problem is that I occasionally accidentally deploy a heat sink.


I remember back when I'd accidentally change to alternate control scheme...usually in the middle of docking. Eventually removed that binding and now my only problem is that I occasionally accidentally deploy a heat sink.

A minimal set of general rules for a sensible default layout should include...

  • Functions with severe consequences should always be behind a modifier. This includes strictly limited activations, e.g. heat sinks, potentially lethal consequences e.g. silent running and discarding all cargo
  • Functions required to be used together should be reachable without shifting hand positions. That includes not putting energy management on the other side of the keyboard from where lateral thrust is located.

The lack of this tells me, that the default layout has hardly been used extensively by the devs for actual play time.
So which engineers are worth visiting? Miss Farseer just granted me a 28 ly jump on my Python and I'm thinking of doing engines next. Is there any other priority upgrades?

The placement of the default hotkeys was my whole problem: The hotkey for jettisioning all your cargo is End by default. Home is for your Cargo Scoop. That's like having the Self-Destruct hotkey be right next to the Activate Hardpoints.

But it doesn't matter anymore, I unbound it so it'll never happen again.

Oh dang, yeah that is some straight awful hot key positioning! I don't think I've ever played with M+K long enough to use them but yeah, that's far from ideal, especially with scooping cargo being one of the most tedious things in the game.
Whoever thought having the "Jettison All Cargo" button be right right below the "Cargo Scoop" button by default was a good idea seriously needs to have their face smashed in.


To be fair on a real spaceship the buttons are right next to each other too so this is more realistic and required for immersion git gud
There's a new CG to bring in obelisk data to reveal more ancient sites so people who were looking for more than 13 data entries in all modes were just wasting their time by design (or so it sounds like).

This is the shit that gets me. It's been over a week with the forums flooding in thousands of posts to try and discover the secrets behind the Guardians. In all that time they couldn't check what people were actually doing to see if it was working as intended until now, because it's been really freaking obvious that people crossed the 13 entry threshold a long enough time ago now.

I'm glad I left that site on day one, I just knew they'd fucked something up.


Oh my god this imp eagle is so much fun I gotta grind up to dirty drives 5 only sporting dd3 right now.

The Sirius rep grind is phenomenally easy for a little known system: 500ly out from the bubble in the middle of fucken nothing is HIP 8396, whose only station owned by Sirius Corp for some reason. It's currently in boom so it's just generating an asswhack of donation missions (since it's not close enough to any other inhabited system to generate anything else), took me half hour to boat out there (in my FDL, no less) and 20 minutes of board flipping, bam allied.

If that doesn't interest you the station has restock/repair and is 30Mm from 2 high RES sites and you can bounty hunt your way to allied in couple of hours.

I was so dreading the mission grind until I found this place.

Not Spaceghost

The Sirius rep grind is phenomenally easy for a little known system: 500ly out from the bubble in the middle of fucken nothing is HIP 8396, whose only station owned by Sirius Corp for some reason. It's currently in boom so it's just generating an asswhack of donation missions (since it's not close enough to any other inhabited system to generate anything else), took me half hour to boat out there (in my FDL, no less) and 20 minutes of board flipping, bam allied.

If that doesn't interest you the station has restock/repair and is 30Mm from 2 high RES sites and you can bounty hunt your way to allied in couple of hours.

I was so dreading the mission grind until I found this place.

Lol the problem is i'm using farseer for my g3's and in order to grind up to palin to get g5's i have to literally do everything.

I need to discover from grade 3 qwent and I need to attain a maximum distance from your career start location of at least 5,000 light years, so I'll have to take a trip to colonia. and then I have to provide 25 units of Unknown Fragments.

I really hate unlocking engineers.


I was interdicted just outside the planet's atmosphere with an imperial navy supply run. I flung myself into the soup, thinking I could break out of it by snapping below orbital cruise into the glide. I was going too fast and with too sharp a dive. The surface loomed in less than a second to swallow up my ship, my engineered parts, my promotion, and millions of credits in active cargo missions for that very rock...

...and I passed through it.

The flesh of the world warped and jerked around me as if reality was coming undone, and then I found myself sitting in complete calm, silence, motionless, and in darkness save the grey globe-lines of the planet curving over the horizon in all directions.

A few seconds passed in limbo and I found myself a hundred meters above the surface, as though frozen in the air. My hull had sustained only minor damage, my cargo was pristine, and my pursuer was nowhere to be seen. I was alone and alive.

They call me Charlie Alpha Echo. I dug a grave and therein laid death.

This AspX needs a fitting name for this exploit. Ideas, community?
I'm not quite ready to jump into VR as I want to get a future iteration of the Vive with higher resolution with eye-tracking for foveated rendering. So I thought I'd go for a more temporary solution with the Tobii Eye 4C. With some minor adjustments, it's feeling really good. The problem is my view when I start the game isn't Tobii's Infinite Screen program it doesn't center. I don't know what's going on. Anyone know a way to re-center back to the games default position?

The game or the tracker, I'm not sure which, has decided this is my center.

Figured maybe it was the game doing it, and there's a hotkey for centering your view again? Longshot I know, but can't hurt to ask.


I'm not quite ready to jump into VR as I want to get a future iteration of the Vive with higher resolution with eye-tracking for foveated rendering. So I thought I'd go for a more temporary solution with the Tobii Eye 4C. With some minor adjustments, it's feeling really good. The problem is my view when I start the game isn't Tobii's Infinite Screen program it doesn't center. I don't know what's going on. Anyone know a way to re-center back to the games default position?

The game or the tracker, I'm not sure which, has decided this is my center.

Figured maybe it was the game doing it, and there's a hotkey for centering your view again? Longshot I know, but can't hurt to ask.

There has to be a bind within tobii's software that resets the tracking to center. Usually it's F12 but check the options. It shouldn't be an Elite problem.
There has to be a bind within tobii's software that resets the tracking to center. Usually it's F12 but check the options. It shouldn't be an Elite problem.

Funny enough I did in fact set it to F12. But nothing happens when I press it in game.


There's so little discussion about this, I can't seem to find a forum anywhere mention it :(
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