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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


Did I miss something or did I just get a free Viper MKIV? Never bought one since playing the 1.5 beta because of how slow it is but apparently I have one now.


Anyone else checked out the recently discovered alien "Barnacles" in the Pleiades Nebula?



Having a problem:

I have this mission, I found the guy, more than once, used hatchbreaker limpets to get him to drop his cargo, each time he's reported as clean, but each time he drops some hostages, and none of the times that I pick them up do they give me completion. Even when shuttling them back to base.

I guess I gotta wait until he spawns as a "mission target"?



Having a problem:

I have this mission, I found the guy, more than once, used hatchbreaker limpets to get him to drop his cargo, each time he's reported as clean, but each time he drops some hostages, and none of the times that I pick them up do they give me completion. Even when shuttling them back to base.

I guess I gotta wait until he spawns as a "mission target"?

Some missions are still bugged unfortunately :(


Anyone else checked out the recently discovered alien "Barnacles" in the Pleiades Nebula?


Took a trip out there tonight. Perhaps the furthest trip I've made. I'm glad I did it. For several reasons. One to see the barnacles and to make some extra money. It was largely boring though because I was in solo mode. I figured it was safer this way. Unfortunately by the time I got there it was dark on that side of the planet so I didn't really get a good look in person. Might swing by there tomorrow before I head back to Rhea to see what they look like during the day.

What the trip also did was put me off of just exploring in general. The traveling, having to fuel scoop, etc is very annoying and not even remotely fun for me. I was hoping it would be but it isn't. Landing on planets didn't fair much better. As much as I like the idea of landing on planets it has largely been a disappointment to me. I like having additional areas to get missions from mind you. I like the process of actually landing on a planet. That part of Horizons so far has been good. Exploring random planets though is boring and frustrating beyond belief for me a lot of the time. Every time I attempt it I just get so fed up that I go back to running missions or find a conflict zone to mess around in. Forget about trying to find resources on the planets as well. The majority I have came from the barnacles tonight.

The game has a grind and I've largely accepted it when it comes to doing missions, trading, etc. Finding resources on planets or any point of interest at all on planets is a far bigger time sync and grind to the point it has made me appreciate the generic nature of the mission system and trading.

This actual trip took a toll on me. So I figure once I get back to colonized space I might be taking a long break from the game. I did that before and I was better for it. As much as I try this just isn't a game I can play daily and I likely should stop trying to force that.
What the trip also did was put me off of just exploring in general. The traveling, having to fuel scoop, etc is very annoying and not even remotely fun for me.
I made a run out to the Pleiades a long time ago, and I have to agree that the constant jumping really did make the whole thing a chore. Fuel scooping is an awesome concept though (to me anyway, I loved seeing it on SGU), and more expensive scoops make the process a LOT shorter than then cheapest basic scoop. If you really want to make exploration like a second job, make sure to scan everything along the way. That got massively tedious (though I can't argue with the payday when I got home).

I think being able to land on planets would make a long term expedition a bit more interesting, since you can kind of get out of your ship and "stretch your legs" a bit. The scenery out there is pretty epic, and at the time I did my Pleiades run there was no ability to land. I would have turned my effort into a kind of travelogue adventure if I could have zipped around with an SRV for screenshots. :)

I dunno, normally I'd not be one to call for an autopilot for jumping but for long distance exploration and travel it sometimes feels like I'd want one. :)


The nice thing about this game is there is so much varied stuff to do in the game that most players find what they enjoy and stick to it. For me personally exploration is my favorite part of the game. I can make considerably more money trading but I always have this urge to go out and explore, only down side is that it usually takes me a month (or more) to get back to civilized space.
The nice thing about this game is there is so much varied stuff to do in the game that most players find what they enjoy and stick to it. For me personally exploration is my favorite part of the game. I can make considerably more money trading but I always have this urge to go out and explore, only down side is that it usually takes me a month (or more) to get back to civilized space.
I've been a space nut all all my life, and this game has been a dream come true to see and travel to thingies that I've always wanted to. :)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Took a trip out there tonight. Perhaps the furthest trip I've made....What the trip also did was put me off of just exploring in general. The traveling, having to fuel scoop, etc is very annoying and not even remotely fun for me.

Different strokes for different folks, I personally love exploring more than anything else in the game. The Pleaides are only a couple hundred light years out from the bubble, I can get there in like half an hour so that's not even far for me. Currently I'm over 9000ly out from Sol in the NGC 6357 Nebula, but I'm on my way out to the Far Rim which is over 65,000ly from Sol. So yeah, fuel scooping doesn't bother me, LOL.


Different strokes for different folks, I personally love exploring more than anything else in the game. The Pleaides are only a couple hundred light years out from the bubble, I can get there in like half an hour so that's not even far for me. Currently I'm over 9000ly out from Sol in the NGC 6357 Nebula, but I'm on my way out to the Far Rim which is over 65,000ly from Sol. So yeah, fuel scooping doesn't bother me, LOL.

What ship are you using? I've used an ASP before but recently bought a conda. The view sucks but that 7A fuel scoop is real nice.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
What ship are you using? I've used an ASP before but recently bought a conda. The view sucks but that 7A fuel scoop is real nice.

I explore in an Asp with a 6A scoop. The Anaconda is technically better with a slighter longer jump range, but it turns slower in cruise and is more finicky with planetary landings due to it's mass. Plus I hate the view from the Anaconda, you have to stare at that long nose all the time.


Yeah if you don't like something in this game, definitly switch to something else.

Mind you, exploration is still WIP in this game and needs a lot of work. I'm sure FD will get to it sooner or later.


Yeah if you don't like something in this game, definitly switch to something else.

Mind you, exploration is still WIP in this game and needs a lot of work. I'm sure FD will get to it sooner or later.

Man, even like planetary sample collecting would be awesome. Bring back the samples and gain more money/exploration exp. There is so much potential for exploration.


Man, even like planetary sample collecting would be awesome. Bring back the samples and gain more money/exploration exp. There is so much potential for exploration.
Add possibility for spreading contamination and we would have some seriously interesting possibilities. ;)


Interesting article on the politics of elite dangerous if anyone is interested.

Hey guys,
One of the group leaders asked a question in the group leaders forum about governments and how they work. Specifically with the purpose of being able to write better stories and background in the game. It's been suggested that the answer would be beneficial to be added to the public forums and I agree. So here it is.



Imperial Senate

What is the structure of the Senate?
How are Senators selected / appointed?
Does every Empire system have representation on the Senate?
Where is the Senate located? Is it in a named building, in a particular city?
What is the length a Senator's term in office?
If each Empire system is indeed represented by a Senator, does that therefore mean the Senator changes each time the controlling minor faction flips in that system?
What are the day to day responsibilities of Senators?
Are Senators chosen exclusively from only certain demographics / minor faction types, for example could only a Patron become a Senator, or is the position open to individuals from Corporations, or from Dictatorship minor faction governments as well?

Federation Congress

What is the structure of Congress?
How are Congresspersons selected / appointed?
Does every Federation system have representation in Congress?
Where exactly is Congress located?
What is the length of a Congresspersons term in office?
Do Congresspersons change when their system's controlling Minor Faction is flipped?
What are the day to day responsibilities of Congresspersons?
Are Congresspersons chosen exclusively from only certain minor faction government types, such as Democratic, or could an individual from a Corporate, or Cooperative faction also become a Congressperson?

Alliance Council of Admirals / Prime Minister's Office

What is the current structure of the Council and how exactly does it interact with the Office of the Prime Minister for the Alliance?
How are the PM, and Council members selected?
Where, and in what manner, are each Alliance member system represented politically?
Where exactly is the PM's Office & the Council located?
What is the length of the PM's term in office, and how long do members of the council serve?
How does the Council respond in terms of political representation, when a member system's Minor Faction flips?
What are the day to day responsibilities of the PM and members of the Council?

Providing this sort of information is really key to allowing players and groups to write stories that fit the game well, organise events that are consistent with established lore, and also means we don't waste any time or effort developing fiction that isn't really appropriate for the setting.


Imperial Senate
· What is the structure of the Senate?
All Senators and the Emperor can ‘sit’ in the Senate, but it is rare that all participate at the same time. The Chancellor is a Senator with additional powers, and he or she runs any debates in the Senate. They are appointed by the Emperor. It is otherwise structurally flat by law, but in practice has power blocks within it, led by the more important/powerful Senators. Not all Senators are equal. There are regular votes on issues of the day, and the Senator’s voting power is the total number of Citizens (in turn represented by Clients, and blocks of Clients by Patrons) they currently represent. They are influenced by their most powerful Patrons – who in turn are not all equal, and Patrons may move their block to another Senator at a whim, particularly if they feel their current Senator is not representing the views of their Clients. Senators can lose Patrons quickly if their actions are unpopular, but bear in mind a Senator sets tax rates and healthcare for all those that support them, so can effectively bribe Patrons to ally themselves with them. The most powerful Senators can have a hundred or more times the voting power than others, and a Senate majority can be just a few of the major Senators, but honour requires that the views of all Senators are listened to politely. Before voting against them.
How are Senators selected / appointed?
There are no elections. A Senator represents a group of Patrons, who in turn represent Clients, and each of those represents a group of Citizens. This representation is public. Anyone can see who is currently supporting each Senator (Patron, Client), and their numbers. There are 1,000 Senators by Imperial Decree, dating back to the first Emperor a thousand years ago. A very popular Patron can petition to become a Senator if he or she thinks they could represent more Citizens than one of the least popular Senators. That less popular Senator the petitioner chooses to target has the opportunity to rally support against the challenger for seven days, but as does the popular Patron, and at the end of that period a decision is made based on their support, and that Patron cannot petition again for 1 Earth year if they are unsuccessful. Similarly a deposed Senator cannot petition to become a Senator again for a year. Posting a petition has a cost (1 Bn CR, paid to the Emperor) to prevent time wasters, which is returned if the petition succeeds.
When a Senator dies or chooses to retire, usually their chosen successor takes their Senatorial seat. Most Senators will have such a chosen successor already working closely in their entourage, and familiar and friendly with their most powerful Patrons so continuity is assured; as a result generally their petitions are unopposed. Sometimes multiple petitions are made for the same Senatorial opening, which can happen when a Senator and their entourage dies in the same event, so this is the nearest the Empire gets to an election, with the most popular succeeding in their petition.
A controversial issue can result in a sudden mass realignment of Patrons, but this can happen at any time; the system is pretty dynamic.
Similarly there are not just senatorial petitions as above, but there are petitions for Patrons, Clients, and Citizens. A citizen petition is where a slave or child of a Citizen, or even a foreigner, petitions to become an Imperial Citizen. For children this is a fairly informal process, which is really a coming-of-age party with a brief ceremony at the start, which happens when they reach 21 years old.
Apart from the Emperor, royal standing is separate from political standing. Knights, Princes etc exist, and only a few get involved in politics – and then it is mostly by influencing and supporting friendly Senators from behind the scenes, but there is nothing stopping them also becoming Senators.
· Does every Imperial system have representation on the Senate?
Effectively, but indirectly. Every Imperial Citizen has a right to representation by a Client. Every Client has a right to be represented by a Patron, and every Patron a Senator. Senators generally represent power bases – which can be many systems or a specific interest group, and typically many hundred Patrons – though it is up to the Senator how many Patrons they have. There is not a fixed number. So if a system has just one Imperial Citizen living there, they will have representation in the Senate – but most likely only indirectly through their Patrons. It is likely there is a Patron at the head of each of the larger Imperial Minor Factions for example, but not a Senator.
· Where is the Senate located? Is it in a named building, in a particular city?
Historically it used to always physically sit in the Senate House on Capitol (Achenar 6d). It is near to the Imperial Palace. Technically it still does sit there, but in practice most Senators ‘sit’ virtually by remote projection – though by tradition there are a number of events (like the accession of a new Emperor, and on ‘Empire Day’ (January 2nd) where it is considered ‘proper and polite’ to attend physically, where a party atmosphere descends on Capitol as the entourages of each Senator arrive in their finery.
· What is the length a Senator's term in office?
Generally until death, or until they choose to retire. Occasionally an unpopular Senator is challenged by a petition (see above), and that can also end their term.
· If each Imperial system is indeed represented by a Senator, does that therefore mean the Senator changes each time the controlling minor faction flips in that system?
No. See above. A Minor Faction is likely to be led by a Patron.
· What are the day to day responsibilities of Senators?
To represent their Patrons as they see fit. Senators can also hold other roles, like Admiral of the Fleet, Chancellor, Leader of the House (runs the Senate hearings when the Emperor and Chancellor are not present). Senators can also have private interests, and generally represent one or more Corporations – often with large personal shareholdings in them. They are fully entitled to be biased towards their own interests, and generally do, as long as most of their Patrons hold much the same interests. Senators are above the law, subject only to a decree from the Emperor, and through history it has even been known for Senators to go to battle against each other.
· Are Senators chosen exclusively from only certain demographics / minor faction types, for example could only a Patron become a Senator, or is the position open to individuals from Corporations, or from Dictatorship minor faction governments as well?
No, there are Senators that have come up from the Military, or by corporate success – but by the very nature of Patronage, and the cost of the petitions, it can be very exclusive, with family inheritance being important too.

Federation Congress
· What is the structure of Congress?
Federal Congress is made up of 500 Congressmen (the term for both men and women). They sit in Congress, which is in Olympus Village on Mars – which replaced its location in Washington DC early in the previous millennium.
· How are Congresspersons selected / appointed?
Congressmen are elected for an eight year term, along with a President, with a ‘vote of no confidence’ after four years. If the vote of no confidence succeeds then a full election takes place. A Congressman (or President) cannot serve multiple consecutive terms, though a Congressman can (and often does) become President immediately after a term as a Congressman.
· Does every Federation system have representation in Congress?
Yes, but generally a Congressman represents multiple systems, except a few (like Sol) that have more than one Congressional representative, based loosely on historic population. Phenomenal growth in the outer systems has meant that they have little representation in Congress, and there is frequent discussion about creating many new Congressmen to address this balance, but the various power blocks realise it will change the balance of power away from the core systems, the very people who would have to vote it through – so many agree it is unlikely to happen in the near future.
· Where exactly is Congress located?
Olympus Village (a misnomer – it is now a sprawling metropolis) on Mars, and Congressmen are expected to attend in person to vote.
· What is the length of a Congresspersons term in office?
Up to eight years. They can get voted out after four, as above.
· Do Congresspersons change when their system's controlling Minor Faction is flipped?
Not until their term is up, but their life could become difficult, so they might resign, triggering a local election.
· What are the day to day responsibilities of Congresspersons?
Representing their constituency. They can also hold other office as part of government – for example chairing committees etc. They are not allowed to have corporate interests that might conflict with their political roles (though quite often some hide them via their friends, spouses etc, and not all get found out)
· Are Congresspersons chosen exclusively from only certain minor faction government types, such as Democratic, or could an individual from a Corporate, or Cooperative faction also become a Congressperson?
Anyone can stand for election. They do not need to be backed by a political party or minor faction, but it helps. There are three major parties, Democrats, Republicans, and Libertarians. Corporations generally do push (and fund) their chosen candidates or parties (eg Hudson), as do other special interest groups.

Alliance Council of Admirals / Prime Minister's Office
· What is the current structure of the Council and how exactly does it interact with the Office of the Prime Minister for the Alliance?
Each Alliance Member State has a number of Council Members within the Alliance Assembly, based on the size of their respective populations. Some only have one. The Prime Minister is elected by the Members, and it is his or her job to corral them into some sort of consensus; generally a slow process. There is much less tradition than in the other powers, and processes within the Alliance Assembly are still subject to change – generally when arguments break out, as they frequently do. In practice the Alliance is largely run by Civil Servants – salaried officials that look after day to day running of the Alliance, generally not getting involved in the political struggles.
The Alliance Defence Force is run by the six member Council of Admirals, independently from the Council of Members, but reporting to it after the event, to facilitate rapid decision-making. Each of these Admirals is from a key contributing Navy.
· How are the PM, and Council members selected?
The PM is elected by the Council Members. Each Member State has slightly different electoral rules based on their history.
· Where, and in what manner, are each Alliance member system represented politically?
By their Council Member(s) in Parliament. Parliament is virtual, but run from Turner’s World in Alioth.
· Where exactly is the PM's Office & the Council located?
Garden City on Turner’s World in Alioth, close to the old industrial and ship-building city of New Rossyth.
· What is the length of the PM's term in office, and how long do members of the council serve?
In theory the Prime Minister is elected for six years, but disputes within the Assembly have meant that the PM often doesn’t make it that long. They can suffer votes against them, often resulting in resignation, or occasionally votes of not confidence. They can serve multiple terms, but none have manages to do so yet.
· How does the Council respond in terms of political representation, when a member system's Minor Faction flips?
If this happens within a Member State, then depending on the rules of that Member State it could change who represents them in the Assembly – but given that the Assembly rarely gets anything done, it is unlikely anyone will notice.
· What are the day to day responsibilities of the PM and members of the Council?
The Assembly represents their population. The Council of Admirals runs the Alliance Defence Force. The real power rests with the Civil Servants, and the Council of Admirals.


I checked out the barnacles and communicated with the CMDRs out there with front flips and barrel rolls in the SRV. Always cool to see a bunch of players in the same spot, even more interesting when it's a mix of SRVs and ships. I snag a meta-alloy and brought it to Obsidian Station. I feel like I've done my part to insure the destruction of the human race. Always wanted to be part of history.

As hard as I try, I cannot get into Elite: Dangerous. Every time I launch it I just get stuck in the fact that the tutorials are awful and there is no real direction for what to do or how to get started. It is absolutely nonsensical for a game of this magnitude that you are expected to go watch YouTube videos on how to fly. Why couldn't they teach you inside the game? It's such a crazy oversight to me.
It's certainly not for everyone, especially if you want direct guidance. There are lots of resources to learn if you change your mind. The tutorials will help with basic combat and how to dock, launch, supercruise, use the galaxy map at a basic level and jump to another system. After that it's basically make some money and get out of the sidewinder. To do that quickly without fumbling around to learn the game will require some outside sources, which are definitely out there and in here.
Honestly, not really sure why people need the tutorials to figure that stuff out. I mean flying in these sorts of games are almost always the same deal.
I didn't watch anything and was able to dock at my first station (after almost getting blown up for not requesting permission!) without crashing.

The only thing related to basic gameplay that I needed to look up was the little destination marker next to the radar.

I guess I have just played too many of these games.


They were a gift to new players for a Christmas event but there seems to be a bug where others have got them. Great bug :)

I heard it was due to the completion of a community goal; everyone got them regardless of whether they were involved.

Now if only there was a way of remotely managing my ships instead of having to travel across the bubble to get rid of it.

I checked out the barnacles and communicated with the CMDRs out there with front flips and barrel rolls in the SRV. Always cool to see a bunch of players in the same spot, even more interesting when it's a mix of SRVs and ships. I snag a meta-alloy and brought it to Obsidian Station. I feel like I've done my part to insure the destruction of the human race. Always wanted to be part of history.

Frontier have been teasing "first contact" for so long I don't know if they can deliver a compelling enemy/antagonist. At least they won't look like all of the cookie cutter pirates.


So I decided to give the game another crack over the weekend. As a totally new player, I hit some annoying walls (nothing that I couldn't Google my way around, mostly, but still annoying).

Surface missions are decidedly unfun when you're "new". The SRV handles like garbage, and mission objectives are incredibly vague/unintuitive. It got to the point that I deleted and re-created my 'new' character three times over the weekend when I would get trespassing violations and/or shot at repeatedly by turrets trying to figure out where the hell the thing I was supposed to interact with was located. Perhaps there was some UI element or keybind I missed to help locate them (I did scan my bindings repeatedly), or I need to go watch even more tutorial videos, but I felt completely lost. It's honestly one of the least intuitive-out-of-the-box quest/UI features I've seen in a game in a long time. I thought Planetside was unfriendly with its lack of explanation of anything, but these might take the cake.

The nail in the coffin (before my last reroll) was when I was trying to put a bug on a comms relay or w/e and basically driving outside the periphery of the trespass area trying to see something, bounced off a rock, and ended up landing on a 20 degree incline that my SRV couldn't scale. I just slid down and down and down, and had no way of getting back to whatever base I was at without calling my ship back in and trying to land somewhere else (outside the trespass area) and going for another long drive.

After this I rerolled (still taking the Horizons loadout because I saw no reason not to) and decided to go run some missions. Well, actually, I thought I might try to make some money with cargo, but then I bought some cargo that wasn't illegal at the port I was in (because it fell under different jurisdiction) but was illegal a system over, and I had nothing telling/warning me this might be the case (granted, the fact that it was weapons was a tell in and of itself, I know), so I ended up jettisoning it because I was approaching a port and had not yet read up on how scanning (and, for that matter, smuggling) works. I would have bought cheaper (probably safer) cargo but I only had two slots.

I was able to complete most of the missions I grabbed without difficulty, but there were a couple that relied on you using information that the game doesn't immediately give you. For example, I got a mission as a cleaner, but had no idea I needed an Interdictor to take them out of SC, so I failed that mission. I got a mission to stay alive with cargo for a while, killed all the derpy NPC pirates trying to gank me, and then met up with the NPC, but when he told me to 'follow' him I had no idea where to go. I had previously tried jumping to follow a high energy wake and been told I needed a wake scanner, so when he disappeared and left a wake I assumed I had no outs. I only found out later (after I had left and the wake had despawned) that for low energy wakes you just treat them like any other waypoint. There was also a smuggling mission that I took that told me to take a certain type of cargo to a destination, but that destination was the same base/port, and I couldn't figure out how to complete it, but it may have been bugged.

All in all I had fun with it, but the game certainly needs a little more framing and missions need a little bit more detail to avoid new players screwing themselves. I'm OK with doing a ton of reading to learn things that the game doesn't cover (I've been playing MMOs for a decade and change now so it came with that territory), so it's not going to turn me off long-term (and I imagine I'll eventually figure out and go back to surface missions), but man, what a curve out of the gate haha.


I've seen steam keys of the base game for 15$....is still worth it without Horizons? I'm tempted!

I'd rather say Horizons in its current state is not worth the 45€-50€. If you're interested now, get the game cheap and then, when Horizons is further into the season and you want to use the (hopefully more complete) new features, get that on a sale as well.

<frustrating start>

The game relatively hard to get into, because it has absolutely no mechanic designed to ease you into it. The tutorials barely cover the very basics, but don't explain the logic behind many things.

The answer for every beginner is: Don't waste your time on missions!
I'd rather say Horizons in its current state is not worth the 45€-50€. If you're interested now, get the game cheap and then, when Horizons is further into the season and you want to use the (hopefully more complete) new features, get that on a sale as well.

Thanks! will buy it tonight.


The game relatively hard to get into, because it has absolutely no mechanic designed to ease you into it. The tutorials barely cover the very basics, but don't explain the logic behind many things.

The answer for every beginner is: Don't waste your time on missions!

Duly noted. I cherry-picked missions that seemed reasonable to do but the offerings were paltry (maybe one viable mission per port, if that). Good to know I can go 'farm' a bit to get better situated before tackling the interesting stuff. ;)


The game relatively hard to get into, because it has absolutely no mechanic designed to ease you into it. The tutorials barely cover the very basics, but don't explain the logic behind many things.

The answer for every beginner is: Don't waste your time on missions!

I got the game for one of my friends for Christmas and I honestly believe if I wasn't there to help him through the huge learning curve he would have quit 2 hours into the game. He is having tons of fun now but that again is one of the thinks that Frontier should focus on (among other things).


you know what thanks to this I may give this game another shot. Like I was playing for a little while doing trade stuff and was doing ok but super slow. But got really bored of just doing that and put the game down.

Also is Horizons a must if I want to like give the game another shot? or does the old install still hold up?

Old install is still good if you still just want to shoot other ships. Actually horizons didn't really add much other than landing on some planets (to some this is not a big enough update, to some it is).


Also is Horizons a must if I want to like give the game another shot? or does the old install still hold up?

If you've already got season 1, ignore Horizons for now. You're not missing out on much. When the intersting stuff comes along - looting/crafting, multi crew, deployable fighters, whatever they haven't announced and you've sunk your teeth a bit deeper into the game, you can still decide on whether to get Horizons or not. It's not going away and what it delivers (currently not much) for the price is only going to get better.

Aside from that, you'll be playing with Horizons players anyway, you just can't go to planets. And fundamental changes, most likely including the coming persistent NPCs, are going to be integrated into the season one client anyway.


As hard as I try, I cannot get into Elite: Dangerous. Every time I launch it I just get stuck in the fact that the tutorials are awful and there is no real direction for what to do or how to get started. It is absolutely nonsensical for a game of this magnitude that you are expected to go watch YouTube videos on how to fly. Why couldn't they teach you inside the game? It's such a crazy oversight to me.

I didn't think it was that bad, but I played the tutorials twice to get the hang of things before going booting off into space.


As hard as I try, I cannot get into Elite: Dangerous. Every time I launch it I just get stuck in the fact that the tutorials are awful and there is no real direction for what to do or how to get started. It is absolutely nonsensical for a game of this magnitude that you are expected to go watch YouTube videos on how to fly. Why couldn't they teach you inside the game? It's such a crazy oversight to me.

It makes plenty of sense. The tutorials can't possibly teach you anything and everything as there is so much to something as basic as piloting your ship. What the tutorials tell you will get you off the ground. Throttle moves you forward, set a reverse button to go backward, stick to pitch, yaw, and roll, deploy/retract hardpoints, fire weapons, lock onto targets, use your panels, etc.

They're not going to go into flying with Flight Assist off as that's something more advanced, and you technically do not NEED that to play the game. Hell you can easily get away without ever turning off Flight Assist if you were playing Solo Play.


well I just tried doing the bounty hunting over the missions, I have to say wow way more fun than doing trade runs and etc.


As hard as I try, I cannot get into Elite: Dangerous. Every time I launch it I just get stuck in the fact that the tutorials are awful and there is no real direction for what to do or how to get started. It is absolutely nonsensical for a game of this magnitude that you are expected to go watch YouTube videos on how to fly. Why couldn't they teach you inside the game? It's such a crazy oversight to me.

This is what is stopping me taking the plunge, I remember trying the tutorials when it was in the preview program and feeling exactly the same.

I am in no way adverse to a non-linear, non-hand holding game that you make your own fun, heck I put thousands and thousands of hours into MS Flight sim over the years, but I just found it really hard to get into.
Donated myself up in the Federal rankings yesterday to get a Federal Assault Ship. Bougth this yesterday. Wow, what a monster. The shield is damn weak, even with Shield Boosters but damn, that packs a punch. I do need need some better bulkheads though - they are too expensive right now. I guess I keep this ship now for a while. The jump range is quite good @ 18 LY.
One thing that I have been doing is killing ships in the Conflict Zones that pop up in systems that have multiple government factions.

I found it a lot easier to do than RES zones. In RES zones I always seemed to have bad luck with some pirate or security NPC coming after me in the middle of a fight (maybe just bad luck) even when I had nothing worthwhile cargo wise.

In the Conflict Zones you basically warp in, use the function tab to set your IFF or whatever it is called to the faction you want to help and join in on a battle with usually a dozen ships or so. The bonds are worth just about as much as bounties, you don't have to scan to get them, and depending on the zone you will often times outnumber your opponents thanks to NPC allies.

I really need to just dump some cash on an exploration ship and make it back out to the Pleiades area. I wanna see those barnacles up close.

I originally went out there in my Viper mk IV which was obviously not ideal and took way too long.

Was hoping to get an ASP Explorer for the beautiful cockpit view, but I only just have enough to buy the ship itself.
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