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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

Ok GalNET post has given people a good idea what to look for. We're after a system roughly 23ly away from Maia that contains a binary planet that can be landed on. The message received was garbled but it gives some search criteria too.

The info given was:
b?n?r? ??a??t L??: 2?.?? ??n?: 9?.??

Which we can assume is:
binary planet Lat: 2?.?? Long: 9?.??

Unlike the UA's or Barnacles this was a deliberate transmission and it was triggered by something to do with the barnacles happening today. Thargoid hunting time perhaps?


New Dev Update


Hi everyone,

This week sees the release of the latest Xbox One Content Update, this brings the Xbox One version into line with the season one components of the PC/Mac 2.02 release.

Characterisation and a more personal connection to the game world has always been one of the goals for Elite: Dangerous. It’s such a massive play space that it’s easy to feel dwarfed by it and the current impersonal contacts inside the game only enhance that perception. In an interesting coincidence I saw some lovely concept that fans had created for personalities and as part of the mission flow. This is something that we’re working on as part of the 2.1 release (as with the 2.0x point releases some of the changes will be applicable to season one owners).

We’ll leverage the work we’ve done on that Commander Creator) to provide headshots of specific contacts. The focus for this will be mission givers and mechanics (these are loot characters) and the intention is that every mission giver in game (also equivalent to the minor factions) will be a specific individual. This should be consistent for all players.

Your relationship with the minor faction will determine who within that organisation you will deal with, so the better your relationship with them, the higher level character you will deal with. So maintaining a decent reputation with that minor faction is a wise policy!

As well as providing a face for your interactions with that minor faction they will offer more information about how the minor faction is doing and how you can help them. This will be accompanied by a number of changes to missions to facilitate this, there will be more details on this over the coming weeks.

Mechanics are individuals with their own characteristics, history and specialisations who will facilitate crafting. They are spread throughout human space and they are the people to see about implementing changes to your weapons and modules. The release of season two saw the first steps in loot and crafting and this will developed to a much greater degree in 2.1 - we’ll delve into more details on this soon as well.

Over the past year we’ve made a number of changes to some of the visuals (most notable are the asteroids) to improve performance – note that this had nothing to do with the Xbox One release as that uses a different profile. This has impacted the visual quality of the asteroids and we will be addressing some of the causes of that in the 2.1 release. Some of those changes were due to changes in other areas of the game (such as environment map capture) needing to be rebalanced. Whatever the cause we’re evaluating the lighting, fog, shadows and loading issues. Some of these fixes we may limit to certain graphics quality options to make sure all our players enjoy good performance and improved visuals with respect to their systems capabilities.




Junior Member
So I finally got the advanced discovery scanner and I think I've finished outfitting my Hauler to be a good exploration ship. Next is saving up for an Asp I guess. I guess it's time to plan out my first major exploration trip.

Up until now I've only been warping to solitary F, G, and K stars, avoiding multiple systems until I got the advanced scanner. I've found a bunch of water worlds but so far in my entire time playing this game not a single Earth-like planet. A few good for terraforming though.


Distant worlds EU is a go!

Possibly one of My favourite gaming moments ever taking off with everyone and racing accords the Galaxy. Instancing was a pain but in the end we launched and are on our way
Distant worlds EU is a go!

Possibly one of My favourite gaming moments ever taking off with everyone and racing accords the Galaxy. Instancing was a pain but in the end we launched and are on our way

What happened with that? I wanted to join but the only thread I could find was from launch when a guy did it alone. I'm guessing it's also too late to join now.


Still no word on when Horizon's is coming to Xbox One still???

I am still learning the game, but part of me feels like waiting until Horizons releases to really deep dive into the Xbox One version.


Junior Member
For the first time ever I saw moons that weren't lifeless balls of ice. Huh. And they were orbiting a gas giant like 4,000LS from its host star.


Still no word on when Horizon's is coming to Xbox One still???

I am still learning the game, but part of me feels like waiting until Horizons releases to really deep dive into the Xbox One version.

I'd wait until a few more updates or until the full season is done on XB1. Even with Horizons it's super empty and shallow, content-wise. Unless you're a huge exploration nut I guess.


What happened with that? I wanted to join but the only thread I could find was from launch when a guy did it alone. I'm guessing it's also too late to join now.

We all met at Pallaeni and took off at 8pm GMT towards our first base camp. Went really well. We all started adding each other and our galaxy maps looked awesome. You could see these green icons jumping across the galaxy in unison. It's too late to sign up now but you can still come along in Möbius or Open play. There are others who missed the sign up who are coming.

If you make it to beagle point you will be added to the roster retroactively and will join the 65'000 Ly club


something that simple adds a lot
quite strange it wasn't there from the start.. given that even Frontier has it

Same es with all the complaining about things that weren't there from the start: They weren't done. Simple maybe, but what's not done within a certain timeframe can't be released. This is the case with many things in E:D. I rather doubt they're just being held back out of spite to sell them as paid addons, although packaging them as such seems to be their continued funding strategy. ;)

As suspected, die character creator seems to be a prerequisite for NPC faces. I'm happy they're added as part of 2.1 rather than whatever the character creator is.

The barnacle business is also intriguing. I'm getting cautiously optimistic that they're going to make their narration through Galnet a bit more involving and interesting. Talking to NPCs could also help drive home the narration a bit more. One of the recent Galnet postings hints at a much requested feature being added for example:

A few months ago, the Sirius Corporation launched a search for the remains of the Antares, an innovative passenger liner that disappeared during its maiden voyage over fifty years ago. The search resulted in the accumulation of thousands of tonnes of space-borne debris, which was then subjected to rigorous analysis by the Sirius Corporation to determine its origin. The result of that analysis has now been announced: the remains of the Antares have been found. Li Yong-Rui, CEO of Sirius Gov, released a brief statement to the media:

"Words cannot adequately express how delighted I am with this outcome. I was always hopeful we would find the remains of the Antares, and I am very pleased to have my optimism validated. I would like to thank all those at the Sirius Corporation that have worked so tirelessly to analyse the recovered debris over the past few weeks."

Li Yong-Rui went on to speculate about the implications of the discovery:

"The wreckage appears to confirm that the component failure described in the ship's final status report did indeed result in the destruction of the Antares. My hope is that by subjecting the wreckage to further analysis, we will be able to determine exactly what caused the malfunction and apply this knowledge to the development of new safety protocols. With luck, we will be able to reintroduce the innovative drive technology used aboard the Antares. This discovery could serve as the catalyst for a whole new era of interplanetary travel."

Inter-system mini hpyerjumps maybe?

Than there's the business with starports shutting down and the recently found Anaconda wreck. If they expand that further, they could actually drive a relevant narration that way.


Same es with all the complaining about things that weren't there from the start: They weren't done. Simple maybe, but what's not done within a certain timeframe can't be released. This is the case with many things in E:D. I rather doubt they're just being held back out of spite to sell them as paid addons, although packaging them as such seems to be their continued funding strategy. ;)

As suspected, die character creator seems to be a required prerequisite for NPC faces. I'm happy they're added as part of 2.1 rather than whatever the character creator is.

The barnacle business is also intriguing. I'm getting cautiously optimistic that they're going to make their narration through Galnet a bit more involving and interesting. Talking to NPCs could also help drive home the narration a bit more. One of the recent Galnet postings hints at a much requested feature being added for example:

Inter-system mini hpyerjumps maybe?

Than there's the business with starports shutting down and the recently found Anavonda wreck. If they expand that further, they could actually drive a relevant narration that way.

Honestly I wish they'd learn to push their narrative through moment to moment gameplay rather than through Galnet, it's beginning to resemble an EVE story where reading about it is more exciting than actually playing.


Amazing how many people are working together to find these new sites and how fast they're succeeding. It's really what exploration needed IMO, but still needs more comprehensive survey tools/mechanics. And yeah, wish this wasn't all through GalNet.

Just look at these finds:

First one
Today, 4:41 PM
Merope 5 C -26.3515,-156.4056

Today, 6:57 PM
Found the second one =D
merope 5 c -25.3417,158.4834

Today, 8:49 PM
Barnacle at JC-U 20.86,91.73 took down systems of an Anaconda that happened to CRASH 40km away from that barnacle (me and my friends here each other in one point) and the conda is rooted dat 21.93 , 96.98

# Three?
Today, 8:59 PM
Found barnacle 23 ly from maia

Pleiades Sector JCU B3-2
1st planet


# Three or # four?
Today, 9:15 PM
Pleiades Sector JC-U B3-2
Barnacle: 21.9135 96.9802
Barnacle: 21.3348 91.9834
Anaconda: 20.8613 93.6317

Today, 9:27 PM
Third barnacle on PS JC-U B3-2 1 @ 23.0895 94.0826.

Today, 9:32 PM
Make the 4th Barnacle list bonanza: same system, lat:19.25 , long: 92.09

Today, 9:37 PM
Barnicle confirmed at JC-U b3-2 1 coordinates 21.93 , 96.98

Today, 9:42 PM
pleiades sector JC-U B3-2 cords are: 23.16, 94.07

Umhhhh... this just happened (anaconda and barnacle in same site)
EDIT: coordinates 20.86 91.68


Recorded sounds of the barnacle sites https://soundcloud.com/volgrand/sets/elite-dangerous-barnacle-sound-analysis


Honestly I wish they'd learn to push their narrative through moment to moment gameplay rather than through Galnet, it's beginning to resemble an EVE story where reading about it is more exciting than actually playing.
Yeah, it would be great to do, especially if it was something only a handful of people would actually find. YouTube exists, guarantee for all the people that can't go out that far to see it, they can see someone's footage on YouTube. In a way they could even treat that like a found footage thing.


Guess I need to start using Python's as bookmarks
I use Sidewinders, don't know why you would waste the money on Pythons for that.

I wish they would add some actual bookmark system though. It very rarely happens, because most of the time all the ships I actually use are in the same station, but if I'm trying to remember where my actual ships are by looking at the map, it is kind of annoying. You can of course still use the Ship Locations function under Shipyard at any station.

Also, dumb question, you can deliver power commodity to planetary stations, right? It was something I didn't think about, since the systems with only outposts might now have planetary stations in them. Granted, it will take longer since you have to go through the planetary approach process, but in something like an Imperial Cutter, you could do a lot for your power.


Honestly I wish they'd learn to push their narrative through moment to moment gameplay rather than through Galnet, it's beginning to resemble an EVE story where reading about it is more exciting than actually playing.

That could mean everything and nothing, really (if you mean more meaningful interaction between players and environment and players between players, than I agree in principle). Improvements are much needed in every respect. But at least their recent Galnet postings refer to more or less immediately tangible things in game. If they for example now add some community goal to support that Sirius corporation in developing the inter system jump drive and subsequently add such drives into the game, it will actually be a much better case of building lore than talking about the fate of some faceless emperor who has no immediate implications for the game mechanics.

I don't know if they'll ever reach a level, where the actual game mechanics, Galnet, NPCs etc. tie into each other to create a really satisfying narration, but I hope they're moving into such a direction. They've hinted at "The Lost" - old generation ships whose fate is unknown, which could be a splendid opportunity for driving narration. E.g.: A contact - high level imperial scientiest/historian or similar - starts giving out missions and telling tales about "The Lost". Which leads to players finding clues, abandoned settlements etc., eventually leading to missions narrowing down the location of such a generation ship ever more closely. Once found, this might lead to new crafting recipies, due to rediscovered arcane technology.

A lot of things would be necessary to make all of this believable. More asstet variety, e.g. the mentioned abandoned settlements/generation ships and the likes. NPCs in the first place. Ways to inject new dialog trees server side, so Frontier can act as "game masters" (as well as maybe the DDF people who've apparently been promised "god like powers" ;) ). Also: ways to spawn assets/settlements/triggered events from the server side. Of course, the game logic for all those things and for interactions with the things out there. Other than shooting at stuff, I mean, which is currently pretty much the only meaningful form of interaction, aside from scanning things, looking at things and scooping things. :p


So.....I seem to have an issue with a Fine I've got.

I did an assassination mission, which got me a 5,000cr fine in Alcor Independents. I've been to both of the stations in the Alcor system that they control though, and neither one of them has the option to pay off the fine in the Contacts tab. Both just say No Outstanding Fines, even though I have it in my Transactions tab.
Where the hell am I supposed to pay off this fine before it turns into a bounty?

EDIT - Just noticed that it's gone straight to Bounty in my Transactions tab, not a fine. Am I screwed? Is there no way to remove a Bounty besides just getting killed for it?


So.....I seem to have an issue with a Fine I've got.

I did an assassination mission, which got me a 5,000cr fine in Alcor Independents. I've been to both of the stations in the Alcor system that they control though, and neither one of them has the option to pay off the fine in the Contacts tab. Both just say No Outstanding Fines, even though I have it in my Transactions tab.
Where the hell am I supposed to pay off this fine before it turns into a bounty?

EDIT - Just noticed that it's gone straight to Bounty in my Transactions tab, not a fine. Am I screwed? Is there no way to remove a Bounty besides just getting killed for it?

you need the timer to reach zero and then jump out of the system and jump back in
It is usually only a few minutes for small incidents
it can be a 7 days cooldown for murder
So.....I seem to have an issue with a Fine I've got.

I did an assassination mission, which got me a 5,000cr fine in Alcor Independents. I've been to both of the stations in the Alcor system that they control though, and neither one of them has the option to pay off the fine in the Contacts tab. Both just say No Outstanding Fines, even though I have it in my Transactions tab.
Where the hell am I supposed to pay off this fine before it turns into a bounty?

EDIT - Just noticed that it's gone straight to Bounty in my Transactions tab, not a fine. Am I screwed? Is there no way to remove a Bounty besides just getting killed for it?

I think you just have to wait a while. The bounties are stuck on you to allow for players to kill you and cash them in for a while, but after a few minutes or an hour (i forget) they will turn into things that you can pay off at a station.
Spent hours listening to those, thanks.

I am tempted, but it's a shame that horizons hasn't been confirmed as coming to XBO though :-(

As mentioned above it's coming but no release date as of yet. Actually Gary Richards just commented on this a couple of days ago on the official forum.
Michael Brookes answered additional questions about NPCs yesterday:

Joss C. K.: Are they handcrafted or generated? (the characters)
Michael: A mixture of both, but predominantly generated.

RealDB: I wonder, will it be possible to use the Commander Creator to develop profiles for leaders of the player group minor factions so they can be represented in-game? As in will you be willing to accept those from player groups for implementation into the game?
Michael: For minor factions they are generated, certainly for the immediate future.

Rudolphus: when you are a founder of a minor faction does that have impact on the recognize part or start you like everyone from scratch building up reputation.
Michael: No - you'll need to build the reputation, but other things will also impact how they treat you.

djh: This is a great and long-awaited plan. But as I said in the Reddit post that you're referencing, I think the visibility of your contact's face should not be an immediate option when you check the Bulletin Board. It would make more sense that it occurs once you've built trust with the recruiter after successfully completing their missions. After all, where in the real world can you check a Bulletin Board and see the photo of the anonymous person asking you to commit a crime? So Michael, can you confirm that there is a progressive reveal of the mission contacts, as well as the aforementioned hierarchy of mission contacts?

Michael: You'll be able to see the face of your contact, but the contact will change according to your relationship with them.

Momoka Azuka: The Character creator is the next update? Please tell me this will release after 14/2/2016 otherwise I may miss my own wedding.
Michael: No - we're using some of the technology to put faces to mission givers and mechanics - the Commander Creator will come later in the season.

Ziljan: Will these be persistent NPCs for a given faction? Or will we see a new face each time we interact? Also, is this just when docked at stations or also for NPC pilots?
Michael: They are persistent for each minor faction, although there will be a different character for each of the ranks within the minor faction. These are for the station based mission givers for now.

Marc_Hicks: You mentioned in your last Dev Update how you want the BGS to be more "visible" to players. Do you envisage the personalities as being part of the way of doing that? As an example, a system in famine might have a talking head clearly underfed, or an outbreak state having a talking head wearing a mask or visibly diseased.
Michael: Yes, we want the minor faction contacts to provide more information about states and changes relating to that minor faction.

Marc_Hicks: In Elite II: Frontier, sometimes when you took or completed certain missions, you'd have bounty hunters or assassins sent by an opponent to kill you for taking missions with the wrong people. Any chance we will see this kind of thing in upcoming updates?
Michael: This already happens in game, but is something we're likely to use more of down the line.

Kris: The way i read it will it be 1 NPC for Neutral, 1 for Friendly, and 1 for Allied status?
Michael: It'll be a bit more granular than that, but we're still working on the implementation.
Wonder if today's newsletter is going to have any further info (hopefully an image or two) of this update.

I really can't wait--2.1 sounds like it could be a lot of fun, though I still have no idea what the extent of crafting is.

It should be noted that Brookes says that, while the commander creator framework is being used to create NPCs, the creator itself won't be available until later this season.

I hope they actually implement persistent NPC/avatars for AI ships, too. Would be cool to run into ships/allies you've met before. They could even have that impact reputation if they wanted to--saving an NPC from an attack boosts your rep, for example.


It should be noted that Brookes says that, while the commander creator framework is being used to create NPCs, the creator itself won't be available until later this season.

IIRC, they've hinted at equipment customization - visible as well as in terms of stats. Blue lasers were mentioned specifically, but it's imaginable that various parameters can be changed through crafted items. Weapon capacitor load times, shield recharge times, damage output etc.. "Looting" also sounds as if NPC wrecks may "drop" useful materials or resources for crafting.
Answers from devs today. Posting a few:

Is the digital art book (as promised to Mercenary Edition and earlier backers) still coming?

Yes, absolutely. The team is working on it at the moment, and we’ll have more information on that for you as soon as possible.


Do throttle setting and size and class of interdictor module have an influence on the potential outcome?

The size and class of the interdictor affect the range they work in, but all other things are equal, and the throttle plays no part.


Will ED support Nvidia VR SLI where each GPU renders each display and/or AMD Liquid VR for AMD users?

This hasn’t been decided yet.


Will there be a "first landed on" credit at some point?

This isn’t currently planned, but we have more coming for explorers on planet surfaces in Elite Dangerous: Horizons.


When will we see Private Groups enabled on Xbox One?

This is something that is currently being worked on, but don’t have a release date yet.


Will there be any more security, police or navy missions coming to Elite Dangerous?

Yes – we plan to revamp the military missions to make them feel more like a career, and you were actually working for them.


Does destroying Skimmers or other SRVs affect our combat rating?



Are there ships that are exclusive to Horizons (and future seasons)?

It’s likely that some ships will be season exclusive. The Cobra MK IV is an example of this already – it’s only available to those who purchased the original Elite Dangerous separately.


Is there any news on the possibility of multiple commanders on one account?

There are currently no plans to add this.


It appears that some NPC names are used more than others, how are NPC names determined?

They’re randomly selected from a list for the ship NPCs.


What happened to Bat Crazy Roy? I haven’t seen him since Beta

He’s hiding from you.


Back in February, Sandro mentioned some ideas/plans to introduce some kind of "hidden cargo" for smuggling purposes, has this idea been discarded or is it still on the list?

This idea is still on the wish list.


How far is the maximum expansion range for a minor faction and how does replacing another minor faction in a system work?

The maximum expansion range for a minor faction is about 15LY, and you don’t replace a minor faction you are adding a new minor faction to that system.


Will the Federal Fighter and the Imperial Fighter be added to the main game when "ship-launched fighters" is added during "Horizons"?



Are you able to tell in advance whether or not a surface outpost has a landing pad large enough to accommodate your ship?

All surface ports have large landing pads. The ones that cannot be docked at are found only on medium sized settlements.

Confirmation of military careers AND that fed/imp fighters will be ship-launchable during this Season.

And...via reddit, this is very cool and kinda creepy.


Source: Excerpts from Expert Judgment on Markers to Deter Inadvertent Human Intrusion into the [Radioactive] Waste Isolation Pilot Plant, Sandia National Laboratories
This place is not a place of honor...no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here...nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location...it increases toward a center...the center of danger is here...of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.

The OP was talking about a plan by our technological society to leave a message that could still potentially be understood by a pre-industrial society that may not have access to our scientific knowledge or even language (this place will be hazardous for a long time, who knows what might happen to set the clock back before its safe).
Now, suppose OP's hypothesis is correct. These barnacles have been found on airless rocks that are almost certain to have never hosted indigenous life (not to mention they are on multiple world's), which suggests that if they are indeed placed, then who(what)ever did so is capable of interstellar flight and probably an equal or greater tech level than the human civilisation in the game.
The point being, if something like radiation is rendered mundane by our ships, what kind of thing might scare someone with tech like us? What might they want to bury and warn others to never dig up? What might be a really bad idea to unleash even on a civ with 'our' capabilities.
Hegemonizing swarm? Necromorphs? The flood? Take your pick, all could be terrible (from a lore POV of course, great for gameplay).
Personally I don't think this is where FDev are going with this, but its a fascinating concept none the less.


That could mean everything and nothing, really (if you mean more meaningful interaction between players and environment and players between players, than I agree in principle). Improvements are much needed in every respect. But at least their recent Galnet postings refer to more or less immediately tangible things in game. If they for example now add some community goal to support that Sirius corporation in developing the inter system jump drive and subsequently add such drives into the game, it will actually be a much better case of building lore than talking about the fate of some faceless emperor who has no immediate implications for the game mechanics.

I don't know if they'll ever reach a level, where the actual game mechanics, Galnet, NPCs etc. tie into each other to create a really satisfying narration, but I hope they're moving into such a direction. They've hinted at "The Lost" - old generation ships whose fate is unknown, which could be a splendid opportunity for driving narration. E.g.: A contact - high level imperial scientiest/historian or similar - starts giving out missions and telling tales about "The Lost". Which leads to players finding clues, abandoned settlements etc., eventually leading to missions narrowing down the location of such a generation ship ever more closely. Once found, this might lead to new crafting recipies, due to rediscovered arcane technology.

A lot of things would be necessary to make all of this believable. More asstet variety, e.g. the mentioned abandoned settlements/generation ships and the likes. NPCs in the first place. Ways to inject new dialog trees server side, so Frontier can act as "game masters" (as well as maybe the DDF people who've apparently been promised "god like powers" ;) ). Also: ways to spawn assets/settlements/triggered events from the server side. Of course, the game logic for all those things and for interactions with the things out there. Other than shooting at stuff, I mean, which is currently pretty much the only meaningful form of interaction, aside from scanning things, looking at things and scooping things. :p

There's not much else I could've been referring to, but yes. Too much has to be rubber stamped by FD currently so seeing a little bit more dynamism would be nice, they certainly don't lack the resources to do the above.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
If i was exploring right now i'd check a few planets once in a while for more barnacles ... there have to be more out there somewhere.

I'm in the NGC 6357 Nebula surveying for Distant Worlds and I've been taking the time to blast through canyons at low altitude looking for barnacles, not found anything yet. And when I'm in the SRV I'm keeping a keen eye out for the scanner signature of the barnacles, but not found any at all.

I think they are just super rare, like Diablo II Zod rune rare....
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