So after not touching the game for something like 8 months, I hop in to try to help a friend who's starting out. When I had left off I had a bit of an under-equipped Python. In hindsight I think I had an undersized shield generator (I can't confirm this as I'll get to later) and my plan was to make a few dozen million trading and then outfit it for combat. I had kind of forgotten about that.
Anyway, I find an RES, I see Hazardous, High, or Low... That seems new... I basically stopped playing right before Power Play hit. Ok, I go to a Low because I barely remember how to play the game at this point. Nothing spawns in. There's a Sidewinder and like an Adder mining. And that's about it. For like 10 minutes.
Ok, well, fuck it, I'll go to High, I mean it's not Hazardous right? So really it's Medium if you think about it. I find a pirate Cobra, and start firing, and right then I take a broadside, shields are down to almost nothing, crime committed against me notification, and I'm like WTF... I try to remember what button I have mapped to shield cell, I have no clue. I try to hit my afterburner to start to leave but it doesn't do anything... I actually decide that I am crazy and the game doesn't have an afterburner, that's Star Citizen... anyway, I very quickly get fucked up, the guy leaves it to the NPC to get the kill shot (I guess to leave himself at a small fine rather than guilty of murder?), and messages me saying "HAHAHAHA YOU GOT REKT".
Well, after a rebuy, I am short of cash for another rebuy, so I figure out how to make a private group, and have my friend join there. Take 2. Help my buddy clear out some ships, collect some nice sized bounties for him, not so great sized bounties for me, but slowly rebuild my wealth somewhat safely right? We kill a couple of small ships, all seems well, I see an Imperial Clipper, expert rank, seems fairly easy to me, I tell my friend to make sure he gets a hit in, and start going to work. All's going pretty well, Clipper is down to like 37% hull, I'm a little sad because I was failing to hit his power core but whatever, then next thing I know, another NPC is shooting me, the clipper turns on me and very soon I am dead dead dead. At this point I had known my shield cell button, though I haven't figured out my chaff button. The shield cell delayed the inevitable, but no boost, plus a slow ship
So here's a question. Did they change how it works? The pirate ship I attacked wasn't in a wing. I am pretty sure in the past if I attack a non-winged pirate ship, another NPC isn't going to just to decide to jump on me. I don't think I accidentally shot another ship in the area, though I do recall there were other big targets floating around. I was in a wing with my friend, I thought maybe he had hit the other ship? I hadn't done much wing stuff before either, but I assume if he shoots an NPC it becomes hostile to me? Or maybe they changed something and pirates stick together? I don't know.
Anyway, didn't have enough to cover rebuy, but did with a loan. So I'm not wiped out, but I have taken a pretty sizable hit to my net worth in just an hour or two of trying to get back into this game. After checking my button mappings and looking at the game controllers thing in Windows I still couldn't figure out where my chaff was mapped. My afterburner is right where I thought it was. The button just doesn't work anymore. I press it and it doesn't light up on the game controllers page. FUCK!
Given my dire financial straits and cluelessness I realized that I can't fly the Python anymore, so I sold off its components and picked up a Viper, which was the best option at the station I was at. Outfitted it with some B and A gear, and some OK weapons, just the better stuff at this station. So now I have something with a small rebuy that I can relearn the game with. I decided to just mothball my Python instead of selling it. I can get 42 million for it (I might have bought it with a discount?), and it looks like they sell for like 56 million new.
I think I have about 17 million in cash right now after selling off components and setting up my Viper. I don't remember if that's enough to outfit a decent Vulture, but it seems like it should be. I'll check on that in a bit maybe.
One more issue with my X52, when I unplug the thing, my mouse stops working. I can move my mouse around, but pressing any button causes windows to ding, and the button press doesn't register. Also, seems like all the Saitek software freaks out and maxes out CPU. I'm forced to reboot, which I really can't afford to do every time I want to load up this game.
I had been planning on getting my space legs back real quick and then purchasing Horizons, but now I don't know, I've had a pretty shitty return so far.