Yes, only because I have some sort of control and makes a difference between getting an acceptable result vs getting fucked over by RNG and getting something shitty so you have to start all over again.
Quite frankly, the RNG based rolls are only half of the Engineer's issue. In the end, all you have to do is grind enough resources to maximize the chance to get a roll with at least a certain positive effect. Much game designz, many skill based mechanicz. But Frontier game design loves to beat what they apparently consider the the risk vs. reward horse to death. They only seemingly never stopped to think that the risk of wasting your time, determined by RNG is piss poor game design. Leading to utter elimination of the risk, by mere means of maximizing time investment. No skill required, other than googling how to get what resource most efficiently. And having a bunch of very active, crafty people who figure out what to get where.
The other issue is the manner of the grinding itself. E.g., spending about two hours finding a famine system with a distribution centre, pointing your ship at a wake and holding the trigger until a timer completes. That's the equivalent of an asian free 2 play MMO, only with less fun involved. It's utterly arbitrary and hopelessly menial, but still convoluted AF. It's like doing a Diablo dungeon and boss over and over for a certain drop. Only minus any of the fun this usually involves.
Then there is the meta issue of idiots white knighting all this shit: "Grind is a state of mind!" "If you don't like it, don't do it!"
Oh right. We will just play the other, more fun activities in the game to get the very much desired and required engineer upgrades (or rank locked ships, really) in a timely manner that doesn't turn the game into our primary job. If only there were such activities.