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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


So as I figured out last night, if you are doing Robigo runs, take an advanced discovery scanner. I got assigned a station I couldn't find, I searched and searched and couldn't find it. I came back later, but could only find an Intermediate Scanner, scanned and still found nothing. I saw there was unexplored stuff 200k Ls away.

I came back with an Advanced and suddenly 45 new objects, most of which were over 200k away. I looked at that and almost just dumped the slaves or sold them on the black market, then I saw a few that were about 3k Ls away. I tried those and thankfully the station was there.


And just like that one of the buttons on my thrustmaster hotas-x decided to die on me. That didnt even last 2 weeks....

Is this a common thing for this joystick?

Mine lasted a good 3 months before one of the buttons broke, so I sold it

apparently it wasn't even broken, just a wire was caught in a tight place that weakened the contacts
It's not so bad. It's like seeing the map laid out on a table in front of you.

That actually sounds cool but what about searching for systems? I've always used mouse and keyboard for the galaxy map so the thought of using anything else seem like it would be tricky. Bookmarks should help a lot though.


Yeah, that's.. clunky. You paw about the keyboard like you're blind until you can type properly.. lol. The bookmarks will definitely help.


Lol, k. Just tired of a complete lack of competent feature roll-out for things that need to be improved...like actual availability of things to do. And compelling reasons to do so.

It's not just you. But raging is the least helpful thing you can do. It is unconstrutive and will neither speed up the development of years worth of improvements that are necessary overall, nor make you any happier.

It sounds to me like it's time for you to put the game down for a year (if you haven't already), play other things, forget about it and come back when you feel like it.


It's not just you. But raging is the least helpful thing you can do. It is unconstrutive and will neither speed up the development of years worth of improvements that are necessary overall, nor make you any happier.

It sounds to me like it's time for you to put the game down for a year (if you haven't already), play other things, forget about it and come back when you feel like it.

Haha well keep in mind my version of raging is saying "Fuck sake." when I got to the community goals and tire track screens. There's not really anything constructive we can do in any case. Their forum is overwhelmingly filled with people swearing an empty game with no motivation to participate in its world is okay and any talk otherwise is shunned. The whole situation is insane.

There's really nothing in the game thus far that suggests Frontier understands proper motivation or reward, I mean just look at Powerplay. There were some really thoughtful posts in the DDF and since suggesting ways to improve the systems in place but nothing is happening. We're in year 2 of this. How can anyone stay positive?


Bo's hardly raging, ED has some serious issues with game direction right now, and FD isn't showing signs of learning from the last 2 years or decreasing the time between major new features.

What most people forget, though, is Braben basically said that ED and Star Citizen were both games that would be fully baked around the same time, with the difference being that ED players could be along for the ride the whole way there.

I am now having my doubts about ED being a "full" game by 2018.


Bo's hardly raging, ED has some serious issues with game direction right now, and FD isn't showing signs of learning from the last 2 years or decreasing the time between major new features.

What most people forget, though, is Braben basically said that ED and Star Citizen were both games that would be fully baked around the same time, with the difference being that ED players could be along for the ride the whole way there.

I am now having my doubts about ED being a "full" game by 2018.

Well braben has got well past 2018 if he's using star citizen as his timer for when ED will be fully baked...


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I am now having my doubts about ED being a "full" game by 2018.

Depends what you mean by "full game". It certainly won't be done by 2018, that's for sure. I'm really hoping that the mission overhaul and crafting will add a lot of gameplay to Elite, but I have a hunch it will be more of a framework at first that will need fleshing out like most of the other core systems of the game right now.


I think I'm gonna take a break from playing the game for a while. I had more fun playing ED since beta than with most "full games", but anybody would get sick of a game that takes so long to be truly completed.

I still think it's one of the best games I ever played, but when asked I always recommend people to wait for one of the final seasons to play it, because it'll be such a better experience than having to go trough each incremental updates.

I might actually take my own advice.
I see more and more people becoming more and more cynical about the whole thing, and I don't want this to happen to me.


Bo's hardly raging, ED has some serious issues with game direction right now, and FD isn't showing signs of learning from the last 2 years or decreasing the time between major new features.

What should their lesson from the past two years have been? Travel through time and release everything at once? Release when they're done and don't make profits of the game in the meanwhile? Go the War Thunder route as incomplete free2play game and promote premium subscriptions heavily through in-game balancing?

When they have limited time and work force as well as a set release schedule there is precious little they can do to speed specific things up safe for prioritizing them above other things they're working on.


Is there any surefire way to shake off the aggressive cops that keep interdicting you and even drop at stations for you?

I lost like 5 smuggling missions because of one of those, and I was about a foot off center of the landing pad when the scan completed. I was so damn close.


Regarding this discussion on Frontier's progress, ED is still kind of a mile wide and inch deep. While fixing that is somewhat more challenging, there is a lot they could easily change to make it much better. A few examples of the top of my head.

1. Make doing things fun instead of being a grind. I realize you will get a lot of repetition in a game like this, and that is fine, but make it enjoyable. There is a clear difference between combat and trade. Trade may be relaxing at first, but then quickly feels like a grind. Combat is always exciting and fun. Stuff like smuggling is great, but there is always room for improvement.

2. Address "gaming the system". Some gaming of the system is fine, and a logical part of the game. A lot of it in Elite undermines the initial purpose of something. I usually use the power play example for this, but I'm going with a different example: interdiction. Ever since day one, if you get interdicted, every single time it is better and faster to throttle to zero and submit because you get a shorter FSD cooldown. Playing the interdiction minigame to evade is pointless and a waste of time. It takes even longer to successfully evade interdiction that way, than to just submit, boost, and jump out. Why is this? Shouldn't evading an interdiction be rewarding somehow? Instead it's more like a punishment to evade it successfully. Even if you are smuggling and can't get scanned, it is still better to submit since you can just Silent Running, boost, and heat sink your way out. Frontier could fix little things like this and make the game a lot more enjoyable with minimal effort. The Shield Cell Bank nerf was an example of them actually doing this. PvP used to just be a tanking contest rather that pilot skill, and now (other than the FDL) is an actual contest of skill.

3. More substantial content. DrBo was rightfully disappointed to see that we have to wait until May for 2.1, and then all we see this week is SRV tire tracks. I was really expecting we would have seen the first update since Horizons by now, but apparently not. It just kind of goes against their idea of seasons and having new content every two months or so. We're already almost though half of the year by the time May hits.


Regarding this discussion on Frontier's progress, ED is still kind of a mile wide and inch deep. While fixing that is somewhat more challenging, there is a lot they could easily change to make it much better. A few examples of the top of my head.

1. Make doing things fun instead of being a grind. I realize you will get a lot of repetition in a game like this, and that is fine, but make it enjoyable. There is a clear difference between combat and trade. Trade may be relaxing at first, but then quickly feels like a grind. Combat is always exciting and fun. Stuff like smuggling is great, but there is always room for improvement.

As underdeveloped as Elite is as a game, you defeat your own argument of "lots of easy changes to improve the situation" with your very first point. What are those easy changes again? "Make things fun!"

What's the algorithm for fun again? The answer is: there is no such thing and you don't specify a single concrete change under 1) that would make the game more fun, much less an easy change. You merely talk about the status quo as you perceive it.

I won't argue that even the base mechanics for progressing at some point devolve into a mindless grind or that all the grind has little to no context. But there is no simple change here to "fix" the issue. If you've paid attention to the recent dev blogs, you would have found a lot of info on how they intent to address some issues, at least from a broad conceptual point of view. Mostly concerning how they intent to put actions of the player into more of a context and the coming persistent NPCs are a big step into that direction. While we haven't seen what the actual implementation will be like, everything in those dev updates made a lot of sense imo. Looking closely at what goes into the broad concept of "giving player actions more context" however, anybody ought to realize that there is nothing easy or quick about it.

Of the top of my head, they have to implement human characters, at the very least torso and heads, a character editor/generator, they have to rewrite large parts up to the entire system for generating the missions including changes to a number of base mechanics, concerning the crime and response system (there was a mention in there) and generation of NPC traffic. From the outside it's hard to say how long that might take, but it's probably a pretty safe bet to say it's not done within three months. We might be looking at anything up to probably a year for a number of devs just for the fuzzy "mission context" feature and everything surrounding it. Without a guarantee that the result will be good or even just passable. That's not even touching the mission templates which could receive a serious overhaul to be more "fun" and less of real life courier jobs.

There are no "quick fixes" to such fuzzy features as "fun". Anybody believing otherwise Iis setting themselves up for more disappointment than necessary.

And frankly, thrashing SRV tracks because they don't turn the game into the fictionaly fuzzy idea of the ideal a space game somebody might have in their head is downright silly. We'll see soon enough what the other things in 2.1 are or aren't. No need to bend over backwards to find something bad in something very much positive and overdue.
As underdeveloped as Elite is as a game, you defeat your own argument of "lots of easy changes to improve the situation" with your very first point. What are those easy changes again? "Make things fun!"

What's the algorithm for fun again? The answer is: there is no such thing and you don't specify a single concrete change under 1) that would make the game more fun, much less an easy change. You merely talk about the status quo as you perceive it.

I won't argue that even the base mechanics for progressing at some point devolve into a mindless grind or that all the grind has little to no context. But there is no simple change here to "fix" the issue. If you've paid attention to the recent dev blogs, you would have found a lot of info on how they intent to address some issues, at least from a broad conceptual point of view. Mostly concerning how they intent to put actions of the player into more of a context and the coming persistent NPCs are a big step into that direction. While we haven't seen what the actual implementation will be like, everything in those dev updates made a lot of sense imo. Looking closely at what goes into the broad concept of "giving player actions more context" however, anybody ought to realize that there is nothing easy or quick about it.

Of the top of my head, they have to implement human characters, at the very least torso and heads, a character editor/generator, they have to rewrite large parts up to the entire system for generating the missions including changes to a number of base mechanics, concerning the crime and response system (there was a mention in there) and generation of NPC traffic. From the outside it's hard to say how long that might take, but it's probably a pretty safe bet to say it's not done within three months. We might be looking at anything up to probably a year for a number of devs just for the fuzzy "mission context" feature and everything surrounding it. Without a guarantee that the result will be good or even just passable. That's not even touching the mission templates which could receive a serious overhaul to be more "fun" and less of real life courier jobs.

There are no "quick fixes" to such fuzzy features as "fun". Anybody believing otherwise Iis setting themselves up for more disappointment than necessary.

And frankly, thrashing SRV tracks because they don't turn the game into the fictionaly fuzzy idea of the ideal a space game somebody might have in their head is downright silly. We'll see soon enough what the other things in 2.1 are or aren't. No need to bend over backwards to find something bad in something very much positive and overdue.

As has probably been stated many times in many places, the "fun" is already in E:D. It doesn't lack "fun". What it lacks is purpose. Note, there is a difference between purpose and direction. Direction is the linear progression or hand holding telling you to go from a --> b --> c. Purpose, however, is far more broad. Purpose is established by a player agency and actions that have clear consequences and reactions. For example, players can influence the faction in control of a station. Great! What can you do with that? Oh...nothing of use. Imagine if influencing station/system power balance meant access to new station facilities, unique to that system based on its primary resources? What if pushing a faction into power meant some sort of special profit for you? What if your influencing a given system meant the powers of nearby systems become immediately more hostile to you should you show up in their systems and start doing missions? What if that hostility actually played out via increased interdictions? What if those interdictions were actually a THREAT such that you'd really need to pick and choose wisely what systems you chose to influence and why. What if pushing a power into place meant more police (and thus nearly no pirate/outsider interdictions)? What if pushing a power into place meant better mining equipment options or higher payouts for your mining efforts?

Right now there are few consequences to any action undertaken by the player (including cold blooder murder) and few rewards beyond more money. When you have that combination you end up with weak player agency and empty choices. Those things inherently betray the "fun" behind the core design elements.

So yea, adding persistent NPCs will be cool for giving some sense of a "north star" of sorts, but until the game becomes *harder* (real risk, significantly more threatening AI) and aspects of the game are given more purpose and direction behind them...the game will fail to meet its potential. Though its also true that both exploration, mining and trade all need depth. Traditional trading in particular seems like moving numbers around...but even then the numbers don't make any sense. As such trading defaults to like 4 or 5 items actually worth trading and nothing really impacts the trading market over time. That system needs a ton of work.


I think the combat side of things is okay (if not completely average), it's the other two professions which need more than a bit of polish.

Someone needs to actually create an economy for the game so trading might eventually make sense because right now it's just hauling select commodities around without any economic impetus for doing so. I really doubt all of the systems I've traded in all suddenly had a positive demand shock of thousands of tons of slaves but that's what the game's arbitrary numbers told me.

I don't expect something on the level of the X series where all of the wares are physically created, circulated and accounted for microeconomically but it has to be better than what's in the game right now.

Don't even get me started on the "other" most neglected profession, ugh.

I'm fine waiting for substantial content, it just means like with Star Citizen I won't bother playing until it's mostly there.



I had 4 smuggling drop offs left to make, and one aggressive space cop interdicted me three times, then I drop out at the station and the fucking cop drops right in front of me when I am 3km from the station. I pop silent running and am touching the landing, adjusting and then there is is: Fines and all my missions failed. That was such bullshit.

As underdeveloped as Elite is as a game, you defeat your own argument of "lots of easy changes to improve the situation" with your very first point. What are those easy changes again? "Make things fun!"

What's the algorithm for fun again? The answer is: there is no such thing and you don't specify a single concrete change under 1) that would make the game more fun, much less an easy change. You merely talk about the status quo as you perceive it.

I won't argue that even the base mechanics for progressing at some point devolve into a mindless grind or that all the grind has little to no context. But there is no simple change here to "fix" the issue. If you've paid attention to the recent dev blogs, you would have found a lot of info on how they intent to address some issues, at least from a broad conceptual point of view. Mostly concerning how they intent to put actions of the player into more of a context and the coming persistent NPCs are a big step into that direction. While we haven't seen what the actual implementation will be like, everything in those dev updates made a lot of sense imo. Looking closely at what goes into the broad concept of "giving player actions more context" however, anybody ought to realize that there is nothing easy or quick about it.

Of the top of my head, they have to implement human characters, at the very least torso and heads, a character editor/generator, they have to rewrite large parts up to the entire system for generating the missions including changes to a number of base mechanics, concerning the crime and response system (there was a mention in there) and generation of NPC traffic. From the outside it's hard to say how long that might take, but it's probably a pretty safe bet to say it's not done within three months. We might be looking at anything up to probably a year for a number of devs just for the fuzzy "mission context" feature and everything surrounding it. Without a guarantee that the result will be good or even just passable. That's not even touching the mission templates which could receive a serious overhaul to be more "fun" and less of real life courier jobs.

There are no "quick fixes" to such fuzzy features as "fun". Anybody believing otherwise Iis setting themselves up for more disappointment than necessary.

And frankly, thrashing SRV tracks because they don't turn the game into the fictionaly fuzzy idea of the ideal a space game somebody might have in their head is downright silly. We'll see soon enough what the other things in 2.1 are or aren't. No need to bend over backwards to find something bad in something very much positive and overdue.

Fair enough, but I think there are a lot of systems in the game where the fix could be extremely simple.

I don't have a problem with SRV tracks in and of itself, just that this thing gets delayed and then that is all they show us. Just feels like a slap in the face to me.


I don't have a problem with SRV tracks in and of itself, just that this thing gets delayed and then that is all they show us. Just feels like a slap in the face to me.
Still too much unnecessary drama. With more than a month to go there'll be enough time to show things, not to mention that we'll be able to see them for ourselves when the beta starts which will less than two months. We're (hopefully) not talking about a "star marine" type of "delay" here.

Time to summarize the changes we can expect based on dev updates and newsletters so far:

General changes:

- Persistent NPCs: mission givers + engineers, will have mug shots
- Relationship with minor faction will determine which character will be mission giver
- NPCs will give feedback about the situation of a minor faction and ways to support them
- Engineers have their own backstory and specialization
- Engineers are spread throughout human space (initially ~30 engineers)
- Engineers can modify weapons and modules (using loot)
- Player ranks/alignments/other parameters affect options offered to them by engineers
- There is a minimum requirement for player ranks/alignment/stats for using an engineer's service
- Engineers are found on isolated surface facilities
- Wrecks will be added (unclear if surface only or space as well), loot and crafting gameplay will be associated with wrecks, concept art of SRV scanning data recorder in wreck was shown
- Options screen will have collapsible sections for easier navigation
- Adding new hardpoints including huge weapons (concept for large+huge multicannon shown)
- Asteroid graphical fidelity improvements
- Star light has been fixed so that it retains its colour over distance
- bookmarks will be added
- Systems/planets/stations/asteroids can be bookmarked
- Bookmarks have a custom text, can be edited and deleted
- Bookmarks will be visible on the galaxy map and can be selected as navigation target in route planner
- SRVs will leave tire tracks on planet surfaces
- Community goals will be marked on the galaxy map and system map

AI changes/fixes:
- Flatter difficulty curve for low rank NPCs, more challenging high rank opponents
- effective missile + torpedo usage at high ranks (when opponent shields are down)
- Increased damage avoidance by high rank AIs
- High rank AIs flee for recharging shields before attacking again
- High rank AIs will try to counter players who use the reverse thrust tactic
- AI can't use energy weapons when overheating anymore
- chaff spam decreased, only using chaff when taking damage from turrets/gimbals
- AI doesn't get stuck rotationg in one place anymore
- No more hatch breaker spam
- Better pip management for fleeing and pursuing

Changes for/to missions grouped by broad high level concepts (dev updates from January to March):

- persistent mission givers, treatment of player depends on player ranks/reputation/alignment
- Docking greeting messages change depending on alignment/rank
- NPCs remember having had contact with the player before
- NPCs inform player about the status of a faction (civil war etc.)
- NPCs inform player about the effects their actions are having (status changes for minor factions)
- Mission selection improved depending on a factions status

- One additional positive alignment level to faction alignment (Hated, Disliked, Neutral, Liked, Allied, +?)
- The mission board in station services replaces the old bulletin board
- Expanding the functionality of the inbox so that messages will persist

- More missions are available at the neutral reputation stage
- Rank requirement for missions are removed - the rank will now be an indication of difficulty + rewards
- Missions will be generated around players's Pilots Federation rank
- Three stage hierarchy governs mission generation:
- Minor faction state
- Market type at the port (e.g. mining missions in extraction economies)
- Government type of minor faction (e.g. dictatorships => overt assassinations)
- Missions will provide description why they have been offered and what effect their completion will have
- "Barrier of inconvenience" for some of the mission elements reviewed e.g. "not having to drop out of supercruise to listen to alternate offers"
- "The time limits for missions as well as which elements make them easier, or more difficult are being reviewed and addressed."

The cockpits will receive a clock
- USSs for missions will now generally be located at specific bodies within a system, not randomly spawned as time goes by
- Bodies with USS signals can be detected with the discovery scanner, normal range limits apply
- Nav beacons can be scanned (in normal flight) to receive system exploration data and to reveal mission locations
- USS placement depends on specific places like "traffic lanes" and "hubs" in a system
- USS can be scanned from supercruise to reveal more information about them!

- Exact indication of influence isn’t (!) part of the mission changes (only indicates positive/negative impact) as of 2.1, unlike reputation and state changes, which are indicated
- "With minor faction states we’re intending making their effects more noticeable on available missions, ship traffic and composition, and markets." (Less subtle changes)
- "authority response if they are attacked will be sharper."

- "treasure" locations as new additional mission reward type (missions may lead to cache with vouchers/other items => crafting! )
- Crafting materials as additional mission reward type as well as hard to obtain commodities and "salvage only items". Some commodities possibly only obtainable through missions.
- "varying rewards for effects on minor factions which are getting a balance pass to make changes in state more likely as well as more noticeable"
- "rewards will be balanced to scale better with difficulty and also be more lucrative if you’re well regarded by the minor faction"
- "conducting a pass through the mission templates to make them more reliable and address issues seen in the current build"
- "adding more scenarios for the various mission types and also to better reflect the active states in the system"


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It's a nice change log, but two things about it make me frown:

1. We won't see any of it for three months yet
2. Mostly none of that does anything for exploration, pretty much only the bookmarks are useful to explorers

I'm all the way on the other side of the galaxy right now and honestly I don't see ANYTHING in that patch list that compels me to hurry back over the next three months to be ready for the patch. I think I'm just going to stay out in deep space until maybe the patch afterwards (maybe in the Fall?), hopefully something in that is useful to me.


1. We won't see any of it for three months yet
Two, if they manage to hit the targeted beta window of May.

2. Mostly none of that does anything for exploration, pretty much only the bookmarks are useful to explorers

True for explorers, but for probably everybody else, the changes sound promising. First time an update addresses parts of what's missing in the mission system imo and I'm eager to find out how it'll turn out.


Is it possible to be an explorer when just starting out? It seems like I cant really jump anywhere in this sidewinder(6ly max and most systems are further than this limit) and because of this im poor as hell.

People explore in Sidewinders

If it's not about making money, you can explore in anything

generally you'd want an advanced discovery scanner and a high jump range though if you want to reach places where there are sparse stars


ED ships are BIG.


That's how a real spaceship should look like :)


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Cool pic, here is an aerial shot of an Asp parked next to a housing development:



oh boy, those ships do not look good in those scenes

and by that I mean judging by the size of the pilot they seem right but the detailing of the ship looks so fat and chunky, I feel like those lines along the hull should be a lot thinner

it's nice to get a sense of scale though in comparison to real world objects but god they do not scale well


oh boy, those ships do not look good in those scenes

and by that I mean judging by the size of the pilot they seem right but the detailing of the ship looks so fat and chunky, I feel like those lines along the hull should be a lot thinner

it's nice to get a sense of scale though in comparison to real world objects but god they do not scale well

Wut?! Fat and chunky is fine. These aren't wuss ships lol

From reddit.



People explore in Sidewinders

If it's not about making money, you can explore in anything

generally you'd want an advanced discovery scanner and a high jump range though if you want to reach places where there are sparse stars

Main problem is that my jump range is terrible so I can barely travel anywhere. Seems like im limited to 10 or so systems


Main problem is that my jump range is terrible so I can barely travel anywhere. Seems like im limited to 10 or so systems
Upgrade in increments, no need to go for a Class A FSD right off the bat. Do some short-range trading, get a et a couple extra light years out of a Class D or C FSD and it's a whole new galaxy.

I remember when I first bought my Vulture.. it was 14 jumps to get to a high tech system to upgrade it. The return trip was two jumps. I can do that hop in one jump in my Asp. It'll come with time.

Full-on exploration, those deep trips, will take time. You'll want the Advanced Discovery Scanner to hit a whole system in one shot, which I recall costing a couple million credits. I started out as a trader, worked my way up from a Sidey to a Hauler to a Cobra. Had that Cobra for a looooong time, finally replaced it with the Asp, which I've still got. Saved up, did some minor exploring, started doing some bounty hunting... now I've got three ships, including a maxed-out Fer-de-Lance. And right now I'm halfway across the galaxy and probably won't be back by the time the next expansion hits, much less the next content patch.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
We had a lot of fun at waypoint 21 of the Distant Worlds Expedition tonight. The landing zone was on the edge of a huge network of ravines, and there was a ridge across the gap, so we (of course) decided to make an SRV bridge out of our ships!

I'm the white pharoah Asp behind the yellow Anaconda. Some made it across, others not so much, but we did learn one thing: upside down Asp's don't make good bridge material. As soon as the SRV got onto the underside of the belly the Asp's upside down thrusters gave way a bit and down she went!



We had a lot of fun at waypoint 21 of the Distant Worlds Expedition tonight. The landing zone was on the edge of a huge network of ravines, and there was a ridge across the gap, so we (of course) decided to make an SRV bridge out of our ships!

I'm the white pharoah Asp behind the yellow Anaconda. Some made it across, others not so much, but we did learn one thing: upside down Asp's don't make good bridge material. As soon as the SRV got onto the underside of the belly the Asp's upside down thrusters gave way a bit and down she went!


That is amazing. I honestly didn't even expect it to get that far, I figured it would do something weird like bounce the SRV off or something.


Wut?! Fat and chunky is fine. These aren't wuss ships lol
That's not what I mean

The details look large and unrealistic for a ship of that size. With warships, large planes, generally big vehicles and such, the body panels are usually still very close together, and there are a lot of tiny details in places. The gaps in the ASP's body panels look like you could fit a person in between them, when at that size, they should be percievably much much closer to each other.

What I'm saying is, if you scale up a hot wheels replica car to the size of the real car given that it's only going to be scaled up, it's not going to look like a real car. It's still going to look like a toy car, just massive. I like the ship designs, but when you put it next to real world objects, it just kinda looks like a toy. It's missing the intricacy of large scale things made in the real world. If they're not panels, then they're dremelled in by the galaxy's most ham-fisted robots.

If you look at the size of the person sitting in the cockpit and then you look at the size of the gaps between panels on the ship, it just doesn't look real at all, not just because it's taken from a game, but I don't know how else to explain it. It looks like the ship was designed smaller, and then just scaled up.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
So last night I spent a few hours and traveled over 4500 ly's from waypoint 21 to 22 on the Distant Worlds voyage. We are now flying on the outer arm of the galaxy, on the opposite side from Sol, and the star density is thinning so much that route plotting is getting a bit tricky. Even with my 33.3ly range Asp I kept getting "route unavailable" when trying to plot and it took some real work to find a workable route. You also can't plot the full 1000ly range because the density is so thin that it takes over 30 jumps just to make half the distance it normally does.

Still, it's beautiful out here, with the main bulk of the Milky Way behind us and glowing so bright in the sky that it's unreal. Ambient light in this region of space is minimal, so dark is truly DARK. And when I arrived at WP22 there were a few other early bird commanders already landed as well, and we were greeted with one of the most beautiful planetary views I've yet seen in the game.

The dim glow of the distant blue-white star mixed with the intense brightness of the far off Milky Way over a landscape littered with craters and mountains was just...beautifully serene.


So last night I spent a few hours and traveled over 4500 ly's from waypoint 21 to 22 on the Distant Worlds voyage. We are now flying on the outer arm of the galaxy, on the opposite side from Sol, and the star density is thinning so much that route plotting is getting a bit tricky. Even with my 33.3ly range Asp I kept getting "route unavailable" when trying to plot and it took some real work to find a workable route. You also can't plot the full 1000ly range because the density is so thin that it takes over 30 jumps just to make half the distance it normally does.

Still, it's beautiful out here, with the main bulk of the Milky Way behind us and glowing so bright in the sky that it's unreal. Ambient light in this region of space is minimal, so dark is truly DARK. And when I arrived at WP22 there were a few other early bird commanders already landed as well, and we were greeted with one of the most beautiful planetary views I've yet seen in the game.

The dim glow of the distant blue-white star mixed with the intense brightness of the far off Milky Way over a landscape littered with craters and mountains was just...beautifully serene.

Man, i'm jelly, should of been part of this as well. Hopefully there is another expedition sometime this winter/next year.


I really hope they add more things to do on the surfaces. Add some more life, like AI SRV's and AI ships flying around. I would love to see some kind of SRV police teams and SRV bandit teams rolling around. The engineers are a decent first step, but it doesn't really add to the exploration aspect of planets.


I really hope they add more things to do on the surfaces. Add some more life, like AI SRV's and AI ships flying around. I would love to see some kind of SRV police teams and SRV bandit teams rolling around. The engineers are a decent first step, but it doesn't really add to the exploration aspect of planets.

Nor will NPC SRVs that are tied to settlements. ;)


^ We have much more pressing issues than NPC traffic. A reason to be on the surface at all for example.

Without alien life there isn't going to be much on distant lifeless planets except for maybe taking surface samples?

Don't tell me building space ship bridges for SRVs isn't enough for you? ;p
Concept art in this week's (early) newsletter: an Engineer base:


Really cool that it looks like they'll be integrating the base more into surface structures, rather than just plopping them down on a flat enough area of land.


Concept art in this week's (early) newsletter: an Engineer base:


Really cool that it looks like they'll be integrating the base more into surface structures, rather than just plopping them down on a flat enough area of land.
I like this idea and hope they actually have it when the update comes out.


Steam pulled an update.

Update incoming - 2.0.7 patch notes

Hey guys,

UPDATE 1: We encountered a small issue which has required a little additional time to resolve. Everything is moving along well but it does mean that the servers will need to remain down for a little longer. We'll estimate up to a couple of hours but we'll keep you informed as we know more.

UPDATE 2: We're still working on the update. We are now expecting it to be ready to download at about 3:30 pm GMT (approximately).

UPDATE 3: This update should now be available.

We have a patch coming in this morning. It means there will be scheduled server downtime from 10am and will last between 1-2 hours.

Here are the patch notes.

Enhanced VR support
- Added support for Oculus 1.3 SDK
- Added new VR specific graphics presets (VR Low and VR High)
- Added Hangar main menu background when HMD is present
- Added VR experience demo as a scenario in the tutorials menu
- Added option for SRV to maintain level horizon if player finds motion uncomfortable​ - Please note: This will not be on by default, users will need to select this option to activate it
- Added option for SRV blackout when rolling if player finds motion uncomfortable - Please note: This will not be on by default, users will need to select this option to activate it
- Adjusted VR and panel positions in the SRV
- Improved UI mesh tessellation for rendering the front-end on VR
- Preflight checklist can be completed with just a controller
- Updated various warnings when using Head Mounted Displays
- Crash fix when entering open play with HMD active
- Crash fix when entering CQC with HMD active

Other changes / fixes
- Community Goal top contributor news reports have returned, featuring Commanders from all platforms
- First Discovery tags from Xbox Commanders now display on PC/Mac
- Wanted Xbox commanders can now appear in top 5 bounty local news reports
- Fix a crash in system simulation for "Sidgoe LX-S c17-0"
- Fix for purchased exploration data not always giving details on all bodies in that star system
- Fix for First Discovery names from Wings appearing too many times
- Fix for refuelling 10% button
-- https://forums.frontier.co.uk/showthread.php?t=239596
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