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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface


Just bought my first ASP Explorer traded in my Diamondback Scout, happy. Instantly equipped it with the advanced discovery and detailed surface scanner. Need a bit more money for better drives and I can start exploring again.
I think Sagittarius A causes heat damage to make it impossible to fly into.
Need to keep that in mind when I get there one day.


I've done the majority of my flying in a type 6 actually. I mostly stick to exploring and long haul missions so it works pretty well for those things. I realize that there are obviously better ships for those tasks but with the engineer upgrades I don't have to worry about much in my type 6.

I bought a corvette but it isn't upgraded really at all because I don't have the funds right now to fully kit it out. I think I'll probably buy a beluga and run the passenger missions for a while once 2.2 comes out. I'm assuming that it will be large enough to have a fighter bay to protect my new cargo.


You can jump right to it. When I went I throttled down as soon as the jump ended. Was never too close to the black hole. scanned it and left. Was too worried about losing the ship.

Ok, guess it is like most Black holes. I know what you mean, the amount of scan data I have and the amount of travel time ups the stress. Almost bought the farm arriving at a contact binary, G class with a Y dwarf. Dwarf's orbit was right at the arrival point.

Don't know if it's the same for the PC version, but last week I tried to fly straight into a black hole but hit an invisible wall roughly 30km from the core. Ship didn't take any damage.

If I remember correctly the danger zone for black holes was pretty small. I did get pulled from super cruise when I got too close though. The distortion made it pretty freaky trying to get out. Never hit an invisible wall though.

Neutron Stars dgaf, got pulled just after arriving. HOTAS has made throttling down much easier than KBM.

Not Spaceghost

Well I broke down and picked up a T Flight HOTAS X, and my god the immersion is through the roof.

I had to get really clever to bind all of the game onto this but goddamn I finally did it and it's sooo satisfying doing even the most simple of things.

Sliding up the throttle to when the game asks you to throttle up to engage super cruise made me quite giddy.

In combat it's also a bit easier to control certain functions because I feel like I can move laterally and have more control over my thrust without compromising either.


Hey guys, I've been looking into this game on Xbox One and just saw that the Standard and Deluxe editions are both on sale at 19.49 and 35.99. First i would like to know a few impressions on the game and if the deluxe version is worth it or not.

Thanks in advance!
Yep. Just rolling enough to build the rep back up for another favor, over and over. Was only grade 2 sturdy mount, not too bad.

okay. I haven't tried that yet. So if I'm at rank 5 for an engineer and I "roll" an incendiary on a rank 5 weapon, does that drop my rank with them to rank 4? or...I guess I'm not clear.

Not Spaceghost

Hey guys, I've been looking into this game on Xbox One and just saw that the Standard and Deluxe editions are both on sale at 19.49 and 35.99. First i would like to know a few impressions on the game and if the deluxe version is worth it or not.

Thanks in advance!

If the deluxe edition comes with horizons you may as well jump in on that since it's normally 30 bucks on its own.

As for impression that's tricky lol, I just got the game about a week ago and it's been a blast learning how to fly and just doing even basic things like docking. It's kind of like a suped up x-wing vs tie fighter in that it treads the line between arcade experience and full on sim. It leans slightly more towards the sim side so it's a bit of learning curve and figuring out the general rhythm of the game took me a few hours lol. It's definitely a time sink that's for sure.
Is it worth grabbin the commander bundle thing for this game for xbox for $35 US? Pretty sure it comes with all the content so far (standard game, horizon etc.). My main concern is that the moment i buy it some new Horizons level expansion will come out that will leave me wanting to drop the extra 29.99-39.99 that inevitably costs :p im fine with that if the games worth it, would love to hear some opinions from some people who have been playing the xbox version.


Is it worth grabbin the commander bundle thing for this game for xbox for $35 US? Pretty sure it comes with all the content so far (standard game, horizon etc.). My main concern is that the moment i buy it some new Horizons level expansion will come out that will leave me wanting to drop the extra 29.99-39.99 that inevitably costs :p im fine with that if the games worth it, would love to hear some opinions from some people who have been playing the xbox version.

The next expansion isn't out until sometime next year. We haven't really hit the meat of this expansion yet either. I don't play on xbox so I'm not sure what that bundle entails, but if it includes the base game + horizons for $35 then I say it's definitely worth it now.


The next expansion isn't out until sometime next year. We haven't really hit the meat of this expansion yet either. I don't play on xbox so I'm not sure what that bundle entails, but if it includes the base game + horizons for $35 then I say it's definitely worth it now.

I agree. We still have 2.2 with ship launched fighters and passengers, 2.3 with multi-crew (having friends join your bridge/ship) and avatar creator and 2.4 which hasn't been revealed yet. I'd hold the purchase until 2.2 comes out in mid-October though.
The next expansion isn't out until sometime next year. We haven't really hit the meat of this expansion yet either. I don't play on xbox so I'm not sure what that bundle entails, but if it includes the base game + horizons for $35 then I say it's definitely worth it now.

I agree. We still have 2.2 with ship launched fighters and passengers, 2.3 with multi-crew (having friends join your bridge/ship) and avatar creator and 2.4 which hasn't been revealed yet. I'd hold the purchase until 2.2 comes out in mid-October though.

Thanks for the advice, will have to coordinate with my brother to see if we're gunna pull the trigger now or later, seems like a sooner or later thing at this point, game seems to be adding content at a healthy pace.


Thanks for the advice, will have to coordinate with my brother to see if we're gunna pull the trigger now or later, seems like a sooner or later thing at this point, game seems to be adding content at a healthy pace.

No problem. Personally I think 2.3 is going to be the big content update since they need things for those multi-crew ships/groups to do. You can wing up now with other players but there really isn't any content to support it in terms of challenge. You can wing mine and get more resources if you're all shooting at the same rock, turn in trade at stations and get a little bonus via vouchers for doing it as a wing and of course pvp or bounty hunt together but since bounties per kill are split between you it doesn't feel worth it.

Thargoids (the enemy alien species) introduction/invasion is going to change some things and that's looking imminent. Especially if you think about an invasion with the recent introduction of passengers. War time missions could include getting refugees off a planet or just a general evacuation after alien attack, ferrying troops to the surface, then all the other paths. Gathering materials for the war effort, escorting fleets or civilians, explorers acting as scouts or recon for potential enemy bases/fleet movements etc etc. Should be good if done right.


Should not be allowed to breed
hi guys

can someone sell me into this game, based on your personal perspective? what is it, what do you do in it, what brings you back?



Should make it to Sag A* today! Only about 1500ly away now. I originally left with the Distant Worlds expedition but obviously kinda dropped out of that. Haven't really seen any of the new stuff added to the game since I left so I'm kind of excited to get back to civilized space when I'm done here. Hopefully the return journey goes a bit quicker. =P
Should make it to Sag A* today! Only about 1500ly away now. I originally left with the Distant Worlds expedition but obviously kinda dropped out of that. Haven't really seen any of the new stuff added to the game since I left so I'm kind of excited to get back to civilized space when I'm done here. Hopefully the return journey goes a bit quicker. =P
That's awesome. You've been out there so long that it'll be like coming back to a new era. I bet you've got a lovely bulk of exploration racked up.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
How's the combat like in an ASP Explorer? I decided to go check the bounty hunting community goal with my Vulture (16 jumps from my current base of operations), and accidently hit RT on the controller, which made me deploy my weapons outside the starbase. I hadn't configured the module power usage thingy, so I lost my shields right outside of the base "no fire" zone. While I'm figuring this out, I suddenly get jumped by Alliance Enforcers in a pair of Condas and one other ship I couldn't tell. So naturally I was pissed and noped back to home (Gende).

I want to get in on that community goal but I don't want to make the trip in the vulture. So I have a pretty decked out ASP I can use.
Playing in a wing continues to be such a blast. Joined 2 friends at the community goal nav beacon. Buddy in the viper refused to not be upside down for the pic lol 🙃

My classified cam

From of their classified cams

and the cheeky upside down shot


Playing in a wing continues to be such a blast. Joined 2 friends at the community goal nav beacon. Buddy in the viper refused to not be upside down for the pic lol 🙃
Nice shots. Why the navigation beacon instead of the hazardous?

How's the combat like in an ASP Explorer? I decided to go check the bounty hunting community goal with my Vulture (16 jumps from my current base of operations), and accidently hit RT on the controller, which made me deploy my weapons outside the starbase. I hadn't configured the module power usage thingy, so I lost my shields right outside of the base "no fire" zone. While I'm figuring this out, I suddenly get jumped by Alliance Enforcers in a pair of Condas and one other ship I couldn't tell. So naturally I was pissed and noped back to home (Gende).

I want to get in on that community goal but I don't want to make the trip in the vulture. So I have a pretty decked out ASP I can use.

First time I bought an asp I threw 6 multis in it for a test. I was actually pleasantly surprised. Nice hardpoint placement keeps everything centered vertically, decent maneuverability, great visibility. I think with some Engineer upgrades and some serious shield stacking you can do some work.


hi guys

can someone sell me into this game, based on your personal perspective? what is it, what do you do in it, what brings you back?

At its most basic level, Elite is as close to a realistic space sim on a grand level that we will probably ever get. It is a completely open ended game with no narrative to follow. There are bulletin boards that give you missions to do, but these have no real story attached to them. There is a background narrative that you can participate in if you choose to, but there is no main story to guide you along the way like in most other games. A lot of people go into Elite thinking that there will be a story to guide them along and when they realize that there isn't one they don't know what to do so they stop playing.

There are four main pillars of gameplay in Elite that you can participate in. Combat, trading, mining, and exploring. You can choose to focus on one thing or you can do a little bit of everything if you want to. You are never locked into one thing over another.

I'm going to describe each thing based on how what I personally think of them.

Combat: Combat is probably the most engaging thing you can do in ED because of the attention it takes in order to do it well. There are all sorts of different ships that are plenty viable for combat and there's no real end all be all when it comes to any of them. ED has one of the best combat models out there although some people do think that it could use some changes when you get to the higher level of players. I'm not well versed enough in it to speak on that though. With combat comes the options of bounty hunting, pirating, or participating in conflict zones. Bounty hunting is probably one of the easiest ways for new players to make money and it stays viable throughout the game.

Trading: Trading is pretty straight forward in that you buy low and sell high. People have detailed trade routes planned out to maximize their profits but a lot of players also just do it as they go and don't plan for the most profitable routes. There are rare goods at certain stations that sell for higher amounts the farther away from the place you bought them you go. There are also missions that will give you cargo to carry to a specific place including cargo that is illegal in that area so you have to smuggle it in. Trading and the missions that go along with it can be pretty lucrative once you know what you are doing but it can also be pretty boring at times.

Exploring: Exploring is probably the least lucrative thing you can do in the game but a lot of people choose to do it anyway because of the things you get to see. There are certain ship upgrades you need in order to be able to explore and not die due to running out of fuel or getting too close to a star but other than that you can go wherever you please. Trips can take months to go on (just look at some posters in the thread) but exploring is one of the most relaxing things I've ever done in a game and I love doing it. The only problem with exploring right now is that there isn't much to do while you explore until they start adding more things to planets. Taking your first trip away from civilized space is scary but also very rewarding in a way that I can't really describe.

Mining: To me, mining is probably the most boring thing in the game. All you have to do is shoot rocks and send out drones to collect the bits that come off of them then return to a station and sell them. It is a little more nuanced than that but that's the basics of it. I tried to like mining a lot for a while but I just couldn't get into it the way I wanted to. Like trading, there are resources out there to find the best mining spots available if you want to try to max your time to profit ratio. Maybe they can do something to make mining seem worth it to me in the future but right now it isn't.

All of these things are what make up the core gameplay of Elite. If you are looking for a game that doesn't hold your hand and allows you to do whatever you want to when it comes to a space sim then Elite is that game. If you want something with more of a narrative experience then you probably won't enjoy it. Elite is constantly being worked on and having things added to it to make it even better for those of us who love it. I come back to Elite because there is nothing else like it and it brings me joy in a way most other games just can't anymore.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I know someone in the thread will be happy to answer them for you.
...as long as I can remember how to land. lol

I'm a rotten bastard and bought a docking computer lol. I did get pretty good at landing, but I enjoy having the option to kick back and enjoy the music.

How's the combat like in an ASP Explorer? I decided to go check the bounty hunting community goal with my Vulture (16 jumps from my current base of operations), and accidently hit RT on the controller, which made me deploy my weapons outside the starbase. I hadn't configured the module power usage thingy, so I lost my shields right outside of the base "no fire" zone. While I'm figuring this out, I suddenly get jumped by Alliance Enforcers in a pair of Condas and one other ship I couldn't tell. So naturally I was pissed and noped back to home (Gende).

I want to get in on that community goal but I don't want to make the trip in the vulture. So I have a pretty decked out ASP I can use.

I've never kitted my AspE for combat- it's decked out for long distance hauling. So I'm curious also.

Nice shots. Why the navigation beacon instead of the hazardous?

Haven't checked it out yet. What's it like there? To be honest this community goal is the first time I've actually taken time to get into combat. I've been mostly just exploring and hauling up until this week. Didn't want to get my shit wrecked as I'm still learning the ropes :p

I'm in the top 10% from just nav beacon bounties so I'm not sure if I'll go out there haha. Made over 5mil so far.


Wormed my way up to the top 50% in the bounty community challage. That'll help my money situation. Btw it only took about 200k in bounties to get to top 50%
Another friend of mine just bought the game a couple days ago. We're going to help him get out to get to the community goal so he can assist in killing some people so he gets that sweet base payout. Not a bad way to jump start your early elite career haha.
Assassination missions are so much better in 2.1. Reliable income and a nice alternative to spending time Bounty Hunting in a RES. I made 4 mil with 2 missions yesterday which makes it viable source of income, too. It's no long distance smuggling but what is?
Assassination missions are so much better in 2.1. Reliable income and a nice alternative to spending time Bounty Hunting in a RES. I made 4 mil with 2 missions yesterday which makes it viable source of income, too. It's no long distance smuggling but what is?

I've never quite understood how to find targets. How exactly do these missions work?
I've never quite understood how to find targets. How exactly do these missions work?

They tell you the system that they should be found in. You go to that system's nav beacon and scan it. You will get a message about which planet the target should be near. Fly close to that planet and eventually a mission objective signal source will appear. Drop into that USS and your target will be there, usually protected heavily for the high paying missions.

I had a 2.5 mil assassination mission and the target was flying an FDL and was protected by 4 Pythons. I go all in on the target for these missions and ignore the other ships in the wing and kill them as fast as possible popping shield cells as needed and get the hell out. I use an FDL so escaping is not an issue and I have enough firepower to deal with any ship reasonably quickly.


Just bought this game on a bit of a whim because it’s on sale. Any good starter guides out there? I’ve heard it’s fairly complex and a bit difficult to get into.


Guys, after a massive disappointment with No Mans Sky, and since Elite is discounted on Xbox Live right now, I'm willing to try it. Do you think that someone who kinda liked NMS, even disappointed because I was expecting so much more, would like Elite? I like exploring and collecting stuff, I just thought that NMS would be different and do something else, because you know... promises. Can someone give me an opinion if I should try Elite or not?


Playing in a wing continues to be such a blast. Joined 2 friends at the community goal nav beacon. Buddy in the viper refused to not be upside down for the pic lol 🙃

You know there are hazres sites on Arque 2 and 3, right? That is primarily where people will be doing the bounty hunting.


Guys, after a massive disappointment with No Mans Sky, and since Elite is discounted on Xbox Live right now, I'm willing to try it. Do you think that someone who kinda liked NMS, even disappointed because I was expecting so much more, would like Elite? I like exploring and collecting stuff, I just thought that NMS would be different and do something else, because you know... promises. Can someone give me an opinion if I should try Elite or not?

How exploration works is a bit shallow, you essentially jump in a system and scan it and do a lot of planet/star watching, that's my favorite activity and i'm slowly upgrading my ship to make the trip to the Sagittarius A since the last time i tried it my ship got wrecked 15000 light years away when i crashed into a high gravity planet. No other sci-fi game has given me the sense of scale and discovery as Elite has even though the actual scanning of stellar bodies is not all that interesting.

Watch some heavily edited videos of Elite and try it out if it seems cool, a lot of the time if you are not doing any combat the game can feel like Euro truck sim where you just sit back and watch the scenery while waiting for you to reach your destination.



Guys, after a massive disappointment with No Mans Sky, and since Elite is discounted on Xbox Live right now, I'm willing to try it. Do you think that someone who kinda liked NMS, even disappointed because I was expecting so much more, would like Elite? I like exploring and collecting stuff, I just thought that NMS would be different and do something else, because you know... promises. Can someone give me an opinion if I should try Elite or not?

If that pack includes the base game and Horizons (Horizons is the season pass essentially) it's a lot of game for $35. I would give it a shot, just keep in mind some of the big updates are still to come this year and beyond.

Exploration in the game is more realistic than NMS for sure. Very barren dead worlds making up most of the galaxy. Currently landings are limited to airless bodies but they'll include atmosphere in the years to come and getting out of the ship etc. Here's what you can expect right now.


Obsidian Ant's "The Galaxy"

And unlike NMS bodies actually rotate and orbit. Here's Mitterand Hollow which is a moon that orbits its planet insanely fast. Pretty surreal when you're down there in the SRV driving along the surface.
Just bought this game on a bit of a whim because it’s on sale. Any good starter guides out there? I’ve heard it’s fairly complex and a bit difficult to get into.
My piece of advice for anyone new to this game is don't let initial frustration tar your early opinions of the game. It's definitely quite complex at times and the initial learning curve is steep but it evens out fairly quickly. You'll hit a point where things start to click and flow and it feels natural. 👍


Wish they would put the Frontier points on sale on the XB1 this week too. That gold Anaconda skin looks super cool, but not at $15.


Just bought this game on a bit of a whim because it’s on sale. Any good starter guides out there? I’ve heard it’s fairly complex and a bit difficult to get into.

Just watch the tutorials and you'll be fine. That's what I did and I didn't need much of anything else.
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