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Elite Dangerous: Horizons |OT| Just scratching the surface

Dog fighting a Python in my Anaconda. Had him down to 60%. I was almost full shields and 100% hull. He totally rammed me from underneath. Dropped my shields and hull down to 70%. Made him pay for that, but still watch out for the rammers. :)
Lost my Anaconda today to a ramming one as well. It went so well... then it rammed me down to 20% (from 80 or so), kept shooting and malfunctioned my thrusters so I crashed into an asteroid :( damn :D
haha those are awesome. The next bigger amount of money is going into an Orca. I wanted to fly one all the time. With 2.2 on the horizon it makes sense now.


Is there any more indication of how to find items on planets or am I missing something?
Scan nav beacon
Get to planet
Get so searching zone
Find searchable area (the blue ircle) with the ship
Land there
Cruise around aimlessly and search for (?)
Is there any more indication of how to find items on planets or am I missing something?
Scan nav beacon
Get to planet
Get so searching zone
Find searchable area (the blue ircle) with the ship
Land there
Cruise around aimlessly and search for (?)

For points of interest the SRV scanner usually picks things up from a decent distance.


Alright thanks, I will keep on searching. I got some buildings but only drones and stuff I don't need were there.
Mission is 2 days left and I can't actually play tomorrow... would be nice to actually get that money, it's a nice reward.

Got the Hauler btw. Like the design and cockpit!

Alright thanks, I will keep on searching. I got some buildings but only drones and stuff I don't need were there.
Mission is 2 days left and I can't actually play tomorrow... would be nice to actually get that money, it's a nice reward.

Got the Hauler btw. Like the design and cockpit!

ok I just picked up one of those missions and after scanning the nav beacon it pointed me to the planet. Once I was closer to the planet a search zone was added to my navigation menu under the planet. That search zone pin pointed me right to the location I needed to land. Do you happen to have a search zone on the navigation panel under the planet? It was actually pretty cool. As I approached the point it started to scan around the planet and correct the location slightly as I approached until I could see the wreckage with my eyes. Landed a few meter next to it.

They've made these missions much better in 2.1 now that I'm taking the time to do them again.


Here's a video to demonstrate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OUUJ9V6y3M
That community goal is almost complete- turned in 357k worth before turning in for the night. Stoked to log in tomorrow to see the final tally
I mean funds for Python upgrades
I got just enough to get a FAS but need to make more to be able outfit it.

Want to get that before the 28th, because as a famous movie said, " I'm just a little anxious to get up there and whoop ET's ass that's all".


ok I just picked up one of those missions and after scanning the nav beacon it pointed me to the planet. Once I was closer to the planet a search zone was added to my navigation menu under the planet. That search zone pin pointed me right to the location I needed to land. Do you happen to have a search zone on the navigation panel under the planet? It was actually pretty cool. As I approached the point it started to scan around the planet and correct the location slightly as I approached until I could see the wreckage with my eyes. Landed a few meter next to it.

They've made these missions much better in 2.1 now that I'm taking the time to do them again.


Here's a video to demonstrate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OUUJ9V6y3M

Got it! thanks for the tip with the search zone. But now route plotting failed to my target destination and no idea why, guess I need to make my way to it star by star... can't play anymore sadly so the mission is already failed. If the route plotting would have worked I would be done... (I need to go to work now, heh...) :-(


Feels good man. My Python is going to get some upgrades later.

Now that my Cobra is nearing completion and I reached the merchant rank I really want to do more fighting. Don#t know which ship to aim for next. Would a Viper MKIV be a significant upgrade just for doing combat or should I aim for something more expensive? I mean a Python would be cool, but 56 million is still far away for me.
What ship transfer design meetings would look like, if some people over at Frontier's forum were to design the game:

What the? Why would I use ship transfer if it isn't instantaneous? If people want to maintain the sim aspect of that they can just ignore the feature and fly to the stations themselves.

These people probably also would want a food and water aspect added, if they had their way. Can't fly more than x-distance without eating or you'll die, etc lol

Now that my Cobra is nearing completion and I reached the merchant rank I really want to do more fighting. Don#t know which ship to aim for next. Would a Viper MKIV be a significant upgrade just for doing combat or should I aim for something more expensive? I mean a Python would be cool, but 56 million is still far away for me.

What's your current budget?


These people probably also would want a food and water aspect added, if they had their way. Can't fly more than x-distance without eating or you'll die, etc lol

What's your current budget?

My ship should be worth around 7 million once I am done with it.
My ship should be worth around 7 million once I am done with it.
Are you looking to trade it in for a new ship then?

If you're wanting to get into combat, I'd suggest the Vulture, by whichever means you want to purchase it. It's very nimble, packs a punch and can slip out of danger pretty quickly. Not to mention it looks great.

Costs somewhere between 4.5-5mil I think


Are you looking to trade it in for a new ship then?

I'd suggest the Vulture, by whichever means you want to purchase it. It's very nimble, packs a punch and can slip out of danger pretty quickly. Not to mention it looks great.

Costs somewhere between 4.5-5mil I think

Possibly. I have done my fair share of trading.


Should not be allowed to breed
At its most basic level, Elite is as close to a realistic space sim on a grand level that we will probably ever get. It is a completely open ended game with no narrative to follow. There are bulletin boards that give you missions to do, but these have no real story attached to them. There is a background narrative that you can participate in if you choose to, but there is no main story to guide you along the way like in most other games. A lot of people go into Elite thinking that there will be a story to guide them along and when they realize that there isn't one they don't know what to do so they stop playing.

There are four main pillars of gameplay in Elite that you can participate in. Combat, trading, mining, and exploring. You can choose to focus on one thing or you can do a little bit of everything if you want to. You are never locked into one thing over another.

I'm going to describe each thing based on how what I personally think of them.

Combat: Combat is probably the most engaging thing you can do in ED because of the attention it takes in order to do it well. There are all sorts of different ships that are plenty viable for combat and there's no real end all be all when it comes to any of them. ED has one of the best combat models out there although some people do think that it could use some changes when you get to the higher level of players. I'm not well versed enough in it to speak on that though. With combat comes the options of bounty hunting, pirating, or participating in conflict zones. Bounty hunting is probably one of the easiest ways for new players to make money and it stays viable throughout the game.

Trading: Trading is pretty straight forward in that you buy low and sell high. People have detailed trade routes planned out to maximize their profits but a lot of players also just do it as they go and don't plan for the most profitable routes. There are rare goods at certain stations that sell for higher amounts the farther away from the place you bought them you go. There are also missions that will give you cargo to carry to a specific place including cargo that is illegal in that area so you have to smuggle it in. Trading and the missions that go along with it can be pretty lucrative once you know what you are doing but it can also be pretty boring at times.

Exploring: Exploring is probably the least lucrative thing you can do in the game but a lot of people choose to do it anyway because of the things you get to see. There are certain ship upgrades you need in order to be able to explore and not die due to running out of fuel or getting too close to a star but other than that you can go wherever you please. Trips can take months to go on (just look at some posters in the thread) but exploring is one of the most relaxing things I've ever done in a game and I love doing it. The only problem with exploring right now is that there isn't much to do while you explore until they start adding more things to planets. Taking your first trip away from civilized space is scary but also very rewarding in a way that I can't really describe.

Mining: To me, mining is probably the most boring thing in the game. All you have to do is shoot rocks and send out drones to collect the bits that come off of them then return to a station and sell them. It is a little more nuanced than that but that's the basics of it. I tried to like mining a lot for a while but I just couldn't get into it the way I wanted to. Like trading, there are resources out there to find the best mining spots available if you want to try to max your time to profit ratio. Maybe they can do something to make mining seem worth it to me in the future but right now it isn't.

All of these things are what make up the core gameplay of Elite. If you are looking for a game that doesn't hold your hand and allows you to do whatever you want to when it comes to a space sim then Elite is that game. If you want something with more of a narrative experience then you probably won't enjoy it. Elite is constantly being worked on and having things added to it to make it even better for those of us who love it. I come back to Elite because there is nothing else like it and it brings me joy in a way most other games just can't anymore.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask and I know someone in the thread will be happy to answer them for you.
Much appreciated :)
Are you looking to trade it in for a new ship then?

If you're wanting to get into combat, I'd suggest the Vulture, by whichever means you want to purchase it. It's very nimble, packs a punch and can slip out of danger pretty quickly. Not to mention it looks great.

Costs somewhere between 4.5-5mil I think
If you think a 4.5 million Vulture (and afair even the buy price is higher) is combat worthy or that anyone should wait for the Vulture before they go for combat then you have no idea what you are talking about.

An A rated Vulture costs more than TWENTY millions. Twenty. You get an A graded Imperial Courier for half as much that is almost as good if not better if competently built and piloted (besides being much, much more fun to actually fly). I was also taking down AI Clippers and Pythons in my Viper MK4 just fine with some practice. All you need for combat is a A/B grade Viper and to know what you can take on and what you can't. Sure, the Vulture is strong and can take on pretty much anything (to the point of being a crutch), through extremely one dimensional, boring and rather ugly to boot. I will gladly take on player controlled Vultures with my Courier, never gets old when they realize that I got the shield strength and power of a Python, enough Shield Cell Banks to last a long time and I am ever so slightly more manoverable and much faster so once I am on their 6 they panic pretty fast.

Now that my Cobra is nearing completion and I reached the merchant rank I really want to do more fighting. Don#t know which ship to aim for next. Would a Viper MKIV be a significant upgrade just for doing combat or should I aim for something more expensive? I mean a Python would be cool, but 56 million is still far away for me.
I went from the Viper MK3 to the Viper MK4 and then the Imperial Courier. Viper MK4 is a good upgrade over a Viper MK3 and a Cobra MK3. Sure, you'll trade in some jump range and cargo capacity, but you still got enough jump range to get around (I was crossing pretty much the entire bubble from the original starting systems right to Cubeo deep in Empire space with it) and if built right you will be a pain to take out. I recommend stacking hull reinforcement packages, Viper MKIVs are great armour tanks. The Cobra MK4 is pretty much a downgrade from the MK3 Cobra and the Vipers and pretty much doubles down on the trading/smuggling aspect of the MK3 version, being much worse in combat (mainly thanks to the pretty bad shields despite being a rather big and a much slower target).

You could also try out a Diamonback Explorer instead of a Viper MKIV, you can do pretty good combat builts with it thanks to its hardpoints and it's definitely something different from playing a heavier, uparmoured Viper (I actually regret not trying it out). Afterwards I'd consider gettng an Imperial Courier before tackling the Vulture. Sure, you need to grind some Imperial Reputation but the ship is definitely worth it and only costs half as much as a Vulture to fully upgrade (besides literally being one of the most fun ships in the game, if not the most fun one, period).

The Python is a long, LONG way off for you, remember that you have to buy it and then to outfit it before it even becomes combat effective. And as component prices increase exponentially with size... you'll be paying probably around 200 million Credits just for the upgrades. Just a A class power plant, power coupling and thrusters (the bare minimum of upgrades you need for combat) pushes that up to 138 million. That's without buying any weapons, minor upgrades or a better armour type. Heck, I've been playing the game for a good 80 hours and I only got about 25 Millions lying around if I include my ship and other physical assets as well. Sure, you can buy that Python as soon as you hit 55 millions, but you better be prepared to use it for trading for a very, VERY long time (because you'll have barely any money for essential upgrades like the FSD and no capital left for buying lucrative cargo, so you'll be pretty much shipping Biowaste).


If you think a 4.5 million Vulture (and afair even the buy price is higher) is combat worthy or that anyone should wait for the Vulture before they go for combat then you have no idea what you are talking about.

An A rated Vulture costs more than TWENTY millions. Twenty. You get an A graded Imperial Courier for half as much that is almost as good if not better if competently built and piloted (besides being much, much more fun to actually fly). I was also taking down AI Clippers and Pythons in my Viper MK4 just fine with some practice. All you need for combat is a A/B grade Viper and to know what you can take on and what you can't. Sure, the Vulture is strong and can take on pretty much anything (to the point of being a crutch), through extremely one dimensional, boring and rather ugly to boot. I will gladly take on player controlled Vultures with my Courier, never gets old when they realize that I got the shield power of a Python, enough Shield Cell Banks to last a long time and I am ever so slightly more manoverable and much faster so once I am on their 6 they panic pretty fast.

I went from the Viper MK3 to the Viper MK4 and then the Imperial Courier. Viper MK4 is a good upgrade over a Viper MK3 and a Cobra MK3. Sure, you'll trade in some jump range and cargo capacity, but you still got enough jump range to get around (I was crossing pretty much the entire bubble from the original starting systems right to Cubeo deep in Empire space with it) and if built right you will be a pain to take out. I recommend stacking hull reinforcement packages, Viper MKIVs are great armour tanks. The Cobra MK4 is pretty much a downgrade from the MK3 Cobra and the Vipers and pretty much doubles down on the trading/smuggling aspect of the MK3 version, being much worse in combat (mainly thanks to the pretty bad shields despite being a rather big and a much slower target).

Hmm the Viper Mk4 seems more like a side grade. Slightly better at combat than my Cobra but worse at everything else. But maybe I'm jus tnot seeing everything.

I could totally buy this: https://coriolis.io/outfit/viper_mk...8000m0345582q272h.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==?bn=Viper?
How would you do that? Just run missions in Empire territory?
Yep. Just run a bunch of boom delivery or boom data missions. I've been stacking missions from SMJL Central and Pew-1901 in the Aditi System to a planetside outpost one jump away and then stacking missions there to bring back to both stations. You'll get some smuggling missions from that also that give decent payouts. They have donation "missions" that also up your rank.


Yep. Just run a bunch of boom delivery or boom data missions. I've been stacking missions from SMJL Central and Pew-1901 in the Aditi System to a planetside outpost one jump away and then stacking missions there to bring back to both stations. You'll get some smuggling missions from that also that give decent payouts. They have donation "missions" that also up your rank.

Gonna try that I think. The Federation seems to already love me.
Gonna try that I think. The Federation seems to already love me.

I've gone from None to Lord from doing that, so far. Now that the community goal is over I'm going back to grinding their ranks haha.

Here's their rank system:

Master - Imperial Courier Unlock
Baron - Imperial Clipper unlock
Duke - Imperial Cutter unlock
Hmm the Viper Mk4 seems more like a side grade. Slightly better at combat than my Cobra but worse at everything else. But maybe I'm jus tnot seeing everything.

I could totally buy this: https://coriolis.io/outfit/viper_mk...8000m0345582q272h.Iw1-kA==.Aw1-kA==?bn=Viper?
Just an update, you missed half my post which I just typed, might want to check it out ^^.

I also recommend using this to plan your builds and get an idea of how much buying a ship actually costs after mandatory upgrades.

Viper MK4 is a combat vessel so sure, it is worse at shipping cargo and has a lower jump range. It can also stack four times as much armour as your Cobra ever will and be five or six times harder to kill if built right (unless you plan to run away when attacked, nothing beats a Cobra MK3 in that regard). Specialized ships for specialized jobs. I could also fill it with more than enough cargo racks for transportation missions (2-4 tons per mission usually) for my Reputation grind.

You get reputation by doing missions for an Empire/Federation/Alliance alligned faction in a system. If you get reputation or not for a mission is shown by a Faction emblem on the bulletin board of a station. In theory you could do it for any Empire faction in Federation space, but naturally it's for more efficient to get to Empire space (use the map toggles on the galaxy map to find the big bubble of Empire systems) where those factions actually control the systems themselves because you get more jobs (and it's not like you want to hang around in Federation space with the same stations and the same voiceovers forever, right ^^?). After you get enough reputiation (which you can check on the right cockpit screen) to hit 100% for your current rank level then you get a promotion mission, do it and you rank up. Rank up until you unlock the Courier. That's how it works for Federation (Gunships, Sol system access) and the Alliance as well. Note that this has nothing to do with them being friendly to you (e.g. their ships getting a green identificaion), faction ranks are a different thing entirely.
Man I wish I could change my HUD. Would love to have it a shade of purple instead of orange. :p
you can - see http://arkku.com/elite/hud_editor/

green works better for me since I play in VR - as visible with the bad image quality :)
Also congrats! These payouts are crazy. Is every combat community goal this lucrative?
yes and no. It all depends on the involvement of the community and how much hassle is involved. This time it was a system with plenty of RES'. If this is not the case the payout is not as lucrative but still good. You do get 3 million at least most of the time though.


Ceos is still a ghost town. Was hoping I could rank up my federation rank taking boom mission from there to Sothis and back. But no such luck. Any ideas as to how long this will last?
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