I'm very interested to see how Ship Transfer ends up in the final release. I very much disagree with the time delay feedback from parts of the community. I don't need anymore extended time sinks in the game. If I'm requesting a ship transfer and it's going to take 20 minutes or whatever, I'll just end up logging off and doing something else for that time. But if I sit down to play Elite, it's because I have time at the moment and want to play the game. It's actually kind of a hassle now that I play in VR because for me it means putting in contact lenses and getting the Rift setup to start playing. Any non-gameplay waiting is a big turn off for me.
I understand some concerns (FSD for your non-long distance ship may no longer be a consideration, fighters could have a lot of freed up power for other things) and some concerns that I feel are less valid (Immersion, Scientific Realism, there is already so much in the game that happens impossibly instantly and so much that favors gameplay over realism, it's hard to imagine this is going beyond the existing suspension of disbelief). The cost could be enough of a balancing factor for some of the concerns, obviously immersion stuff would only be solved if the ship takes as long to travel as it would you flew it yourself. Actually, for immersion sake, it would really require a round trip, one way for the request and then on way for ship travel but then the feature feels entirely neutered.