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Elite: Dangerous |OT| Every Man's Sky

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Bought the game on the sale. Doing the training so far.

I beat the Cobra in the training. Is that sort of in line with what I'll encounter in the game or is it super easy just to introduce me to the game?

Still undecided if I'll use keyboard and mouse or X360 controller. What are you guys using? And if you are using keyboard and mouse, any recommended bindings out there?
I'm doing it from the comfort of my bed into a 120 inch projector screen with surround sound blasting, 360 controller in hand. It certainly is an experience to behold. WOW anyways...

The game amazingly has FOUR 360 controller bindings! I wish they had little pictures of each of them to quickly distinguish them. It has default and another, and then has 2 advanced binding sets! All have default controls setup, but all can be rebinded with a deep level of customization. LOVE IT (until i get my Flight-X HOTAS, that is. :3)

I'm running advanced binding #1 with a couple of custom rebindings for the things I use the most right now.

Check the OP of this thread for an infographic on the 360 bindings, although they seem to be a bit out of date on some bindings.
Is the CMDR name list in the OP up to date?or will there be a new one for all us newbies and currently active players? maybe add a column for "steam name" so we can add eachother on there too

Would anyone be interested if I set up a discord server for ED gaf? The old mumble server we used for ED is dead now and we have enough new people that it would be handy to have. Easier to ask questions and stuff that way as well.
Do it, I'd join.

And I'd switch to headphones if necessary, I really wish there were mics that would cancel out all sound except my voice, that could be clipped onto a set of headphones.

EDIT: Have any of the new players seen this guys videos on "Flight Assist OFF" mode? They are amazing, he also has an amazing video where he silently picks up liquor right in front of a station that just blew a guy up for having them, while under FED Police noses and jumps to another station where he manages to barrel towards the station with engines off at 300+m/s, request docking, and make it in with illegal goods without being scanned... by turning his shields AND engine off to cool his heat signature all while Silent Running. I so want to try that now in a throwaway sidewinder! :D video is here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KbaLJTGHkj8
Here is the colony with the landing pads in Apam Napat.

Sunyaev Beacon:


Junior Member
So I'm trying to do the combat tutorial thing because I have the game but haven't set up an account yet. I got stuck and gave up on like the fifth one -- the one where you have to fight the cargo ship. People in other forums say the later demo missions aren't representative of the difficulty of most of the game though. I'm also undecided on keyboard or controller until I get a Thrustmaster.

Anyway, when I start I think I want to try an explorer path first. Any tips?


Quote this post for a link to the gaf discord server. It's bare bones right now since I'm playing horizons mostly but it should do for now.



It's pretty awesome just going into orbit without noticing and then going oh shit as you see how close to the planet you are.

Controlling the SRV is weird though. Gonna take some getting used to.


So do we still get mass locked when nearing a planet? How does it all work exactly?

It will still slow you like normal, but you'll see a blue circle around the planet which is the orbit barrier basically. Once you get near it you'll see a new hud element show up which helps you with flying in orbit. If you aren't careful you won't even notice that you're in orbit and you'll just be close to the planet. There's no transition load getting into orbit so it's hard to notice if you aren't paying attention. Once you get low enough in orbit you'll go into a transition into glide mode, then you just glide close to where you want to go and eventually land.


Can't beat Incursion training. I get to the last wave (10) but always die. Does that mean I shouldn't jump in the main game yet?

Eh if you can get that far feel free to jump into the main game. Only way to learn is to play. The wave stuff never really happens in the main game anyway, its just for training purposes.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
I have a missions to find a black box in a system. I'm in the system and I have a discovery scanner. What now?

It will randomly show up in an unidentified signal source. Easiest way to get them is to jump into supercruise and then throttle all the way down, your ship will very very slowly move and USS's will spawn around you.


I have a missions to find a black box in a system. I'm in the system and I have a discovery scanner. What now?

Discovery scanner isn't for that, it's for discovering planetary bodies. You want to look for weak signal sources and then lock onto them. Then you drop out of supercruise like you do when you are trying to approach a station.
I have so much new to learn.

How to approach a point without coming too low to early, wasting tons of time. From my very limited experience, you're going to want to stay above 25km altitude until you are pretty close to your destination or you will switch to a much slower flying mode. Finding the landing pad when requesting docking from the buggy wasn't obvious. They told my pad 8 but there was no pad 8 lit up. I used the nav ball that points you toward your target to find it. So many controls to map. I'm finally getting the hang of the buggy. You have lots of control but it is squirrely and you need to get a feel for the vertical thruster. Really happy with what I've seen so far, just scratched the surface.

Landed at a colony. Drove around. Lots of traffic, ships and drones. Took back off landed outside the colony. Drove around. Sent my ship off and then recalled it, which was fucking awesome to see and then got back in my ship.


How do you access the beta? I have LP.

If you have the launcher installed and aren't using the steam version, it should show up in your launch options. If you don't have that launcher installed download it from the store. If it doesn't show up once you do then you just have to wait because they are staggering the rollout to help with servers.


If you have the launcher installed and aren't using the steam version, it should show up in your launch options. If you don't have that launcher installed download it from the store. If it doesn't show up once you do then you just have to wait because they are staggering the rollout to help with servers.

IS there a way to link my installs or do I have to install the game again?


Welp get an error, can't even get the installer for horizons within the launcher.


Canopy can be repaired! Sweetness for those long trips.. I'm more worried about the canopy going out than the hull, at least I know what my hull's percentage is.
The whole landing on a planet thing makes the whole galaxy feel soooo much bigger.

It's actually more overwhelming than I expected.

There are also a lot of completely new bodies, totally undiscovered, littered all over the bubble now. An exploration renaissance in colonized space is oncoming.

Also the system map looks and handles so much better.


I got it syncing files..but I don't think that is the game.

It syncs files to your install, then the game is just able to be launched from that launcher. Once it does that see if you have access to horizons under the different launch options in the launcher.


The beta server uses its own data i.e. not your normal character?

But they are literally entitled to it.

Exactly, it's a fucking joke that everyone else can play, but some of us are "Nope, fuck you, you don't get to play the product you paid for."

Honestly it's a fucking joke that it's been what, 4? 5 hours now? This still has yet to get anywhere at all, and we paid actual fucking money for this. I understand it's a beta, I expect the game to be buggy, but I expect to ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO PLAY THE FUCKING THING WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS. Fucking Frontier better come up with a way to reimburse us over this, this is an absolute fucking joke.
Exactly, it's a fucking joke that everyone else can play, but some of us are "Nope, fuck you, you don't get to play the product you paid for."

Honestly it's a fucking joke that it's been what, 4? 5 hours now? This still has yet to get anywhere at all, and we paid actual fucking money for this. I understand it's a beta, I expect the game to be buggy, but I expect to ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO PLAY THE FUCKING THING WHEN EVERYONE ELSE IS. Fucking Frontier better come up with a way to reimburse us over this, this is an absolute fucking joke.

Honestly man, I think you need to chill a bit. I agree, you are entitled to play, but 4-5 hours isn't that long, tbh. It's not like they aren't looking into it.


Honestly man, I think you need to chill a bit. I agree, you are entitled to play, but 4-5 hours isn't that long, tbh. It's not like they aren't looking into it.

There's no real end in sight to it. Hell people are saying it might not be fixed until tomorrow! It's absolutely ridiculous that some people "just get unlucky" and can't play because Frontier doesn't have an idea in hell what they are doing, and are absolutely fucking useless with this shit.

It's completely unacceptable.


Maybe they didn't expect so many people. Kind of like...

Vanilla launch of WoW. That was a mess also.

It's not a number of people issue that's causing at least what's happening to me and a small percentage of other players. People finished downloading the beta around the same time as me and they got in with no problems and are playing! They've been able to log in and out all they want. Frontier fucked something up with people's accounts and now they are too incompetent to fix things for their paying customers.
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