Anyway, glad to see Dagger and Coin mentioned. They're not as well known as some of the other series mentioned here but I found them extremely entertaining. The writing is very easy to get into (if that makes sense) and the books are comparatively short and to the point, with very interesting characters in a very intriguing fantasy world. I highly recommend these to anyone.
The First Law - Joe Abercrombie
The Gentlemen Bastards - Scott Lynch
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin (watched the first three seasons on TV sadly)
Right?? Favourite character? So many good ones to choose but mine isThe Farseer books are amazingly good, I blazed through them all in like a week & am dying for the next one. The world of the books is so well-developed with such diverse characters, and it has some of the most fulfilling character relationships I've read in fantasy.
Right?? Favourite character? So many good ones to choose but mine isverity
And damb this first law trilogy looks good, need to get that
same time as the next game of thrones and half life 3When is the sequel to The Wise mans Fear coming out?
same time as the next game of thrones and half life 3
same time as the next game of thrones and half life 3
Glen Cook's The Black Company said:There were prodigies and portents enough, One-Eye says. We must blame ourselves for misinterpreting them. One-Eye’s handicap in no way impairs his marvelous hindsight.
Can anyone comment on The Book of the New Sun? Have not read it, but I hear nothing but incredible things.
Honestly, while I enjoyed The Name of the Wind, I thought the Wise Man's Fear was schlock that needed an editor, so your tolerance for schlock might be higher than most here.
I will also add Guy Gavriel Kay to the list of authors you should check up on.
*good words*[/I]
Sorry this got rambling. Obviously, this was something much more interesting to me than work today!
Can you guys share your opinions on...
The Malazan Book of the Fallen - Steven Erikson
Probably the best fantasy series out there. It doesn't have the prose of Earthsea or Robin Hobb's characters, but it does have one of the largest and most realized worlds ever created. It is consistent through the whole thing too. Just understand this is a MASSIVE undertaking, Erikson will not hold your hand.
The Night Angel Trilogy - Brent Weeks
I enjoyed it, but it wasn't really anything special. I'd recommend Assassin's Apprentice below for the same basic idea executed much better.
Dark Prism - Brent Weeks
Waiting on book 4 to read.
The Black Company - Glen Cook
Great military fantasy. The first trilogy is the strongest, but the other books are well worth a read.
The First Law - Joe Abercrombie
The books are way overrated in the fantasy community, but still a good ride. The characters are all great, and Abercrombie knows how to make his characters go through hell.
The Farseer Trilogy - Robin Hobb
My favorite trilogy easily. A coming of age story that isn't utter garbage.
Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn - Tad Williams
Do you want fantasy in the Tolkien style? This is your best bet. Simon was another lead I didn't mind.
The Shadowmarch Series - Tad Williams
Much preferred this series to Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn.
The Gentlemen Bastards - Scott Lynch
Haven't read them yet. Need to fix that.
A Song of Ice and Fire - George R.R. Martin (watched the first three seasons on TV sadly)
Overrated, but enjoyable. I would personally skip them until Martin finally finished the series.
The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher
Haven't read them, but people swear by it.
The Riyria Revelations - Michael J Sullivan
Haven't read.
Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan (I understand it goes to shit at some point but how good are the good books?)
Read Malazan, don't bother with this.
And anything else you want to share. I have seen the three LotR movies and have little interest in reading through them again as I didn't enjoy them that much.
Robin Hobb's Elderling saga is absolutely something every fan of fantasy literature needs to read, at least the Fitz trilogies. Really awesome stories filled with superb characters, lots of political & increasing mystical intrique, great & shocking twists and everything hits just that much harder in the latter books when you've been basically following these people since they were young and into their middle ages.
I loved the Wheel of Time books, but they do drag towards the late middle. The ending is totally worth the slog though.
The Malazan books are NOT for everyone. I tried to read the first 100 pages of book one 3 times before I finally powered through it. They don't spell anything out for you. Once the basic universe rules begin to kind-of-sort-of make sense, it gets better. Then you meet Karsa Orlong and you're on board.
Book 2 has some real wonky parts that will throw people off for sure, I laughed my way through the entire section you mentioned. It's too ridiculous but I just chalk it up to Kvothe being an unreliable narrator who has to embellish everything.
The First Law Trilogy by Joe Abercrombie is one of the best fantasy series ever created. It takes the gritty fantasy genre...and completely subverts your expectations.
Trust me, this should be your next read.
After a bit SciFi i'm ready for fantasy again. Since this man has 10000 series floating around, which Sanderson series is considered the best or one of his best? With which one should i start? (only finished ones please).
To OP:
Malazan: I like it but a lot of loose ends after finishing it and the middle of the series veers off a bit till it comes around. Some really really epic moments and clashes though. A little to inflationary with the age of some characters...
Wheel of Time: Tour de force.... it took me a loooooong time finishing it. You are going to hate some female characters and also it's good to have a sheet of paper to write down the 1000 side characters popping up when it gets into filler territory but overall an really epic story. If you like fantasy it should be a must read. Just stomach the weaker/boring parts/books and hang on till the end.
First Law: Strenght are the characters but don't expect to like anyone of them.
I would add the Powder Mage trilogy as "to read":
But the OP hasn't read enough to HAVE expectations. I think this is where some folks underappreciate First Law. You really need to have a depth in fantasy to see where he is twisting things.
I'm pretty old, so I have a lot more fantasy touchstones set in the 70's and 80's. If you are new to fantasy I'd recommend LOTR as it set the stage for virtually everything. Robert Howards Conan stories are also critical reads. Moorcock's Elric of Melnibone is awesome as well. Then I"d hit up the classic Dragonlance trilogy (Dragons of Autumn Twilight, etc) as that series, cheesy as it is, is a definitive DnD fantasy story with some really mature and emotional moments that justify it. I also like McKiernan's "Iron Tower" trilogy (and his other stuff) but that is very 80's centric, much like Eddings and probably too simplistic for an adult reader.
Donaldson's Convenant series (at least the first two before the pretentiousness set in) are exquisite, totally different from almost everything else.
Of the OP's list, I'd set Malazan at the top, if you can manage it. Fortunately there are several forums that can walk you through each book. It is the Dark Souls of fantasy series. Cook's Black Company is very good as well. Can't go wrong with Tadd Williams though I think the Shadowmarch series will appeal more to a new reader. I love Abercrombie but it really helps to know that he is mocking the genre with a really dry wit.
Wheel of Time, oh boy. It's like an all you can eat buffet of hamburgers, hot dogs, and mac n'cheese. All good stuff, just really middle of the road and endleesssssss. ASOIAF is fantastic, but at this point the show is a better vehicle for consuming it IMHO until GRRM finishes the damned thing or officially calls it quits.
You can't binge Dresden, else it all starts to repeat itself, at least till the later books where it kinda helps due to tall the call-backs and side characters. I use them as palate cleansers between weightier books. Same with Iron Druid, Monster Hunter International, or other "urban fantasy" stuff as they are usually pretty quick reads without a lot of mental heavy lifting.
what happened to joe abercrombie? I devoured all his stuff and then it's kind of vanished.I really enjoyed all his books. he did some young adult stuff recently, but I can't be assed trying to read YA.
PG-13 nothing. Half the World would be rated hard R.He took a break from grimdark adult to do grimdark YA. I read the first of that trilogy and while I considered it good, it was PG-13 Abercrombie.
He recently published a collection of short stories.
He is supposedly going back to adult fantasy, potentially in the same world of the First Law, though jumping forward a bit in time (iirc).
PG-13 nothing. Half the World would be rated hard R.
After a bit SciFi i'm ready for fantasy again. Since this man has 10000 series floating around, which Sanderson series is considered the best or one of his best? With which one should i start? (only finished ones please).
if you're speaking about the Wax and Wayne books those aren't a Trilogy in fact the fourth and final will be coming out soon.I came across this list some time ago (the Cosmere is apparently the name for his universe).
Elantris is a standalone, the Mistborn books are meant to be a trilogy of trilogies, and the first two trilogies are done (book 6 came out at the beginning of the year). Another really highly rated book by the looks of it is Way of Kings, but that is a series that is far from finished (10 books, 2 done), so just letting you know about that one if you want to put it on your radar.
I haven't read Elantris, but did read the Mistborn Trilogy (well the first one) just recently and that was my first exposure to Sanderson. I really enjoyed it as well, and it hooked me in after struggling (for other reasons) to get into the first book for a while. Once it did I didn't want to let go. The first book is IMO the best and the other two aren't *quite* as good but it is still a very fun read.
if you're speaking about the Wax and Wayne books those aren't a Trilogy in fact the fourth and final will be coming out soon.
I've read most of these. Responses in bold.
My recommendations would be Celia S. Friedman's Coldifre and Magister Trilogies.
I've read most of these. Responses in bold.
My recommendations would be Celia S. Friedman's Coldifre and Magister Trilogies, The Earthsea Trilogy, The Deed of Paksenarrion, The Tarmir Triad by Lynn Flewelling, Tigana by GGK, and Lyonesse by Jack Vance.
That should cover the very basics and you can go from there. I would check out the fantasy subreddit if you get a chance too, they have good taste.