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ESA Officially Announces "Evolution" of E3 Expo (aka: cancelled! *wink*)

Seth C

Archer said:
This change shows that the publishers are more interested in making money in the short term rather than building longevity in the industry by cultivating a relationship with their audience (a symbiotic relationship). This is their cost/benefit analysis. This, to no surprise, is what business is all about. The problem with this idea is that, in the long run, gamers will not have a place to congregate like they did. There will be less energy in the products that drive consumers to go out into the market and get the latest products. We will grow old, perhaps mature, and perhaps leave our interest in the industry in our past.

In the end, this decision is not profitable.

Agreed. As I get older my passion for gaming has dwindled, but E3 has always managed to pull me back in to it every May. Having attended 8 shows in a row (before the last one), it just seemed like a part of my life. May rolled around, that meant it was time for a trip out to LA. It managed to draw me back in once a year and sort of renew some of the energy of my hobby.

I'll miss it, and I am especially sad having missed what was effectively the last one after attending the previous 8.

That reminds me. Does anyone happen to have a spare show floor guide from this past year? It's that thing that looks like a strategy guide. I think published by Prima in recent years. It is the only one I don't have since 1998.
They probably had to kick down an extra $5 million to offset the pending fees that ESA will have to eat for that lease of the LACC. Note that organizers have only said a smaller venue, that doesn't mean they are leaving LACC. So instead of South, West, Petree, Kentia, and Concourse, it might just be West, Kentia, and Concourse.

This is pretty common in the trade show industry anyway. I worked in high-tech tradeshows before I lost my job, but everyone was partnering together because companies would not spend money on more, or ANY, booth space.

And don't you think Sony is getting lots of pressure to actually MAKE money? Microsoft's investors were also upset at the last meeting (over software, not home & entertainment).

What could conceivably happen is the following:

1. Proposed partnership with CMP Media LLC's Game Developer Conference. Although not likely, both companies can reap the benefits of a partnership. Actual attendees will only go to ONE place, vs. two, cutting down expenses for every dev, pub, and media outlet.

2. LACC will likely settle out costs with ESA, meaning ESA wouldn't take a total hit. I think LACC will understand that this is just cyclical.

Who else is affected:

- Hotel industry will be crying on its knees. San Francisco has been dealing with this the last 5 years, now it's LA's turn. E3 was probably the saving grace for that industry in the last 5 ears.

- Cabbies didn't take people too and from the hotel and LACC. I know I took cabs to/from the airport, Hollywood, etc... That's huge. And the cabbies just swarm onto E3 like flies on... you get what I'm saying

- Restaurants are going to lose a significant part of their revenue. There's an Italian restaurant not far from LACC that I went to at least once a year, and during lunch, the place was slammed for 3 hours. Company dinners, those will be reduced significantly.

And everyone thought I was crazy when I said the industry would take a major hit 5 years ago. Too bad it came 5 years earlier...


fallout said:
I'm not going to speak on Wellington's behalf, but do you know what it's like to do work in an environment like that? It is honestly the equivalent of trying to study the physics of amusement rides at Disneyland. You wait in line behind sweaty teenagers for 30 minutes or more just to get at what you want, which you only get for 5 minutes, anyway. So you're then forced to go wait in line again just so you can touch up on what little you managed to write down.

It's 1 week. Hell, it's not even that. 5 days if you stay to cover everything. Even if you get zero sleep during that time you're still being a total drama-queen if you think that job is somehow way tougher than the average. Don't be such girls.

unless my sarcasm detector is shut off....

get a grip

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted all the journos saying they were glad it was gone because they don't have to put so much work in anymore. For a whole week.

1. bitter dev whose game got a bad review score

2. disgruntled web writer who got turned away at IGN/GS/1UP

3. jerk, in general.

4. http://static.flickr.com/74/20314217...cef248.jpg?v=0

1. Bitter journo obsessed with whether or not he fills the man-thong Che left.

2. Overly defensive because he's being taken to task over whining about doing a whole week's work

3. Jerk, in general.

But if I were you, I'd go with the mystery box. yeah-huh.
Zenith said:
It's 1 week. Hell, it's not even that. 5 days if you stay to cover everything. Even if you get zero sleep during that time you're still being a total drama-queen if you think that job is somehow way tougher than the average. Don't be such girls.

Oh, I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted all the journos saying they were glad it was gone because they don't have to put so much work in anymore. For a whole week.

1. Bitter journo obsessed with whether or not he fills the man-thong Che left.

2. Overly defensive because he's being taken to task over whining about doing a whole week's work

3. Jerk, in general.

But if I were you, I'd go with the mystery box. yeah-huh.

Zenith, in all seriousness: have you ever BEEN to E3? Do you know what E3 is like? Or are you just going by what you've read on the interweb?

The only "con" I've been able to derive from all this is: no Robertsan and the Twins in 2007?! NOOOoooo!


Zenith said:
Oh, I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted all the journos saying they were glad it was gone because they don't have to put so much work in anymore. For a whole week.

No, you misinterpreted the bit where they're saying that E3, in it's current form, takes something that should be fairly efficient (by its original design) and makes it something so completely obtuse and convoluted that their job is made exponentially harder.


Zenith said:
It's 1 week. Hell, it's not even that. 5 days if you stay to cover everything. Even if you get zero sleep during that time you're still being a total drama-queen if you think that job is somehow way tougher than the average. Don't be such girls.
I really, really should be ignoring you, but I just can't help it.

I've worked my ass off in a kitchen, pulling 70-80 hour weeks, little breaks, etc. and you know what? I didn't mind. Why? Because every minute I was there, I was accomplishing something. If I were spending those 5 days at E3 actually covering video games, it would be a completely different story.
Zenith said:
Oh, I'm sorry, I must have misinterpreted all the journos saying they were glad it was gone because they don't have to put so much work in anymore. For a whole week.
Jesus, dude. Do you just want people to wait in lines to make yourself feel better in comparison? If there's a way that the same work can be done in better conditions, is it wrong for them to prefer it?


WasabiKing said:
- Hotel industry will be crying on its knees. San Francisco has been dealing with this the last 5 years, now it's LA's turn. E3 was probably the saving grace for that industry in the last 5 ears.

- Cabbies didn't take people too and from the hotel and LACC. I know I took cabs to/from the airport, Hollywood, etc... That's huge. And the cabbies just swarm onto E3 like flies on... you get what I'm saying

- Restaurants are going to lose a significant part of their revenue. There's an Italian restaurant not far from LACC that I went to at least once a year, and during lunch, the place was slammed for 3 hours. Company dinners, those will be reduced significantly.

I think at least the ones in the area around the LACC won't take as big of a hit. USC graduation is that week as well. Now all the parents who had to get hotels further away will be able to get ones closer. I'm sure there will be some losses however, and this will impact hotels further away from downtown.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Anyone who's in the industry (journos, devs, and me) will probably still make it out to whatever becomes of E3 each year. We're happy precisely because this should make our jobs easier. Why the fcuk shouldn't we be celebrating?


not a medical professional
Its unfortunate though, as I usually head up the planning for E3 accomodations etc for our site; yet now with 'e3' in flux, not knowing who can actually go to this new show, and whether or not Nintendo will do their own North American show, it's putting a huge wrench in plans that would have already been taken care of by the end of this month.



bluemax said:
I think at least the ones in the area around the LACC won't take as big of a hit. USC graduation is that week as well. Now all the parents who had to get hotels further away will be able to get ones closer. I'm sure there will be some losses however, and this will impact hotels further away from downtown.
It will hurt the hotel and resturant industry a great deal.
Every hotel within 10 miles of E3 is booked. I mean EVERY HOTEL. That is millions upon millions of lost revenue that doesn't have anything to offset it.

Going from an event that has 75,000 to 5,000 hurts the entire area.


don't ask me for codes
chespace said:
Anyone who's in the industry (journos, devs, and me) will probably still make it out to whatever becomes of E3 each year. We're happy precisely because this should make our jobs easier. Why the fcuk shouldn't we be celebrating?

Because we're all greedy bastards and shouldn't be such girlies. And we should give people like zenith free swag. And drop game prices to $10.


chespace said:
Anyone who's in the industry (journos, devs, and me) will probably still make it out to whatever becomes of E3 each year. We're happy precisely because this should make our jobs easier. Why the fcuk shouldn't we be celebrating?
I wouldn't say that. Even this year with all the behind closed door showing, it was difficult as a developer to see things. Not to mention Irrational Games now wanting to show ANY outside developer Bioshock. Just become more of a private club.
If the format moves to a open floor, with high restrictions of attendees, then you might have something. But these VIP/backroom sessions would suck.


chespace said:
Anyone who's in the industry (journos, devs, and me) will probably still make it out to whatever becomes of E3 each year. We're happy precisely because this should make our jobs easier. Why the fcuk shouldn't we be celebrating?

because there are other people who are paid poorly to make clothes. or something like that. all we have to go on so far are false assumptions and bullshit generalizations.

1. Bitter journo obsessed with whether or not he fills the man-thong Che left.

che's thong fits quite nicely, thanks very much.

2. Overly defensive because he's being taken to task over whining about doing a whole week's work

I haven't whined about shit. and you certainly haven't taken shit.

3. Jerk, in general.

this part is probably true. YA GOT ME.
DopeyFish said:
I'm surprised there's not a lot more people furious about this, to be honest.
Me either.
chespace said:
Anyone who's in the industry (journos, devs, and me) will probably still make it out to whatever becomes of E3 each year. We're happy precisely because this should make our jobs easier. Why the fcuk shouldn't we be celebrating?
Fine it makes the job easier! Great!

We will never have all of the things that made E3 so special, you have no idea how much damage this kind of news hurts the gaming industry as whole right now...I promise you next year will ****ing suck any way you slice it.
fallout said:
I really, really should be ignoring you, but I just can't help it.

I've worked my ass off in a kitchen, pulling 70-80 hour weeks, little breaks, etc. and you know what? I didn't mind. Why? Because every minute I was there, I was accomplishing something. If I were spending those 5 days at E3 actually covering video games, it would be a completely different story.
Seriously, I agree with him. stop being a baby, its not as worse as working 40 hours carrying merchandises, stocking them in the stockroom, reaching higher heights, and trying to get that same job done. I worked 40 mother ****ing hours each week during christmas doing that shit, and yet, you're complaining about working at E3, getting your shit together, walking around, getting your shit done...Hey, I was exhausted, I even ****in' embarrassed myself when I finally got to the M$ Community Connection Celebration "pre-briefing" with the girl, hyping them up. Now tell me you're being a baby all because you're working hard during the week of a spectacle.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
element said:
I wouldn't say that. Even this year with all the behind closed door showing, it was difficult as a developer to see things. Not to mention Irrational Games now wanting to show ANY outside developer Bioshock. Just become more of a private club.
If the format moves to a open floor, with high restrictions of attendees, then you might have something. But these VIP/backroom sessions would suck.

Well, you do have a point. It'll probably be harder for devs to see the works of other devs. Which, ultimately, might be a good thing since it'll keep folks from ripping off ideas and implementing them late in the game -- I dunno, maybe not. But I think the point of E3 was for publishers and devs to show their wares to retail and press in order to generate sales interest as well as marketing/PR buzz. That basic routine is essentially getting streamlined. All the usual media that you guys check now will still have a shitload of E3 coverage -- hell, maybe even better coverage since they don't have to deal with all the chaos. The point is that publishers and devs aren't at E3 to show other devs their hard work. That's what GDC is for, I guess.

Still, I guess now I kind of regret not having gone to Sony's party back in May because it'll be their last. Oh well, at least I went to 6 previous ones. :p

Edit: It makes our jobs easier, and yeah, I won't deny this sucks for the no-access fanboys who make the pilgrimage to mecca each year. But the end result is that you'll still get to find out plenty about the games that are coming out in fall, and still get to play them when they do come out. What's the big deal?

Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
I've never been to E3 and I honestly don't know if this is good or bad. On the one hand I will miss the grand gaming news event of the year as it always was...on the other I've been to anime expo which was essentially--and hilariously--called "line-con", so I would understand the frustration behind some people trying to get their stories done.

But wouldn't the much simpler and better solution be to have 2-3 days dedicated to serious journos/devs with creditation and the other 2-3 open admission as an exhibit to keep gamers' interest up?
Crab Shaker said:
I've never been to E3 and I honestly don't know if this is good or bad. On the one hand I will miss the grand gaming news event of the year as it always was...on the other I've been to anime expo which was essentially--and hilariously--called "line-con", so I would understand the frustration behind some people trying to get their stories done.

But wouldn't the much simpler and better solution be to have 2-3 days dedicated to serious journos with creditation and the other 2-3 open admission as an exhibit to keep gamers' interest up?
How would that solve any of the problems the publishers have with the event though? If anything it would become even more costly than it already is.
chespace said:
Edit: It makes our jobs easier, and yeah, I won't deny this sucks for the no-access fanboys who make the pilgrimage to mecca each year. But the end result is that you'll still get to find out plenty about the games that are coming out in fall, and still get to play them when they do come out. What's the big deal?
The big ****ing deal is that we will not find a expo similar to E3, EVER again, unless TGS, and other conventions get as large as this. Nobody can match E3 in its sheer size of media contacts, exhibitors, and companies.

This is the reason why I HATE, I seldomly ****ing hate EA. They're the ****ing world's largest company in the world, yet they're complaining that "some people have no reason being there" THAT kind of complaint should come from smaller publishers, not ****in' EA.

EA has no common sense. No common business sense of a show like this.

Crab Shaker

Doesn't pay his sources
Chris Remo said:
How would that solve any of the problems the publishers have with the event though? If anything it would become even more costly than it already is.
I don't know where the 5 million in costs or whatever per booth is coming from, but it's ridiculous. Either the ESA is laughing and growing fat with money or they were retarded and didn't have some japanese businessmen with them when they signed that contract. I say that ignorantly of course...but really, there are conventions everywhere, and this event boosts their economy, there's no reason the city of LA or whoever is in charge of that convention center should be stiffing them, especially with a cancellation scare.

Anyone know more specifically what the cost per booth really is and where it's all coming from?


don't ask me for codes
So making E3 smaller by cutting out all the fancy stuff (models, big displays, etc), and reducing people count by weeding out the people who weren't supposed to be there anyway, is somehow akin to the industry exploding? (LOL at those people claiming they're out of gaming from now on)

I don't think so.

This isn't the Game Industry's equivalent of Mecca. You aren't less of a gamer if you've never been there, and most gamers have never been there anyway - and they're perfectly fine with that.

There will still be megatons - you think publishers somehow want less attention for their games? It'll either still be at the slimmed down E3, or some other event.

This isn't about the industry hating its fans. It's common sense cost cutting on bullshit.

But I suppose people want their circus.


CarlosX360 said:
Seriously, I agree with him. stop being a baby, its not as worse as working 40 hours carrying merchandises, stocking them in the stockroom, reaching higher heights, and trying to get that same job done. I worked 40 mother ****ing hours each week during christmas doing that shit, and yet, you're complaining about working at E3, getting your shit together, walking around, getting your shit done...Hey, I was exhausted, I even ****in' embarrassed myself when I finally got to the M$ Community Connection Celebration "pre-briefing" with the girl, hyping them up. Now tell me you're being a baby all because you're working hard during the week of a spectacle.
You missed my point entirely. Perhaps I should have clarified a bit more.

It's not the working hard that's the problem. I don't mind hard work, in fact, at times, I relish it. Accomplishing a lot is a good feeling. However, at E3, for the time you put in, you don't accomplish a whole lot.

A lot of people seem to be confusing "hard work" with "hard to get work done".

DrEvil said:
Its unfortunate though, as I usually head up the planning for E3 accomodations etc for our site; yet now with 'e3' in flux, not knowing who can actually go to this new show, and whether or not Nintendo will do their own North American show, it's putting a huge wrench in plans that would have already been taken care of by the end of this month.
I feel for you Dean, I do, but I assume that just about everyone is suffering with this. Hopefully the ESA gets some plans put out soon.


E3 without all the EB/GameStop employees and shitty bloggers (not to be confused with good bloggers)? Sounds like an improvement!

But yea, now instead of feeling likechristmas it'll feel like hanaukkah (*isn't a jew*)


chespace said:
Still, I guess now I kind of regret not having gone to Sony's party back in May because it'll be their last. Oh well, at least I went to 6 previous ones. :p

You didn't miss much. Most poo-pooed Incubus and I personally wasn't wowed until some mystery DJ came on really late in the night and wowed me with his magical trancey synth and beats.

But yeah, my feet are liking this news. They're quite liking it. Having things compacted down into fewer halls means less running around trying to juggle appointments for print and online at the same time. Hooray!
It's not the working hard that's the problem. I don't mind hard work, in fact, at times, I relish it. Accomplishing a lot is a good feeling. However, at E3, for the time you put in, you don't accomplish a whole lot.

A lot of people seem to be confusing "hard work" with "hard to get work done".
You think every media company gets their jobs done? You think GameSpot, IGN finished their jobs after 5 to 6 days on the job? I laugh at you if you think that way. Small websites, medium websites, even large websites don't finish their job, but do they complain? No. I think working for a recognized media website, is more of an accomplishment for me, than working for a small website, who is a no name. Xbox Evolved, last august, renewed their home. Guess what? Over the next few months, leading up to E3, things start to look up, and start to look better for us, since E3 and other events took place. If you feel like you delivered to your readers, then that must mean something.

And, instead of just deleting your users, and try to "accomplish" quality on your forums, then you would feel a sense of accomplishment during E3.
I feel for you Dean, I do, but I assume that just about everyone is suffering with this. Hopefully the ESA gets some plans put out soon.
I hope so, too....and it better look good.
To fuel the fire a bit, the following was posted at a PC board I frequent.

"You guys give $1, and I'll tell you the REAL story. I have friends at the ESA, as I used to work there for a few years. Don't believe the PR spin! "

"SFLU knows I live in the DC area, and if you go through my post history, I'm certain you'll find mention of my previous employment at the ESA, formerly IDSA. If you don't believe me, that's fine. Why on earth would I make something this retarded up?! It's not like I said I went to the moon or something"

re: (Well trusted source that contributes to IGN and others, and literally seems to post news 24/7) "He's right - he lives in the DC area and his girlfriend lives in my apartment complex. His currently works for the US Patent Office and his past employment history is accurate as I had it "checked out" using certain methods at my disposal."

mcdonnell said:
It will focus on press events and small meetings with media, retail, development, and other key sectors. While there will be opportunities for game demonstrations, E3Expo 2007 will not feature the large trade show environment of previous years.
CarlosX360 said:
You think every media company gets their jobs done? You think GameSpot, IGN finished their jobs after 5 to 6 days on the job? I laugh at you if you think that way. Small websites, medium websites, even large websites don't finish their job, but do they complain? No. I think working for a recognized media website, is more of an accomplishment for me, than working for a small website, who is a no name. Xbox Evolved, last august, renewed their home. Guess what? Over the next few months, leading up to E3, things start to look up, and start to look better for us, since E3 and other events took place. If you feel like you delivered to your readers, then that must mean something.
I'm not sure what you mean by this. His point is that the output of E3 is not nearly what it should be given what a huge deal the whole thing is. E3 is a horrible system, and it's unnecessary. It everything was split up into smaller, more manageable chunks, not only could individual journalists cover more games, but their impressions would be more in depth and useful to readers. What's the point of thousands of people all going and getting the exact same experience out of a game and then writing up the exact same impressions? It's just a big weird pointless week-long pageview grab. It's not actually a good environment for doing work, and it's not actually a good system for delivering content to readers, and it's not actually a good way for publishers to display their products.
..pakbeka.. said:
great, they cancelled e3 before I ever had the chance to go to one, thanks a lot
How do you think I feel? I bailed out last second two years ago and couldn't go last year. The Frankman am cry.
Chris Remo said:
I'm not sure what you mean by this. His point is that the output of E3 is not nearly what it should be given what a huge deal the whole thing is. E3 is a horrible system, and it's unnecessary. It everything was split up into smaller, more manageable chunks, not only could individual journalists cover more games, but their impressions would be more in depth and useful to readers. What's the point of thousands of people all going and getting the exact same experience out of a game and then writing up the exact same impressions? It's just a big weird pointless week-long pageview grab. It's not actually a good environment for doing work, and it's not actually a good system for delivering content to readers, and it's not actually a good way for publishers to display their products.
But how are you going to finish all of them just by appointments? Hmm? Intimate encounters with developers only gives you "routine" feel, wheras, events like E3 every year, gives you the option of meeting them, and playing some of the "next door neighbors' games" during breaks or at the same time (if you have a group with you).


don't ask me for codes
CarlosX360 said:
But how are you going to finish all of them just by appointments? Hmm? Intimate encounters with developers only gives you "routine" feel, wheras, events like E3 every year, gives you the option of meeting them, and playing some of the "next door neighbors' games" during breaks or at the same time (if you have a group with you).

There are many behind closed door meetings so that the bigger media people can have a more thorough playthrough of a game. They don't have to be all formal and stuffy. I believe the Killzone Liberation presentation was firstly a powerpoint presentation and then a playtest at a hotelsuite with about 6 psp test kits. Obviously the smaller media outlets would have to do with queuing up and having 5 minute play sessions....which sucks right? Whether the new format is any better remains to be seen, but surely the current system also sucks for the small guy.

As far as checking out other developers' stuff out - it's too busy at the stand or there's an appointment with press. And what breaks?


Billy Rygar said:
Downloadable demos will become a huge part of E3 now, especially now.
If there is going to be no big show floor with demo stations, why would developers even bother creating functional demo builds? Presumably this means less downloadable demos (and we only got a handful of them in May anyhow).
Kobun Heat said:
lol breaks

I was just going to go all HAW HAW HAW HAW HAW on him like the other guy who has no idea what kind of hellhole is for people who actually WORK during E3.

Yes, I work 60 hour weeks otherwise (ie: not at E3 so shut your pieholes), but E3 is both the best and worst experience ever.
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