ESL (Electronic Sports League) is cutting its association with pro group Team YP because its primary sponsor is the adult entertainment website YouPorn. The organization, which holds tournaments and ongoing pro seasons for a number of games, has enacted a new rule that prohibits any sponsors “widely known for pornographic … or other adult/mature themes and products,” according to an email that ESL officials sent to Team YP. This move comes as a direct order from ESL’s directors in what is a clear effort to purge YouPorn from ESL-backed events despite constant efforts by Team YP heads to separate its esports brand as a “safe for work” spinoff that does no direct promoting of XXX entertainment.
In an email correspondence GamesBeat got its hands on, Team YP made several appeals to ESL and even offered to rebrand in a way that did not refer to YouPorn or even “YP” in any way, but the ESL turned down that offer and solidified the expulsion of Team YP from its events.
For Team YP, this is going to limit its potential to compete, which — in the end — is going to hurt its members and those who enjoy watching them compete.
“I am disappointed that Team YP’s growth is being stunted by this decision, not to mention the effect that this will have on our roster of players,” Team YP manager Claire Fisher told GamesBeat. “While for some, our participation in esports has been controversial, stopping our players from competing because they are sponsored by us, in spite of Team YP operating as a completely SFW [safe for work] brand, clearly separated from any adult content, seems unfair to say the least.”
We feel like this rule has been implemented in direct connection to our sponsor’s efforts,” Team YP’s Rainbow Six: Siege and Evolve captain Eril “YP_Nightwane” Djoehana told GamesBeat. “It was only created after we started entering ESL cups and started getting noticed.”
This is frustrating for these pros because they see how Fisher and the other leaders have put a ton of work into building Team YP as its own brand apart from YouPorn, and they don’t understand what else they could do.
“What is even more upsetting for my team in particular is that we were worried about these kinds of problems,” said Nightwane. “We decided to be proactive, and we asked both [Evolve publisher] 2K and ESL how they felt about our sponsorship, and they were both very happy to accept Team YP as a participant. This leaves us confused on why this ruling has been made. We would love to continue competing with other teams within the ESL while being sponsored. We have always strived not to cause any troubles, and we want to follow the rules properly.”
Team uses no YouPorn branding, has ensured that Team YP SEO doesn't turn up YouPorn links when searching via Google and makes sure that, as a team, everything they do is completely work safe. Sponsors and the league have known about them and haven't had an issue until recently, when the team was making inroads and this rule suddenly appears.
Can't help but think that ESL is channeling SNL's Church Lady here.
