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Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Going to wait for this (and Mystery Dungeon....and Persona Q) to go on sale. I think I'll bite at 25.

Oh, and Break Record as well.


I'm not ready for Untold 3, god I want that so much.

With Dancer being the class that comes from the next game, please.

Princess and Dancer are too similar for that to make sense, even though it would be neat. If they brought a class over from EOIV I'd expect something more like arcanist or bushi.

Probably would just end up being highlander. As DLC.
Princess and Dancer are too similar for that to make sense, even though it would be neat. If they brought a class over from EOIV I'd expect something more like arcanist or bushi.

Probably would just end up being highlander. As DLC.

The deal is, in story mode the Princess was already used in 2, so maybe we could get a Dancer in the team of 3.

I'd be so happy.

Now that I think about it an Arcanist would be amazing.

I just want Gunner in every game forever and until the end of time. But I shall never have that.

I'd be okay with this.


What if it's
a class from EO5, because they decided to publish 3 Untold first?

But what classes could you see in 3 Untold? Part of the problem with crossing classes from 3 and 4 is that so many of them fill the same archetypes, so there's a ton of overlap between their functions, even if they do things differently. There's also the possibility that they'll essentially remake the class like that did with the war magus in 2 Untold.

I think a buccaneer's basically mandatory given the sea theme, but a deep one arcanist could be cool. At the very least, I'm hoping for a class that can use the unused sixth slot like the ninja and wildling can – preferably the vampire puppet class that didn't make it into the original version.
Good to hear that EOU2 is coming to America; my main dilemma now will be whether to get it digitally or physically... My copies of EO4 and EOU1 are digital (I got them on sale), but I feel like it'd be nice to actually have a physical copy EOU2 though...


Since I totally lack finished EO games I am currently plöaying 4. Only beat the first Stratum boss, but yeah. "Oh, you can definitly break his charging att- oh he just killed 3 people and nearly killed the other two. Whoops."
new screens of Untold 2 in English:




So the Prince/Princess class has been renamed "Sovereign" in the English version on Mystery Dungeon.

I'm going to ahead and guess it's because of the Protector taking the "P". I wonder if they are keeping the change in Untold 2.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I just say Princess anyways. Not just because my team is usually all female anyways but because all of the Princes look dumb as hell while the Princesses are probably my favorite design in the entire series.
Not just the "P," the "Pr." And yeah, it'll be Sovereign in 2 Untold.

Thanks for the info.

I'm personally fine with the change(it doesn't really change anything haha), even if I'm very fond with the old name of the class.

I like Sovereign better myself, as it's gender neutral, unlike Prince/Princess.

I liked that the name of the class changed depending of the sex you went with actually.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Swordsman just sounds so generic and male-centric. Landsknecht just sounds badass, and checking out their history makes them even better.

Other problem with it is the fact that the definition pretty much starts off like this

Consisting predominantly of German mercenary pikemen and supporting foot soldiers

Then this

Landsknechts were trained in the use of the famous long pikes and used the pike square formations developed by the Swiss. The majority of Landsknechts would use pikes, but others, meant to provide tactical assistance to the pikemen, accordingly used different weapons. For example, an experienced Landsknecht could be designated a Doppelsöldner, an armoured soldier who served as the backbone for the formation and in addition to the pike as more recent recruits, they could also be alternatively employed wielding a 6-to-8-foot-long (1.8 to 2.4 m) halberd or partisan, or, more famously, a Zweihänder (literally: "Two-hander"), a two-handed sword as long as 180 cm (6 ft).[8] These great war swords could be used to hack off the heads of enemy pikes; or more likely to knock the pikes aside, creating disorder among the tightly-arranged enemy pikemen in order to break through their lines. Other Doppelsöldner were armed with an early matchlock firearm called an arquebus or crossbow would lay ranged fire support by the flanks of the pike square.[9]

Which further lends the problem with the use of the name for localization.

On the flip side supported by this

The universal Landsknecht weapon was a short sword called a Katzbalger, carried in addition to the Landsknecht's main weapon. Indeed, the Katzbalger was seen as the very symbol of the Landsknecht, Swiss illustrators being careful to depict it to indicate that a mercenary was a Landsknecht rather than a Reisläufer.

It adds to the image that they were not mainly polearm users. BUT still the initial first thing that comes out of the article itself is "pikemen". With sword use taking a second fiddle to that.

The name would have far better fit the Phalanx rather than Hoplite which totally clashes with the appearance of the class to begin with considering for both names outside of the fact that its using a polearm and shield. Still Phalanx was a superior name as it can also refer to a defensive tactic where as hoplite literally refers to one of the fighting force members that forms a phalanx. Looking at the wikipedia article apparently the word was also used
In later usage, the term hoplite is used to denote any armored infantry such as the Swiss mercenaries during the Burgundian Wars (1474–1477).
but thats beside the point as the original usage was most likely chosen due to the localization team thinking it was a better choice than Phalanx. Seriously hoplite just does not bring any sort of imagery to mind. Where as even while not familiar to the word itself folks have heard the word Phalanx before and those a bit more familiar with things can associate it with the massive shield.

Its why Im glad I can play the JP version as would get pissed off to no end with the localized one. Its the same thing for Monster Hunter with some of the atrocious names they "rebranded" some of the monsters with for no apparent reason. Since the names were not even real words, so its not like it had to be localized for people to understand what they are supposed to mean. On top of some of the names were changed to sound like dinosaurs which made it even worse...

In regards to swordsman.

A swordsman is a practitioner of swordsmanship.

Swordsmanship refers to the skills of a swordsman, a person versed in the art of the sword. The term is modern, and as such was mainly used to refer to smallsword fencing, but by extension it can also be applied to any martial art involving the use of a sword.


Other problem with it is the fact that the definition pretty much starts off like this

It adds to the image that they were not mainly polearm users. BUT still the initial first thing that comes out of the article itself is "pikemen". With sword use taking a second fiddle to that.

As you said they were more famous because of the sword they carried, and came to overshadow the fact that they were mainly polearm users. I admit it's probably not the best term they could have chosen, but I just prefer it to Swordsman. Same thing for Hexer over Curse Maker or War Magus over Doctor Magus.

Paladin and Phalanx sounds better than Protector and Hoplite though.


Maybe it's because I play too much Civ but I think Hoplite is an ok name. It's more apt than Phalanx, which refers to the formation, so a person cannot be a Phalanx by himself.

And Landsknecht, while referring to the specific German mercenary troops, has also become a more generic term for mercenaries, especially in the Early Modern era. Mercencary might fit more, but it has a negative connotation and M is already used by Medic.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
As you said they were more famous because of the sword they carried, and came to overshadow the fact that they were mainly polearm users. I admit it's probably not the best term they could have chosen, but I just prefer it to Swordsman. Same thing for Hexer over Curse Maker or War Magus over Doctor Magus.

Paladin and Phalanx sounds better than Protector and Hoplite though.

I agree with was it your? previous statement, sorry on mobile cant scroll back up fast while typing but it is odd that they called the paladin a paladin when it does not exactly have a lot of skills which would make them seem like one, outside of the refresh skill (status ailment curing thing) though this is going off of the mysterious dungeon stats since forgot what the original one was lol.

Agreed about Hexer and War Magus. Esp the hell is War Magus when you look at all of the skills by far you can tell its more for support where War Magus makes it sound like it was a class made for combat over support. The fact that mages are generally thought of as back row nukers too does not help that imagery with War in front of it lol. Was totally confused as to what the hell the war magus was so had to look it up before when was here a long while back and people were talking about it

Im guessing text limitations is what got them to change it?

The weird name changing game reminds me of FF14 with all of the classes that we know what they "should" be yet have "new" names lol.

Maybe it's because I play too much Civ but I think Hoplite is an ok name. It's more apt than Phalanx, which refers to the formation, so a person cannot be a Phalanx by himself.

And Landsknecht, while referring to the specific German mercenary troops, has also become a more generic term for mercenaries, especially in the Early Modern era. Mercencary might fit more, but it has a negative connotation and M is already used by Medic.

While that may be the case, about Phalanx it is by far a more recognized word than Hoplite, which those who are not familiar with the term will go "wut" at just since it looks odd with "Hop" being the first word their mind will associate with.

Where as Phalanx while once again you are correct about that its not used to really describe a person, it is a term that is still used to describe defense / objects / etc. Such as the Phalanx Close-In Weapons System (CIWS).

*for those not familiar with it.
he Phalanx Close-In Weapon System is a rapid-fire, computer-controlled, radar-guided gun system designed to defeat anti-ship missiles and other close-in air and surface threats. A self-contained package, Phalanx automatically carries out functions usually performed by multiple systems – including search, detection, threat evaluation, tracking, engagement, and kill assessment.

Basically it literally puts out a wall of lead towards incoming targets in an attempt to defend its position. But back to the main topic at hand.

In fictional media we have things like from Macross the SDR-04-Mk XII Phalanx.


Anyways those are 2 example 1 real world and 1 fictional of how the word Phalanx has made it past just being referred to as a formation alone. Its become its own word now that is associated with defense. Where as Hoplite not as much. Though there is a helicopter that has the codename Hoplite which Id imagine is from the same term? Though a bit odd to name a helicopter after a ground unit lol


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Where they get larned up but good.

I like Landsniktbubs; there's no ranged/pike/cavalry RPS, there's no snazzy rainbow get-up, but it's distinctive, with maybe Warrior as #2.

While its still questioned if they really existed in history Ive always wanted a female only class based off of what people called Shield Maidens. Just because always thought the idea was badass.

Kinda hope the Highlander makes it into another game as that was an interesting class.


While its still questioned if they really existed in history Ive always wanted a female only class based off of what people called Shield Maidens. Just because always thought the idea was badass.

Kinda hope the Highlander makes it into another game as that was an interesting class.

I'd be okay with a female-only class, like Princesses in 7th Dragon.

Shield Maiden sounds like a great class for a female MC. Untold 3's MC should totally be a woman.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I'd be okay with a female-only class, like Princesses in 7th Dragon.

Shield Maiden sounds like a great class for a female MC. Untold 3's MC should totally be a woman.

With how the story has Yggdrasil in it am surprised we have not had a valkyrie class yet.
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