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Etrian Odyssey Community Thread: The Ongoing Adventures of Fight and Heal

Sölf;175812180 said:
Yeah, I know they unlock when you choose your route at the beginning of the third stratum, but can I choose them as subsclasses after that (or at least the one I choose)?

Yes you can subclass as the class you choose, just wait until you have the class or rest when you unlock it.

Princess/Monk is great until the end game, even if Monk/Princess is clearly the better healer.


Seeing videos on youtube of a level 47 solo princess at Stratum 2 boss vs. a level 53 Monk at stratum 3 boss... I think a monk would have been the beeter choice. xD

I'll take a look for the damage, princess damage is really low compared to other classes.


Yggdroid isn't available for subclassing. Guess they didn't want to bring up the ethics of getting cyborg implants to combat cosmic horror.


Ordered EO instead of EO3 and didn't realize until the package came in yesterday. Lmao. Decided to keep it since I can't be bothered with a return. Anything I should know? I'm a few hours in, enjoying it so far. The font is dreadful, though.


Ordered EO instead of EO3 and didn't realize until the package came in yesterday. Lmao. Decided to keep it since I can't be bothered with a return. Anything I should know? I'm a few hours in, enjoying it so far. The font is dreadful, though.
You'll (maybe?) get used to it.

And nothing really major, other than I'd recommend planning out your party builds in advance. You can still reset points, but the only time you'll probably be able to do it comfortably is when you hit the level 70 cap, since resting costs a whole 10 levels.

EDIT: Actually, I just remembered more. Protectors and medics are basically mandatory throughout the post-game, alongside a troubadour for one of the bosses, so depending on your party layout, you may need to grind later. Also, don't level up the protector's wall skills past 5, since there's a nasty glitch they all share. At level 5, the walls completely nullify all elemental attacks of that type, including any secondary effects they have, but past that, they absorb the damage into health, but stop negating the extra effects. That'll make taking down the dragons a whole lot harder.


Ordered EO instead of EO3 and didn't realize until the package came in yesterday. Lmao. Decided to keep it since I can't be bothered with a return. Anything I should know? I'm a few hours in, enjoying it so far. The font is dreadful, though.

That feel when the EU version of EO is the superior one. (In terms of font)
Fourth stratum boss
Cradle Guardian
owned me twice now. :( I think I can manage him though. However, I tend to run out of mana on my Nightseeker and can't spam Swift Edge for additional links.


So, I reached Ketos. Killed all FOEs, which suprised me (especially the 3 fish). Let's see if I can actually beat him...


So I just got EO4 a couple weeks ago and after hitting a wall the other day upon reaching the 2nd stratum I decided to restart with a new party. I just got to the 3rd floor of the 2nd stratum and this one seems to be working infinitely better, but I thought I'd post it here for you guys to critique in case you have any advice:

Lv 25 Fortress
Proficiency - 1/1
Expertise - 1/1
Taunt - 4/4
Auto-Taunt - 4/4
Iron Wall - 10/10
Ally Shield - 3/6
Line Shield - 3/6
Party Shield - 1/6

Lv 25 Landshark
Proficiency - 1/1
Expertise - 1/1
Sonic Raid - 3/10
Blazing Link - 3/10
Freezing Link - 2/10
Electric Link - 1/10
Power Boost - 8/8
Vanguard - 3/6
Initiative - 3/8
Improved Link - 2/8

Lv 26 Dancer
Proficiency - 1/1
Expertise - 1/1
Regen Waltz - 5/10
Refresh Waltz - 2/4
Attack Tango - 8/8
Counter Samba - 3/8
Chase Samba - 1/8
Trick Samba - 1/8
Fan Dance - 3/10
Sword Dance - 3/10

Lv 25 Runemaster
Proficiency - 1/1
Expertise - 1/1
Fire Rune - 3/6
Fireball Rune - 2/10
Flame Rune - 2/8
Ice Rune - 3/6
Ice Lance Rune - 2/10
Glacier Rune - 1/8
Volt Rune -1/6
Lightning Rune - 1/10
TP Boost - 8/8
Runic Flare - 2/10

Lv 26 Nightseeker
Proficiency - 1/1
Expertise - 1/1
Sand Throw - 6/6
Nerve Throw - 2/6
Sleep Throw - 4/6
Curse Throw - 2/6
Blade Flurry - 6/6
Spread Throw - 4/4
Speed Boost - 1/10

I'm trying to go for a party that hits hard by buffing with Attack Tango and elemental runes, and then following up with Landschnoz's link skills coupled with Dancer's link effects. My Fortress had been in the back row so that all my physical attackers would be lined up for Attack Tango, but now she defends from the front using Line Shield or Party Shield. I didn't want to spread my elemental offense too thin, so I'm prioritizing fire and ice skills while investing some into elec to take advantage of enemy weaknesses. So far it seems to be working really well, but I'm not sure where to go from here with my Nightseeker since Sand and Sleep Throws see the most use and he won't unlock Venom until level 40. Can I afford to just hoard my points for him until then, or would I be better off maxing out Sleep and investing into Speed Boost?


So far it seems to be working really well, but I'm not sure where to go from here with my Nightseeker since Sand and Sleep Throws see the most use and he won't unlock Venom until level 40. Can I afford to just hoard my points for him until then, or would I be better off maxing out Sleep and investing into Speed Boost?
If you're planning to rest and reallocate later, there's no harm in maxing out Sleep and Speed Boost now. By the time you hit level 40, it'll be very easy to farm shiny 2nd land sheep for experience with guest characters and you'll gain 2 levels back in no time. If not, just hoard to the points. Auto-Spread, Follow Trace and Venom Throw are worth putting a lot of points in right away.


I beat Ketos, he was easier then expected. Ad Nihilo isn't really necessary, it will just take much longer, but it deals pretty high damage, even at level 1 (~180 vs ~50 with my normal attacks). But level 9 or 10 of Protect Order is pretty much a mus to outheal his damage so you yourself can still continue to attack. Also, I didn't have any sleep protection, but with Guard Order, Protect Order and Second Wind it also wasn't necessary. I didn't use an Amita, but I cycled through my Elemental Arms to get back TP for several turns (like 20-30 probably).
Your team seems to be doing fine.

Landshark just needs to do the usual Vangaurd > Improved Link > Elemental Link so keep doing what you're doing while maxing the skills. You can also later subclass as Bushi for even crazier damage but I recommend that until late game.

Nightseeker, you can rest when you reach level 45 or just save everything and become and unstoppable god when you max Venom Throw + Spread Throw + Auto Spread, goodbye random battles!

Runemaster: Get ready for Galvanic Rune, Galvanic Rune made the RM my MVP and makes Linking so damn easy.

Your Fortress is doing what they should be doing, Taunt machine with Line/Party Shield. Your Dancer also seems okay, mine became really effective in the late game when I subclassed her as a NS so I could wield two weapons + Mist Dance ftw(this is also great for Linking). I dropped my Fortress for an Arcanist because it's a really fun class, but I'm crazy and don't like to use tanks that much.


So, decided to choose Ninja as my subclass. I think with the clones I will have the most success later on. Just need to carry enough Amritas so I have enough TP later on.


Thanks! Getting my ass kicked by the 2nd boss now, but at least with this setup I think I can pull something off. So you'd recommend investing more into electric runes so I can get Galvanic Rune? I think if I just focused on fire + elec instead of fire + ice and kept what I have now for ice skills it'd work out nicely.

Edit: Aaaaand... Beat her! I guess I must be doing decently well for myself then!

I might go ahead and try to replace my Fortress with an Arcanist. Wufan (?) was a really cool guest member and my style is more of a quick blitz with everything I've got as opposed to being tanky anyway, plus it seems like there'd be a lot of synergy with the rest of my team. Although I'm not sure I'd have been able to survive that boss without some form of damage sponge...


Sölf;175949679 said:
So, decided to choose Ninja as my subclass. I think with the clones I will have the most success later on. Just need to carry enough Amritas so I have enough TP later on.

Ninja Princesses are the bestest.


I am still on Floor 9, but I already beat Coatrangul and Golem once. Will try the other quests for those bosses as well and maybe even the next one. Since I can now clone myself it's much easier, even if my damage is still abyssmal. xD


Oh wow.

I rested my entire party after having trouble with Colossus and their HP and normal attack damage is amazing compared to before. How did I survive this long? Around level 43.


I am not sure if I should level my Ninja skills so I can get access to Tagen Battou. I would have to put in every point I have in order to get there at level 70 (after resetting I would have a few more skillpoints of course). Else I would increase a few of my princess skills, especially Attack Order which is only level 5 at the moment.


Question about the 3DS remake of EO1: I played Persona Q before playing any other EO games, and that got me interested in trying EO. In that game, walls near you would be highlighted on your map on the lower screen. Is there anything like that I can do to enable that in this game, and do any of the other EO games have that? I mess up pretty often when drawing the map if I'm not facing north because of this.
Question about the 3DS remake of EO1: I played Persona Q before playing any other EO games, and that got me interested in trying EO. In that game, walls near you would be highlighted on your map on the lower screen. Is there anything like that I can do to enable that in this game, and do any of the other EO games have that? I mess up pretty often when drawing the map if I'm not facing north because of this.

The Untold games have auto mapping, the others don't.

Fuck auto-mapping.


The Untold games have auto mapping, the others don't.

Fuck auto-mapping.

I never turned on auto-mapping in PQ, I mean that the walls within 2-3 squares of you would be highlighted so you knew where they were in relation to you. There wasn't the few seconds of "OK I'm facing this way and the walls are here in relation to me so I draw the walls here" that I have to go through every few steps. You can see what I mean on the lower screen here if you haven't played PQ: https://youtu.be/6QNFwNhcOQI?t=4814


I never turned on auto-mapping in PQ, I mean that the walls within 2-3 squares of you would be highlighted so you knew where they were in relation to you. There wasn't the few seconds of "OK I'm facing this way and the walls are here in relation to me so I draw the walls here" that I have to go through every few steps. You can see what I mean on the lower screen here if you haven't played PQ: https://youtu.be/6QNFwNhcOQI?t=4814

No feature like that in EO iirc, you have to orient yourself.

EDIT: Beaten
That is something that is unique to PQ I'm afraid. Same with the one size fits all shortcut icon.

And the undo. I miss the undo.

Wait, PQ maps more than just just the wall you're facing? I mapped everything in PQ so I just assumed that it was the same as Untold 1 and 2.

It seems that I don't even know how auto mapping works in these games haha.

Edit: Just saw a video and saw how PQ worked with auto-mapping, holy hell that's beyond easy.

One thing I liked about PQ was the 100% chest bonus, that was neat and maybe will be added to EOV.


Wait, PQ maps more than just just the wall you're facing? I mapped everything in PQ so I just assumed that it was the same as Untold 1 and 2.

It seems that I don't even know how auto mapping works in these games haha.

Edit: Just saw a video and saw how PQ worked with auto-mapping, holy hell that's beyond easy.

One thing I liked about PQ was the 100% chest bonus, that was neat and maybe will be added to EOV.

I'm a bit sad that most of the good mapping stuff from PQ didn't make it to EO2U. At least we got more colors. Hopefully EO5 gets undo at least.
Yeah, the mapping tools from PQ were pretty good, I'm expecting a lot of progress in EO5 so let's hope it gets even better.

I loved the PQ map tools, but I absolutely loathed how they made them compact so you had to hold down on, say, the door to get to the closed door.
I like them nice and available like in the Untold games.


I'm a bit sad that most of the good mapping stuff from PQ didn't make it to EO2U. At least we got more colors. Hopefully EO5 gets undo at least.
The only thing I really thought was missing was the ability to color icons and undo things. I could do without the icon groupings unless they also add a tab for icon history.

One thing I liked about PQ was the 100% chest bonus, that was neat and maybe will be added to EOV.
That was actually my least favorite part, since it seemed at odds with part of why you would make a map in the first place, since you had to walk on every square, even if they had nothing on them and were just dead ends.
That was actually my least favorite part, since it seemed at odds with part of why you would make a map in the first place, since you had to walk on every square, even if they had nothing on them and were just dead ends.

I agree with you, Nachos. It should be "map it all" and not walk on everything.


I agree with you, Nachos. It should be "map it all" and not walk on everything.
I was near the end of my work break when I first posted, but I was actually going to mention that I don't think that's the right solution, either, unless there are a lot of stipulations. Otherwise, anyone could just draw the entire map without exploring, and that'd defeat the point of making a reward in the first place. Maybe they could change things so that you can only unlock chests after reaching the end of a floor, but then you have issues with returning to new areas of old floors, which Q didn't do.

Either way, it'd need to be built with the actual structure of the game in mind, with a way of gauging the player's progression to ensure they aren't just a map mooch.

Well you should be walking on all the tiles anyway.

That's exactly what I do.

You can never be too sure!
I would do that kind of thing...
We all did.
If there's ever a thread meet-up, I'll have everyone go into the forest, give you all some graph paper and have you map every square inch – but only if you physically walk on them.
What I won't tell you is that I took your shoes, and that half the forest's full of Lego bricks. Also, there are rabid deer running around.
It'll be just as fun!


If there's ever a thread meet-up, I'll have everyone go into the forest, give you all some graph paper and have you map every square inch – but only if you physically walk on them.
What I won't tell you is that I took your shoes, and that half the forest's full of Lego bricks. Also, there are rabid deer running around.
It'll be just as fun!

Do we get a group of cute girls to follow us around too?


If there's ever a thread meet-up, I'll have everyone go into the forest, give you all some graph paper and have you map every square inch – but only if you physically walk on them.
What I won't tell you is that I took your shoes, and that half the forest's full of Lego bricks. Also, there are rabid deer running around.
It'll be just as fun!

I need Shishou at the front of my party to take all the hits though...


Sorry for the weird question, but the box "limited edition" that Etrian Mystery Dungeon comes in, is it suppose to be all pixelated? I got the game shipped to me but the box looks like it is a low resolution picture of the actual box art. Though some parts of it are clear, like the Atlus symbol, but the game art isn't.


if we ever do a thread meet up, you guys should pay for my ticket

Sorry for the weird question, but the box "limited edition" that Etrian Mystery Dungeon comes in, is it suppose to be all pixelated? I got the game shipped to me but the box looks like it is a low resolution picture of the actual box art. Though some parts of it are clear, like the Atlus symbol, but the game art isn't.

the fuck? no, lol

edit: well iunno I can't even tell. the box art looks lighter than the case art.



the fuck? no, lol

My camera is too shitty to do a full box art shot and still see the detail so I did a close up. It looks really obvious in person.


The first picture is the actual retail box, the second picture is the cardboard box that the retail box + OST came in. It is really weird though, on the back of the cardboard box where ATLUS and SPIKECHUNSOFT are, ATLUS is clear as day and SPIKE is pixelated to death.


yikes that looks really shitty. I wonder what happened there. mine looks the same up close. yours is like an 80s and 00s comparison lol

Yeah idk, I'm thinking about just sending it back. I'm not a collector so the box doesn't matter that much to me as long as the game cart is legit.
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