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Eugene from WWE = Stolen Character

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The following was a press release sent to and taken directly from PWTorch.com:

"I have some interesting facts that you might be interested in. My name is Alex Lourido and for the last ten years my partner, David Francella, and I have been creating a show called, "The Psychotic Neurotics Comedy Show," which is shot and produced in Philadelphia.

Our most popular character on the show is Eugene, the mentally challenged actor who is played by me! The similarities between our Eugene and Nick Dinsmore's Eugene, are daunting, and it even gets better.

Back in December, Dave and I spoke with Todd Resnick, an Executive Producer from Spike TV, and pitched our show to him. He was interested in learning more so we sent him a show that showcased Eugene as our strongest character! (Do you see where we're going with this!) Mr. Resnick then contacts us personally, and via mail, to tell us that they have decided not to run with "it," but they really liked our ideas and we have an open door policy with them to pitch further show concepts!

Shortly after this, I'm talking maybe a month or so later, Nick Dinsmore reveals his Eugene character on Spike's "Raw," one of the highest-rated shows on cable TV!

We have spoken to our attorney and he is in the process of developing a case. This is a huge story, and when people see our Eugene Character that was developed 10 years ago, and is still very popular on our show, they will immediately reach the conclusion that Nick Dinsmore stole the character.

As a matter of fact, the entire story line that "Raw" is developing with the Eugene Character has been stolen from one of our shows. Dave and I can tell you exactly where their story line is going and what is going to happen, because they didn't even have the decency to change it a little!"


Heh.. we need more of these cases. I'd do anything to see WWE go off the air. No offense to fans. :p Though that will be offensive.


Eugene's look was always basically a rip-off of the old Norman the Lunatic character anyway...


But I'm surprised they went this far.


Eugene is one of the more interesting characters they've come up with recently. When I first saw him I was thinking 'My god they've found another line to cross' But really they've done a respectable job with the character.

As for him being a rip off... yeah possibly, but they actually made this guy entertaining.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
If you want the REAL story. Eugene is a inside joke. It's this kid that goes to every WWE show somewhere in PA. Philly I think. Anyway, this kid gets to go backstage every show and Dinsmore happened to be at a show doing a dark match and after the kid left, all the boys backstage started making fun of him. Nick did such a dead on impression of the kid the boys were going nuts, then he started doing it backstage at OVW and JR caught it. JR told Vince about it and you know how Vince loves crazy characters so Nick agreed to do it. He had no choice basically. He's been in OVW for awhile and at his size, it's his only way to get on the roster.
You're probally wondering how do you know i'm not making this up, well look at it. I couldn't make anything that crazy up.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
jobber said:
If you want the REAL story. Eugene is a inside joke. It's this kid that goes to every WWE show somewhere in PA. Philly I think. Anyway, this kid gets to go backstage every show and Dinsmore happened to be at a show doing a dark match and after the kid left, all the boys backstage started making fun of him. Nick did such a dead on impression of the kid the boys were going nuts, then he started doing it backstage at OVW and JR caught it. JR told Vince about it and you know how Vince loves crazy characters so Nick agreed to do it. He had no choice basically. He's been in OVW for awhile and at his size, it's his only way to get on the roster.
You're probally wondering how do you know i'm not making this up, well look at it. I couldn't make anything that crazy up.

I've heard this as well. Didn't it show up on the major wrestling news sites at one point?

Either way, can you imagine the WWE trying to explain this in court? "Your honor, we didn't steel the idea...it was actually an inside joke on a retarded person we enjoy making fun of."
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