I think some people are kind of overthinking it in regards to alternate universes/parallel worlds and all that stuff.
Invariably, the whole scub coral coming out of portals, and all that other stuff will be directly linked to the finale of the original series, what with 50% of the original coral dissipating away from the planet and all that limit of life stuff. Count on it.
It has to be either a big time jump or a parallel universe. There is nothing on the moon, the geographical nature of the planet, the modern cities (something that was missing in the original series), Renton and Eureka both missing even though I can't imagine them up and leaving their kid or where the orphans are, there actually being countries.
What the fuck?
The main website updated with a lingo section: http://eurekaao-prj.net/?page_id=572
For those wondering about how there can be trappar on this world, it seems it didn't emerge until the very first Scub Coral appearances happened long ago, so It seems that with more and more Scub bursts, Trappar became a mainstay in the atmosphere, and engineers harnassed it as a new energy, leading to the development of FPs (Floating Platforms), etc.
Also, apparently the HQ of Generation Blue (the company that owns Pied Piper) is in Switzerland
Well it certainly was better than I expected.
Also the music that played when Ao was running from the G-Monster was amazing. I hope they use that again. Would make for a perfect lead up to something awesome happening.
Also, apparently the HQ of Generation Blue (the company that owns Pied Piper) is in Switzerland
well I guess that name actually makes sense now lolIt's Generation Bleu!
I think what they did with episode 1 was pretty smart too. It entertained in its own right, but by avoiding the use of a fight scene or showing the mecha itself, they've set up a really exciting ep2. Not only will fans have the first look at the OP for the show, but it's also when the first battle in the series will occur. That makes ep2 just as anticipated as ep1!![]()
The scene at the end where Ao is running while the island is being destroyed? Yeah, that was easily my favorite part of the episode.
First episode was pretty great, the animation is very polished and the special effects are probably the best we will see in the entire year; the only scene I kinda didn't feel was when. It wasn't as good as Eureka Seven episode 1, but it was much, much better than it could have been.Ao starts to believe Naru and her family died in the Secret attack, it wasn't very believable overall
Guys, should I watch Eureka Seven before this?
It's been on my list for like a year, but I don't want to miss out on watching the new series while it's actually airing. How closely connected are they? Just from the way they main character looks, I'm assuming he's a combo of the two main characters from the original series (re: their child). That's pure speculation though, as I've never seen a single episode.
You know, I just had a thought about a possible direction this series could go. The story is about a main character who appears to be more than he seems, and his mother was someone who isn't native to the island he grew up in. The island itself seems to be isolationist in nature, while there is an international task force armed with advanced technology trying to track down and fight mysterious giant invaders which appear out of nowhere all over the world.
This doesn't sound a lot like E7, but you know what it DOES sound like?
everyone still holds E7 as holy grail for character designs
I can't think of many shows post 2000 that I would rank as being better than E7, designs wise. Yoshida is an absolute god level character designer.Is that really the case? For me personally that's the case and the only ones I would put on a similar level are FMA and Hellsing. However I could see some people disliking the character designs.
Oh mah gawd
Oh mah gawd
While it's a nice pic, what's so special about it?
dat nostalgia
[I could see this easily being a prequel.
I watched Episode 2. It was really good. The action is top notch, and I really like how they're actually making the story and circumstances interesting and a little mysterious. The pacing is good too. The music is really, really good. Some great tracks in ep2. And I'm not going to lie. When I saw the OP, I cried.
Welcome Home, Eureka!
Theyre on earth, but there are trappar waves, and they show characters from the previous show
and now they even have cars using the waves
This theory only works if they are 100% retconning the backstory revealed in the first seriesI'll have to see episode 2 but the only links so far are AO and Eureka who might have time jumped. This could be the period right before the humans left for the stars. It would explain the ruined modern cities.
I'll have to see episode 2 but the only links so far are AO and Eureka who might have time jumped. This could be the period right before the humans left for the stars. It would explain the ruined modern cities.
This theory only works if they are 100% retconning the backstory revealed in the first series
I don't really think there's any possibility of this being a prequel, or there being time travel. It just seems like a new story but done in a fashion which feels like a "sequel" rather than a "reboot" for older fans.