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Euro 2004

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Ah, that's a nice gesture of Buffon. Applauding Ibrahimoviz after the game because of his amazing, albeit lucky, goal
Man, that was the prettiest goal I've seen in the tournament so far.

So assuming Italy beats Bulgaria, which I really have to see happening, then Italy needs a definitive winner in the Sweden/Denmark game to move on then, eh?

Jesus God, I'm glad this shit happens only once every 2 years.


Mike Works said:
Man, that was the prettiest goal I've seen in the tournament so far.

So assuming Italy beats Bulgaria, which I really have to see happening, then Italy needs a definitive winner in the Sweden/Denmark game to move on then, eh?

Jesus God, I'm glad this shit happens only once every 2 years.
Depends, If they win by more than 2 goals and Sweden - Denmark is a tie, they will boot Denmark out.

If either teams wins than Italy would just need to win
Mike Works said:
Man, that was the prettiest goal I've seen in the tournament so far.

So assuming Italy beats Bulgaria, which I really have to see happening, then Italy needs a definitive winner in the Sweden/Denmark game to move on then, eh?

Jesus God, I'm glad this shit happens only once every 2 years.

LOL, I have a feeling Denmark will beat Sweden though



Ugh.. what a game. I was so nervous I wanted to poo in my pants. 1-1 feels like a victory right now. And Zlatan is a God. I told you he would own this tournament. I mean , who the hell is Kluivert compared to Zlatan? A zero. NIENTE! :p

And the goal was beatiful. I'm glad I have Zlatan and Ljungberg's autograph :D


A classic, Italy tries to play safe, protecting their 1-0 lead, waiting for counterattacks without risking their lead. Guarding a 1-0 lead is not a good idea IMO, at least not when the opposing team is going forward like Sweden did. Italy should've tried to finish the match with a 2-0 goal. Guess they were confident in their defense.

Anyway, Sweden should be happy about this result. Italy were playing great football during the 1st half. Had Italy continued to play like that during the 2nd half, Sweden would've definitely lost.


Erm... Deepthroat, Kluivert had already accomplished more at the age of 18 than Zlatan will probably ever do. Winning a Champions League...

Kluivert is one of the most gifted players on this tournament, he is just horribly out of form


Deepthroat said:
Oldie is not goldie :D
He's like 27 man. Kluivert can still pull a Van Basten, like he did in '88 (Makaay as well).

Benched, but when finally put in the game stealing the tournament and making their country the champion.
Hooker said:
Depends, If they win by more than 2 goals and Sweden - Denmark is a tie, they will boot Denmark out.

If Denmark wins, they would need to win by more than 5 goals to go through
Maybe I read your post wrong, but I don't think that's right. The standings are;

Denmark - 4
Sweden - 4
Italy - 2

Denmark/Italy tied, Sweden/Italy tied, so either would come down to goal differencial. Now after the Italy/Bulgaria, save for a disaster, the standings will be;

Italy - 5
Denmark - 4
Sweden - 4

So lets say Denmark and Sweden do tie. Everyone will have 5 points. In the tournament, Denmark has scored 5 goals, Sweden has scored 6 goals, and Italy has scored 2. So basically Italy, assuming Denmark and Sweden tie 0-0, will have to score either 3 or 4 goals (I'm not sure who would win the next tie break).


norinrad21 said:
I thought i told you not to get too excited? ;p

I know I know! He just feels like a god right now. He's not yet complete though, but almost :)


Will start substantiating his hate
Mike Works:

> So lets say Denmark and Sweden do tie. Everyone will have 5 points. In the
> tournament, Denmark has scored 5 goals...

Where the hell did you get that number? Denmark has scored 2 goals and we pretty much have to beat Sweden now as I don't expect Italy to tie with or be beaten by Bulgaria.

Stupid Swedes :mad:

At least you could have finished the job properly.
Hahaha, what a goal by Zlatan. The guy is such a fantastic player.

As for Italy, they're shameful to watch. A very good first half, attacking and controlling the ball. Then, in the 2nd half just revert to the ultra catenaccio style. Disgusting.

I hope they don't advance. Denmark and Sweden are much more exciting teams to watch and both actually know how to play as teams.


Mike Works said:
So lets say Denmark and Sweden do tie. Everyone will have 5 points. In the tournament, Denmark has scored 5 goals, Sweden has scored 6 goals, and Italy has scored 2. So basically Italy, assuming Denmark and Sweden tie 0-0, will have to score either 3 or 4 goals (I'm not sure who would win the next tie break).

First of, Denmark only has scored 2 goals so far, and Italy only one. Second, when 2 teams end with equal points (which will happen if Italy wins from Bulgaria and Sweden and Denmark tie), results between the teams with equal points will be compaired. But because there are draws only between those teams, they will look at who scored the most in those games. In other words, if Denmark plays 2-2 or a higher draw against Sweden, they will knock Italy out of the tournament. If on the other hand it ends in 0-0, than Denmark is out. If it ends 1-1, they will look at how many goals each team scored, meaning that Italy needs a 3-0 win over Bulgaria.

I know it all sounds very confusing, and I'm not completely sure if it's right. I'll try and find a source for this.


Will start substantiating his hate

Equality of points
6.06 If, on completion of the group matches, two or more teams are equal on
points, their position within the group will be established according to the
following criteria:
a) Number of points obtained in the matches among the teams in question
b) Goal difference resulting from the matches among the teams in question
c) Number of away goals in the matches among the teams in question
d) Results of all qualifying-competition matches:
− Goal difference
− Number of goals
− Number of away goals
e) Fair play conduct of the teams in question
f) Drawing of lots


Ah yes, there it is. Sweden - Denmark should be 2-2, so Italy will be out. Or better yet, Italy shouldn't win from Bulgaria. :D
For all those people who replied to me, I didn't watch the first game this morning, and my buddy told me Denmark beat Bulgaria 5-0.

So if Denmark and Sweden tie 0-0, and Italy beats Bulgaria 1-0, who advances?


All 3 teams would have 5 points.

Denmark beat Italy, and their goals would be 2-0 in the tournament...covering both possible situations (I'm not sure whether the tie breaker is goal differential or vs record, so I'm covering both)....They would advance

Sweden tied Italy, so the vs record is even...but then we go into goal differential, and Sweden, at 6-1 is ahead of Italy's possible 2-1

Therefore, considering that they would go by vs record or goal differential, either way Denmark and Sweden advance in that situation. Whew, you're welcome :)


Durrrr....Ok, sorry. Well they drew 0-0, and then then goal differential would have to settle it....I cannot think of any other possible scenerio. Denmark would be 2-0, and Italy would be 2-1. Denmark and Sweden will still advance. I'm doing the best I can without looking for the facts! :D

Fine, I went to their website.

"If teams finish level on points, then the winner of the match between the sides in question will finish highest, or should they have drawn, goal difference, followed by goals scored, qualifying record for the 2002 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2004™, a fair play ranking and finally either a penalty shoot-out or drawing of lots."

Since the teams would finish drawn and level in points, goal difference would win it for Denmark. Denmark and Sweden. Better hope that Italy scores 2 goals.


"If teams finish level on points, then the winner of the match between the sides in question will finish highest, or should they have drawn, goal difference, followed by goals scored, qualifying record for the 2002 FIFA World Cup and UEFA EURO 2004™, a fair play ranking and finally either a penalty shoot-out or drawing of lots."

qualifying record for the 2002 World Cup, I guess. That's what the Euro 2004 site said.
I wasn't able to watch/listen to the game today, but when I got into work I had heard that Italy was up 1-0 with 20 minutes left, then at work one of my staff said that Sweden scored one of the most amazing goals ever I was like FUCK YEA!


On The Score they were showing Italian fans in Toronto making lame excuses for why the Italians tied....Even worse then the excuses these same fans make about the Leafs
BigJonsson said:

On The Score they were showing Italian fans in Toronto making lame excuses for why the Italians tied....Even worse then the excuses these same fans make about the Leafs
While Sweden was putting on some nice pressure in the second half, and while the goal the Swedes scored WAS really pretty, it was also really fucking lucky. No matter how pretty it looked, he nicked the ball with the side of his foot, while in midair, facing backwards, and it just happened to fall perfectly under the bar.

Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot of skill just to get a shot like that off, but that was a lucky goal.
Mike Works said:
While Sweden was putting on some nice pressure in the second half, and while the goal the Swedes scored WAS really pretty, it was also really fucking lucky. No matter how pretty it looked, he nicked the ball with the side of his foot, while in midair, facing backwards, and it just happened to fall perfectly under the bar.

Don't get me wrong, it takes a lot of skill just to get a shot like that off, but that was a lucky goal.

No doubt, but still, a goal is a goal
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