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Eurogamer: Nearly 1 in 5 gamers are LGBT+, says new GLAAD “study”


Gold Member
lolz! let me guess: your two nieces are super popular, captains of the cheerleaders and liked by all? oh wait no, they're probably low self-esteemed dorks going through an indentity crisis. yeah, we had those in the 80s. they were called punks. then in the 90s they were goths. then in the 2000s they were emos. now they're "non-binary", "trans", whatever. it's all a stupid phase with kids looking to find community. which, there's nothing wrong with! the issue becomes when the media and government jump on the train and push BS to take advantage of this phase.
And then do irreversible harm to them. But no, you're too young for a tattoo sweetie.


Gold Member
It's why I haven't given BG3 a go. The "Bioware style" of romance is so droll.
From the three sex scenes I’ve seen, BG3’s might be worse. Sex scenes and romance or not good when made by game developers. Takes me back to the argument of game stories versus literature and cinema.


Gold Member
"We asked 50 people coming out of the Blue Oyster on a Saturday night if they played videogames, 5 replied with the answer "yes". Surprisingly nobody who answered yes also ticked the LGTQ++ box". We'll redo the survey until we get the answer we like.

People who conduct "surveys" are just ex- students who are either too lazy or incapable of getting a proper job.


Gold Member
I’ve got 5 IRL friends who game. Guess I have to waterboard them all until one admits to being gay. Should be fun. Once my lunch break is over I’m going to start interrogating people at work about it.
Pretty slick way to get the scent of gay away from you.

Thick Thighs Save Lives

NeoGAF's Physical Games Advocate Extraordinaire
This means every fifth person commenting is gay. I'll list the first 5, so everyone can be aware. @ChorizoPicozo @John Bilbo @crackajack @Hollowpoint5557 @Fake

Edit: by my scientific calculation, @GrayChild is a gay too

Edit edit: shit shit shit, this comment at #90 made me a gay too. This is bullshit, the post counter skipped #89, it has it out for me.



Much more useful data, IMO.
Some of this is probably a bit more accurate, alot of Women biologically lean towards being Bi with typically a preference for men so this makes alot of sense and there were definitely a percentage of Gay/Lesbians in the closet back in older generations too.
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This has to be the new and updated version of the good "More than 50% of the gamers are women" that started being pushed by the usual suspects few years ago.

EDIT - Meaning "It's some made-up bullshit that selects samples of convenience and bends definition to fit the desired outcome".
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I looked into where they went to get people to answer the survey and couldn't find any details.

My market research lexicon isn't very extensive, can someone tell me what a "boost sample of LGTQ+ gamers" means?


Gold Member
"We asked 50 people coming out of the Blue Oyster on a Saturday night if they played videogames, 5 replied with the answer "yes". Surprisingly nobody who answered yes also ticked the LGTQ++ box". We'll redo the survey until we get the answer we like.

People who conduct "surveys" are just ex- students who are either too lazy or incapable of getting a proper job.
Never mind students fudging surveys, marketing departments do it all the time.

At my company when they announce the new products in development are always somehow rated 9/10 by focus groups, all they do is cherry pick the questions that got good scores. If you saw the questions used to compile a score different products have totally different questions used, and only used if they scored high ratings. Shameful. But that’s how surveys are skewed.

Nobody ever claimed the researchers fudged results by faking in answers or stuffing ballot boxes kind of thing. All they did was choose which data sets and questions to use in the final charts. Lol


Yeah, I also heard they drink the same water and breath the same air and do basic daily math, they aren't entirely aliens on this planet.


Gold Member
Sure thing GLAAD. Any weirdo with a kink can find a reason to be a part of that group. It means nothing.
No they’re not.

This generation are fucking dickheads. Claim to be gay because they once touched their friend’s knee and it made them feel ‘curious’. Then they dye their hair blue and voila, they’re suddenly special.

I'm gay, I know a lot of people who are gay that play video games. That being said I don't know why a survey like this was even needed, gaming is kind of a universal thing and there are a lot of gay people involved in game development as well. They aren't all purple haired weirdos who need everyone in the world to know that they are gay but it's an industry full of artistic/creative types.


Snake Oil Salesman
I won't stop until that ratio is flipped. Then we will hunt down the rest of you like the dogs you are.

We're all LGTBQIA+, you just don't know it yet.
Just another group trying to make a certain demographic feel so empowered by who they are. Fuck off with this shite already. Has absolutey nothing to do with gaming but everything to do with virtue signaling. The average gamer could care less what another gamer identifies as or is into sexually. This is the sick twisted world we are living in today that prioritizes this crap over everything else.
I’ve got 5 IRL friends who game. Guess I have to waterboard them all until one admits to being gay. Should be fun. Once my lunch break is over I’m going to start interrogating people at work about it.
You make the group into 6. Anything above 5 is gay. You automatically become the gay.Youre welcome.


I'm gay, I know a lot of people who are gay that play video games. That being said I don't know why a survey like this was even needed, gaming is kind of a universal thing and there are a lot of gay people involved in game development as well. They aren't all purple haired weirdos who need everyone in the world to know that they are gay but it's an industry full of artistic/creative types.
That's BS, most game characters are straight white males, which I take no issues with if most of the people designing games are men or white.

Why are non-European countries designing games with mainly white leads?

Most Japanese games that aren't designed from their cultural perspective and is meant for the U.S don't have leads that reflect the ethnic diversity of this country. The only game I can think of that buck that was Dino Crisis. If I'm not mistaken,the lead was a mixed Asia woman.


Aside from everything else this is maths fail clickbait.

Eurogamer decide to run with "Nearly one in five" instead of saying one in six. Seventeen percent is one in six.


One of the green rats
* according to a poll they took themselves of their own fan base
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Weeb Underling
We already know all those "studies" about the proportion of female gamers were bullshit by way of the Insomniac leak; of a sample size of 38.5 million, just shy of 90% of PlayStation users are men.

There's no chance that the real non-hetero figure is anywhere near even a half of this apparent 17%.


Gold Member
I might just helped a lgbtq+ during my last elden ring coop session. He sure looked gay af, took all the boss magic missiles right in the face


Neo Member
That makes sense. In a lot of towns, being LGBT+ will ostracize you/ make it harder to socialize and make friends. If that's a problem, gaming is a halfway decent alternative.
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