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Eurogamer: Nearly 1 in 5 gamers are LGBT+, says new GLAAD “study”


Oh thank god someone is doing the hard work thats needed. This is exactly what we are all asking for.


Gold Member

Much more useful data, IMO.

So basically most 2/3 of the group is people who are now 10x more socially comfortable to fessing up to enjoying the occasional menage de trois


*Study sample were exclusively Retardera members
Big Mouth Lol GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, LGBT must be like 1% of humanity at best and suddenly it's 20% with gamers ?
Lying Love And Hip Hop GIF by VH1
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That's BS, most game characters are straight white males, which I take no issues with if most of the people designing games are men or white.

Why are non-European countries designing games with mainly white leads?

Most Japanese games that aren't designed from their cultural perspective and is meant for the U.S don't have leads that reflect the ethnic diversity of this country. The only game I can think of that buck that was Dino Crisis. If I'm not mistaken,the lead was a mixed Asia woman.
The japanese where puting white looking leads in the entertainment long long before they made a move into western markets. Ask the Japanese artists why they like that aesthetic. Something tells me there not gonna respond with "to support white cis male heteronormative supremacy". People and cultures like things for all sorts of reasons not just politicaly convenient ones.


*Study sample were exclusively Retardera members
Big Mouth Lol GIF by MOODMAN

Anyway, LGBT must be like 1% of humanity at best and suddenly it's 20% with gamers ?
Lying Love And Hip Hop GIF by VH1
Keep in mind that these are the same raving spastics who keep telling everyone that "intersex people are 1% of the world population and more common than people with red hair".

Which of course is complete bullshit, when you consider that it's an incredibly rare genetic defect, scarce even among self-proclaimed transgender.


Gold Member
That's BS, most game characters are straight white males
But how do we know that?

Most games don't involve sexuality, girlfriends or wives. Unless the assumption is if a guy doesn't show his sexuality, it automatically means he's straight.

If a game has nothing to do with any character's sexual orientation, why cant gamers just think what they want. Scotty the Sniper Shooter can be straight or gay pending what someone feels like thinking.

I thought the LBGT group stresses that anyone including friends, coworkers and neighbours can be gay or bi. You just cant tell. So it makes sense in games too. Nobody can tell.
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The following day about mentally ill statistics in video games, it sounds like the escapism in this hubby've been pushed to the extreme, only those who don't understand the hubby are unforgivable people who have no f clue about video games and to be honest, life itself, they know nothing about it besides it's wasting people's time, what if "alpha males" who's no f clue about tech and tvs decided to be realtors in their late 40s? I don't want to mention names, but what qualities did they earn in their 20s and 30s being alpha males? These people think they're ahead in their life but it's the opposite actually.


But how do we know that?

Most games don't involve sexuality, girlfriends or wives. Unless the assumption is if a guy doesn't show his sexuality, it automatically means he's straight.

If a game has nothing to do with any character's sexual orientation, why cant gamers just think what they want. Scotty the Sniper Shooter can be straight or gay pending what someone feels like thinking.

I thought the LBGT group stresses that anyone including friends, coworkers and neighbours can be gay or bi. You just cant tell. So it makes sense in games too. Nobody can tell.
Unless a game has anthropomorphic characters then most game characters are human enough with most of the leads being males and usually white.
So 80% are straight?(which I don't believe the figure, it'd higher), So why all this woke shit in games for a minority?
You’re right my friend, why is that? Maybe because the ones making the games are part of the woke sickness that has infected every facet of society. Why else would they push this shite so much? Just a thought.


The japanese where puting white looking leads in the entertainment long long before they made a move into western markets. Ask the Japanese artists why they like that aesthetic. Something tells me there not gonna respond with "to support white cis male heteronormative supremacy". People and cultures like things for all sorts of reasons not just politicaly convenient ones.
Ada Wang is the only prominent Asian character in Resident Evil despite the company being mostly Asian men and she was in the second game.

That's mostly true for Konami too.


Season 1 Sb 129 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants

the pandering will get worse every year
Until crashs and burns just like Hollywood... or they see a progressively increase in sales from japanese/korean etc games and change their ways .... I know it seems silly but whatever happens to Disney in the upcoming ears may well define this cultural shift. For the whole entertainment industry.

Its a batshit crazy rumor but if Disney is sold to a more "conservative" group.. the revolution may come fast...
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Could also mean within the last 3 years, a lot more people got into gaming, maybe due to the pandemic? Maybe a lot more people were willing to answer a survey?


Pretty slick way to get the scent of gay away from you.
Oh it came up as a possibility. Completely fair. We agreed that between the 5 of us, one had to be gay. Who are we to doubt statistics from a US institution? The rest of the day consisted of spirited scrutiny, observation and debate. I suspect the investigation will be ongoing tomorrow.

Dr. Suchong

Gold Member
I'm bi and I like that inclusion is more a thing than before. But A LOOOT if it is corporate virtue signaling cringe, which can feel incredibly tone deaf 🙄

I'm more than my preferences, I don't need to make it part of my personality. Fuck off
I always say that your sexuality is of little significance compared to things that actually really matter like your actions and being a stand up human being.


Well first off, that's just what they are saying without actual proof, secondly it means they are the massive minority still but are being prioritized above the 4/5 and thirdly why does it even matter anyway, games should be just good games story end of, if your shooting everything that moves in a game, their sexuality shouldn't matter, it's never been on my mind when i'm killing everything on the screen, just more pointless articles.


Gold Member
Unless a game has anthropomorphic characters then most game characters are human enough with most of the leads being males and usually white.
I never said game leads arent mostly white. The are.

But you brought up characters being straight and didn't back that up.
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Gold Member
Oh it came up as a possibility. Completely fair. We agreed that between the 5 of us, one had to be gay. Who are we to doubt statistics from a US institution? The rest of the day consisted of spirited scrutiny, observation and debate. I suspect the investigation will be ongoing tomorrow.


I never said game leads arent mostly white. The are.

But you brought up characters being straight and didn't back that up.
You are technically right because most games don't depict sexual orientation,but when it does occur, most of it isn't LGBTQ+.
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Back in my day sluttier girls would experiment making out drunk at parties with girls. I guess they would be classified as bi now.

I wonder where glaad conducted their study. Did they interview gaming journalists? Did they approach a popular gaming forum known to be a champion for all things non-straight... Makes you wonder.

They turned the frogs gay!


Gold Member
Likely confused preteens that are being told it's weird if you're completely straight these days driving that number up.
No doubt true to a certain extent. Social media has a weird way of convincing people about things.

I can understand people trusting the internet and teachers about facts and data where all someone can do is absorb the advice and use judgement whether it's true or not. I enjoy reading Mental Floss and KickAssfacts kinds of sites for useless knowledge. Who knows, maybe a lot of that stuff is made up. I'm not going to research whether a lizard on a tropical island has a tongue 12 inches long is true or not. Who cares. Whether it's really 12 inches or a typo and it's 2 inches makes zero difference in my life.

But for inherent things like sexuality, go with what you feel is right. Dont listen to anyone. If someone feels like they are straight, ignore all the LBGT people trying to pull you over to their side. If someone feels they are gay, ignore all the straight people trying to pull you over to their side.

It's really no different than going to school and getting a job. If someone wants to be techie dude, ignore your parents pushing you to be a doctor or lawyer. Do what you feel is right, not what people tell you to do. This isn't math class where there are strict answers with numbers and formulas you got to follow.
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West needs more maths and science at early age rather than going into identity related studies. I am not against lbgt thing but this should come after 18yrs. After that kids can decide what they want. Asian countries doesn't have gender based studies yet.
But math is racist and science is bigoted and only believes in two genders. They will probably be out of our curriculum soon.


Suffers with mild autism
Not surprising considering how much the "+" has expanded in recent years.
It's obviously this, in all the surveys of past 5 years that show some supposed massive increase in the latest generation

I already saw this coming down the line in colleges and grad schools over a decade ago, but pop culture follows a bit later after those trends: "queer"/LGBTQ*** doesn't have any definite or concrete meaning anymore. It's a nebulous and meaningless category that anyone can apply to themselves in order to adopt what they see as a counter-authority pose. It's a consequence-free method of gaining credibility in the new astrological charts of oppression and identity. It's a floating signifier and a borderline religious movement, but has no particular substance at all.

Again, I saw this start ages ago in the colleges; any random white girl in grad school could use this one weird trick to immediately reconcile her supposed feminist position with her reality of being just another well-off girl who went to college to pretend to be an intellectual while racking up debts and years of pointless living without consequence. All she needs to do is call herself "queer" / bi / nonbinary in some sense, and suddenly she is magically transformed into a creature to be protected and pitied, a member of the subjugated classes -- even as, in reality, she racks up debt without care, has a middling mind writing pointless papers semester after semester, and -- despite the label -- is actually dating some sad or similarly self-hating dude. In a few cases, if she is obese or otherwise placed outside the interest of men against her will, she might actually go lesbian as the only remaining option on the table, but the ones who don't have to never do, except as a bit of performance art that is little different in nature from the girls kissing each other at parties I remember decades ago.
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Gold Member
West needs more maths and science at early age rather than going into identity related studies. I am not against lbgt thing but this should come after 18yrs. After that kids can decide what they want. Asian countries doesn't have gender based studies yet.

School should teach tried and true subject matter that is as little to do with politics and subjective content. Leave that stuff for home life. it'd be like pursuing a career in accounting, and you get hit with university courses and corporate content about home life or whether should you marry a guy or girl.

Not only would that streamline schooling to teach more important content for state of mind, but also for state of job qualifications. You can go a lot further in careers with some half decent math and science knowledge. You dont need to e a doctor or google coder either. Just being decent at numbers will always help with any kind of typical office job as practically all of them involves stats or dollars in some way. Youd think schools would amp up the STEM stuff due to the way the world is changing and ensuring local students can keep up with job demands, so that foreigners dont swoop in and take more jobs overseas. But it's like school boards are purposely gimping their own students' academic programs like they want them to fall behind. Weird.
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