GLAAD is an absolutely insane organization, they are politically motivated to push bs just like this article.
Could that be because there not actually women but men who identify as suchYep.. my boy and his friends (a group of 7) ALL play some kind of game be mobile/console whatever... my daughter and her friends (a group of 10) couldn't give more of a shit for video games even if they tried.
And thats why, for me, is still baffling this insurgence of female leads we got in the last 10 years in video games, is like 3 in 5 game nowdays have female leads, and since the trend is making women look like man, not even that we can get, we get fat strong jaw bitch Alloy instead.
Yep, I really wish Romance wasn’t a default option whether it’s hetero, gay, bear, etc…Im gay but... I really REALLY don't care for romance of any kind in games.
Yep, the 1,500 audience number isn’t too unusual for these sorts of surveys, but self reporting makes it kind of pointless.Self reported surveys are always sketchy.
It’s like saying every alumni member from my grad school makes $180,000.
But that assumes every graduate from my year submitted a number. I don’t think too many unemployed people or masters program grads making $50,000 are going to respond either.
LGBT group is a vocal one and will tell the world anything about their sexuality and gender. No different than people skewing left on the politics scale. The US is roughly 50/50 red and blue yet probably 90% of social media involving self proclaimed political messages lean left.
If a CSR department says they got 80 complaints about orange scented floor cleaner and 20 positive feedback notes it doesn’t mean 80% of people hate it. It just means that portion of people who responded have 80% hate rate of out 100 people. The other 999,900 who use the company’s floor cleaners haven’t even responded.
am i gay?...i must be a lesbian thenThis means every fifth person commenting is gay. I'll list the first 5, so everyone can be aware.ChorizoPicozo
John Bilbo @crackajack @Hollowpoint5557
Edit: by my scientific calculation, @GrayChild is a gay too
Edit edit: shit shit shit, this comment at #90 made me a gay too. This is bullshit, the post counter skipped #89, it has it out for me.
I’ve got 5 IRL friends who game. Guess I have to waterboard them all until one admits to being gay. Should be fun. Once my lunch break is over I’m going to start interrogating people at work about it.
Yep.. my boy and his friends (a group of 7) ALL play some kind of game be mobile/console whatever... my daughter and her friends (a group of 10) couldn't give more of a shit for video games even if they tried.
And thats why, for me, is still baffling this insurgence of female leads we got in the last 10 years in video games, is like 3 in 5 game nowdays have female leads, and since the trend is making women look like man, not even that we can get, we get fat strong jaw bitch Alloy instead.
How do they spread their genes and multiply this fast if they're not having babies?
yep, it’s basically a social contagion at this pointThey "identify" as, doesn't mean they actually are.
exactly. "17% of gamers say they're gay up from 10% back in 2020." SHOCKER! you mean, after 4 years of hardcore propaganda pushing LBGTQIASDPEW+ lifestyle, people under 20 are more likely to idenitfy as some made up nonsense? no way.BG3 was not included as a LGBT game because it wasn't tagged as such in the digital store filters. Heh.
This research is heavily flawed and seems to make many assumptions and guesses to make a politically motivated point.
I don't take it seriously and you probably shouldn't either.
This means every fifth person commenting is gay. I'll list the first 5, so everyone can be aware.ChorizoPicozo
John Bilbo @crackajack @Hollowpoint5557
Edit: by my scientific calculation, @GrayChild is a gay too
Edit edit: shit shit shit, this comment at #90 made me a gay too. This is bullshit, the post counter skipped #89, it has it out for me.
I remember joking once around 2014 with my exes friends that it'll eventually be LGBTQRSTUVWXYZNot surprising considering how much the "+" has expanded in recent years.
GLAAD partnered with the Nielsen Games team for the custom survey portion of this report. Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics. Nielsen’s gaming team was formed in 2005 to provide “exclusive market research and consumer insights across physical and digital platforms, devices, and hardware. With comprehensive metrics including awareness and resonance over time, [Nielsen] provides proprietary ratings to help…understand gamer preferences and demographics.”19
Nielsen fielded a 10-minute survey among active PC/console gamers in the United States with a boost sample of LGBTQ+ gamers to help GLAAD better understand the relationship between the LGBTQ+ community and the game industry in terms of representation, harassment, and overall attitudes and behaviors.
This study was fielded by Nielsen between June and August 2023 via a trusted third-party panel. 1,452 active PC/console gamers were identified by their self-reported behavior.
Other GLAAD-owned or third-party usage of data and insights is properly sourced or linked within the report.
it's on Engadget too: Eurogaymer to come up with this pointless article. Watch out at the next game event you go to, especialy the Eurogamer xpo, you might end up with a big old gamer cock up your arsehole.
exactly. and then everyone wonders why games are shit lately. no one can see the correlation of the increase in focus on DEI and other propaganda bullshit (see: taking a moment for BLM when logging into Destiny servers back in the day) and the decrease in high quality, great games. all this shit has effects. when you stop focusing on "best person for the job" and creative freedom, what do you expect? we can only hope the pendulum swings back!More percentages that don't mean shit.Gaming industry has become a fucking joke...![]()
The shit I took today is less than 2% fecal matter than the 5% meat of big mac I ingested yesterday therefore today I feel 10% more inclined to create a gay character in an rpg due to Eurogamer's study and more than 110% less racist because of the Crystal Dynamics racism and etnicity warning on the new remasters of the almost 30 years old Tomb Raider games.
I would be hyperventilating without sites like Eurogamer bringing such important information to light,now I can definitely enjoy my games 2% more.
This means every fifth person commenting is gay. I'll list the first 5, so everyone can be aware.ChorizoPicozo
John Bilbo @crackajack @Hollowpoint5557
Same here although in BG3 it was funny, same with cyberpunk.Im gay but... I really REALLY don't care for romance of any kind in games.
I would imagine if you are looking at a certain demographic for a particular game type,you know what you are working with.Who gives a shit? Let's just play games and talk about them. Leave that shit at the door.
Dishonest is they/them middle name.![]()
Methodology and Notes – 2024 GLAAD Gaming Report | GLAAD
Methodology GLAAD partnered with the Nielsen Games team for the custom survey portion of this report. Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics. Nielsen’s gaming team was formed in 2005 to provide “exclusive market research and consumer insights across physical
If I'm reading this right, they sampled 1,452 people who play videos games, in the United States only. That's a very small sample size, and if it's US only, that clearly doesn't reflect the reflect the rest of the world. So claiming 1 in 5 Gamers are LGBT+ is dishonest.
That has not to do with folks who play videogames though.![]()
Much more useful data, IMO.
Telephone polls? I already know this data is useless then. Milennials don't answer the damn phone.![]()
Much more useful data, IMO.
But how big is gaming globally and I'm not talking about mobile. Dedicated consoles or PC, being a niche within a niche gives skewed results.![]()
Methodology and Notes – 2024 GLAAD Gaming Report | GLAAD
Methodology GLAAD partnered with the Nielsen Games team for the custom survey portion of this report. Nielsen is a global leader in audience measurement, data, and analytics. Nielsen’s gaming team was formed in 2005 to provide “exclusive market research and consumer insights across physical
If I'm reading this right, they sampled 1,452 people who play videos games, in the United States only. That's a very small sample size, and if it's US only, that clearly doesn't reflect the reflect the rest of the world. So claiming 1 in 5 Gamers are LGBT+ is dishonest.
I understand. You want a straight in, no kissing game!Im gay but... I really REALLY don't care for romance of any kind in games.
It’s partly a matter of circumstances and environment. I claimed I was straight for almost 2/3 of my life. Early on it was a matter of not wanting to make my adolescence more miserable than it already was. As an adult while serving in the military, it was to ensure I wouldn’t lose my career during the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell era.How do they spread their genes and multiply this fast if they're not having babies?
lolz! let me guess: your two nieces are super popular, captains of the cheerleaders and liked by all? oh wait no, they're probably low self-esteemed dorks going through an indentity crisis. yeah, we had those in the 80s. they were called punks. then in the 90s they were goths. then in the 2000s they were emos. now they're "non-binary", "trans", whatever. it's all a stupid phase with kids looking to find community. which, there's nothing wrong with! the issue becomes when the media and government jump on the train and push BS to take advantage of this phase.Aren't something like 40% of zoomers non-binary or gay? Two of my nieces (in high school) came out as trans this year.
What a thing to witness coming from the 90s! LGBTQ-ification of the world.