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Europa Universalis IV MP Community Thread of don't trust anyone

Who will win the next game?

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Deleted member 125677

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new id: 90097886991975428

great tag fanboi


Man, who knew observing could be so much fun. Fun times to be had all over Europe.




Mine is pretty and pink
Japan AAR

Started with eating up all my vassals but two, those two I started integrating and am now just a few months of being finished doing that.
Nothing else, I'll probably kill Haixi and some other horde next time though.

Also I've gotten a new king that isn't complete garbage.


Brandenburg AAR:

Sweet death didn't come, somehow. It's not the end of Brandenburg, but I can see it from here. Bohemia is allied with the Teutonic Order and Saxony, and soon to become Emprah. Saxony is allied with Pomerania, so I'm surrounded on three sides. Poland fucked up again and lost a mass of territory to the Teutonic Order, so the crusaders are even bigger and scarier now.

Anyway, I had hoped for a quiet session where I could recover from the first war and repay some loans. The truce with Bohemia passed without incident, which was I was rather worried about, but the threat came from an unseen source, Pomerania. Pomerania had been fabricating claims, then declared on me over Uckermark, bringing Lithuania in. It was only through skilled generalship and the help of a swarm of minor allies, Anhalt, Brunswick, Cologne and the Hansa, that I was able to turn the tide and fully occupy Pomerania, taking Kolburg and some money. Unfortunately, I had to take a ton of loans in the process. But at least I'm getting something out of it.

After that war concluded, I got my bird mana game on point and diplo-vassalised Anhalt. Unfortunately Bohemia has three electors voting for them to become Emprah, while I have only two, and Austria's ruler is over 50. So I've a feeling Bohemia is about to become a whole lot stronger. Welp.

Provinces Gained: Kolburg
Vassals Gained: Anhalt


Looks like the game's gotten off to a good start these two sessions! Hard to tell who went out the gate fastest. Poor Orissa though, they've been gobbled up by Bengal from the looks of it.
Burgundy AAR:
The session started with a war against France that begun at the end of last game. I dissolved my alliances with player-controlled Portugal and Castile (who had been AI-controlled prior session), and allied fanboi's Hungary to help me against the blue menace, which he did gladly, for an agreement to defeat Austria together, and once Venice had joined the war, some Venetian lands.

As France was defeated soundly, I took Champagne, Lyonnais and Dauphine (to get a land bridge to Provence) and handed Istria to fanboi. Sadly that resulted in a coalition against me. Luckily, however, I was able to mitigate my losses:
The province of Holland went to Utrecht (the coalition leader), I gave up ownership of Lorraine, and released the 2-province minor of Picardy. Compared to my gains of Champagne and Lyonnais in particular, those losses weren't too bad.
I recovered from the loss of my army, and annexed my vassal Nevers.

I'm probably not going to do much for the next 10 years until I can declare war on the Picardy-Utrecht alliance and take back what is mine; that is, unless France or England strike first against Picardy.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Mamluks AAR:

Took some East African stuff, some North African stuff and went to war with Qara Q. Didn't have time to peace out before we ended

Basically a nice and quiet session in the Levant

Looking forward to see that Iberian war play out, and how much Fanboi manages to fuck up Europe! :D


The Birthday Skeleton
Timurids AAR:

First half of the session was all about recovering MP and keeping everything in check. In the second part I quickly annexed Kagra and then I noticed Uzbek was barely recovering after some wars so I got 4 provinces from them and the war has finished just in time to join the Egyptian brothers against Qara Qoyunlu. The war is now practically over and we just need to peace out at the beginning of the next session. I also managed to annex Ardalan and Hormuz in in process to be annexed, finally helping me reduce my number of diplo-relations. The 1/1/1 Khan is dead now so hopefully it's finally time for this great nation to leave the dark ages.

Provinces Gained: Kangra, Atakent, Kyzylkum, Syghnak, Qaraqalpak
Vassals annexed: Ardalan.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Savoy AAR

One of the most interesting sessions ever in my opinion. I actually suggested for Fanboi that he could choose Hungary now that Steeven was out, which he did. Of course, we all saw how he used that country - resulting in a new tag and a very complicated situation for me in Europe going forward.

Anyways, at session start, we had conducted peace-keeping diplomacy with the aggressors in Burgundy the whole week, to find out how we could play a peaceful role in the Great French Patriot War. Big was our surprise then, when Burgundy instead decided to have the new mad monarch of Hungary, Fanboi join the war on the aggressors side, basically turning the tide completely in the invaders favor. Great Savoy was then stuck outside of the conflict. At least we did restore order in Sardinia by completely implementing it into our realm.

The peace deal that Burgundy and Hungary made with France, completely crippled them, and sent shockwaves over Europe, while,also completely blocking of the french people from their brothers in Savoy. Fortunately, Mainz decided to act, and start an anti-Burgundian coalition, which was quickly joined by a majority of European nations, and even though the leadership in Savoy only wants peace, we felt an increasingly strong Burgundy that also was allied to Hungary, was too much of a threat to not act.

Thus Savoy also entered the coalition, which seemed to tip the balance, as Utrecht quickly thereafter declared a coalition war againt Burgundy to return peace to western Europe. Fanboi, always the backstabber, decided to stay out of the conflict, and thus did his second backstab of the evening, this time against Red Arremer. Austria, however, did join, but her troops was no match for our Coalition of the Willing, and the combined Austro-Burgundian troops were eliminated in a series of battles in the Burgundian heartland itself. The peace deal was decent, Burgundy had to give up a province, the vassal Lorraine, and release Picardy, but kept hold of Lyonnais and the south.

After partially removing that threat, we discovered that the suppressed people of Parma which had wanted to join our peaceful realm, was denied by their ham-monopolizing overlords, so we felt obliged to interfere together with the merchant republic of Genoa. Parma with its ally Milan was quickly crushed, and the parmese people itself was finally able to live their dream of getting incorporated into the Realm of Eternal Peace™.

After this, our vassals the Montferrat decided they didnt care for independence anymore, and became a completely integrated part of Savoy, and we also managed to strengthen our defenses by allying England and Naples.All in all, a very peaceful session indeed!

Allies gained: England, Naples
Allies lost:
Provinces gaines: Parma, Cagliari, Sassari
Vassals gained:
Vassals integrated: Montferrat
Enemys gotten: Fanboi

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member

yeah, Spiritied looks to have had a really strong opening. We are only in 1468, Japan is almost united and have a firm hold on Manchuria. He has no powerful human neighbors (sorry MGO), should be a great round for him (maybe a bit boring though, since he's almost playing a SP game at this point :p)


How the hell did he unite Japan that fast? Do they have a decision that insta-annexes those vassals? Since it would be pretty much impossible to integrate them al in twenty years the normal way, wouldn't it?


How the hell did he unite Japan that fast? Do they have a decision that insta-annexes those vassals? Since it would be pretty much impossible to integrate them al in twenty years the normal way, wouldn't it?

He didn't diplo-annex them all, not even close.


Mine is pretty and pink
I'll probably get to europe in the late 1500s, then it won't be singleplayer anymore.
Though I will be outclassed when it comes to technology, might go for a quick westernisation.

Also Yeren is in some way winning a war over Haixi right now, so I will use that to my advantage.

I do think I could have united Japan already 1462 as I have like 14 cities and my truce with hosokawa ended there, but I decided against it because I would've lost both of the vassals I was integrating if I did that.


Won't stop picking the right nation
I'm a little miffed by how that session turned out, thanks to AI diplomacy. Ayuthaya wants Lan Xang's provinces. They fabricate claims over all of them. So what do they do? They ally Lan Xang, presumably because both of them rivaled me. That makes no sense. Ayuthaya can't declare war on me, but they can declare war on Lan Xang and Pegu (both of whom are allied), so the only thing they've accomplished is screwing themselves over. Also, my "good friend" Khmer allies my rival Champa. If this was single player, I would have just sat there and waited for the AI to make a mistake. But because I really wasn't interested in waiting, I attacked the moment Pegu decided to dishonor Lan Xang's alliance. So now it's just me and Khmer vs. Lan Xang, Ayuthaya, and an OPM. I've made some stupid mistakes in the war, but I do have better units, better military tech than Lan Xang, and a discipline adviser. It might get very very tough if Lan Xang reallies Pegu and invites them into the war, but Pegu has loans and war exhaustion so hopefully that won't happen. I don't want this going on much longer because I'm bleeding money at the moment.


Mine is pretty and pink
Typical Paradox start there...

Also Yeren is a vassal of Haixi, how did I miss that war getting finished.


Mine is pretty and pink
Japan AAR

Today was clean-up session and next time is wait session so that I can tech some.

So I integrated both vassals, ate Hosokawa, shiba, jianzhou and ainu.
Siegeing up both Haixi and Yeren which will be my next food.

Then next time I'll sit around and conserve my monarch points while converting land and earning a lot of money.
Burgundy AAR:
The truce finally ended, the war with Utrecht and Picardy began, and instead of annexing or vassalizing Picardy, I decided to just give Holland back to its rightful owner and just leave it at that expansionwise. I already have more than enough AE from my previous wars with Provence and France, so taking any more land would've ended in a likely coalition involving France. Better not.

So instead I took a boatload of money and war reps, plus made them give up claims and such for the extra prestige, just to properly secure my hold over my PUs. Been thinking of keeping Picardy around as a punching bag - punch it and coins and prestige fall out. :D

Anyway, I will have to wait for AE to tick down before I can make further moves.


Brandenburg AAR:

I was dreading today's session. I fully expected one of Bohemia, the Teutonic Order, Saxony or Pomerania to declare on me and knock me out the game, especially with Bohemia becoming the Emperor midway through it. But instead, patience was rewarded and I managed to expand, change the strategic situation a little and end the session with renewed hope.

The start of the session was fairly slow, not helped by the server issues, but most of the first twenty minutes was spent paying off loans and sitting there with a sense of dread. But then fortune struck. Mecklenburg, a two province minor to my north, got involved in a war with Lüneburg, a one province minor to my west, and Mecklenburg got crushed thanks to Saxony and the Hansa rushing to defend Luneburg. Mecklenburg was left with a tiny army and only Gelre as an ally, so I took the opportunity to invade and conquer Wismar, as well as taking money and reparations. The Guelder's(?) disgraced themselves by sitting at home and doing nothing all during the war, despite having quite a good general leading them and equal forces to my own. Clearly they need Ulrich von Lichtenstein to lead them instead.

Lüneburg actually won their war with Mecklenburg, taking Wismar for themselves, before swiftly giving it back after Bohemia looked angrily at them. This unlawful territory malus meant that The Hansa broke the alliance with them, and my Hanseatic brothers were only too happy to invade. Brunswick also honoured their alliance with me, and I found myself at war with Lüneburg, Oldenburg and Saxony. This was it, this was the break I was looking for, war with one of the four horsemen surrounding me.

Our forces were roughly equal, so I had to show some fine generalship to smash the combined enemy armies, even with The Hansa showing suicidal tendencies by attacking a superior enemy force in the woods twice. Oldenburg was sieged down and gave up a sackful of gold and reparations, then Saxony followed suit and signed a humiliating peace, forced to annul the alliance with Bohemia, give up reparations and another sackful of gold to me. Lüneburg, left all alone, was brought into the growing Brandenburgian fold.


Saxony's waifu confirmed for shit

Following these wars, my finances were in a much better position than they were before. War is good for business, clearly. I paid off 16 of the 24 loans I started the session with, and am now turning quite a healthy profit, aided by gaining the first of my Prussian ideas, a sweet 10% bonus to tax revenues. Gotta love the Diplomatic Idea group. Who needs diplo tech anyway, not Brandenburg!

The session ended with Anhalt giving up their independence, and Poland once again committing suicide by attacking the Teutons and Bohemia. This time they at least called me into the war, two months after it started, but I had to decline. Not quite strong enough to take on Bohemia yet. But soon, soon death will come to the false Emprah.

Also, Austria now has an heir of my dynasty. I think that could be advantageous at some point in the future.

Provinces Gained: Anhalt, Lüneburg, Wismar
Provinces Lost: None!

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
Mamluks AAR:

Just slowly expanding in silence
like a penis
, finished war against QQ and created the almost free nation of Iraq, then went to war against Ethiopia and Alodia. Except for East Africa everyone I want to go against next is either a big nasty power, or allied to a big nasty power, so I guess it's soon time to see what dat camelery is good for under pressure
Pushing down on me, Pressing down on you, No man ask for

And Uzzy, that waifu mod is a crime against humanity


The Birthday Skeleton
Timurids AAR:

I finished the war against Qara started last session and took 4 provinces (2 from their vassal Tabarestan). Besides that the session was mostly a cooling down after the numerous wars, so nothing else really happened until the end of it. My only trouble now is the tech development because it is really a pain in the ass and with all this wars I already fallen a bit behind. Starting with negative income didn't help either.


This game sounds spectacular so far.

How is France not segmented yet, though? We have a Castille player and a Burgundy player, what's taking you guys so long? :p


Won't stop picking the right nation
No Naples though. But having Aragon does rather throw the balance of power in Iberia back in Castile's favour at least.
It might not last though if Face is in negative prestige by the time his ruler dies. What was the reason for Portugal owning Gibraltar in the first place?


You guys seem to have fun in europe...

Everyone but face and Uzzy I mean.

I had fun in this session! Struggling against powerful neighbours and finding a way to fight them, then coming out on top is one of the best feelings in EU4.
I dunno, the entire session yesterday night was me waiting for that truce to end while complaining about rehosts, and then taking 1 province I was forced to give away earlier and not even being able to take back one of the Picardian provinces let alone both. Dumb HRE.

Next session will be mostly improving relations with greyskin minors so I can finally make a move on Provence and/or France.

Yeah, but that's an aggressive move to take it. And why Gibraltar in particular?

I was watching Iberia with only half an eye, but the course of events was, iirc, like this:
When Castile initially took Granada, Gibraltar was the only province left. When Stefan went to war against Morocco, Granada was still allied to them and got called in, so he full-annexed Granada in that war.

Deleted member 125677

Unconfirmed Member
I feel isolated, as I don't see anything in Europe yet. I miss all the fun.

Soon. I bet your horse archers are ready to kill some turks soon? How's your mil tech coming along?
The new EU4 expansion continues to look great. Espionage improvements and zone of control changes are certainly welcome, and permanent claims are fantastic.

The study technology giving you monarch points makes zero sense. It seems like it would be an absolute no brainer if they're not careful, since you can cast monarch mana on any spell, not just technology spells. IMO a better idea would be to have the mission given you a temporary extra technology discount. Like when the study tech mission "completes" in the same way you might "complete" a fabrication, you get a country modifier for bonus discount in that tech field.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I never liked the "Study tech" option in CK2.

Regardless of who I was playing I just parked my Spymaster in Constantinople.


Won't stop picking the right nation
The new EU4 expansion continues to look great. Espionage improvements and zone of control changes are certainly welcome, and permanent claims are fantastic.
I hope this expansion is balanced properly, because the new horde mechanics make the Timurids even more of an obvious choice especially in multiplayer. In addition to getting free monarch points from burning everything, the Timurids benefit from several other changes: the horde reinforcement cost mechanic is being moved from ideas to government form; permanent claims will give the Mughals an automatic 50% discount over all of India, 75% with administrative ideas; and forming the Mughals will no longer require reforming the government. The only counterbalance is horde unity, which might be a problem if you're too aggressive and run out of manpower, but otherwise it's just encouraging you to raze stuff and acquire more monarch points.
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