Venice AAR
(now with musical accompaniment) :
With Northern Italy more or less pacified, Venice's gaze once again turned across the Mediterranean to Egypt, the Levant, and the wealth of India beyond. So the brave boys of the Venetian Marine Corps were ferried across to Alexandria, in order to strike once again at the hated Mamluks. And strike hard they did, easily crushing the Mamluk armies in open battle, avenging the humiliation of previous wars against the Mamluks.
Unfortunately, the desert proved to be a much tougher opponent to face, and horrific attrition rates soon kicked in, bleeding manpower away at quite a grim rate. Undeterred, the Venetian Marine Corps struck at select provinces on the Red Sea, the Sinai Peninsula and the Gulf of Aden, all in the name of securing the valuable trade route to India. Of course, with the Mamluk army crushed, it'd have been rude not to take a few more valuable things from them. Such as Jerusalem (Jerusalem is worth 17 warscore, btw). Sure, it may be 400 years after the Fourth Crusade, but Venice finally made it!
Oh, and after the peace with the Mamluks, Venice got involved in World War 2: The Sequel, involving all of the European megapowers. Fun times.
Provinces Gained: Sinai, Gaza, Jerusalem, Aden, Yanbu
Provinces Lost: None (for now)