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European Parliament Elections 2014 |OT| The Undemocratic EU is Actually Elected

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Thanks for the explanation Chariot.

Wait what, I didn't know that NPD was actually gaining a seat.


"Have a nice flight back home"

Are you fucking serious? I need to get some sleep.
What a lovely sentiment :(
Results until now from Portugal, some counties(the bigger ones) still counting

PS 31.48%
PCP-PEV 12.52%
MPT 7.14%

B.E. 4.54%
L 2.18%
PAN 1.71%

PND 0.7%
PTP 0.69%
PPM 0.54%
PNR 0.45%

MAS 0.38%
PPV 0.38%
PDA 0.16%
POUS 0.11%

So except for the Communist Party, the most voted parties are centre-right? Isn't there any big centre-left or leftist party in Portugal?


Unconfirmed Member
Wait what, I didn't know that NPD was actually gaining a seat.


"Have a nice flight back home"

Are you fucking serious? I need to get some sleep.


I may need a table with the turnout in each country to better understand what happened. There's a chance that plenty of people didn't bother to vote and thus gave a massive advantage to the most radical parties.

The NPD got less than 1%, don't get crazy. You can be worried about the FPÖ in Austria, they got 20% and pretty much advertise on the same level:



So except for the Communist Party, the most voted parties are centre-right? Isn't there any big centre-left or leftist party in Portugal?

PS it's officially center-left, but it's center mostly, the left front in this country it's a moderate communist party(PCP-PEV) and BE(that is fast sinking)


Clear that ukip will win, nip and tuck for second but I think London will win second place for labour.

Lib dems almost wiped out, they think they will be lucky to get two meps!


After researching UKIP I actually find myself agreeing with a lot of their policies. Farage sure knows how to do a great parliament rant at the very least.


Founder of the party disagrees, seems to believe people involved in the movement these days are mostly racists.

And just because they try to rebrand themselves it doesn't change their past actions.

Former, no longer relevant, seeks relevance. Never seen that kind of thing before.

Nor does it for Labour/Tories surely? Racism didn't exist until now eh.

The UKIP is largely a racist and xenophobic party.

I am not getting this from a poster or carefully worded slogans, but from countless racist and xenophobic statements, the links of numerous candidates and officials to neonazi scum and the fact that Nigel Farage himself used to enjoy singing Nazi songs back in his youth. That poster may not be explicitly racist, but it fits wonderfully into a greater context than only the most mentally sequestered voter would fail to recognize.

Largely? Prove it. They had racist elements who were fired when they showed themselves up. Tories don't have racists in their ranks? Like hell. Leaving the EU is not xenophobic in itself, which is what people are realistically voting on.

Again, they got rid of those elements when found. And old person does stupid thing in the past as a young person. Prince Harry is a nazi now, waaay more informed as a young adult than Farage would have been? Can't possibly grow up, change opinions, evolve as a human? So people here don't actually believe in reform then. Interesting. How many members does UKIP have now, the majority of which are xenophobic and/or racist? Precisely why these parties grow, people become disillusioned and grow more hardened in their views when they are dismissed and accused of all kinds of crap.

So you say its racist, and now say it isn't 'actually' racist then say voters are mental for not going along with any racist accusations people like you throw willy nilly. Can't win, can they? Just aren't allowed to vote if it doesn't agree with your viewpoint.

they are massive massive racist cunts.

Every single one of them innit.

Christ. Summing up a bunch of people with a broad brush that demeans their character, hmmm... so above these UKIP racists.
Apparently, if confirmed, would be the best result ever for an Italian left wing party running solo.
SOOOOOO weird.

Highest in the European elections ever. Not even DC or Berlusconi in his golden years got to 40%.

Still seems too high to be true.



Oh right, I was searching for those parties on Wikipedia and I mistook PS for PSD.

It's mostly red throughout the Peninsula then.

Yes, but it has been the natural tendency around here, we had a fascist regime until 40 ago, so the left has his home turf here(fortunately if you ask me) most of the time.

As for MPT I can't set them on the spectrum and their result it's a total surprise, made at the expenses of a very famous layer that has the gift of the words. But officially MPT is for Green Conservationism and Eco Capitalism, so they may be place on the right of the political spectrum
The only reason I envision the Lib Dems staying within this coalition is to prolong the inevitable thrashing their party will receive during the next parliamentary election.


South West England Votes Outcome including Gibraltar

UKIP get large majority again, with Con

Labour: 1
Con: 2
Green: 1

Lib Dems lose 1, lose vote in their stronghold.


Again, they got rid of those elements when found. And old person does stupid thing in the past as a young person. Prince Harry is a nazi now, waaay more informed as a young adult than Farage would have been? Can't possibly grow up, change opinions, evolve as a human? So people here don't actually believe in reform then. Interesting. How many members does UKIP have now, the majority of which are xenophobic and/or racist? Precisely why these parties grow, people become disillusioned and grow more hardened in their views when they are dismissed and accused of all kinds of crap.

So you say its racist, and now say it isn't 'actually' racist then say voters are mental for not going along with any racist accusations people like you throw willy nilly. Can't win, can they? Just aren't allowed to vote if it doesn't agree with your viewpoint.

Look at Farage's comments on LBC, numerous members making racist and homophobic comments and some of them being elected to represent the party. That's just a sample. Some of them may be removed but if every member of the party holding views like these is removed you're going to end up struggling to find people to stand.

Branding the entire party as racist or as anything may be painting with broad strokes, but you can't deny that there the party has homophobes, racists, sexists and bigots aplenty. I'm not saying that other parties don't but they seem to be much more prevalent in UKIP than anywhere else.

Christ. Summing up a bunch of people with a broad brush that demeans their character, hmmm... so above these UKIP racists.

There's a difference between pointing out trends in the members of a party and discriminating based on race or other characteristics.


By now, they are as institutionalized as CiU.

I say let them be. Allow Catalonian voters to discover in what a shit show they got themselves into.
Do you know or only say shit because you dont like it?

Separatism become stronger and shows that isnt a thing that will disapear for him self, its a real problem that,until now, spanish nacionalist allways deny.

I really hope for the independence of catalonia, another Europe is possible.

Funky Papa

Former, no longer relevant, seeks relevance. Never seen that kind of thing before.

Nor does it for Labour/Tories surely? Racism didn't exist until now eh.

Largely? Prove it. They had racist elements who were fired when they showed themselves up. Tories don't have racists in their ranks? Like hell. Leaving the EU is not xenophobic in itself, which is what people are realistically voting on.

Again, they got rid of those elements when found. And old person does stupid thing in the past as a young person. Prince Harry is a nazi now, waaay more informed as a young adult than Farage would have been? Can't possibly grow up, change opinions, evolve as a human? So people here don't actually believe in reform then. Interesting. How many members does UKIP have now, the majority of which are xenophobic and/or racist? Precisely why these parties grow, people become disillusioned and grow more hardened in their views when they are dismissed and accused of all kinds of crap.

So you say its racist, and now say it isn't 'actually' racist then say voters are mental for not going along with any racist accusations people like you throw willy nilly. Can't win, can they? Just aren't allowed to vote if it doesn't agree with your viewpoint.

Every single one of them innit.

Christ. Summing up a bunch of people with a broad brush that demeans their character, hmmm... so above these UKIP racists.
Amusing how the UKIP claims to purge its ugliest members (but only after the press raises a stink), yet miraculously new ones keep popping up with the quickness. It's like there's a neverending supply of them.

Sure, you can find awful people in all parties, but you can absolutely not find such a solid stream of xenophobia, racism and just plain ugliness in any other big name in the UK. Those are not isolated incidents. It's an actual narrative. (ancient Twitter account that desperatedly needs to be updated).

And no, not every single UKIP member is a racist little shit, but its well meaning supporters are at best horrendously myopic, at worst, useful idiots.

Funky Papa

Do you know or only say shit because you dont like it?
People expecting good governance from ERC operate in the same wavelenght as those who believe that IU would bring change to Spain. Both parties have been institutionalized from top to bottom.
these are just exit polls projections, let's wait for the first results, but things seems to shape pretty well here, finally
They're not exit polls actually, these are based on real data.

As an Italian citizen, I gotta say it's a weird feeling not to be ashamed of our electoral results in front of the world for once, especially with Nazi parties winning left and right all over Europe.
The answer is quite simple, really : not enough people voted. So those who voted for FN end up being the most prevalent.

Sad, but true.

Keep your head in the sand.

FN is first amongst young voters under 35. It's also first amongst low income working class voters. There's also a large disparity between Paris and the rest of the country.

I'm way more ashamed by people still voting for PS and UMP than by people who doesn't want to bend over anymore.
People voting for FN don't need any more shaming, they are suffering enough as it is. The real shame is the reasons why FN is the only party who unterstands and know how to mobilize poor struggling people to the voting chambers.

If your only answers are because they are stupid and FN is populist with dumb ideas who resonate with dumb people, you'll need to think again because the FN will keep rising.

They've got really smart people who understand perfectly what the issues are, we shouldn't shame them anymore but listen and learn from them. You can't be this successfull just because populism and dumb people. You can't call yourself a democrat if you're thinking that.
They're not exit polls actually, these are based on real data.

As an Italian citizen, I gotta say it's a weird feeling not to be ashamed of our electoral results in front of the world for once, especially with Nazi parties winning left and right all over Europe.

Fear not, Borghezio to the rescue:


In other news, we now have a German Nazi MEP going around with "GAS" written on his jumper.


One of the biggest reasons the BNP have fallen off the cliff is that people were shamed from not voting for them. The UKIPs are BNP for the middle class. The same repulsive scum at the core of it under a shiny veneer of a total shithound in that UTTER FUCK Farage.

Call a spade a spade. The main parties should pursue that policy, they can BNP the fucks pretty easy. Legitimising these racist fucks is disgusting.

Funky Papa

One of the biggest reasons the BNP have fallen off the cliff is that people were shamed from not voting for them. The UKIPs are BNP for the middle class. The same repulsive scum at the core of it under a shiny veneer of a total shithound in that UTTER FUCK Farage.

Call a spade a spade. The main parties should pursue that policy, they can BNP the fucks pretty easy. Legitimising these racist fucks is disgusting.

They are (rightfully) scared shitless of fanning the flames by acknowledging them, even if much of UKIP's success can be blamed on the main parties. They are in an extremely difficult situation that may only become less so if the UKIP fucks it up in spectacular fashion, as popular parties tend to disintegrate rather quickly once they run into actual governance problems.

Bold One

One of the biggest reasons the BNP have fallen off the cliff is that people were shamed from not voting for them. The UKIPs are BNP for the middle class. The same repulsive scum at the core of it under a shiny veneer of a total shithound in that UTTER FUCK Farage.

Call a spade a spade. The main parties should pursue that policy, they can BNP the fucks pretty easy. Legitimising these racist fucks is disgusting.

thats what I was saying a page ago, its just a stealth fusion dance with the Kippers, people tend to forget that the BNP have been voted into the MEP before


People expecting good governance from ERC operate in the same wavelenght as those who believe that IU would bring change to Spain. Both parties have been institutionalized from top to bottom.

I dont think people who vote ERC vote them for a democratic system change, they vote them for get the independence, because they dont feel acepted in Spain. The Catalonia in freedom will have more or less the same system but at least we could decide for ourself our future.
And the true is that I prefer smaller countries, I think they can change more easly.


They're not exit polls actually, these are based on real data.

As an Italian citizen, I gotta say it's a weird feeling not to be ashamed of our electoral results in front of the world for once, especially with Nazi parties winning left and right all over Europe.

which kind of data?

I can't see scrutined results anywhere

edit: 4000 sections out of 62.000, but these data were published 40 minutes ago
One of the biggest reasons the BNP have fallen off the cliff is that people were shamed from not voting for them. The UKIPs are BNP for the middle class. The same repulsive scum at the core of it under a shiny veneer of a total shithound in that UTTER FUCK Farage.

Call a spade a spade. The main parties should pursue that policy, they can BNP the fucks pretty easy. Legitimising these racist fucks is disgusting.

During the previous election one of the ways the main parties tried to pull votes away from the BNP was to legitimise UKIP at the expense of the BNP. Sure, looking at these results., pushing people from one party to the other has come to fruition. Also, frankly, with the Liberal Democrats loosing the allure of the protest vote, UKIP have gained some of those votes too. The fact is, UKIP are in the fortunate -but not permanent position- of being able to take votes away from every single party.

The easiest way of dealing with UKIP is by galvanising the youth vote and pushing Farage heavily on the rights of homosexuals, which is the biggest disparity between Farage and the population he supposedly represents.
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