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EVE Online |OT| of Internet Spaceships

had to leave corp, too many wardecs and they were appearing in the areas where i make my money. makes me sad but a necessary evil for now.

plus my pod got popped since for some reason my pod didnt warp in time and was just floating in space. started warp a millisecond too late and got scrammed

EDIT: man lv3 missions are so good to me and my drake. rememebr kids, some of the structures drop stuff. Like 20m isk implants!
So conflicted on what to skill at the moment! I need Small Projectile Turret V for the T2 large guns eventually, but my only frigate V at the moment is Amarr. But I also want to pick up Caldari Frigate V here sometime soon to have the best Cov Ops ship - the Minmatar Cheetah that the T2 small projectiles would go on is in the lower tier of those.

At least T2 small guns are a quick train I guess. You can knock them all out in less than 15 days.

Oh, and I also want to skill into an Ishtar at some point for ratting/plexing in null whenever I get out there (though I suppose not necessary if I did WH instead) and I need not only the base ship skills, but better drone skills, including heavy drones which I currently have 0 points in.

And if I'm gonna have to train T2 medium projectiles on the way to T2 larges, I may as well toss Loki training in there as well at some point...


Anyway, my Rapid Firing V finishes in ~22 hours as of this post, so I'll probably fit my ship and try and get into incursions after that's done. Tomorrow until that finishes, if I play EVE at all, I plan to just run some level 4s building up as much of a buffer before a decent chunk of my liquid ISK is committed to the incursion battleship.
so apparently you can close wormholes using thermal bombs.

Huh. crazy.

So conflicted on what to skill at the moment! I need Small Projectile Turret V for the T2 large guns eventually, but my only frigate V at the moment is Amarr. But I also want to pick up Caldari Frigate V here sometime soon to have the best Cov Ops ship - the Minmatar Cheetah that the T2 small projectiles would go on is in the lower tier of those.

At least T2 small guns are a quick train I guess. You can knock them all out in less than 15 days.

Oh, and I also want to skill into an Ishtar at some point for ratting/plexing in null whenever I get out there (though I suppose not necessary if I did WH instead) and I need not only the base ship skills, but better drone skills, including heavy drones which I currently have 0 points in.

And if I'm gonna have to train T2 medium projectiles on the way to T2 larges, I may as well toss Loki training in there as well at some point...


Anyway, my Rapid Firing V finishes in ~22 hours as of this post, so I'll probably fit my ship and try and get into incursions after that's done. Tomorrow until that finishes, if I play EVE at all, I plan to just run some level 4s building up as much of a buffer before a decent chunk of my liquid ISK is committed to the incursion battleship.

if you train caldari 5 you at least can make use of it right away with a bunch of ships open, whereas the t2 small projectile is a single module for a specific set of ships and its just a small part of a larger whole (dat 50 day t2 gun train ugh)

and are you buying your incursion ship straight out or going through contracts?

Is this real life?

Anyway, buying straight up. Put in buy orders for some of the more expensive bits though that have a large margin between them and the sell orders. Just checking on the Neocom app now, it looks like most went through already, saving me at least 20-30mil. Fairly small beans in the scheme of things, but since I didn't need the stuff right then, it's a good deal.
ah i see. i'm scrounging through contracts for something that catches my eye. mainly waiting on something with t2 rigs already installed. They tend to cost just about as much as a regular ship, and i save myself some isk.

hadnt had a chance to play all week so my funds are not where i want to be but, at least keeps my mind off the skill queue.

I think i've decided to go with a navy mega (jesus it has gotten so expensive nowdays, a few weeks ago it was ~500-600m, not its in the high 700s-800s) just to set myself away from the pack of rokhs.
So I did some Incursions for a few hours...

They weren't kidding when they talk about it being a FOUNTAIN OF ISK. \o/

Maybe not as quick as a good exploration hit in null-sec, but in terms of high amounts of a steady, reliable source of money, it definitely tops anything else I've done.

The WTM fleet had shut down for the night, so I ran with TVP (they were closer anyway). Seems like a good bunch of guys.

At the rate it goes, I could probably upgrade to a Tempest Fleet Issue in a day or two at most, though I dislike that you have to put a couple of launchers on it. I'll probably start to bling out the Maelstrom a bit, then upgrade to a (swapping the shiny mods) Machariel once I have at least ~1.5bil in the bank.

Did have one close shave where I was targeted and attacked, but the Logis were there to back me up. Forgot to turn on some of my mods again for awhile after the pressure was off since I didn't realize I had been neuted out of all my cap, but knowing that now I'll make sure to catch it in the future.

Anyway, with this kind of ISK-flow, I should hopefully be able to PLEX my account each month, and probably will be able to finally start up an alt account PLEXing that as well before too long. Might be a bit since I need to invest in my Incursion ship more, but probably not too long.

P.S. I gotta review all the tags and things to make sure I know what's up. I don't think I messed anything up, but I was kinda half-winging it.
So I did some Incursions for a few hours...

They weren't kidding when they talk about it being a FOUNTAIN OF ISK. \o/

Maybe not as quick as a good exploration hit in null-sec, but in terms of high amounts of a steady, reliable source of money, it definitely tops anything else I've done.

The WTM fleet had shut down for the night, so I ran with TVP (they were closer anyway). Seems like a good bunch of guys.

At the rate it goes, I could probably upgrade to a Tempest Fleet Issue in a day or two at most, though I dislike that you have to put a couple of launchers on it. I'll probably start to bling out the Maelstrom a bit, then upgrade to a (swapping the shiny mods) Machariel once I have at least ~1.5bil in the bank.

Did have one close shave where I was targeted and attacked, but the Logis were there to back me up. Forgot to turn on some of my mods again for awhile after the pressure was off since I didn't realize I had been neuted out of all my cap, but knowing that now I'll make sure to catch it in the future.

Anyway, with this kind of ISK-flow, I should hopefully be able to PLEX my account each month, and probably will be able to finally start up an alt account PLEXing that as well before too long. Might be a bit since I need to invest in my Incursion ship more, but probably not too long.

P.S. I gotta review all the tags and things to make sure I know what's up. I don't think I messed anything up, but I was kinda half-winging it.

welcome to the good life


welcome to the good life

Haha, you think Incursion farming is the good life?

EDIT: I read the past few pages and it seems most dudes posting here are newbies. My one piece of advice would be to find a corp/alliance, get on voice comms/jabber and get the fuck out of hisec as soon as possible.


Haha, you think Incursion farming is the good life?

EDIT: I read the past few pages and it seems most dudes posting here are newbies. My one piece of advice would be to find a corp/alliance, get on voice comms/jabber and get the fuck out of hisec as soon as possible.

Come to Wormhole space. Enjoy the PvP and be space rich at the same time.


Come to Wormhole space. Enjoy the PvP and be space rich at the same time.

After farming a C6 with 3 real people for a couple months: NEVER AGAIN


yes, I realize farming a WH with a small group is vastly different from 'living' there, rolling statics to roam etc... these days I can barely look at the probing window long enough to combat probe stuff out for warpins, without getting terrible flashbacks
I'm so jelly :C

i wish i had a mentor when i first started this damn game to not waste what was essentially 3 months worth of skills.

EDIT: welp, sometimes i think the blink gods toy with me. hadnt won a promo in a month almost. and as always, i win something i can't fly.

Honestly this is too much of a responsibility for me.


I have to be smart.... Ok i need advice! my plan is NOT to buy a vindicator by selling this. I will sell this, buy a mega navy issue. Then i will use the remaining money to get named modules for the navy MEGA. As i do incursions and get money/experience, THEN i will sell the mega and buy a Vindi. The reason i do this is because I DONT TRUST MYSELF OR MY SKILLS WITH THIS EXPENSIVE SHIP. I know that i'm going to lose this to a gatecamp as soon as i step out of a station.


I have to be smart.... Ok i need advice! my plan is NOT to buy a vindicator by selling this. I will sell this, buy a mega navy issue. Then i will use the remaining money to get named modules for the navy MEGA. As i do incursions and get money/experience, THEN i will sell the mega and buy a Vindi. The reason i do this is because I DONT TRUST MYSELF OR MY SKILLS WITH THIS EXPENSIVE SHIP. I know that i'm going to lose this to a gatecamp as soon as i step out of a station.

Find a corp that will show you the ropes, skip buying the nmega, buy the vindi.

Or find a corp that will take you out of hisecsec, sell the bhaalgorn, use the isk to fund your PVP activities.

I recommend 2.
Haha, you think Incursion farming is the good life?

EDIT: I read the past few pages and it seems most dudes posting here are newbies. My one piece of advice would be to find a corp/alliance, get on voice comms/jabber and get the fuck out of hisec as soon as possible.

and do what exactly?
So one of the new incursions spawned in this crappy island of high-sec surrounded by dozens of low-sec systems making it impossible to do :(

Other one was popped and a new one isn't up yet, but with only one available incursion, the likelihood of contests is high.

Guess I'll just play Dota this weekend. Maybe hop into my jump clone for exploration if I feel like playing EVE though.
Find a corp that will show you the ropes, skip buying the nmega, buy the vindi.

Or find a corp that will take you out of hisecsec, sell the bhaalgorn, use the isk to fund your PVP activities.

I recommend 2.

the pvp activities is why i need isk. 4 months in a "newbie" low sec corp with 24/7 wardecs added up hella fast.

and after 4 months of wondering if every single gatejump was going to be an entrance into a WT ass-stomping party i need the distraction.

So one of the new incursions spawned in this crappy island of high-sec surrounded by dozens of low-sec systems making it impossible to do :(

Other one was popped and a new one isn't up yet, but with only one available incursion, the likelihood of contests is high.

Guess I'll just play Dota this weekend. Maybe hop into my jump clone for exploration if I feel like playing EVE though.

hmm... navymega instead of vindi sounding even better now. Don't wanna lose that to chippy e-thugs! although a spare nmega for such type of situations might come in handy!
Pirate Battlecruisers should be a thing. Why aren't they a thing?

I guess T3 BCs somewhat makes up for it since most other hull sizes don't have a class like that, but still.

Easy feature bait. Though we did just get Navy BC hulls, so I guess you can't expect too much all at once. Maybe I just want them since I have BC V for everything.

Speaking of, there really should be more destroyer hulls. I think that might be the class of ships with the least amount of variety.

I know we just had Odyssey, but I'm eager to see what's being cooked up for the Winter expansion. 1.1 T1 Industrial changes are cute, but hardly essential. Though you couldn't really leave them in their current state for too long.
Pirate Battlecruisers should be a thing. Why aren't they a thing?

I guess T3 BCs somewhat makes up for it since most other hull sizes don't have a class like that, but still.

Easy feature bait. Though we did just get Navy BC hulls, so I guess you can't expect too much all at once. Maybe I just want them since I have BC V for everything.

Speaking of, there really should be more destroyer hulls. I think that might be the class of ships with the least amount of variety.

I know we just had Odyssey, but I'm eager to see what's being cooked up for the Winter expansion. 1.1 T1 Industrial changes are cute, but hardly essential. Though you couldn't really leave them in their current state for too long.

well technically destroyers are just specialized frigates arent they?
Set off for null in my cov ops, accidentally the drone regions. Derp.

Now I'm kinda far away from everything, but I can't lazy boat gate-to-gate back either. Gonna try and sneak around I guess and see if I can get somewhere else with things to do, but I may just end up self-destructing. Ship is worth ~30mil at most, which could fairly easily be made up in the time it would take me to fly back to high-sec or find a wormhole tunnel (unless lucky.)

And anybody else watch the Alliance Tournament this weekend? Only caught the last couple matches earlier today (yesterday?), but there was a great nail-biter in there where a team took out a frigate to win the stale-mate (when they otherwise would have lost the match due to using only 99 points) in the last 30 seconds. Will definitely be sure to watch tomorrow.
Just send me 500mil ISK and I'll help you double it!

Incursions are such easy money. Crossed the 1.1bil ISK mark today (which I think is my highest liquid amount ever) after starting from about half that. Fleet got lucky with 4-5 TCRCs in a row which only take roughly 11 minutes to complete compared to the 19 or so for all the other HQ sites. My least favorite is easily the TPPH because you have to burn through 2 gates and my Maelstrom needs cap transfers to do so if I'm not mostly full beforehand. Speaking of, the Maelstrom is such a clunky, ugly ship and I can't wait to be out of it. Gallente BS IV is in queue now, so I'll be switching to a Machariel when that pops since I should have enough money by then. After that the plan is to bling as reasonable, then work towards PLEXing my main, starting up a second account as money flow allows.

I do need to figure out the most efficient way to start the alt though. $24.99 deal? Buddy -> PLEX? Trial -> CD Key? Especially with some of the boosters you get from some CD Keys. I have an old, spare Steam key, but I'm not sure if that comes with anything other than the 30-days game time.
So Incursions are the thing to do these days? I have a hard time keeping up. I just started mucking around with exploration...

it's one of the things to do, and relatively safe ways to make isk. seems to be the new fad. i say relative because there is talk of ccp nerfing them or something soon (lucky me always finding out game mechanics right as they get nerfed). that and the different incursion channels having some sort of feud and popping the moms cause NO ONE TO DO INCURSIONS FOR A WHILE due to e-drama.

also, i bit the bullet and bought a vindicator. whats the point of isk if not to spend it? 1st thing i noticed is that it costs 40m to insure and pays only 140m back. that's.....that's.....*shakes*

Just send me 500mil ISK and I'll help you double it!

I do need to figure out the most efficient way to start the alt though. $24.99 deal? Buddy -> PLEX? Trial -> CD Key? Especially with some of the boosters you get from some CD Keys. I have an old, spare Steam key, but I'm not sure if that comes with anything other than the 30-days game time.

i think the $24.99 is the best option right? that's 90 days save yourself like $17. with the 21 day trial , you pay $14.99, get the free plex, add it to same account and thats 51 days for 14.99. but another 30 days is 81 days for $28. $3 more than the $24.99 alt deal. i dont know the full aspects of the cd key deal.


So how did you guys first start making isk early on in this game? Feel like I am hovering around 50-60 million but keep losing a bunch when I lose ships and stuff..


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
So how did you guys first start making isk early on in this game? Feel like I am hovering around 50-60 million but keep losing a bunch when I lose ships and stuff..

First I mined. It was boring and slow.

Then I missioned. It was a lot faster but repetitive.

Then I joined a wormhole corp. Profit was okay but erratic and I couldn't really do the things I wanted to do. Quit sometime around there.

Came back to the game. Started exploring with Odyssey. Good money until it caught on and prices crashed. Unpredictability and risk made me reluctant to get back into it.

Tried ratting in null. Also boring but at least it's predictable.

As an experiment I started up a station trading alt and it's been doing well so far. This character started with 4m ISK on June 11th. As of yesterday, I now have 3.5b on this character in total assets, all from sitting in Jita while a FW alt trains on this same account.

These days I barely play anymore with other games taking my attention. The only thing I do is keep EVE open in the background to update my orders from time to time.
So how did you guys first start making isk early on in this game? Feel like I am hovering around 50-60 million but keep losing a bunch when I lose ships and stuff..

I never really mined. Mostly missioned, but had some luck with a few jackpot exploration sites and wormhole day trips for a period of time (both pre-Odyssey so better rewards, less competition, albeit more time consuming). Did do some cross-region trading for a spell as well.

Can't remember if anything else, but I like Incursions for now and will probably stick with them for at least a month or two in order to build up my wallet. They're certainly better, more reliable money than anything else I've done. Once I'm rolling around with a least a couple billion ISK to spare (and have better skills for some things), I'll probably more seriously investigate a WH or Null corp. The good thing about training up to a well-fit Machariel now is that I'll be able to use that instead of my old Raven if I ever needed (or wanted) to fall back on L4 missions, especially if Incrusion fleets are down. Though my plan still is to grab a mining/trading/industry/PI (basically anything non-combat) alt at some point for something else to do. If that proves profitable, I may start (or buy) a third pilot that does some sort of combat. Maybe a second industrial alt if I decide the first one could use support.

One other thing to remember is that significant inflation has occurred even since ~2 years ago. A lot of ships were about 2/3s to half the price they are now, while income sources for new players have remained relatively static. If you feel you need a jump start to get into something, buying a PLEX to sell on the market may not be a bad idea, assuming you the skills to back up whatever it is you're flying. You don't want to buy a big battleship from PLEX money only to lose it in a L4 due to poor skills.


We moved into a nullsec pocket recently that was also occupied by a german corp. We offered good standings, but they just wanted to fight. It's been mostly docking games so far, but we have definitely been able to get some nice kills on them. Tonight we got our new alliance together and jumped in a 100+ man fleet to bash some pos's while they are sleeping. It's going to be quite a surprise for them in the morning.

I've been learning how to make some decent money in null. From rats with the occasional faction spawn to running complexes. We got a vindicator blueprint to drop tonight which is apparently worth a good chunk of change. I think I'm going to try some exploration next. I haven't tried it since the odyssey update.
Got ~2 hours worth of incursions this morning before downtime. Super late/early like that seems to be best for getting into fleets with my wimpy Maelstrom. Was traveling to the WTM Incursion system since they seemed to have more spots earlier, but the fleet went down right as I got there, so I had to travel all the way back to where I was at the TVP site. Roughly 30 jumps each way (I watched some Stargate Atlantis).

One interesting thing of note tonight was a guy got blown up in his Vindicator due to late broadcast/reps. Hadn't seen someone lose a ship before. Killmail showed a Dread Guristas Invuln Field destroyed (not lootable) which was the biggest ouchie at ~500mil. Though when this happens the FC just has everyone chip in some donations to help replace the lost ship. I gave him 30mil (roughly the payout for one site) figuring that if everyone in the fleet gave that amount or more he'd have enough to replace his ship. Based on what he said in chat afterwards he probably actually profited from the donations.


Well I was one of the 4000 pilots fighting it out in 6VDT the other night. I say fighting but what I actually mean is very very very slowly fighting. The Tidi was maximum for the entire time. Still we won and TEST have said it's over. Whether or not we pursue them into Delve I don't know. Personally I want to go and kill N3. We shall see what happens.
Well I was one of the 4000 pilots fighting it out in 6VDT the other night. I say fighting but what I actually mean is very very very slowly fighting. The Tidi was maximum for the entire time. Still we won and TEST have said it's over. Whether or not we pursue them into Delve I don't know. Personally I want to go and kill N3. We shall see what happens.

What kind of ship were you flying?
so hearing about the lost ships makes me even more nervous to bring out the vindi becauuuuuse i just discovered a major issue with my pc. doing to do L4 missions to see if i can afford a Rokh to get my feet wet, since they technically should use the same weaponry/modules. IS IT JUST ME OR DID SHIPS GET HELLA EXPENSIVE ALL OF THE SUDDEN COMPARED TO A MONTH AGO?

SO i built my pc from scratch and everything runs great and excellent, but i used a old code on my laptop for windows and everything was fine till a cpl of weeks ago when after a windows update it started saying my copy of windows wasnt genuine.

It didnt bother me seeing that message in the desktop corner cause, frankly i didnt care. but now im starting to get pop-ups saying i need to buy a copy. the thing is this pops up at random times and takes me out of ANY game or program im using, even going as far as making my monitor go blank for a few seconds.

since it tabs me out of games, i have to quickly click on the game tab again or it wont register any key/mouse presses. i've lost countless matches in street fighter 4 and almost lost my raven during a l4 mission.

I have a legit copy of windows 8 my brother bought from the student store but i really really really don't want to install windows 8. and i cant afford windows 7 key.

alas, does anyone here have experience with eve on windows 8? any issues? might have to bite the bullet.
I've been playing on Windows 8 (it's a new computer, not built from scratch.) EVE plays completely fine. I do disconnect occasionally, but that's due to the internet setup being unstable at times. Thankfully has only happened when I've been in space (and I was right outside a station). All other times I've just been docked up. It's such a weird issue with this powerline adaptor. The easy fix is to just run up two flights of stairs, unplug it, then plug it back in again (doing the same to the local one near the feeding the computer doesn't seem to work - only the source being fed from the primary line does it.) I dunno if it's just a problem with that set of adaptors or the internal wiring somehow.

The other side effect is that the internet speed is greatly degraded compared to the source. I get maybe 7-9Mb/s downstairs compared to the 40-50 upstairs. Oddly enough, the upload speeds don't seem to change. Anyway I digress.

Windows 8 is mostly fine compared the the trouble you're having if you can't figure it out. There's a program (which is free?) that I believe is called "Classic Shell" which makes it functionally the same. With that going, there's not much real difference.


Oh, and I'd definitely recommend trying out a Rokh first. You might not be picked up as much as the Vindicator, particular during prime times, but once you get in a few times with the ISK flowing and are comfortable with how things are run, you can easily transfer any more expensive modules you might have installed to the pirate hull. Also it would look a little silly (though not necessarily poorly fit) if your 1+bil Vindicator hull is only fit with T2 and Meta modules.

So basically:

Rokh Basic Fit --> Occasional Fleet, $$ --> Blinged Rokh (at least damage mods) --> More common pickup, $$$ --> Vindi --> Reliable Pickup, $$$$ --> Blinged/T2 Gun Vindi --> Fleets whenever (including ISN), $$$$$$

If/when you're done with the Rokh, you can contract it out with the pre-installed rigs or sell it on the market. Otherwise keep it as a backup asset, possibly use it for something else.

Long post, phew! But this is my only real outlet to discuss EVE, so you know.
Can you equip t2 hybrid rigs by chance? i bought my vindi with preset t2 rigs, but it has an em/thermal/shield extender. im thinking of replacing either the EM or thermal for a hybrid t2 rig but i dont have the skills.

and yes whenever i see the eve thread updated, it makes me giddy!
holy hell are rigs expensive. dang rokh, i don't want to sell my other ships!

hoping to find another gem from the contracts fairy, since either it's cheap/with wrong rigs, or too expensive/with right rigs
HQ Incursion fleet full = :(((

Especially when the line comes and you've got 10+ people posting fits.

Good news is I'll only need one or two more good fleets before I'll feel financially secure enough to buy my Machariel. Getting picked up after that should be much easier, even without T2 guns while I wait for them.

And apparently Nightmares use the least ammo of all the good Incursion ships (T2 guns at least), so that might be worth looking into as another long term goal, though I might want to try a Vindicator as well at some point with the BS skills being the same as for the Mach. Gotta do blaster skills, but having all the supports done by then would make it quicker.

Though I may be more interested in branching into a Loki after the Mach training is done since I'd have the T2 guns for it and would only need the cruiser V + subsystems skills. Being able to pilot a second T3 would make me feel better about losing one in a riskier endeavor. Would also put me closer to a Scimitar.

Speaking of logistics, that also might be the first thing I do after wrapping up Machariel training. Including Logistics V, I'm about 40 days away which isn't too bad. If I dropped everything else, that's faster than T2 large guns.

Still, I may branch out into something different altogether. 1 Incursion hull is mostly sufficient. Training for a variety of them isn't a waste per se, but I could be more well rounded. I think I've said before that the Ishtar has caught my eye, and with the announced 2nd revision of HACs, it would be even better than it currently is. Being able to fly one is a long ways away though, especially with good skills. Really need to knock out Drone Interfacing V when there isn't something more pressing. I certainly would have it by now if I specialized in drone boats.
so many skills to train, so many choices :C

i love the fact i dont need to grind like other MMOs. but when i have a 8 day skill for a minimal increase in efficiency it makes me wish i WAS back in the old MMOs where i could grind that ish . also a russian corp moved close to my exploration grounds and now all the low sec areas around me are camped to high heaven *sigh*
i went around all day today hunting for exploration sites, risking my magnate . i couldnt find a single one outside the anomalies and i though some jerk that was goign around finding them faster than me was getting them all.

i didnt realize i changed the settings to "ships"...


Neo Member
Well I was one of the 4000 pilots fighting it out in 6VDT the other night. I say fighting but what I actually mean is very very very slowly fighting. The Tidi was maximum for the entire time. Still we won and TEST have said it's over. Whether or not we pursue them into Delve I don't know. Personally I want to go and kill N3. We shall see what happens.

Got enough pull to get me in the corp? I've been looking to move to something larger scale, I'm sick of joining corps where nobody is ever active.


I've really had to change my gaming style. I used to be focused on becoming powerful and very involved. I'd donate isk and resources to my corp, I'd min/max my skills. Hell I have 4 accounts because I had different flavor characters:

1) Industrial Miner
2) ORCA pilot to boot Miner
3) Combat Focused
4) Off the grid, unaffiliated combat pilot contemplating piracy.

After a few months I'd inevitably burn out. EVE can easily become a job.

Now I'm just doing what I want and treating the EVE universe like a giant chat room. Mining may not be the most profitable but if that's what i feel like doing then so be it. I'm avoiding any massive endeavors or dreams. No more personal POSs, no more trying to monopolize a part of the market, no more corps that required vast investments of time.
I've really had to change my gaming style. I used to be focused on becoming powerful and very involved. I'd donate isk and resources to my corp, I'd min/max my skills. Hell I have 4 accounts because I had different flavor characters:

1) Industrial Miner
2) ORCA pilot to boot Miner
3) Combat Focused
4) Off the grid, unaffiliated combat pilot contemplating piracy.

After a few months I'd inevitably burn out. EVE can easily become a job.

Now I'm just doing what I want and treating the EVE universe like a giant chat room. Mining may not be the most profitable but if that's what i feel like doing then so be it. I'm avoiding any massive endeavors or dreams. No more personal POSs, no more trying to monopolize a part of the market, no more corps that required vast investments of time.

sometimes we forget that we play games to relax and enjoy ourselves.

that's why sometimes its good to get away from the big things and concentrate on the small to recharge our batteries, or vice a versa.
I think, once I'm settled with Incursions, I'm gonna look for a wormhole corp. Someone with a high-sec static for easy access to markets (and Incursions if things are slow in the WH). Easier to deal with the logistics of it all, having only one character at the moment. Even with a second character, he wouldn't be nearly up to snuff for at least a couple months.

Not set on it yet over a null corp, but it's probably a month or two down the line at least either way.


I think, once I'm settled with Incursions, I'm gonna look for a wormhole corp. Someone with a high-sec static for easy access to markets (and Incursions if things are slow in the WH). Easier to deal with the logistics of it all, having only one character at the moment. Even with a second character, he wouldn't be nearly up to snuff for at least a couple months.

Not set on it yet over a null corp, but it's probably a month or two down the line at least either way.

If you are even just contemplating moving into a wormhole then I can't recommend enough that you quickly train up an alt who can sit in the wormhole and be your scanner and scout. Ideally, he will be covops trained and have reasonably good scannign skills too

For example, say you are out of the wormhole over night. By the time you log back on, your static would have expired and new one would have spawned. Rather than hoping someone in corp has scanned a new entrance, and has actually bookmarked the entrances, your alt can do that for you.

Or, say you got attacked, lost your ship and podded. Your alt will be able to scan you back in once you have ready to come back in.

Also, you have no idea how handy it is to have another account you can use as a second pair of eyes. You have a hostile incoming K162? move your scout 100km off the hole and keep eyes on it for any activations coming or going.
finally bought the rokh. fitted it out. tried doing a l4 mission since i realized that outside of my 2-3 trysts in a Naga, i hadn't actually used hybrid weapons. I have been playing solely since jan on missiles.

wow. i miss with the weapon at point blank range with a frig going only 200m/s transversal velocity.

i need to get more experience with turrets :s
finally bought the rokh. fitted it out. tried doing a l4 mission since i realized that outside of my 2-3 trysts in a Naga, i hadn't actually used hybrid weapons. I have been playing solely since jan on missiles.

wow. i miss with the weapon at point blank range with a frig going only 200m/s transversal velocity.

i need to get more experience with turrets :s

Well a mission fit will be different from an incursion one. And in incursions you're not going to be shooting frigates so much - the drone bunny will be taking care of them. Primary targets will be webbed. I do think DPS is harder than being a sniper though.


Got enough pull to get me in the corp? I've been looking to move to something larger scale, I'm sick of joining corps where nobody is ever active.

Just apply to join one of the big entities like goons and you'll always have something to do. If your a not on something awful forums though then someone else will pick you up. For stability sakes I would suggest one of the big alliances in the north. They are far less likely to explode in a shower of horribleness.
If you've been playing for sometime then they will ask you join. It's not that difficult to get accepted (why do you think every alliance has spies in them!). Do not join TEST though as they are in a lot of trouble internally. Losing a war does that to alliances.
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