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EVE Online |OT| of Internet Spaceships

did an assault last night. Finally got what i wanted to experience. i.e. full room aggro. Just to test my tank.

i can also say it's scary as hell when it happens. Sure logi will bail you out, but sometimes the newbies don't know the broadcast rules too well and things might get hectic. specially when blink promos are going.

I have no idea what the fuck you just said! Non-eve speak for us weekend warriors?

In other news, my shiny new magnate got popped lazy-boating it back to friendly space. I just really want to trash some gate-camping pirate gangs right now. I'm trying to apply to some anti-pirate corps this weekend.
did an assault last night. Finally got what i wanted to experience. i.e. full room aggro. Just to test my tank.

i can also say it's scary as hell when it happens. Sure logi will bail you out, but sometimes the newbies don't know the broadcast rules too well and things might get hectic. specially when blink promos are going.

Blinking while flying incursions just sounds like a bad idea...
I have no idea what the fuck you just said! Non-eve speak for us weekend warriors?

In other news, my shiny new magnate got popped lazy-boating it back to friendly space. I just really want to trash some gate-camping pirate gangs right now. I'm trying to apply to some anti-pirate corps this weekend.

I did an Assault Incursion (High level PVE event). Basically tough npc rats that come in hella huge waves and hit hard. HELLA hard. Hella fricking hard. like, 1.5k dmg per shot with 75%+ resists across the board for all damage types. and they all concentrate on you. So you need 100,000 estimated HP (amount of HP your ship is theoretically capable of tanking before you blow up by taking into account your damage type resists, shield/armor recharge, and capacitor).

I was flying around in my 1.5 Billion isk ship and the npcs decided that i was a juicy target and all aimed for me...a LOT. I had logistics ships heal my shields, but the heals come in waves. So my shields go down and up like a see-saw of death.

Broadcasts are for when you are in a fleet, you can broadcast notices to your team. this will let them know things like when you are low on health, spotted an enemy, or what enemy to attack/where to warp to. But since its a list that moves down with every new broadcast, and we had a bunch of newbies, when i broadcasted for shields sometimes the newbies would accidental broadcast something else (like capacitor) and move my message down the list.

and when you have 20+ npc rats targeting you at once, you have like a 5 second window to broadcast for shields before they completely overwhelm you and bye bye goes your 1.5b isk ship in less than 10 seconds.
one step forward 2 steps back with this game:


I found a ded site in low with my explorer alt. something to do while incursion returns, and to take a break from incursions. i like the isk but it's mind numbingly repetitive.

so of course i try to do it solo in my L4 mission drake. Room agro is nuts. i spend an hour going back and forth b/w the station and site. popping one mob, bailing before my shields give out.

But i'm determined. This has been up for hours. only like 8-9 people in local. Its a ded site. Im going to get a kickass item and it will all be worth it. I notice someoen come in and pop combat scanners, but it doesnt matter i say to myself. ill pop the overseer, ignore the npcs, save the wreck's location and warp back once the ded closes. he won't have time to probe down the site or my ship cause i will fly fast.

I warp back to DED after killing overseer and saving the wrecks location, but i forget which wreck it was i saved. so i pick a important looking one, and apparently i warp to the 1st room of this 2 room ded. in it is a falcon. thats a T2 warp scram/jammer ship. he catches me as my ship turns around to the nearest exit. Once im tackled, i come to terms that i already lost my ship. he flied around and calls his buddies in with frigates and i overload everything.

they take their time bringing down my shields with low weapons and circling without attacking. in an attempt to give them a blow i jettison my loot and blow it up. at least they wont have that.
e-war. i brought one of them to armor and overheated everything but i knew it was over when the falcon had me tackled.

the falcon left but then it was an armor tanked BS up the wazoo and frigates, i wasnt going to do anything. thats why i decided to blow up my cargo.
Nearing 3 billion liquid ISK.

Bought a 4th Republic Fleet Gyrostabilizer finally more for OCD reasons than practical ones. The DPS gain I believe over a T2 for the 4th one is 4. Yes, 4. For a 60mil mod over one that's 2mil at most and probably less. But it makes the fit look nicer.

Would buy faction guns which I think would net me around a 60 DPS increase (need to check), but that would cost about 500mil give or take, so I'm not sure if it's worth it. Assuming I don't die, I can always resell them after unlocking T2s, but I don't know how fast they move and I'd prefer not to have so much sunk into that.

Next on the list would be either faction tank or faction tracking enhancers and the like, but any new module there starts at around 250mil and goes up. So I probably won't be changing my fit much for awhile.

Instead, I plan to PLEX my main account 2 months in advance shortly, then see where I stand on being able to afford supplying an alt account with PLEX. Once it starts I'll have around 2 months without needing to worry regardless, but still - I don't know how much time I need or want to commit to earning the ISK necessary. I may just start it to get things rolling and if it becomes too burdensome, drop it.

Edit: Actually, I suppose upgrading implants is the next logical step. Need to train cybernetics IV at least though, which is a couple days off the main path.
Nearing 3 billion liquid ISK.


That's one thing i was asking myself.

How much isk am i aiming for (aside from short term goals of faction mods for my incursion ship).

and what AM i going to do with all that isk. i was thinking of going back to BNI and blowing crap up until i ran out of funds, but the issue of being in a 24/7 wardecced corp means i cant do incursions.

My alt provides SOME distractions but i've had 3-4 close calls at gate already and its a bit...disheartening.


God if I had the time.

There should be a magazine based solely on forcing people to explain their eve exploits in laymans terms. It's all so interesting


one step forward 2 steps back with this game:


I found a ded site in low with my explorer alt. something to do while incursion returns, and to take a break from incursions. i like the isk but it's mind numbingly repetitive.

so of course i try to do it solo in my L4 mission drake. Room agro is nuts. i spend an hour going back and forth b/w the station and site. popping one mob, bailing before my shields give out.

But i'm determined. This has been up for hours. only like 8-9 people in local. Its a ded site. Im going to get a kickass item and it will all be worth it. I notice someoen come in and pop combat scanners, but it doesnt matter i say to myself. ill pop the overseer, ignore the npcs, save the wreck's location and warp back once the ded closes. he won't have time to probe down the site or my ship cause i will fly fast.

I warp back to DED after killing overseer and saving the wrecks location, but i forget which wreck it was i saved. so i pick a important looking one, and apparently i warp to the 1st room of this 2 room ded. in it is a falcon. thats a T2 warp scram/jammer ship. he catches me as my ship turns around to the nearest exit. Once im tackled, i come to terms that i already lost my ship. he flied around and calls his buddies in with frigates and i overload everything.

they take their time bringing down my shields with low weapons and circling without attacking. in an attempt to give them a blow i jettison my loot and blow it up. at least they wont have that.

Should have listened to your instincts. Especially with that many in local, of course you are going to get ganked in a Raven. One of the many reasons why low sec sucks...

Our corp lost its first carrier last night. We were repairing a customs office back up after it got attacked. There was nobody but us in local for a long time until 2 neuts came into system. We recognized 1 of them as being apart of an enemy corp in a nearby system (not a threart), and assumed the other was also with him. Well that assumption was wrong. The other neut was apart of Rote Kapelle, uncloaked in a Rapier, opened a cyno, dropped some bubbles, and hot dropped in a large fleet of Talos in the matter of seconds. It was bloody, but a lesson learned. We've been living in null sec for about a month and have really started establishing ourselves here. Null is great too, I can't stand going back to high or low, there is just too many people.


Should have listened to your instincts. Especially with that many in local, of course you are going to get ganked in a Raven. One of the many reasons why low sec sucks...

Our corp lost its first carrier last night. We were repairing a customs office back up after it got attacked. There was nobody but us in local for a long time until 2 neuts came into system. We recognized 1 of them as being apart of an enemy corp in a nearby system (not a threart), and assumed the other was also with him. Well that assumption was wrong. The other neut was apart of Rote Kapelle, uncloaked in a Rapier, opened a cyno, dropped some bubbles, and hot dropped in a large fleet of Talos in the matter of seconds. It was bloody, but a lesson learned. We've been living in null sec for about a month and have really started establishing ourselves here. Null is great too, I can't stand going back to high or low, there is just too many people.

Rule number one of null. If there's a neutral in local then you will get hotdropped. Always expect the worst case scenario and you'll be ready for it. Everyone uses neuts to scout of be the cyno. If it walks like a duck and quacks like one then it is one.
Anyway my lot (razor alliance) had a really good battle earlier with Black Legion. We lost quite a number of dreads (they lost some as well although not as much) but it was a good fight and everyone was quite pleased with it. The turning point was when they dropped super capitals and we didn't. In the end everyone enjoyed themselves.
Been playing around with fittings in EFT. Most of the "elite" Machariels I've looked at are a bit undertanked, but I think those fits are accounting for off-grid boosters. Not sure how to apply them in EFT though. There's a slot for it like with drones and implants (which I did figure out), but I don't know exactly what you're supposed to pick from to make it work.

I'll probably figure it out eventually.

The main thing the shiny fits do is save on a mid slot that I currently use for tank by using a single deadspace invuln field, allowing them to fit a tracking computer for better applied DPS.

Oh, and going faction on my guns would net about a 40 DPS increase over the Meta 4s I currently use, but I really don't think it's worth the expense.
Been playing around with fittings in EFT. Most of the "elite" Machariels I've looked at are a bit undertanked, but I think those fits are accounting for off-grid boosters. Not sure how to apply them in EFT though. There's a slot for it like with drones and implants (which I did figure out), but I don't know exactly what you're supposed to pick from to make it work.

I'll probably figure it out eventually.

The main thing the shiny fits do is save on a mid slot that I currently use for tank by using a single deadspace invuln field, allowing them to fit a tracking computer for better applied DPS.

Oh, and going faction on my guns would net about a 40 DPS increase over the Meta 4s I currently use, but I really don't think it's worth the expense.

doesnt more dps = room targets you?
HQ Fleet running low on people all night (and disbanded into VG groups so I left), but the last site I had to be a MTAC Dropper. First time doing that and man it was stressful. Wouldn't mind doing it again if necessary, but it's definitely more to worry about. Also had a bit of a scare that site - my warp got bumped by the tower so I couldn't warp off quickly, meanwhile some extra Outunis spawned when it was just me, the FC and logis in there. I got out soon enough, but the FC and logis were stuck there for a few stressful minutes. Didn't lose anybody though.

MTACing is like doing one of several dozen specific jobs like that (outside of basic tank/dps/heals roles) in WoW raids. I know there's a couple of other interesting things like that in the VG and AS sites, but it would be cool if there was more high-level PvE in EVE with unique mechanics. I mean besides the mothership sites, there's only 3 types of HQ sites. There really should be more variety (5 would be a nice number?), but they couldn't really change it now without a big overhaul of some sort as the fiction wouldn't allow it. CCP has other, more pressing things to focus on first anyway.

Other news: we did lose 2 ships tonight. 1 was a troll/awox/bad logi who wasn't repping the anchor at some critical moments. The other was a Machariel that broadcasted late and wasn't fit properly - he had an EM rig and an EM ward, leaving a huge thermal hole.

And mesmerMAN - I don't think TVP was intending to pop the mom at that incursion, but decided to go there over the one with full influence first. I don't know if they were intending to do any contests or not, but it is what it is. I'm just a lineman - not involved with any high level decisions like that.

The good news is that a couple of null incursions have since gone down, so there should be new incursions within the next day for people to spread out to.


Hey guys! Trial newbie here...question: if I get a gametime code, that is all it takes to upgrade the account to a proper one?

Also...item hangars in docking stations are safe, right? And stuff that I put there stay there? :D

And one more, for number's sake: with trial account, I cant sell any ores that I mine to other people?
Hey guys! Trial newbie here...question: if I get a gametime code, that is all it takes to upgrade the account to a proper one?

Also...item hangars in docking stations are safe, right? And stuff that I put there stay there? :D

And one more, for number's sake: with trial account, I cant sell any ores that I mine to other people?

1) yes

2) item hangars are safe in docking stations owned by npcs. stations owned by players, not so much.

3) i believe you can, but there has to be buy orders in the station you are selling from. there are skills you can train to increase the range that you can sell/buy from.

also keep in mind you cant sell stuff from your ship. you have to move it to the item hangar, and if its a module you have to "repackage" it.

to carbonatedfalcon - haha nah man i was just kidding, i don't think anyone wants to get involved with incursion drama. i'm just in it for the isk and i have no qualms about flying with any group that has HQs running.


Debating plexing the 2nd account now. Plexing 2 accounts is a LOT of incursion running. I had an alt to potentially sell it due to odessey update. and to have it as an market alt. But the more i think about it, i'm on my main most of the time, and my time will be real limited soon due to school/work. So doing incursions for 2 accounts is a time sink.

If i can use those funds to pay for say 2 months of my main instead of 1 month of both, or i can plex for 1 month on my main and be able to afford ships i can fly/modules i want to use. I was thinking instead of having an alt to do things i want to do when not incursioning, i can just make a jump clone dedicated to those things. Since the new clone jump update is comign anyways, it shouldnt be that big an issue.


Curious is it worth it to invest time into a stealth bomber for low sec ratting?

Or.. whats good for low sec ratting that will enable me to hide or get away from pirates.
Curious is it worth it to invest time into a stealth bomber for low sec ratting?

Or.. whats good for low sec ratting that will enable me to hide or get away from pirates.

A good cruiser with decent tanking skills will handle much anything in low sec ratting and won't be a hit to the wallet if lost.

Stealth Bombers are a niche branch of a niche field. A solo bomber won't do much damage to anything without a group unless you have KICKASS skills. But i have heard that they are fun to play as.

There's a squad of bombers called BOMBER'S BAR that does random fleets with people of any and all corporations or none and goes on roams through the stars.

they will teach you the ins and outs of it!
So uh...I started an alt. Will post again when I have more time to sit down and report on that front (she's only a couple hours old at this point anyway.)

Also managed to sell about half my Concord LP and made a good chunk of change off that. PLEXed my main account for two months off that development, so it's good until October.


Curious is it worth it to invest time into a stealth bomber for low sec ratting?

Or.. whats good for low sec ratting that will enable me to hide or get away from pirates.

There's better things to use a stealth bomber for, but you can definitely rat in one just fine. It's also pretty handy to have cov ops trained in general.
Also - the EVE character creator is at once both amazing and incredibly fiddly, while ultimately being relatively pointless since WIS is still less than half-baked. But I couldn't help myself from spending hours playing around in it trying to get the perfect look.

I think my new character turned out okay, but I'm already thinking of redoing the portrait. Currently she reminds me a bit too much of Emily Deschanel which was not what I was going for.
Also - the EVE character creator is at once both amazing and incredibly fiddly, while ultimately being relatively pointless since WIS is still less than half-baked. But I couldn't help myself from spending hours playing around in it trying to get the perfect look.

I think my new character turned out okay, but I'm already thinking of redoing the portrait. Currently she reminds me a bit too much of Emily Deschanel which was not what I was going for.

yeah i spent a long time getting all the intricacies of my character's face and look, and then i fudged it all up during the portrait part of it.


Alright guess I will continue working towards skills for cruisers and battlecruisers. Right now I am flying a Maller on my main and a Rupture on my alt. My alt has like 1/3 the skill points as my main yet my rupture is kicking ass compared to the maller. Tempted to stop training into amarr stuff and take up other racial ships.. maybe gallente. I am really enjoying Minmatar ships so far though.. Amarr however just feels slow and like I cant hit shit with them lazers. Maybe theres something I am missing though..
welp, there goes my exploration gear and setup.

I'm not mad, this was a good lesson on learning the d-scan. i did notice a warp disruptor bubble in d-scan but i guess i picked the wrong settings when trying to determine from which direction it was.

I did cpl of things wrong and some right

1) i used d-scan to see what was in field. this was good. i didn't know how to correctly orient myself to detect WHICH way the warp disruptor was. this was bad.

2) I Didnt trust my instincts and warped straight to a gate from another gate. this is bad. I should have warped to a planet and set up a TRIANGLE Safe spot formation to be able to warp in any direction from untraceable angles.

I got into a corp that does bounty hunting and "anti-pirate" PVP. Did my first fleet op yesterday and it really was a blast. We had a small fleet roaming a set patrol looking for pirate activity - and it was so refreshing to be in a fleet that actually tried to help rather than kill on sight. Some of the new corp members just wanted to "blow shit up" but the FC was very clear that they were only hunting for troublemakers/pirates.

We got into a good scrap with an organized pirate gang running long distance missile boats. They had bookmarked pvp warp points and we didn't have good tacklers. We had a few t1 cruisers popped but it was a really fun experience.
mesmerMAN - there's a reason I don't use Sister's Probe Launchers anymore (unless on a T3 or something.) Just too expensive, especially since they cost more than the hull of a cov ops. Minimal gain for the price, making the inevitable loss of an otherwise relatively disposable ship that much more expensive. Especially with Astrometrics V and all the relevant supports at IV.

Still working on my alt. Not much to report yet. So many skills to burn through though. I think I had 24 skills completed on one relog. Trying to focus on industry/mining/trade with her, but it's hard to resist grabbing some of the critical core piloting skills too. Especially at this early stage when most everything is level III tops. I'll do a more elaborate post about her when I have time to sit down and spend some good time writing it up in maybe a week.
I got into a corp that does bounty hunting and "anti-pirate" PVP. Did my first fleet op yesterday and it really was a blast. We had a small fleet roaming a set patrol looking for pirate activity - and it was so refreshing to be in a fleet that actually tried to help rather than kill on sight. Some of the new corp members just wanted to "blow shit up" but the FC was very clear that they were only hunting for troublemakers/pirates.

We got into a good scrap with an organized pirate gang running long distance missile boats. They had bookmarked pvp warp points and we didn't have good tacklers. We had a few t1 cruisers popped but it was a really fun experience.

That sounds cool. I might actually look into that. as a recipient of Pirate action, a little social justice would be welcome.

mesmerMAN - there's a reason I don't use Sister's Probe Launchers anymore (unless on a T3 or something.) Just too expensive, especially since they cost more than the hull of a cov ops. Minimal gain for the price, making the inevitable loss of an otherwise relatively disposable ship that much more expensive. Especially with Astrometrics V and all the relevant supports at IV.

Still working on my alt. Not much to report yet. So many skills to burn through though. I think I had 24 skills completed on one relog. Trying to focus on industry/mining/trade with her, but it's hard to resist grabbing some of the critical core piloting skills too. Especially at this early stage when most everything is level III tops. I'll do a more elaborate post about her when I have time to sit down and spend some good time writing it up in maybe a week.

From experience, i would also look into what to do about raising your standings with the major trade hubs where you will be doing business. i realized a little while ago my market alt was actually losing more money on taxes and stuff than my main pvp/pve account just because of the standings.


I was kinda of miffed with my alt after that anathema loss that i just went ham in BLINK and somehow turned a 30m investment into 230m. profit


I got into a corp that does bounty hunting and "anti-pirate" PVP. Did my first fleet op yesterday and it really was a blast. We had a small fleet roaming a set patrol looking for pirate activity - and it was so refreshing to be in a fleet that actually tried to help rather than kill on sight. Some of the new corp members just wanted to "blow shit up" but the FC was very clear that they were only hunting for troublemakers/pirates.

We got into a good scrap with an organized pirate gang running long distance missile boats. They had bookmarked pvp warp points and we didn't have good tacklers. We had a few t1 cruisers popped but it was a really fun experience.

Ahhh this is what I want to do. Even if its tackling in a small frigate.
Less than 24 hours remaining on Large Projectile Turret V, should finish a little before 10 a.m. tomorrow morning for me. \o/

Taking a quick detour in my T2 gun training to grab Cybernetics IV though. The +5% skill hardwirings will provide a significant bump compared to the +3% ones I have now, and the +4 attribute implants might make up for the time taken anyway. Certainly will in the long run. Thinking I might do the same on my new alt while she still has the +9 booster going.

Cybernetics V is useful of course, but I believe it's a ~15 day train, but I can think of at least half a dozen other skills that I'd rather grab that take about as long before devoting the time to it - even if +5 attribute and +6% skill implants are really good.

And yeah, didn't mention it before, but my alt currently has a +9 attribute booster running. They come/came in certain EVE deals, and last until the character is 14 days old. There's another more common one that gives you +3 to everything and lasts until a character is 35 days old. Both take the same slot however, so you can't use both at once. When the +9 runs out, I'll buy one of the +3 ones to use for the remainder of the time available to me. A bit pricey, particularly the +9 booster (though incursion money lol), but definitely worth it if you're starting an alt and have the spare ISK.

And speaking of incursion money - I upgraded my ship the past couple days. So weird to think that about a month ago I didn't even have a billion (liquid) ISK to my name and now I'm flying a ship worth close to 3 billion.
So I got into a PvP op. Overall it ended up being a failure as people lost some valuable ships including a Machariel, a Vindicator, and a pimped Proteus, including a close to 5bil pod from the Proteus pilot (which will probably be showing up on the top of killboards soon).

Initially we had a good engagement where we snagged a few Guardian kills + a couple other things. While waiting at a planet we got counter-engaged by the first group's backup with a gang of 20+, mostly Legions. Lost a couple in that including the Machariel.

We then reformed and were on the hunt, but a couple people, including the Proteus were caught on the wrong side of a gate when a gang with at least 6 Machariels showed up (far outclassing our firepower). Seems that the Proteus accidentally aggressed in a panic and was unable to jump through the gate. Rest of the fleet jumped back through to try and help him, but it just wasn't a good engagement.

When the Proteus got caught I was in my cov ops about 30km away cloaked. When the rest of the fleet engaged I tried to use my target painter on the called primary, but since apparently I aggressed, I ended up just getting killed by gate guns (lol, the shame). Otherwise I was going to try and scoop the wreck of the downed Protreus.

Interestingly enough, for me the night was a net positive since I got a good loot and salvage haul (particularly salvage) from the original set of kills.
So I got into a PvP op. Overall it ended up being a failure as people lost some valuable ships including a Machariel, a Vindicator, and a pimped Proteus, including a close to 5bil pod from the Proteus pilot (which will probably be showing up on the top of killboards soon).

Initially we had a good engagement where we snagged a few Guardian kills + a couple other things. While waiting at a planet we got counter-engaged by the first group's backup with a gang of 20+, mostly Legions. Lost a couple in that including the Machariel.

We then reformed and were on the hunt, but a couple people, including the Proteus were caught on the wrong side of a gate when a gang with at least 6 Machariels showed up (far outclassing our firepower). Seems that the Proteus accidentally aggressed in a panic and was unable to jump through the gate. Rest of the fleet jumped back through to try and help him, but it just wasn't a good engagement.

When the Proteus got caught I was in my cov ops about 30km away cloaked. When the rest of the fleet engaged I tried to use my target painter on the called primary, but since apparently I aggressed, I ended up just getting killed by gate guns (lol, the shame). Otherwise I was going to try and scoop the wreck of the downed Protreus.

Interestingly enough, for me the night was a net positive since I got a good loot and salvage haul (particularly salvage) from the original set of kills.

woah why did this happen?

EDIT: i'm still kinda miffed the brazilians killed my ship on my alt after all these days. I'm debating putting t2 hybrids on hold and training for either a Tengu for solo ded sites, or stealth bombers and give them a piece of my mind. grrrrrrrr i hate pirates.
yo we need someone to hook us up with the free ships they hand out at gaming events like gamescom yo!

i think CCP will be at PAX, we need an agent there!

EDIT: Won a free plex by singing in somer blink's live karaoke event. a little dignity lost for free plex...what am i doing with my life!? (but it saved up some money for me :D)
As of this post, my alt will be able to fly T1 mining barges in ~3 hours (albeit with poor-mediocre core skills). Yay! I may not end up pursuing it much further than that, but I want to see what kind of income you can pull in while being mostly AFK. I know it won't even come close to touching incursion money, but if I can have my alt generating income without my full attention while I do something else or wait to get into an incursion fleet, then it will be worth it. Intend to get into trading with her too, but either way it will probably be awhile before this alt is self-sustainable. Maybe specialize in advanced frigates and go into faction warfare if I don't like how the mining pans out. But either way, having at least one character that can mine effectively will be useful, especially if I end up in a WH someday.
So I took the mining barge out for her maiden voyage...



I guess it's not bad income necessarily. For a new player it might be pretty decent. But even with boosts mining the most expensive ore in the game (which you couldn't be AFK so much for, being in null or WH space), the income is still fairly mediocre. A T2 barge would be better obviously, but by how much? Even then I think regular L4 missions would still probably be equal or better.

I'll probably try out ice mining to see how that compares, but I'm thinking mining probably isn't worth the time (for me now) in most cases. I feel compelled to pay at least some attention to it, so it's only semi-passive at best. I think for the short term I'm going to switch my focus on trade/market skills and then specialize in hulls I that I haven't trained on my main (e.g. Orca, Freighters, etc.)
yeah i went through the same motion as you haha.

made alt for hauling, then mining, then station trading (but ill admit while i'm good with numbers i suck at management of predicting trends) for like 2 days. that's why my alt was delving into exploration before the mishap.

while i haven't been as successful as the earlier options, at least it was more active and involved and a sense of danger. my only regret is that the amount of profit sometimes doesn't justify the risk.
Started some station trading with the alt. It'll be better once I identify more things worth trading and get her skills up some more. Gave her ~200mil to start with, but I had to spend around 30mil on some skillbooks shortly thereafter.

Finding the right balance between volume and margin definitely takes time. And while margins might be higher outside of Jita, the pool of tradable items is definitely slimmer due to the decrease in volume. That and the fact that for any "big ticket" items, people are more often than not going to go to Jita anyway. I mean good luck pushing much if it's close to or over 100mil.

I've looked at what must be hundreds of different items and the best margins you can hope for in Jita are about 20% at most except for a few rare things that might be more. 20% is really good though, 15% too. 10% margin is my cutoff point and even then I'd be more hesitant unless the item was extremely high volume (>=1000 sales/day).

Once I get more comfortable (and have a larger cushion of ISK) I'll probably sink more into it.
Broke down and started the long trek to Caldari cruisers 5. it will open up a lot of t2 ships. I am specially interested in the Tengu, because the few hours i have available for playing i mainly do incursions, and i can't honestly justify doing anything else that doesn't make as much money :s.

i still lack the pvp skills to roll around blapping others both in terms of ability and ingame skillsets.

Tengu will allow me to tackle things like DED sites and just all around ROFL copting.
Trying to figure out the most useful thing to train my alt into after I'm done with the baseline trading skills I want.

Freighter would be useful I'm sure, though I don't have any immediate need to move massive amounts of stuff, and in most cases it would be more economical just to pay Red Frog Freight to ship it.

Similar vein - Orca might be pretty good. Large cargo bay (and the ship hanger) + in-space refitting would be convenient in some cases, but I don't see it being enough of a help that I have to have one. Fairly short train if I decide I want one though.

Otherwise I'm thinking Logistics (Scimitar?) and/or maybe Advanced Frigates. Logistics V + whatever logi boat and other relevant support skills is 4-5 months or so. Good frigate skills are fairly short, but my core skills are all still weak and I'd want to get them up too.

Besides that maybe the first thing I go for is probing skills: having a second account/ship dedicated to probing so I don't have to sacrifice fitting on my main's combat ship would certainly be handy, even though I already have near maxed skills with my primary account.

Other than that I'm not sure. Industry doesn't really interest me - it so heavily favors people already established and the margins seem fairly slim for the investment and management. Only if they added something that radically shook things up (like the T2 lotto) would I pursue it.

Maybe HACs with the revamp, but of those I'm most interested in the Ishtar which conflicts with my Logistics and T3 preferences.

Suppose I just train fitting and other core skills that are generally useful for everything until I make up my mind, but I'd rather figure it out sooner than later since I don't want my remaps just sitting there while I have excess points in charisma.


I feel like I am in the same boat but its my main now.

I started playing a few months back and being a newb I had no idea what to train into. So I stuck with Amarr ships and Exploration. Once I hit the 14 day skills on exploration I decided maybe it was time to do something else..

After about a month I have skills all over the damn place with like no focus at all. I started an alt and decided he was going to be a pure damage dealer PVE to start and hopefully once I get most the skills breaking into PVP.

Now I am enjoying my alt a ton more even though he has like 1/4th the skill points than my main.

Now I am trying to figure out how to make money for my alt character.. but not really sure how. I took up mining.. figured I could just leave it running while watching tv, doing homework or designing. But honestly dosnt seem to bring in that much money.
debating reskilling into per/will to make the treck to t2 weapons/ships faster.... but i used up my free reskill and have 2 non-reneweable ones left.
Starting to get to the point where I have more money than I can reasonably expend without doing stupid things or getting suicide ganked. Which is something I'd never have expected before I started doing Incursions.

S'pose when I have some free time I'll PvP in fun toys like a Dramiel. Only have the frigate skills for that to 4 though. Maybe PvP in a Cynabal or Loki down the line - wouldn't mind losing skill points from a secondary T3 as much. Only a little over 2 weeks left before I get my T2 large artillery.

Will probably buy PLEX at least a couple months ahead of time for the foreseeable future though.
Starting to get to the point where I have more money than I can reasonably expend without doing stupid things or getting suicide ganked. Which is something I'd never have expected before I started doing Incursions.

S'pose when I have some free time I'll PvP in fun toys like a Dramiel. Only have the frigate skills for that to 4 though. Maybe PvP in a Cynabal or Loki down the line - wouldn't mind losing skill points from a secondary T3 as much. Only a little over 2 weeks left before I get my T2 large artillery.

Will probably buy PLEX at least a couple months ahead of time for the foreseeable future though.

I'd say 4-5 months plexed would be a good start :D
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