Trizten Dareeque said:Is kissing another girl really cheating? I don't think so.
Anyways of course I have cheated.
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Trizten Dareeque said:Is kissing another girl really cheating? I don't think so.
Anyways of course I have cheated.
Waychel said:Never have and never will. I've been cheated on before and I could never put somebody that I care about through that. Even if I fell out of love, I'd still care about the person and respect them enough to break up first.
I don't know how people can cheat once, let alone go on cheating repeatedly and actually live with themselves afterwards. Just break up with the person...
Waychel said:Geez, this coupled with that "would you tell?" thread really makes me lose faith in relationships. =\ I just can't understand how cheating can be so common among so many people. No wonder divorce rates today are the way that they are.
Just seems that some people look at a relationship like a toy that, once it has gotten old, can be placed on the shelf while they go to play with something newer in the meantime. Why even commit yourself to a relationship if you have these kinds of faults about your loyalty?
Go Go Ackman! said:Hell yeah I've cheated. I'm 23 years old, long term relationships are for suckers and those who aren't moving up the ladder.
i think that's a simplistic view, but i agree with it a bit. i'd say at least half the people in committed relationships, whether they're just going together, or married/life partners really don't need to be together. Committed relationships take a lot of work, and a lot of people aren't committed to making them work in the long term.I do think long term relationships are for suckers. Amen.
olimario said:I haven't cheated or had the urge to. Why get into a relationship at all if you plan to cheat and/or break up? The whole point of a relationship is to see if that person is right for you. If you have the breakup mindset prior, why even start one?
Lil' Dice said:Yeah, why get into a serious relationship if you're gonna send naked pics of your girlfriend to Morphix in exchange for a PSP as if she were some dime-bag whore?
olimario said:I haven't cheated or had the urge to. Why get into a relationship at all if you plan to cheat and/or break up? The whole point of a relationship is to see if that person is right for you. If you have the breakup mindset prior, why even start one?
olimario said:The whole point of a relationship is to see if that person is right for you.
If you have the breakup mindset prior, why even start one?
Incognito said:also, i think there's a very real correlation in how ugly you are and how susceptible said person is in entering a committed relationship and keeping the bond forever.
for obvious reasons.
This mindset is all fucked up. Very superficial.Willco said:No, it's not. The whole point of a relationship is that both parties get something beneficial out of their social interactions.
Sex. Duh.
... And you say your dad is a rocket scientist?
olimario said:This mindset is all fucked up. Very superficial.
And I know the answer is sex, but why not stick to one night stands or stick to finding a sexual partner who isn't looking to commit?
:lolLil' Dice said:Yeah, why get into a serious relationship if you're gonna send naked pics of your girlfriend to Morphix in exchange for a PSP as if she were some dime-bag whore?
Incognito said:no it's not, olimario. you're what, 18? sex is pleasure. girls are fun. being young isnt forever and locking yourself to one woman at such a young age is something i can't wrap my mind around.
olimario said:She was the go ahead for the PSP, not me. She had to talk me into doing it.
I'm 20 and I've found a person that I love, respect, and enjoy. I don't know why I would pass that up to have a bunch of sex with random girls.
I don't drink and I don't sleep around, but I still manage to really enjoy life. Strange concept, I'm sure.
olimario said:She was the go ahead for the PSP, not me. She had to talk me into doing it.
I'm 20 and I've found a person that I love, respect, and enjoy. I don't know why I would pass that up to have a bunch of sex with random girls.
I don't drink and I don't sleep around, but I still manage to really enjoy life. Strange concept, I'm sure.
Incognito said:Me, if my GF wants to pawn herself off on the internet, she can do that with another man. :lol :lol
Willco said:Yeah, any girl that pleads to have you peddle questionable pictures of her for videogame systems is a keeper. I think the fact that she begged you to do it speaks volumes about the type of person she is and the kind of standards you have.
Because you're naive and don't know better. We're not talking just about random sexual encounters. Sometimes affairs are about passion. Sometimes it is just the sexual encounter.
You're a sheltered, naive Texan, which is not a strange concept, but a tragic one.
Incognito said:it's naive when you've shacked up with the only person you've ever dated.
Incognito said:it's naive when you've shacked up with the only person you've ever dated.
olimario said:Naive? Not sleeping around is not naive, it's respectable. I'm more than aware of what I'm capable of and what actually goes on in the world. So aware, in fact, that I don't do the things I find reprehensible.
Sheltered? No. Naive? No.
You have no idea, Will.
Waychel said:I don't see how not sleeping around is labeled as being "naive" when it is simply having sensibilities about yourself.
Tenacious-V said:If you're in a relationship and don't have enough comittment to stay faithful to him/her, then there should be no point in being in that relationship in the first place. Stay single and stick to casual sex. That's what being single is all about. Having a bf/gf is for people who are more comitted than the average person. So cheating shouldn't be a problem cause you WANT to be together... It's about respect, and care for the person you're with.
Willco said:I didn't realize we were on a first name basis, Gary.
You live in a suburb in the state that gave birth to the fuckin' Anti-Christ, and you were obviously fostered with Christian ideals along with a family income that would probably rate well above average. Struggled have you? I doubt it. Seen the real world? I doubt that even more..
If you actively seek out sex in the hopes of being malicious to your partner, than that's wrong. If you have an open relationship or you not necessarily commited or you're just a swinger bachleor, you can take your beliefs and shove it.
For someone who has an obviously "holier than thou" attitude, along with e-preachings of being faithful, you seem to have no problem doling out questionable pictures for material posessions.
If that doesn't make you a hypocrite, and show your lack of experience with real relationships in the real world, I don't know what does.
I'm not necessarily condoning the act of "cheating", that being the act of having sexual relations with someone outside of a committed relationship without realizing the the consequences or doing so with malicious intent.
I'm calling olimario naive because he seems to have this belief that all people who have sex outside of conventional relationships are lower than him. And that if you enter a relationship without the intent to stay commited to that one period for an extended period of time, it makes no sense.
That is naive.
Willco said:I agree respect is important, but it's just naive to think that people who enter a relationship together are necessarily the same people who leave one apart. People grow, people change and that's extremely important to recognize when you're young. Sometimes the passion dies and sometimes the person changes so much that you're naturally drawn to a more attractive mate and - shit! - that's something many will have to deal with in life.
It'd be nice if we could all have handshake agreement and things could stay the same from Day One, but that's a fool's dream.
olimario said:You don't have to struggle not to be naive either, Bill. I've done enough helping the homeless to know the worst life can bring, or close to it.
Look, if you want to cheat that's fine. It's not my place to tell you not to, but know it's not considerate or respectful. When you enter into a relationship there are certain unspoken rules that shouldn't be broken. "Not Cheating" is near the top of the list just below "Not killing family members".
It wasn't my decision to do what I did for the PSP, but it was wrong of me go ahead with it anyhow. Just because I claim Christianity people expect perfection and any slip up made results in me being a hypocrite. I've since apologized and done what I could to make up for it (selling it for her computer).
And I don't believe they are lower than me. I don't believe anybody is lower than me. I believe people who cheat and people who lie are inconsiderate and disrespectful. There's not much room to deny that.
Waychel said:I don't see how not sleeping around is labeled as being "naive" when it is simply having sensibilities about yourself.
Lil' Dice said:I would also cheat on my spouse if she became disgustingly fat, and to me "disgustingly" is 20-30lbs overweight.
Lil' Dice said:You're young, and naive. Have you even been in a serious long term relationship yet?Geez, this coupled with that "would you tell?" thread really makes me lose faith in relationships. =\ I just can't understand how cheating can be so common among so many people. No wonder divorce rates today are the way that they are.
Just seems that some people look at a relationship like a toy that, once it has gotten old, can be placed on the shelf while they go to play with something newer in the meantime. Why even commit yourself to a relationship if you have these kinds of faults about your loyalty?
You'll be surprised at how many personal imperfections surface once you put down the DS and involve yourself with someone of the opposite sex.
Boogie said:It's called "GAF logic" I believe. Where if you believe in having a committed, monogamous relationship, there must be something wrong with you.
Cherubae said:Your marriage is doomed. Divorce now and let her enjoy the rest of her life without you.