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Ever woken up and not known wtf was going on?

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I just woke up from a nap because my phone was ringing. I was so drowsy that upon answering, I said "Crazy eights" (thinking about the cardgame, I Guess) and couldn't say anything coherent for about a minute. That was bizaar.


Yesterday, I was woken by thunder. Thunder so loud that there were pops loud enough to disturb my sleep, just before the big crash. I thought for a few seconds that a war had started. In Canada.

You don't know bizarre.


I once woke up at the middle of the night, checked out what time it was on my LED alarm clock, and I swear, MAGI was written on it. I went, "Wtf" and immediately went back to sleep.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion

Woken up, not sure if I had slept. Woken up, yet in a different place (or at least I think I was.) Woken up and started for work...5 hours early.

Fun Times.

And don't ask about the strange things I've seen in my LED Alarm Clock. I swear, one night I was going back in time...


Kinda different, but I once woke up in the middle of a dream, and I swear the dream wouldn't turn off even though my eyes were open. It was like I was seeing two completely different things at once, one a dark room, and one a friend falling off a giant cliff (which was why the dream woke me up I guess)... it was weird.


Lonestar said:
And don't ask about the strange things I've seen in my LED Alarm Clock. I swear, one night I was going back in time...

I knew those things were evil. I told everyone to beware of Led alarm clocks, but no one would listen to me. :(:(


It sounds kinda silly, but I dreamt I was in Japan. When I woke up, I punched my left hand in anger. Dreams can be cool things sometimes!


Yeah, usually due to an insanely freaky dream. Just had one a few days ago, actually. Was bad enough that it took me a couple hours after waking up to shake the trauma.(well, perhaps trauma is too dramatic a description, but it kinda effected me; funny how a dream can be that whacked to do that)


This one Tuesday, I got a call from work asking if I could come in that day (it was about 7:00 PM). I told them, "no." Well, that next day I went to work and my supervisor was really pissed because I was scheduled to work that day. I woke up, and thought, "Oh shit, I was supposed to work on Tuesday- that's why thay called!" But no, Wednesday was the work day.

A couple weeks back I stayed up all night reading, and didn't get any sleep until about 30 hours after I had last slept. The phone woke me up, so I picked it up, pushed some buttons on it, turned it on, and then off. The entire time I was thinking that was exactly how you handled the phone. It wasn't until I woke up again a few hours later that I realized what I'd done.
I had a dream once that I had not yet graduated from college, and I needed to get up and go to class or I wouldn't get my diploma. This was easily a year or so after I'd finished with school.

There's also been times when I've fallen asleep early on the couch, oh, say 8 pm if I've worked long and just haven't gotten any sleep. Then I'll wake up around 1am and start thinking, "Well, I've nothing to do, let's go to the CD store..oh, wait, it's one in the morning." Stuff like that where I just lose all sense of time.
It sounds kinda silly, but I dreamt I was in Japan. When I woke up, I punched my left hand in anger. Dreams can be cool things sometimes!

Whenever I have a really good dream, I always feel sad and wistful for the rest of the day. Like I'm missing out on something.


One time I dreamt that I had somehow managed to fail all my classes for the semester by some technicality... I forget what. I must've moped around for half an hour before I realized that had been a dream. Missed my first class, too!

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Does anyone know the scientific reason that everything's so fucked up just after you wake up?

I'd be even more interested to know why everything's fucked up unless it's Christmas Day, in which case I'm alert and fully aware the second I wake up. Jesus maybe?


mightynine said:
I had a dream once that I had not yet graduated from college, and I needed to get up and go to class or I wouldn't get my diploma. This was easily a year or so after I'd finished with school.

Oh yeah, for sure. Ever get that dream where you haven't attended class all year, and the exam is coming soon, and your like "how come I keep forgetting to go to this class!?!?"


Oh, and a couple days ago, I dreamt I had found a wad of cash.. like $140 lying around in my room. I woke up thinking, "Alright, now I can go and buy... Oh, it was a dream. :("
LakeEarth said:
Oh yeah, for sure. Ever get that dream where you haven't attended class all year, and the exam is coming soon, and your like "how come I keep forgetting to go to this class!?!?"

That's a classic. I had that one multiple times after I got my degree. So did all my friends.


As soon as I graduated from high school I felt great that I was out. People told me I would miss it.

Then a couple weeks ago, I dreamt I was in high school again, and still young.. when I woke up, I was pretty depressed about it. But only for an hour or two. I really thought I was back in high school.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
One time I had a dream where I woke up in the middle of the night to my sisters upstairs screaming and getting cut off, then a bright light seemed to lower from the sky shinign brightly into my room. So I got up and in the living room saw aliens floating my mom and brother through the wall. I jump attacked them but they pulled out something with two prongs that made my muscles tense and relax, but in a shockwave kind of way. I fell down on the ground, got up and ran a few steps but all the strength left my body and I fell down again and slammed my head on the ground but didn't feel it, and things faded to black as they approached.

Then I woke up still inside the dream it was like a a normal day... an entire, completely normal day in it's full length of time. My family didn't remember anything and I didn't say anything, so Iw ent through the day and I went to sleep inside the dream and had a dream inside the dream, woke up still inside my dream and had another full day, then another night, dream-inside-of-dream and then woke up for another full dream-day. Through each day I had headaches that got worse and worse, towards the end of the last day I got one so bad I was disoriented and fell out of a window.

Just before I hit the sidewalk I woke up for real. But when I opened my eyes I was falling into my bed from 2 or 3 feet in the air and it bounced me all the way across the room. I was really confused and didn't know what was going on, I tried to replicate the bounce but couldn't get the same distance. I was really messed up and didn't know what was real for a few weeks after that but I didn't tell anybody.

Then on a more serious note...

Another time I woke up and my mom and brother were watching the news talking about how a plane had flown into a WTC tower, then another one flew into the other tower, then a bit later the pentagon had a firey hole in it. That was pretty messed up.
I was really tired and unknowingly passed out in my bed in the middle of the day and I started dreaming. I dreamt I was in my room and I was on the PC. I then jumped into bed but then everything turned black and I lay there floating in nothingness. At that point I realized I was dreaming and I tried to wake up but couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I was having sleep paralysis and I was scared as hell. I finally woke up and I thought it was morning the next day but it was actually only mid-afternoon. I was probably only asleep for 20-30 mins.


Dice said:
One time I had a dream where I woke up in the middle of the night to my sisters upstairs screaming and getting cut off, then a bright light seemed to lower from the sky shinign brightly into my room. So I got up and in the living room saw aliens floating my mom and brother through the wall. I jump attacked them but they pulled out something with two prongs that made my muscles tense and relax, but in a shockwave kind of way. I fell down on the ground, got up and ran a few steps but all the strength left my body and I fell down again and slammed my head on the ground but didn't feel it, and things faded to black as they approached.

Then I woke up still inside the dream it was like a a normal day... an entire, completely normal day in it's full length of time. My family didn't remember anything and I didn't say anything, so Iw ent through the day and I went to sleep inside the dream and had a dream inside the dream, woke up still inside my dream and had another full day, then another night, dream-inside-of-dream and then woke up for another full dream-day. Through each day I had headaches that got worse and worse, towards the end of the last day I got one so bad I was disoriented and fell out of a window.

Just before I hit the sidewalk I woke up for real. But when I opened my eyes I was falling into my bed from 2 or 3 feet in the air and it bounced me all the way across the room. I was really confused and didn't know what was going on, I tried to replicate the bounce but couldn't get the same distance. I was really messed up and didn't know what was real for a few weeks after that but I didn't tell anybody.

You're still dreaming!


Unconfirmed Member
I know a couple nights ago I had a dream where the setting was basically my current college and my former college merged together. And nobody I was hanging out with in my dream was a person who actually existed in real life. It was weird when I woke up, cause I was wondering where those people were now and how I managed to get home from school in the first place.

That kind of disorientation doesn't normally happen to me, but that one was a real doozy.
I took a nap one night at like 7 o clock, and it was dark. It was early summer, so I was still in school mode, but my mom calls and tells me she's on her way home from work.

Wel, I woke up thinking that it was the morning, although it was still night. And all i could think was where the hell was she coming from.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
You're still dreaming!
Oh nos!!!

The scariest part was hitting my head and not feeling it, then everything fading to black as the aliens approached, but I still had my eyes open! Crap man I didn't know my mind could make something so realistic and scary. Most dreams are kind of like watching a movie, but this was sooo realistic.


Dice said:
Oh nos!!!

The scariest part was hitting my head and not feeling it, then everything fading to black as the aliens approached, but I still had my eyes open! Crap man I didn't know my mind could make something so realistic and scary. Most dreams are kind of like watching a movie, but this was sooo realistic.

Maybe it was something they forgot to erase?


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
AniHawk said:
Maybe it was something they forgot to erase?
Hmmm... That would explain why I can move the cursor without using the mous--uh, I mean... crap the government is on to me now! *runs*
I have done this a couple times. The phone wakes me up, so I go to my clock to turn off the alarm, fumble around with it until the phone stops ringing, then go back to bed. I ususally figure out what the hell I just did when my roommate goes, What the hell are you doing?
Thats happened to me a few times in the middle of the night. Its weird and not a very good feeling. Ill get freaked out and jump out of bed only to realize its 3am and im still in my room.
My wife, once, fell asleep on our couch and started singing "Transformers, more than meets the eye. Transformers... <hums the Transformers theme> ... Transformers more than meets the eye." She had no recollection of it when she woke up.


One time after a night of drinking after work I woke up on the subway passed my stop. It was around 9 PM so there were plenty of people when I woke up, looked around and was just so damned confused I didn't know what to do. Actually that happened twice.

...okay three times.

Oh and one time I was drunk at a conference and I am told I was singing showtunes and that I was rolling around on the floor like Sonic, but I don't remember that at all. :(

Drinking is bad.


I woke up one night around 4am and 2001: A space odyssey was on HBO or something. We were moving, so the TV was pretty close to my bed to allow room for boxes.

It was at the part where Dave was disconnecting HAL, and HAL was blabbering "I'm afraid. I'm afraid, Dave. Dave, my mind is going. I can feel it. I can feel it. My mind is going. There is no question about it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I can feel it. I'm a... fraid."

I was pretty close to the TV, the whole room was red from the scene in the movie, and all I remember was being really freaked out. I didn't even think about turning off the TV, I was just frozen in terror. No freaking clue what was going on.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Don't get me started on those dreams that seem so fucking real that you even question their reality as you sleep and come to the conclusion that everything that's happening is indeed real. Three days ago, I had a dream where I owned a 350Z, Skyline and a Ferrari 360...I was married to this beautiful girl and I had a great life. I remember very vividly questioning the dream...ugh.

And another dream I had a while ago had me playing along side of some really incredible artists; I specifically remember Chris Cornell, Daron Malakian, James Iha and Josh Homme -- but there were others. I was up on stage with my Schecter C1 Classic playing with these guys...Jesus, I woke up and my sheets were wet. True story.
I'll share the strangest and most disturbing dream I've ever had. I was in my house when suddenly all the lights went out. I stumbled around and found my way to the front door and went outside. Suddenly Ronald McDonald was behind me and he stabbed me repeatedly in the back. As I was falling to the ground bleeding, I saw my father handing him a wad of cash, presumably for a job well done. I'm afraid to analyze this dream!:) It's a recurring one too, I've had it 3 or 4 times.

Anyone else have the same dream more than once?


Traumahound said:
My wife, once, fell asleep on our couch and started singing "Transformers, more than meets the eye. Transformers... <hums the Transformers theme> ... Transformers more than meets the eye." She had no recollection of it when she woke up.

Your wife rocks!


LakeEarth said:
Oh yeah, for sure. Ever get that dream where you haven't attended class all year, and the exam is coming soon, and your like "how come I keep forgetting to go to this class!?!?"

That's hilarious. I've had that exact same dream a dozen or so times. Some friend of mine tells me the exam is coming up and I panic because I forgot I was even enrolled in the class and haven't even attended once.

You think after being out of school over 10 years you would stop having dreams like this? No.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
Yeah, I still have dreams about fucking up royally in high school and I haven't been there for a year and a half now.


I had a dream, I was in elementary school, and I was in a cafeteria with all the other students, sitting down indian style for an assembly. I realized I was naked.


Lonestar said:
And don't ask about the strange things I've seen in my LED Alarm Clock. I swear, one night I was going back in time...
Perhaps your clock is using 1.21 gigawatt batteries?


I did this once before (i'm sure other people have).

Getting home from school I took a nap. When I woke up I see it says 9:00 on the clock and all I can think is "Oh shit oh shit i'm late for class". I rush to get my clothes on and everything and just when I'm about to leave I notice it's 9:00 PM
One day I had to be at home to accept delivery of a new sofa. So the guys from Ikea come over and deliver the sofa and then leave. I then lay down on the sofa. Next thing I know there is this totally strange woman on top of me and I had NO IDEA how she get there. This woman also had her hands on my chest massaging me.

She begins saying "It's ok, you are going to be alright."

I retreat into the cushions of the sofa freaked out of my mind.

She then says "It's ok, you just passed out, stopped breathing, and had a seizure!"

I was like WTF!!!

Then in a rush of images it all came back to me... Not only was a sofa being delivered but I was also waiting for a Paramedic to come over to do a urine and blood test so I could be approved for a new life insurance policy. I met her at my building's front door, came up the elevator with her, let her in, did the urine sample, and then prepped for the blood test.

See, I'm shit scared of needles and I had to get one to give the blood test. So I told her I couldn't stand seeing the needle go into my arm. Basically I turned my head into the cushions of the sofa so I couldn't see what was going on. I guess I just had my typical pass out needle phobia and blanked it all out for when I woke up.


Count of Concision
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
I'll share the strangest and most disturbing dream I've ever had. I was in my house when suddenly all the lights went out. I stumbled around and found my way to the front door and went outside. Suddenly Ronald McDonald was behind me and he stabbed me repeatedly in the back. As I was falling to the ground bleeding, I saw my father handing him a wad of cash, presumably for a job well done. I'm afraid to analyze this dream!:) It's a recurring one too, I've had it 3 or 4 times.

Anyone else have the same dream more than once?

Haha. That recalls to mind the board game "Clue":

It was Grimace, in the ball-crawl, with the Happy Meal Disney Mallet. ;)

...or not. :/ Yes, I'm weird.


Tool said:
That's hilarious. I've had that exact same dream a dozen or so times. Some friend of mine tells me the exam is coming up and I panic because I forgot I was even enrolled in the class and haven't even attended once.

You think after being out of school over 10 years you would stop having dreams like this? No.

Yeah for sure. I also had a dream the NIGHT BEFORE I was gonna have the exam that I missed the exam. But it was more complicated then that. Like I was in a different class and a teacher was giving a lesson and I'm like... wait... we had the final one this one already! And everyone gets up and leaves and say "why the hell did we have a lesson then?"... then realize while I was at that class, the exam for the other class started, and I just missed the end of it.

And the dream ends with me watching The Simpsons with my professor, trying to convince him to give me a chance to make up the exam. It was the Itchy and Scrachy-Land episode.
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